The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 926 Inspiration and Body Refinement Magical Art

"Is this the magic arm?"

Li Qianfeng slowly raised his thin and shriveled right arm, with disbelief flashing in his eyes.

The thin muscles on the top conveyed nerve sensations to him, the cold and hard magic bones, the blood mixed with the blood and magic power, and the slender muscle fibers could all be fully sensed.

Lu Kun also let go of his dangling heart. He used the magic power of qi and blood to generate flesh and blood on the bones of the magic treasure. He also deduced the feasibility theoretically. Once the magic power of qi and blood was out of control, Li Qianfeng would completely cut off the road of physical cultivation, and the risk was not high. Small.

Lu Kun observed the shriveled arm, and suddenly said: "Qianfeng, try to mobilize the blood and magic power, and bless the muscles of the magic arm."

Li Qianfeng let out a sigh of relief, and then manipulated the blood and magic power to circulate in the muscle fibers and blood vessels of the magic arm.

"Wait, my arm."

His eyes widened as he looked at his magic arm, which swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye. The slender muscles gradually swelled, and even the blood vessels were filled, even a lot thicker than his left arm.

A sense of power filled the magic arm.

Li Qianfeng couldn't help but smashed the ground under his feet.


A black brick on the ground was easily torn apart.

Li Qianfeng's somewhat calm mood stirred up again. If he didn't feel wrong, the strength of his arm was only less than 10,000 jin, which was equivalent to the brute force of body training during the muscle training period.

However, the material of the black copper stone here is hard. If he used his left arm, with the strength of the blood coagulation period, it would not be able to break open at all. Such a result is obviously because the magic arm of the magic weapon level, the material is far superior to the black copper stone floor tiles.

Moreover, this blow just now gave Li Qianfeng a deeper understanding of the energy of blood and blood. This energy is really weird. When it is not used, it will lock the essence of flesh and blood. exert power.

"Sure enough, it is the characteristic of blood and magic power, and the refining was successful!"

Lu Kun looked a little excited.

Over the years, his understanding of qi and blood magic has become deeper and deeper, otherwise he would not be able to create a method of strengthening the meridians, transfer the essence of the cultivator's flesh and blood, and bless the meridians.

Since the meridians can bless the essence, then the coagulation phase body repair can use the magic power of qi and blood to transfer the essence of flesh and blood to the bones of the magic arm, which can be completely achieved.

Judging from the blow just now, the blood and magic power has really settled on the magic arm. Although Li Qianfeng can't activate the power of the magic treasure, and the muscle strength of the magic arm is not large, but relying on the material of the magic arm, he can exert a tyrannical power. attack power.

Lu Kun said slowly: "Qianfeng, the blood and magic power is in the magic arm, it will not affect your cultivation of physical mana, you first restore the mana, and then in the magic arm, try the annihilation power generated by the magic power and the magic power. "

Li Qianfeng nodded earnestly, took out a few spiritual stones, ran the Primordial Fire Body Refinement Art, absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy, and the muscles, bones, and blood mana began to recover.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with anticipation.

The periosteal blood vessel network in the magic arm and the miniature magic circle outside the bone marrow cavity were researched by him combining the solid magic circle and the Yuanling magic circle.

Although without the blessing of life force, the magic energy will still be separated after leaving the body, but through such a magic bone magic weapon, the magic energy can be stored in the bone marrow cavity for a short time.

But when he runs the magic energy in the magic bone array, the unseparated magic energy will also emit a little destructive power, damaging the structure inside.

That is to say, even if he has the power of life to bless the demon bone, the power of annihilation will appear more or less. He doesn't want to refine the weapon, it's just a one-time use, and the price is too great.

So the most important thing for him now is to find a way to alleviate or eliminate the power of extinction.

Li Qianfeng's magic power and mana at the late stage of qi refining are mutually annihilated, and the power generated is difficult to damage the bones of the magic arm. He has the opportunity to observe repeatedly to solve this problem.

After a day passed, Li Qianfeng's physical mana had recovered, but due to the absorption of a lot of flesh and blood essence by his blood and blood, the strength of his main body's physical body had dropped a lot, and his mana had dropped to the initial stage of foundation building.

Yu Xuan's expression changed: "Master, Qianfeng's current scene seems to be similar to our internal organs reconstruction."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "The two are different. Visceral reconstruction is to transfer the essence of the internal organs into the blood and bones, and then after the remaining internal organs are strengthened, the essence of the internal organs is transferred back, making the internal organs and mana more pure."

"In Li Qianfeng's case, he absorbed the essence of muscles and blood through his qi and blood magic. Even if the rest of his body was repaired, the essence absorbed by his qi and blood would not be able to make up for it."

Lu Kun looked at Li Qianfeng who had recovered his mana and said, "Qianfeng, your current Qi and blood magic power is at the late stage of Qi refining. If you want to raise it to the Foundation Establishment period and enhance the power of the magic arm, you must continue to feed flesh and blood."

"The blood coagulation phase itself is the process of blood flowing through the body and slowly nourishing the internal organs. You cultivate the physical body to feed the blood and magic power without delaying your cultivation, but after entering the internal organs burning period, you must concentrate on burning the internal organs."

Li Qianfeng took it seriously.

"Next, help me understand the secret technique."

"Yes, Master."

Li Qianfeng obeyed Lu Kun's guidance, and transferred his physical mana into the bone marrow cavity through Gubao's blood network and the magic circle of the bone marrow cavity.

Since the essence of flesh and blood was absorbed by the magic power of Qi and blood, the shriveled muscles and blood vessels on the magic arm were very fragile, and he could only mobilize the magic power in the early stage of Qi refining.

"Stab" sounded.

As if cold water had entered the scalding frying pan, Li Qianfeng heard an explosion from the magic arm, and the muscles and nerves outside the magic bone felt a strong vibration.

Since the magic bone is a magic weapon made from foreign objects, only the periosteal layer has a neural connection with him, and his divine sense cannot see through the magic weapon. With the magic of blood and blood, he can barely perceive the terrifying power of this destructive force.

Lu Kun's consciousness was injected into his eyes, and he used the golden eye supernatural power to carefully observe the situation in the devil's bones.

The collision of these two colliding energies produced a powerful force of annihilation. As he expected, it was unable to shake the magic bone of the magic weapon level, and was forcibly endured by the bone marrow cavity.

Lu Kun thought while motioning to Li Qianfeng to continue delivering mana.

"If it is the magic energy in my body, I am afraid that a little destructive power will burst out, and the miniature magic circle in the bone marrow cavity will be damaged. If it comes several times, the magic bone will shatter from the inside."

"Compared to the bone marrow cavity, the bone layer is the hardest part of the magic bone magic weapon. What if the force of destruction is directed to the bone layer?"

Thinking of this, a drop of pale silver blood essence was forced out of his body, turned into a silver mist, and submerged into Li Qianfeng's magic arm. Through the blood control method, he could sense the changes inside more finely.

"The structure of the bone marrow cavity needs to be adjusted in order to guide the annihilation force. If it is dense and loose like a honeycomb, it should be able to enter the bone layer."

Lu Kun frowned again.

"But the magic bone is different from the body repaired bone. After all, the bone layer is made of materials. Even if it resists the force of destruction for a short time, it will be damaged over time."

"Even if the magic bone magic weapon can bless the power of life, it only reduces the number of occurrences of the power of destruction. After a long time, the magic bone magic weapon has to be scrapped."

"Back then, in the middle stage of Gubao, after cultivating the Gorefiend for bone refining, the bones suffered a lot of damage due to the violent destructive power. At that time, I solved it through mana breeding."

"The magic energy of the bone transformation stage is specially created for body quenching. It is extremely domineering and cannot breed magic weapons at all."

Lu Kun was caught in a difficult situation.

If the bone transformation weapon he developed will be scrapped after using it for a while, then he might as well snatch the magic weapons of other immortal cultivators and use it forcibly. What else can he study...

At this time, Li Qianfeng's blood and magic power was almost consumed, and he had to spit out the essence of flesh and blood, and the muscles of the magic arm returned to normal.

He looked at Lu Kun who was thinking about it, and said carefully: "Master, should I dissipate my mana and restore my blood and magic power through Yuntong Body Refinement?"

Lu Kun said without hesitation: "That's right, Qi and blood magic power needs to absorb the magic energy, and it runs in the meridians, so you...wait..."

Halfway through the words, Lu Kun looked at Li Qianfeng's magic arm and murmured, "The flesh and blood on the magic arm is swallowed by the blood and magic power, and it has no fire attribute aura, it is a magic attribute."

"And the muscles on the demon bones, although they are still relatively weak due to the blood and magic power, they were transferred from the body during the blood coagulation period, and their foundations are not weak."

"If you have these two points, your magic arm can be completely self-contained, and you can practice the body training magic art!"

Li Qianfeng looked at Lu Kun blankly.

Body magic? Isn't there only Five Elements Body Refinement? The Yuntong Body Refinement Technique he had just practiced seemed to be a deformed route of body-refinement.

Yuxuan seemed to understand.

Body Refinement Magic is a method of cultivating the magic power of the flesh that Lu Kun came to understand when he was studying the Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique.

Theoretically, it can be the same as other body training techniques, the muscle training stage can cultivate the magic power of the muscles, then the bone magic power of the bone-hardening stage, and then break through the boundaries of the bones to cultivate the blood magic power.

However, in the Bone Treasure period, the bones have been imprinted with mana and cannot hold magic power. Even if it is muscle magic power, it needs the assistance of incomparable magic energy to cultivate it.

The Gorefiend Bone Refinement Technique avoids the magic power of bones, allowing the Bone Treasure Stage Body Cultivator to directly cultivate the magic power of bleeding.

At that time, Lu Kun deduced that there are two major conditions that must be met in order to cultivate the body-refining magic power during the quenching stage.

The first is that the body cannot have the source of mana to prevent the conflict between the two, and the second is that the body must have the strength of the blood coagulation period in order to withstand the more ferocious energy of magic.

The magic arm of Li Qianfeng in front of him satisfies these two conditions at the same time.

A bold idea popped into Lu Kun's mind.

"Li Qianfeng's magic arm can become a separate cycle to cultivate the magic power of muscles. Then I can use the same method to cultivate magic power from the magic bone magic weapon that I have refined."

"The magic power cultivated through the magic bone magic weapon is different from the magic energy in the body. It can completely breed magic weapons. Does this solve the problem of pregnancy?"

The more Lu Kun thought about it, the more excited he became.

"The qi and blood magic power in Li Qianfeng's magic arm is not under his absolute control. The muscle magic power cultivated can only be used to restore and increase the qi and blood magic power."

"Magic energy is under my absolute control and will not devour the magic power in the magic bone magic treasure."

"Find a way to let the magic bone magic weapon cultivate magic power, so that it can nurture itself, this is the correct direction of the bone transformation period weapon!"

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