The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 947 The end of the war

In less than two days, the most powerful sect in the Wei Kingdom was completely defeated, and only a handful of people escaped.

The forbidding formation of the Dongfu Group and the Mountain Gate in the Demon Spirit Sect dissipated at some point, and there was a continuous roar from inside. The disciples on the side of the Body Refinement Pavilion were breaking the ban and scavenging the resources of the Demon Spirit Sect.

The Hualing Sect and the mountain black ape clan ran among the Yunling Mountains, looking for the disciples of the Demon Sect and the hidden cave dwellings that might be hidden. In the forests, the excited roars of apes could be heard from time to time.


In the depths of the Yunling Mountains, the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Abyss is still shrouded in a powerful force of prohibition. It has not been broken due to the defeat of the Demon Gate.

Lu Kun stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the edge of the Demon Abyss, with a mummified body lying beside him.

In the pitch-black abyss, pure magic energy gushed out, and together with the spiritual energy in the mountains behind, it turned into a thick black and white vortex cloud, submerging into his sturdy body.

Although the battle between Lu Kun and Shi Jingtian was short-lived, the amount of magic energy consumed was extremely terrifying. Whether it was the power of the arm, or the fighting skills of the cut fist, it required a lot of magic energy to support. After a battle, almost 70% of the magic energy was consumed. .

If Lu Kun hadn't used the terrifying control supernatural power of Tongtian Roar, otherwise the battle could not be ended in a short time. If it took a long time, he and Yue Longfei would all face a situation of insufficient energy. At that time, they would be in danger.

Fortunately, with good luck, this time, not only did Shi Jingtian get killed, but Lu Kun also took this opportunity to learn the skills of Jeet Kune.

This powerful combat skill, with the help of millions of jins of brute force through his arms, abruptly intercepted the great cultivator's heaven and earth energy for his own use, making him truly qualified to fight against the great cultivator.

With this kind of combat power, Lu Kun can shock the surrounding immortal kingdoms and let the Body Refinement Pavilion dominate a country!

After a while, Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes, feeling most of the magic energy recovered in his body, he sighed with emotion: "It is indeed a top-notch magic spirit vein, only this kind of place with the same strong magic energy and spiritual energy is suitable for bones. The practice of changing periods."

Shaking his body, he turned his head to look at Li Qianfeng's shriveled body, a little devilish energy lingered around the devil's arm, and a weak, evil-like magic power surged inside.

"Qi and blood magic is really not simple, but it can spontaneously absorb magic and restore it."

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with golden light, his mouth was slightly open, and a drop of silvery blood with a powerful breath floated out, turned into a blood mist, and penetrated from the skin outside the magic arm.

The muscles on the devil's arm twitched immediately, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, and an unwilling wailing sound was faintly heard from the depths of his bones. After a while, the evil and greedy aura of blood and magic disappeared without a trace.

When Lu Kun was still at the Bone Treasure Stage, his blood essence could seal the meaning of the true devil, not to mention the blood and blood magic power at the foundation building level. intracavity.

Then he sensed the situation inside the magic arm through the blood essence, and his expression couldn't help but look strange: "What happened in this kid's body, his bones are not swallowed by the blood and magic power, the material of the magic arm, the magic treasure, There was a slight improvement."

"And my war treasure is..."

A deformed piece of meat like a brick appeared in Lu Kun's hand. It was the prototype of the battle treasure that killed Shi Jingtian Nascent Soul before. This treasure now looks different.

Its outermost gray-black muscles stopped twitching, the color was extremely dull, and the honeycomb-shaped internal muscle fibers in the bone marrow cavity were broken by more than half, full of dead silence.

According to Lu Kun's idea of ​​Zhanbao refining, this bone-transforming magic weapon cannot be used before it is refined by internal magic. Only after refining can it cultivate itself and repair the wounds caused by magic.

In the battle not long ago, Shi Jingtian's Nascent Soul broke free and teleported out of the farthest range of the power of the void. Lu Kun had to forcibly use the battle treasure, attach the source force field to it, and use the shocking palm combat technique. Its Nascent Soul was killed at a distance.

Although the destructive power emitted by the magic energy was absorbed a lot by the internal muscles of the war treasure, a lot of it flocked to other parts. Due to the inability to cultivate itself, the prototype of the war treasure was in a damaged state.

To Lu Kun's incomparable surprise, Li Qianfeng's magic arm was also not refined, and the blood and magic power inside fell into a deep sleep, but why the material of the magic arm has been slightly improved?

He thought about it, but couldn't think of the reason. I'm afraid he would have to ask Li Qianfeng himself what happened in his body. With reference, he might have room for improvement in Zhanbao.

Lu Kun looked at the sleeping mummy and frowned slightly: "This kid's spirit is very weak, and he can recover by himself. I don't know when it will be."

Aura flashed, and a string of huge wooden bead necklaces appeared out of thin air, slowly floating around Li Qianfeng's neck, exuding a cool breath.

"With the help of Demon Soul Wood, it only takes a few days to come... Hey, Yin'er, you're back."

At this moment, a graceful figure in a long black dress appeared not far away. It was Shi Yin'er. Compared with before, her skin looked more moist and full now. A feeling of vitality.

Lu Kun said in surprise: "The power of Yin and Cold has become much purer, and the physical body is more similar to the human race. Is it because of the body of the most yin?"

A strange look flashed in Shi Yin'er's eyes and said, "Yes, Pavilion Master, Yin'er has taken the blood of Shen Mengyao's whole body according to your instructions, and her body seems to have undergone some changes."

Lu Kun pondered: "In a book that records physique, I have seen a secret about the body of the yin. It is said that the golden armor corpse that once appeared in the Xiuxian world is the transformation of the corpse of the ancient monk with the body of the yin. come."

"Now it seems that the blood essence of the body of the most yin is really of great help to you."

Shi Yin'er heard the words, nodded again and again, her eyes rolled twice, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Lu Kun was not surprised by her such agile expression. Under the feeding of the powerful blood essence, the bloodthirsty meaning of this silver armored corpse was reduced to the extreme, and the intelligence was greatly increased. In addition, its strength was stronger than ordinary people. In the early days of Nascent Soul, Shi Yin'er could be said to be his greatest help. If her cultivation continued to improve, maybe she would be inspired by body training techniques.

As for Shen Mengyao, Lu Kun has long ignored it. Just like Zhu Siming said, his current strength is comparable to that of a great cultivator.

Originally, Lu Kun planned to take action personally to destroy Shen Mengyao, but he remembered that after the woman had performed the Primordial Devour on him back then, the body of Sunflower Water had transformed into the body of the most yin, so he arranged for Shi Yin'er to take action and destroy her soul. He sucked his blood and took back the physique that was obtained from him to a certain extent.

Just as Lu Kun was observing the changes of Shi Yin'er, three sword lights with astonishing momentum flew out from the meteorite warship in the distance, and shot towards Mo Yuan's position. Mana restored.

Lu Kun said: "Yin'er, brother Yue and I will enter Moyuan next. You will take Li Qianfeng away and sit in the Falling Star Warship."

Shi Yin'er nodded lightly, turning into a gray light, Li Qianfeng wrapped in a mummified corpse, and flew into the distance.

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