The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 949 The origin of the devil (1)

Lu Kun put away the supernatural power of the arm, and urged the supernatural power of Jinmu to observe the surrounding of the stone house, and found many traces of the arrangement of the magic circle, which have been connected to the incomplete prohibition on the rock wall.

Shi Jingtian seems to have used the ancient prohibition here to generate such a powerful defense.

Lu Kun stepped forward, a stone gate with a layer of simple prohibition was directly pushed open by its brutal brute force.

But the situation in Shimen, not only Lu Kun, but also Yue Longfei and the others were slightly taken aback.

In their opinion, this stone house embedded in the Moyuan rock wall must be unique, but they didn't expect it to be just a simple stone house.

The stone house is thirty or forty feet in size, with a few stone benches, tables and chairs, simple rock bookshelves on both sides, and some jade slips and bottles of medicinal herbs are scattered.

The only thing that stands out is a circular circle in the innermost stone house, which depicts the dense and complex runes, and there are four small potholes evenly arranged around it.

Yue Longfei said with a strange expression: "Pavilion Master, is this really Shi Jingtian's cave?"

Lu Kun said: "In Yu Liansheng's memory, this has always been the cave dwelling of Shi Jingtian, and the cave dwellings of the great elders of the Demon Spirit Sect are also this stone house. Let's explore it first."

Then, everyone first reviewed the jade slips on the bookshelf several times, and then identified the scattered materials and medicinal pills one by one.

In the end, I was disappointed to find that although these jade slips and medicinal pills were of great use, they were very shabby compared to the identity of the master of Shi Jingtian's faction.

Lu Kun also used the magical power of golden eyes to investigate with the power of the vibration of the flesh, and found that the ground and walls of the stone house were all solid rock walls of Demon Abyss.

After everyone turned around a few times, they focused their attention on the circular formation.

Lu Kun pondered: "Since this is the cave of the great elders of the Demon Sect, it must not be so simple. The key point should be in this magic circle."

Yue Longfei carefully observed the magic circle and said puzzled: "Most of this magic circle is magic runes, but there is a little pattern of the spirit gathering magic circle in it. It's full of magic energy here, how to gather spiritual energy?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something: "Could this be the cultivation formation of the Demon Spirit Hunyuan Jue?"

Lu Kun asked in confusion, "The Magical Hunyuan Art?"

Yue Longfei explained: "The seniors of this sect have recorded that the top-level practice of the Demon Spirit Sect is called the Demon Spirit Hunyuan Jue, and the great elders of all dynasties have all practiced this method."

"The most special thing about it is that it accelerates the cultivation of magic power through the stimulation of pure spiritual energy."

While speaking, Yue Longfei's consciousness carefully probed the four potholes around the magic circle, and continued: "There are lines that isolate the magic energy. It seems that these potholes are the places where the spiritual stones are placed."

Hearing this, Lu Kun greatly increased his interest in this Demonic Hunyuan Art, and carefully observed the lines on this magic circle.

The Gorefiend Bone Refinement Technique he created is to transport blood magic power into the bones through the transportation of blood, and use the annihilation power generated by the collision of magic power and mana to harden the bones.

This Demonic Hunyuan Art is another way of thinking. Since the magic power and the mana are colliding, then under the reasonable use, the pure magic power can be used as the external pressure of the magic power, forcing the magic power to speed up, thereby increasing the speed of cultivation.

Lu Kun also thought about this idea, that is, when Li Qianfeng condensed the pill and melted the bones, he used Qi and blood magic to devour all the flesh outside the bones. The probability of bone fusion.

Yue Longfei didn't know what Lu Kun was thinking. He regretted saying: "Yue is practicing mana, and he doesn't know much about magic patterns. All he can see is the gathering effect of this array."

While distinguishing the magic patterns on it, Lu Kun said, "I have done some research on the refining of magic treasures. These magic patterns can be seen a little bit, but I still need to discuss it with Brother Yue."

Yue Longfei was refreshed: "What did the pavilion master find!"

Lu Kun said: "The magic pattern of the entire magic circle is close to the spiritual pattern. It should be restraining the transformation of spiritual energy and adjusting it to the spiritual power required by the magic spirit mixing art, but you can see it here."

He pointed to the middle circle of the circular array: "This is very strange, Brother Yue, you might as well remove the spirit patterns that gather spiritual power and the magic patterns that are close to the spirit patterns, and the remaining magic patterns are the same as The spirit pattern is completely in the opposite position."

Yue Longfei looked around, filtered out what Lu Kun said, and found that the remaining magic patterns and spiritual patterns within three feet of the center were clearly distinct.

But then he frowned again: "This pattern seems to require a certain kind of mana to activate, the magic pattern is there..."

Lu Kun said: "Yes, the structure of the magic pattern is quite unique, and it can only withstand special magic power, otherwise it will be destroyed."

"It can be preliminarily determined that Shi Jingtian is practicing in this magic circle, and the small circle he sits cross-legged is still a miniature teleportation circle, which leads to the real cave of the great elder of the Demon Sect. Activate it. This teleportation circle requires the use of special mana and magic."

"When I fought against Shi Jingtian, I found that his magic weapon attack contained a kind of destructive power."

"If my expectations are not bad, this power is generated by the mutual agitation of magic and mana, and Shi Jingtian has both mana and magic."

The three sword cultivators all showed incredible expressions, Yue Longfei couldn't help but said: "It's impossible, the energy of the two kinds of conflicting magic power and mana is in the body, and it is much more violent than our sword will mana."

"If the two are fellow practitioners, how did Shi Jingtian keep his dantian and meridians?"

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, and suddenly his expression changed. Aura flashed in his hand. A white jade figure appeared, exuding a faint white aura. He touched his chin and said, "It may be because of this thing."

Yue Longfei recognized this thing at a glance: "Isn't this the treasure of Shi Jingtian's body protection?"

The golden light in Lu Kun's eyes flashed, and he rubbed the jade man: "There is a unique kind of magic power here. Shi Jingtian's body is fragile, and it is impossible for a fellow practitioner to use magic power. This treasure should be used to store magic power."

Yue Longfei immediately understood: "That is to say, the source of the magic power of the teleportation circle is this treasure, and the magic power of the teleportation circle is the magic power of the magic spirit mixing magic?"

Another black light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a black jade figure appeared, which looked exactly the same as the previous white figure:

"Shi Jingtian hit me with a roar, and he was able to defend in time. At that time, he relied on this pair of black and white villains. In the black jade, magic power was stored."

"Shi Jingtian's black jade was blown up by him. I took it from Yu Liansheng."

"With the help of this thing, the magic power in Julian Sheng's body has skyrocketed. What it contains should be the magic power of the magic spirit's mixed yuan formula."

Yue Longfei looked at the pair of jade villains, then looked at the magic circle, and said excitedly: "Pavilion master, doesn't that mean that through this pair of jade villains, the teleportation circle can be activated."

"Let's try."

Lu Kun placed the two little jade figures on the demon pattern node in the center of the array: "These two little jade figures belong to the category of magical treasures and need the power of Nascent Soul to activate. Brother Yue, you can activate it and see."

Yue Longfei activated the power of Nascent Soul in his body, and released two golden spiritual powers. The jade villain trembled, and then a black and white aura was emitted, which was absorbed by the magic circle below, and a faint wave of teleportation surged out.

"Sure enough!"

Lu Kun's figure flashed, and he came to the center of the magic circle, and said solemnly: "If my expectations are not bad, there should be a real magic pool below. You are all practicing mana, which will cause changes in the meaning of real magic. I will first Go down and investigate."

"One hour later, Brother Yue, you will activate the teleportation formation again."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

Yue Longfei continued to use the power of Nascent Soul, and under the flash of black and white aura, Lu Kun's figure disappeared into the stone house.

Next, the three major sword cultivators arranged a magic circle to isolate the magic energy, held the spiritual stone in their hands, and began to restore the mana in their bodies.

Although Yue Longfei was in control of the teleportation formation, he didn't dare to have any strange thoughts. In his opinion, even if Lu Kun was trapped somewhere underground in Moyuan, he might be able to dig it out with his bare hands.

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