The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 954: The Branch Road of Body Refinement (Part 2)

In the depths of the Demon Abyss, in the stone house of the cave dwelling that was originally rock-shattering.

Lu Kun sat cross-legged on the ground and looked at Li Qianfeng, who had woken up beside him, and said with a somewhat relaxed expression: "Yes, some blood essence has been recovered, and the dry body has been nourished, and it is considered to be out of the dangerous period."

Li Qianfeng trembled and wanted to stand up, but then he found his muscles weak and weak, and fell down again.

Lu Kun waved his hand and said, "Don't salute, tell me, what happened in your body before you fell unconscious? Duan Yiyun only knows that you killed a seriously injured Core Formation Stage."

Li Qianfeng was stunned for a moment, recalling the scene at that time, and said in a hoarse voice: "Reporting to the master, facing the cultivator at the stage of forming a pill, the disciple can only rely on the magic arm to resist one or two."

"Because the level of qi and blood magic power is too low, the strength of the magic arm is insufficient, and when the situation is critical, the disciple let go of the shackles of qi blood magic power."

There was a look of excitement and fear in his eyes: "This evil energy seems to have been coveted for a long time. In just a few breaths, it devoured all the muscles and blood, and surged to the level of the initial stage of foundation building."

"It seems to condense all the flesh and blood in the body, causing the power of the magic arm to double, reaching 70,000 kilograms."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "Listening to Duan Yiyun's story, you shattered his body through the opponent's mana shield. This is a magical power unique to the magic treasure. How did your blood and blood magic power in the early stage of foundation establishment urge you to smash his body into pieces? moveable."

Li Qianfeng reluctantly propped up his upper body, and said slowly: "Master, the disciple was in pain all over his body, and he subconsciously injected all the mana in his bones into the magic treasure."

"The blood, blood, magic and mana at the initial stage of foundation establishment merged, and a terrifying energy erupted, and then the magic arm gushed out a unique shocking power."

When Lu Kun heard the words, his expression was a little strange: "Strange, the magic arm has not been refined by you, and you have no magic energy in your body. Could it be that the power of destruction alone can activate the Yuanling magic circle in the magic arm and use the combat skills of Zhen Yuanzhang. Power?"

Thinking of this, he stretched out his palm and put the force of life into the bones. The magic energy in the palm bones was separated into mana and magic power, interweaving a force of destruction, and then there were waves of invisible waves on the palm of his hand.

Li Qianfeng's eyes widened. He felt very familiar with this fluctuation. It was the shock force generated by his activation of the magic arm. Listening to the tone of the master, it seemed to be a kind of combat skill of physical cultivation. The power is actually used in this way Way,

Lu Kun closed his eyes for a quarter of an hour, and said strangely: "Although the power of destruction has some influence on the Yuanling magic circle, it is unlikely that the magic power of your foundation-building period will trigger the Zhenyuan supernatural power."

He pondered for a while, couldn't think of the reason, and asked again: "When I found you, all the blood and magic power was shrunk in the magic arm. Although the magic mark of the bones was erased, the bones were still intact."

"It seems that the blood and magic power was suddenly interrupted when it devoured the bones, and then the vitality was severely damaged. Do you know what happened?"

Li Qianfeng showed a flash of memory: "At that time, the disciples were exhausted of essence and blood, their limbs were weak, and the blood and magic power was attached to the bones..."

"By the way, the blood of the cultivator of the pill fell on the magic arm, and the blood and magic power returned to the magic arm, as if the power of destruction emerged again, and then I fainted."

"The flesh and blood of a cultivator in the core stage is not as strong as your bones, so how can it attract blood and magic power to devour it?"

He couldn't help standing up, walking back and forth, and whispering in his mouth: "The force of shock shook the man into blood, and the golden core in his body naturally turned into pieces. Could it be that the golden core attracted the blood and magic power?"

"Li Qianfeng's mana has been used up. The power of destruction can only come from the collision between the spiritual power of the golden pill and the magic power of blood and blood. The slight improvement in the material of the magic arm is because of this power of destruction?"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's spiritual consciousness poured into Li Qianfeng's magic arm, and the silver blood essence that sealed the blood and blood magic power escaped and turned into a blood mist that enveloped the shoulder blades, separating the magic arm from Li Qianfeng's body. .

The greedy and evil aura of qi and blood magic power exudes. Because of the strong magic qi nearby, it appears to be somewhat active, but it is also afraid of the silver blood mist, which only flows slowly in the bone marrow cavity.

A flash of light flashed in Lu Kun's hand, and a golden elixir appeared, with a slight pinch of fingertips, peeled off a little, and scattered on the skin outside the magic arm.

"Qianfeng, you don't need to control your blood and magic power, just let his instincts go."

Li Qianfeng was at a loss, but the next moment he showed an incredible look.

I saw that the originally stable blood and magic power in the magic arm suddenly became extremely excited, and the muscles of the magic arm wriggled rapidly, wrapping the shards of golden elixir full of spiritual power into it.

The qi and blood magic power that concentrated Li Qianfeng's flesh and blood essence was like turning into countless tiny teeth, grinding the golden elixir into even more fine pieces, blending it into the blood-like magic power, and returning to the bone marrow after a while.

Immediately after, Li Qianfeng felt a continuous throbbing pain. The blood and magic power wrapped those golden pills, as if he was chewing some kind of food, and the inexplicable power of destruction overflowed.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with golden light, and he observed intently. The blood and blood magic power mixed with the essence of flesh and blood actually used the golden pill as food. A force of destruction.

Lu Kun's pupils shrank: "Wait, this power of destruction... is actually mixed with the flesh and blood essence of blood and magic power. It nourishes and strengthens the devil's bones!"

"How could this happen? The power of destruction carries pure power of destruction. If the magic bone is still a material, it would be better to refine it, but the bone of the magic arm is a magic treasure, and this energy does not cause damage to it. Improve its material?"

No wonder Lu Kun was incredible. When he was in the Bone Treasure Stage, the annihilating power of blood magic and mana was also a kind of destructive energy. It kept refining bone materials to make them reach the level of magic weapons.

When the bone treasure enters the magic weapon level, the more powerful annihilation power will destroy its spirituality while refining the bone treasure, and it must take time to conceive.

Just like Zhanbao, if it is not conceived, it can only be destroyed.

Under the observation of Jinmu supernatural power, Lu Kun found that the scene at this time was completely different from the cultivation in the middle stage of Gubao. He possessed the power of destruction of the essence of flesh and blood. While refining the magic bone, the essence of qi and blood in it was maintaining it.

"The strengthening of the material of Li Qianfeng's magic arm should be caused by his unconscious absorption of the broken golden core of that cultivator."

"That's not right. The qi and blood magic power devours the golden elixir. In addition to the huge consumption of magic power, part of the essence of flesh and blood will also disappear into the devil's bones with the power of destruction. Logically, the qi and blood magic power will decline."

"But the previous blood and magic power is still in the early stage of foundation building."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun continued to observe again. After about half an hour, the blood and blood magic power devoured the Jindan debris, leaving only a trace of blood and blood magic power in the bone marrow cavity. The pure magic energy around the magic arm slowly moved towards influx within.

Immediately afterwards, that trace of blood and magic power entered the bone layer, and the essence of flesh and blood and the aura of magic power gradually reappeared.

As if he had discovered a new continent, Lu Kun murmured: "The essence of flesh and blood that goes out with the power of destruction is briefly fused with the magic bones. When the blood and blood magic power recovers the magic power, it will vomit back."

"The qi and blood magic power in Li Qianfeng's body is completely different from what I remembered. His ability to mobilize the magic arm is probably also related to this strange qi and blood destructive power."

Lu Kun paced back and forth, with a thousand thoughts in his heart.

Qi and blood magic comes from Yuntong's Body Refinement Art, which was cultivated by Hong Yuntong combined with the blood of the giant ape and the enlightenment formation of the demons transformed by the Yuanzong. It can be said that it is the closest to the tempering energy of the demons.

He murmured: "No, it should be said that Li Qianfeng's blood and magic power is the closest to the demons!"

"After Hong Yuntong's fall, Hong Yuntian inherited the Yuntong Body Refinement Art, and applied his blood and blood magic to the Demon Body Refinement Art. He discovered that the magic energy of the demons to temper the flesh runs in the flesh, not the meridians. Dantian."

"Li Qianfeng's qi and blood magic power has been running in the magic arm since it was formed through the formation of the Yuntong Body Refinement Art. The magic arm is made from the bones of the demon race as the main material."

"After it devoured its flesh and blood, it entered the foundation-building stage. It did not exist in the Dantian meridian, but ran in the flesh. How similar this blood and blood magic power is to my magic power, the normal state is the same as mana magic power, while swallowing gold Empress Dan is equivalent to the state of cultivation, which can strengthen the magic bones."

"This kind of blood and magic power can completely walk out of another path of body refining..."

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