The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 923: The Technique of Flesh-cultivating Vessels

After the body repair enters the bone quenching stage, it is necessary to condense attribute imprints in the bones of the flesh to improve the absorption and operation efficiency of mana, thereby accelerating the quenching of the flesh.

Normally, during the bone-hardening stage, the imprints of the arm bones are coagulated, while the coagulation stage is the imprint of the legs. As for the torso imprints on the chest, it cannot be coagulated until the scorching period, otherwise the internal organs will be injured under the agitation of the imprint's mana.

Evian Duan is a little different.

Her sword bone tool spiritual root, at this time, has gathered most of the mana of the flesh, and the incomparably violent energy is flowing in the sternum. Unless the sternum bursts, the mana will be enough to affect the internal organs, and it can completely carry the imprint of the sword.


A day later, Duan Yiyun, relying on the aptitude of the body of Yuanjin, understood the condensing method of the imprint of sword intent, and Lu Kun removed the package of the power of the void.

Duan Yiyun gritted his teeth, pressed his hands on his chest, and the power of divine consciousness surged.

Those violent mana seemed to be guided, fluctuating at a unique frequency, the vibration of the sternum was relieved a lot, and there was no feeling of bursting at any time.


Accompanied by the sound of the sword, an incomparably sharp mana breath rose from Duan Yiyun's chest, and the mana of the sword was like fresh blood, gushing out from the sternum, covering the bones of the whole body.

The sharp and sharp mana circulated in the bones, and the biting and cold feeling made Duan Yiyun's body tremble, shivering, and there was an indescribable pain.

Lu Kun waved one hand, and a drop of pale silver blood flew out from the flesh wound on Duan Yiyun's sternum.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Evian, the magic power of the sword intent has just begun, and the opportunity should not be missed. I will help you break through the bone-hardening period."

Then Duan Yiyun felt an invisible shocking force, which came in from outside the body, and the severe pain spread all over the body. She was horrified to find that the bones of the whole body were shattered all at once.

"Don't concentrate on running the mana and attack the bone marrow cavity?"

Duan Yiyun quickly restrained his mind, guided the sword intent mana, and charged towards the depths of his bones.

She has entered the peak of bone quenching, and naturally knows how to break through the coagulation period. She needs to smash every inch of bone on her body and rush the physical mana into the depths of the bone marrow cavity to generate blood mana.

Unexpectedly, the old ancestor could shatter the bones in her body in the air without hurting other parts of the body. She couldn't imagine how to do it.

The rich metallic aura poured into Duan Evian's sternum, transforming into pure sword intent mana that permeated his entire body, and the extremely sharp fleshly mana rushed into the depths of the bones from the cracks in the broken bones.

Duan Yiyun was pleasantly surprised to find that this sword intent mana was much stronger than her original mana, and it rushed into the bone marrow cavity without hindrance, and then a tingling sensation came from the depths of the bones.


Lu Kun watched from the side and nodded lightly. Duan Yiyun's sword bone tool and spiritual root were completely stabilized. The sword intent mana was extremely sharp, and its penetrating power was stronger than other mana. The bottleneck of the coagulation period was easily passed. .

He greeted everyone to leave the secret room, Duan Yiyun had just broken through, and the rest of the time was to re-transform the blood, which would take several days.


Zhu Siming and Qin Yushu returned to the cave, summed up the experience of refining the spirit root just now, and perfected some details. After all, Duan Yiyun's sternum material is much higher than that of mortal warriors, and they have to make accurate judgments on the bone material.

Lu Kun and two disciples came to the high tower in the center of the valley. He held a jade slip in his hand, and his spiritual consciousness was surging, recording the secret method he had just created.

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Kun threw the jade slip to Huang Xiaoyun and Zhao Xue'er, and said slowly, "This technique of cultivating the body is a small part of the completion. Let's take a look first."

Huang Xiaoyun and Zhao Xue'er got the jade slip, and their spiritual consciousness was immersed in it.

At the beginning of the secret method, there is a method of manipulating blood. Even if their cultivation base is in the bone treasure period, it is also very enlightening and strengthens the control of the blood of the flesh.

After the blood control method, it is the secret method of the spirit root of the fusion device, how to construct the capillary network, balance the power of blood essence and spirit root, and condense the blood essence seed.

After a while, Huang Xiaoyun said with a thoughtful look: "Master, is the next step in this secret technique referring to sword raising techniques and using blood essence seeds to nurture the spiritual roots of tools?"

"It seems that this method of pregnancy is also of great help to the early stage of Gubao."

Lu Kun said: "Yes, the spirit root is a low-level magic tool, and the bones of the early body repair of the bone treasure can be regarded as the top magic tool. If the spirit root can be nurtured, so can the bone treasure."

"If the blood essence seeds are condensed in each bone, not to mention other things, at least the recovery power of the bone treasure is greatly enhanced. With the cooperation of the blood demon bone refining technique, the speed of the bone treasure should be improved a lot."

Lu Kun said meaningfully: "However, you still need to explore this method."

Huang Xiaoyun's eyes lit up and said, "Disciple understands that the technique of raising a weapon for the physical body was learned by the master based on the technique of raising swords, and I entered the Bone Treasure Stage with the Sword Intent Condensation Pill, and the bones in my body can be regarded as swords."

"Then I can also run the sword raising technique on my own bones and try to perfect the technique of raising my body."

Lu Kun said: "The secret method I gave you is just an introduction. There is a lot of content that can be extended later. This not only requires you to improve it, but also requires the personal practice of the warriors. After all, this method is for mortal warriors. The success rate is still very low.”

Huang Xiaoyun and Zhao Xueer nodded silently.

Not to mention other things, the blood control method at the beginning of this secret method does not have low requirements on the power of divine consciousness.

In addition to divine consciousness, the entire fusion process also requires a lot of blood essence. Duan Yiyun is a peak bone-hardening body repairer.

Lu Kun walked to the edge of the tower, looked at the warrior disciples in the valley, and said slowly:

"If you have the power of divine consciousness, you can refine some medicines that temporarily enhance divine consciousness. They are only divine consciousness in the middle stage of qi refining. This kind of medicine pill is available in the Holy Poison Sect. It is not uncommon. Go back and arrange for Xiaodu to refine it. Some."

"As for the blood essence, I got the Qi and Blood Pill Recipe from Jiuyoumen from Tianjianmen, and replaced the main material with the warrior's own blood essence. The utility will increase a lot, and it can supplement the warrior's blood essence."

Having said that, he took out a jade slip and threw it to Zhao Xueer.

"Xue'er, the pill recipe of Qi and Blood Pill, you bring it to Qingtian, and then call him and Xiaoyanzi back."

"As for the artifact spirit root secret technique, most of the warriors' sternums have not yet met the requirements, so there is no hurry."

Lu Kunyao looked in the direction of Wei Guo, and said in a cold tone, "You all prepare well. In a month, our war will officially begin."

Huang Xiaoyun and Zhao Xue'er were stunned for a moment, and then they showed excitement.

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