The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 952 The branch road of body refining (1)

The figures of the two reappeared in the stone house, and Yue Longfei returned the jade villain to Lu Kun and said, "Pavilion Master, is the treasure of the Demon Spirit Gate below?"

Lu Kun nodded and said, "Yes, that cave not only has a magic pool, but also many resources, which are of great help to the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Having said that, a flash of light flashed in his hand, two golden stones the size of walnuts appeared, and an astonishingly sharp breath emerged.

"Geng Jinshi!" Dugufeng and Lin Ming, the two sword cultivators, suddenly lit up.

Lu Kun threw the two golden stones to Yue Longfei and said, "These two Gengjin stones were found in the Molingmen collection. With this size, even if they are integrated into the three swords and treasures, it is more than enough."

Yue Longfei held the Gengjin Stone in his hand as if it was a treasure, and his body trembled slightly: "Pavilion Master, did you really give me the Gengjin Stone?"

Seeing his expression, Lu Kun said a little strangely: "Gengjinshi can increase the power of sword-like magic weapons. Brother Yue shouldn't be so excited."

Yue Longfei eased his mood and said slowly: "The pavilion master doesn't know that the Gengjin Stone contains a powerful power of sharp gold, which can be said to be more refined than the sharp power of our swordsmen."

"After the ordinary sword cultivator gets it, it is naturally smelted into the sword treasure, but for Yue, it has a better use."

Lu Kun's eyes lit up and said: "If you don't smelt it into the sword treasure, is it that Brother Yue wants to absorb the power of sharp gold inside?"

Yue Longfei nodded, then bowed to Lu Kun, and said sincerely: "Ashamed to say, Yue would also thank the pavilion master. If it weren't for the secret technique of the pavilion owner, the meridians in my body would not have been strengthened to this extent."

His tone was a little excited: "Even the three-element sword energy that contains the vitality of heaven and earth can be temporarily stored in the body for a period of time. With such tenacious meridians, Yue Mou has the possibility of absorbing and refining the Gengjin Stone, plus the records of this sect. The secret technique, Yue Mou has the possibility of advancing to the later stage."

Lu Kun did not expect that Geng Jinshi would have such a great effect on Yue Longfei, and would be helpful to the breakthrough of Nascent Soul in the later stage. The discussion flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but say: "Brother Yue's secret technique, is it the same as Sword Valley's sharpness? What does it mean?"

Yue Longfei pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "The pavilion master has a high opinion, Tianjianmen can develop to the current point, it is all from the incomplete inheritance of a sword cultivator, and Jiangu is the practice of this sword cultivator in the transformation stage. place."

"From the incomplete inheritance information, the meaning of sharpness is the key for sword cultivators to enter the spirit transformation stage. If used properly, it can completely stimulate the bottleneck in the later stage of Nascent Soul."

"What Yue said is a secret technique that attracts a lot of sharpness into the body. This secret technique has two limitations. The first is the strength of the meridians, and the second is the purity of the sharpness."

"Yue's meridians have been strengthened by the pavilion master, and they have fully met the requirements. However, there is still a little gap in the sharpness of the body, and the risk of rushing to use the secret technique is not small."

Yue Longfei rubbed the Gengjin Stone in his hand and said, "With these two Gengjin Stones, with the help of the power of sharp gold inside, my sharp power will be improved to a higher level."

Lu Kun said: "That is to say, Brother Yue will try to break through next?"

Yue Longfei's mood gradually calmed down, shook his head and said, "Yue's mana is still some distance away from the mid-term peak, and refining the Gengjin Stone also takes time. Even if the gains from this war are not small, it will take at least more than a hundred years before it will be completed. Try to break through."

Lu Kun patted him on the shoulder and laughed loudly: "Brother Yue, now we dominate a country, and over a hundred years is enough for the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion to grow rapidly, and then Brother Yue will enter Nascent Soul again. In the later stage, the Body Refinement Pavilion will be the strongest sect in the surrounding immortal-cultivating countries!"

Yue Longfei rubbed his shoulders and smiled bitterly: "The realm in the late Nascent Soul is so easy, the pavilion master thinks far, but we need to discuss the fusion of Tianjianmen and the Refinement Pavilion."

Hearing this sentence, Dugufeng and Lin Ming looked at Lu Kun with a bit of nervousness in their expressions. Although they had reached a consensus that Tianjianmen would be merged into the Body Refinement Pavilion, it was still unclear how to implement it. Not discussed.

Tianjianmen has been inherited for many years, it is the sect they grew up with, and they have very deep feelings.

Lu Kun looked at the duo of Dugufeng and said, "The two of them recovered in the meteorite battle boat, so they should have seen Huang Xiaoyun's battle!"

Dugufeng said: "Is that the disciple of the alchemy formation with the sword intent soaring to the sky? The mana in the early stage of alchemy has the pure sword intent in the later stage of alchemy. Is it the swordsmanship that the cultivating senior brother said?"

Lu Kun said: "That's right, it's the sword body art. It is based on a body training technique, supplemented by sword art, and cultivates the physical body into a sword treasure."

Dugufeng and Lin Ming couldn't help but widen their eyes and cultivated their bodies into sword treasures.

How is this possible, the human body is extremely fragile, and how can it become a sword treasure.

But then they thought of Lu Kun in front of them, who used his physical body to resist the late Nascent Soul's attack. Obviously, his physical body was more terrifying than ordinary magic weapons.

Lu Kun continued: "And the reason why Huang Xiaoyun has such pure sword intent is because he learned the six sword intents in the Sword Valley."

Yue Longfei remembered the scene at that time. He heard Lu Kun's question, and his expression changed: "The physical body is strong. Could it be that he inhaled the incomparably sharp metallic aura of Jiangu into his body?"

Lu Kun laughed and said, "That's right, the sword intent of the sword cultivator in the Core Formation stage and the sharpness of the Nascent Soul period are the ultimate manifestations of metallic mana. Such an extremely sharp attack attribute, if it is carefully operated in the body, What's the point of talking about sharpness?"

"Huang Xiaoyun madly runs the sharp spiritual energy in his body, and the probability of comprehending sword intent is naturally much higher than that of sword cultivators."

"The body refinement will never cultivate the mana of the dantian, nor the mana of the meridians. It is the physical body that is cultivated. The realm of the foundation-building period is called the period of quenching the body, and it will be the period of bone treasure in the future."

"During the Sword Body Judgment, the sharp metallic spiritual power runs in the muscles, blood, bones, and internal organs. After entering the Bone Treasure Stage, it is all concentrated into the bones."

"Huang Xiaoyun entered the Sword Valley when his body was completely quenched, and his body was extremely tough from the inside out. He could run the aura of the Sword Valley at will, and successfully condensed six imprints of sword intent on his bones."

"Finally, he concentrated the magic power of the sword intent into the bones, and entered the early stage of the bone treasure. The next stage is to gradually temper the bones of the whole body into a sword treasure, a magic weapon in the mature stage, and finally achieve the immortal sword body!"

Yue Longfei once heard Lu Kun say that it was okay, Dugufeng and Lin Ming opened their mouths slightly and their expressions were sluggish. As sword cultivators in the Yuan Ying period, they could naturally imagine how terrifying the sword body was.

You must know that Jian Xiu is originally a powerful attack among immortal cultivators, but it also has many weaknesses, weak defense methods, powerful sword tactics, and long casting times.

The practitioners of Sword Body Jutsu are themselves a sword treasure, and their physical defense is at the level of a magic weapon. As for the casting time, just kidding, there are sword treasures up and down the body.

Lu Kun continued: "Lu has already thought that after Tianjianmen was merged into the Body Refinement Pavilion, it would be changed to Tianjian Pavilion as a branch of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"Sword Body Jue can only be practiced by disciples under the age of fifty. Although it is based on Lu's body training Jue, it has a clear cultivation direction, but the specific cultivation method still needs to be explored by the disciples."

"So the traditional sword cultivation techniques of Tianjianmen are still retained. With the increase in the number of disciples of the Sword Body Jue, there will definitely be more than one secret technique to strengthen the meridians in the future."

"If the meridians are strengthened to the extreme, traditional sword training combined with physical training can still exert a powerful offensive power."

"It is up to the new disciples to choose which method they want to practice."

Yue Longfei frowned and said, "The pavilion master has arranged so that there will be two major factions in the Tianjian Pavilion in the future.

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "Brother Yue, Tianjianmen holds sword competitions every once in a while, not only because of Jiangu."

Yue Longfei suddenly said: "I understand, as a sword cultivator with strong attack power, we all have the will to be competitive."

"The sword body is to cultivate the physical body to the extreme, but due to the lack of perfect cultivation techniques, the cultivation speed is slow, while the traditional sword cultivation techniques are perfected, and the mana of the sword will be cultivated to the extreme, and the two sides will have a great conflict point. Let them compete with each other."

Lu Kun said: "That's right, only competition can make the disciples of Jianti Jue speed up the perfection of the exercises, and traditional sword cultivators will also find more ways to strengthen the meridians based on the inspiration of Jianti Jue."

"I don't know if the three of you agree with such an arrangement."

The three sword cultivators looked at each other, bowed slightly and said, "Follow the instructions of the pavilion master."

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "Let's go, there are still two Yuanying monks' caves waiting for us."

"By the way, brother Yue, do you have the refining method of the stone of oath?"

Yue Longfei was stunned for a moment and said, "Yes, but the materials are too hard to find..."

Then the four of them walked out of the stone house while chatting, and flew to other caves in the Demon Abyss.

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