Lu Kun looked at the fat demon who seemed to have fallen asleep, and praised: "The soul evil daoist's supernatural power is really powerful, and he can actually imprison the Nascent Soul and the Dharma body. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhang couldn't believe it."

Soul Demon landed next to Fat Demon, and the magic in his hand was still flashing, he slowly said: "Daoyou Zhang is serious, in the lower realm, these secret techniques can only be used in the initial stage of Nascent Soul, during this period, I can't A spell-casting attack, and it can only last for half an hour."

Xu Junwen looked at Fat Demon's body, licked his lips, and said eagerly, "Fellow Daoist Zhang, hurry up, we have limited time."

Lu Kun nodded and came to the Fat Demon. An astonishing power of qi and blood surged out of his body. He opened his mouth, and a silver blood ball the size of a grape spit out, landing on the Fat Demon's chest.

The blood balls turned into a pool of silver liquid, penetrated through the skin of the robe, and penetrated into the fat demon's heart. Then, the silver blood essence mixed with the fat demon's blood, as if under the control of Lu Kun, and traveled through the blood vessels.

After a while, Fat Demon's body trembled involuntarily, and dense bloodshots appeared on the surface of his skin.


What Lu Kun is experimenting with now is the secret method of strengthening the meridians for the monks in the Yuan Ying stage.

Originally, he only had some conjectures about this, and had no deeper clues until he encountered Xueyazi.

The Nascent Soul monks of the Loose Cultivation Alliance are average, but they have the means to detect the huge blood essence in Lu Kun's body, and even want to extract his blood essence.

The result can be imagined, the blood tooth was easily killed.

Under the soul search, Lu Kun was surprised to find that Xueyazi has a unique secret method, cleverly using blood essence and blessing on spells or magic weapons, thereby enhancing its power.

The blood escape technique is also a secret technique that uses blood essence. Compared with the blood escape technique, the secret technique of the blood tooth is obviously much more comprehensive.

After Lu Kun understood this secret, his control over blood greatly increased. As long as the blood did not leave the physical body within ten feet, he could flexibly control it.

In this way, the conjecture of strengthening the meridians can be realized.

At that time, the Hong brothers of the One Yuan Sect used the power of blood and blood to devour the flesh and blood essence of demons and monsters to strengthen themselves.

Is it possible to reverse it and use the essence of one's own body to counter-supply others through blood and magic power, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening the body of others?

Using this method to strengthen muscles, internal organs and bones, Lu Kun has no clue, but if he only strengthens the meridians, it will be much simpler.

When the body repair is in the coagulation stage, the meridians and the large and small blood vessels have been greatly improved under the nourishment of blood mana.

So to strengthen the meridians of the cultivator, can we use the blood essence of body repair to deny it?

The energy in Lu Kun's blood is magic energy, which is formed by the fusion of blood magic power and bone treasure magic.

The drop of blood essence he just threw into the fat demon is the blood essence that carries magic power, trying to deny and strengthen the meridians of the immortal cultivator.


Standing not far away, Soul Sha, the power of Nascent Soul surged in the body, maintaining the magical power of Sha Soul Magic Light.

He looked at Lu Kun, a hint of fear flashed in the depths of his pupils.

This mysterious scattered cultivator called Zhang Tianbiao has terrifying supernatural powers. Two fingers can actually absorb the supernatural powers of him and Xu Junwen, concentrate their power, and directly break the ban on Panlong Mountain.

This seemingly ordinary finger seems to be a unique magic weapon for breaking the formation.

Fat Demon, a cultivator in the early Nascent Soul, had no power to resist in the face of this incredible magical power.

Soul Sha pondered to himself: "Zhang Tianbiao's aura of power is similar to that of the Demon Zombie leader in the secret realm of the Yuan Dynasty. Could it be the source of the flesh body mentioned by the Demon Zombie leader?"

Xu Junwen on the side was different from Hunsha. She didn't pay too much attention to Lu Kun, but looked at the Fat Demon with distress, for fear that Lu Kun would ruin this magic body.

The Yin-Yang Zi-Mother Exercise she created is a top-notch exercise for cultivating the twin souls.

When Xu Junwen was in the Secret Realm of One Yuan, he had already nurtured the power of extreme yang. If he broke through as a man, he could easily conceive a baby.

But she was arrogant and arrogant, and she took the risk of breaking through with the body of a woman, feeling the power of extreme yin, and condensed the power of extreme yin. In the depths of Yuan Ying.

Xu Junwen's extremely yin primordial infant is the mother's body, and the extremely yang power is the embryo of the daughter's body.

The process of cultivating the twin souls is to gradually increase the power of the polar yang, and then give birth to the birth of the polar yang son.

If she cultivates step by step, the time to give birth to a child Nascent Soul is extremely amazing. The fastest way is to absorb a large amount of Nascent Soul male cultivator's physical essence and the power of Nascent Soul through the secret technique of Yin-Yang Sacred Religion, and quickly nourish the power of extreme yang.

If Lu Kun damages Fat Demon's body, the essence of her body that she wants to absorb will be affected.


The fat devil is in great pain now.

The strange magic light stimulated by the three long nail magic weapons made the Yuan Ying and the magic body tightly connected, the power of the Yuan Ying could not be mobilized, and even the consciousness could not be separated from the body.

Then there was an inexplicable surge of qi and blood in his body, roaming through the meridians, giving him the feeling that he was like a cultivator in the stage of forming an elixir, taking the elixir of the Nascent Soul, making the meridians extremely swollen and about to explode at any time. .

Sure enough, after half an hour, bursts of puffs came out, the meridians in Fat Demon's whole body were ruptured, and the astonishing power of qi and blood also left his body.

But then, in the bloody smell, the Fat Demon smelled another fragrance, and a cold and soft body leaned over.

Fat Demon was terrified.

"Is this Xu Junwen, what is she going to do to me?"

"Is this guy a man or a woman? If she is a man, why... Damn... Why doesn't my body obey me..."


The fat devil lay on the ground in the shape of a big character, his eyes were dazed, and his mouth was talking nonsense. There was a female figure on his body, and his body exuded a strong cold breath.

The Fat Demon seems to be in some kind of illusion. Its body and Nascent Soul are shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. After only ten breaths, it has turned into a skinny appearance, and Nascent Soul has become even more bleak. .

At this time, Soul Sha suddenly lit up his eyes, and the magic trick flashed in his hand, Sha Soul Demon light surged, and an illusory villain with a sluggish expression flew out of the Fat Demon body.

Soul Sha showed ecstasy, took out a jade bottle, sucked the illusory villain into it, pasted several talismans, and carefully put it into the storage bag.

A magic light flashed, and Xu Junwen put on a long purple dress again. She felt the growth of the power of the extreme sun in her body, and her eyes flashed with excitement.

Lu Kun chuckled lightly: "It seems that both of them have succeeded, the remaining magic power is not enough, the old guy of Demon Flame Sect..."

When Xu Junwen heard the words, he immediately said excitedly: "I'm fine, fellow Soul Shaman, tell the old guy to come over, we'll do it here, no one can notice the abnormality."

Soul Sha just harvested a soul of Nascent Soul, and was also a little excited. He quickly took out a jade talisman and cast a spell to activate it.

Their plan is to deal with the fat demon first, and then set up the Nascent Soul allies of the Demon Flame Sect, so that not only can they kill the two Nascent Souls, but they can also claim that they will die together.

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