The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 956 The Refining Method of the Stone of Oath

Recently, the immortal cultivators in the Wei kingdom, as well as the loose cultivators, found that the disciples of Tianjianmen and some unfamiliar cultivators appeared frequently in various states, and they seemed to be chasing and killing the disciples of Molingmen.

After careful inquiries, these people learned a piece of news that made them feel chills. The Youth League and the Demon Sect, among the three major immortal sects in Wei, were silently exterminated...

The Qingmeng's residence was in ruins, the Spirit Sect in the Yueyang Mountains was dead silent, and all the Demon Spirit Sect disciples in the Yunling Mountains disappeared, replaced by Tianjian Sect disciples and a group of unfamiliar Immortal Cultivators.

So these neutral cultivator families and loose cultivators, through various relationships, asked Tianjianmen about the situation. Tianjianmen seemed to know their concerns and directly released two heavy news.

Tianjianmen was renamed Tianjian Pavilion and belonged to Refinement Pavilion.

The Youth League and the Demon Spirit Gate have been destroyed by the Body Refinement Pavilion. From now on, the Wei Kingdom will only have the Body Refinement Pavilion as an immortal cultivator.

The neutral immortal cultivators were all in an uproar.

Body Refinement Pavilion? Never heard of it, cultivating the body and cultivating immortals? In the world of immortals, there are exercises that specialize in cultivating the physical body?

Tianjianmen, which has a sword repair in the Yuan Ying period, is only a branch of the body refining pavilion?

There are six cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage in the Youth League and the Demon Sect, and there are also a large number of cultivators at the stage of forming pills, so they were wiped out by one sect?

Although there is no impression of the Body Refinement Pavilion, the facts in front of them make everyone understand that the Body Refinement Pavilion is definitely a terrifying sect, stronger than the Shangqingmen back then.

The small families and loose cultivators who got the news contacted the disciples of Tianjian Pavilion one after another, wanting to connect with this body training pavilion that appeared out of thin air, especially the small forces that had interests in the Youth League and the Demon Sect.

The reason why they can survive in the world of immortal cultivation in Wei State is because they are inextricably linked with the cultivator sect. Now that the Body Refinement Pavilion dominates the State of Wei, if they don't take the initiative to show affection, they will probably be wiped out.


In the Yunling Mountains, the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion are busy everywhere, expanding the mountain gate, transforming the cave house, and re-modifying the prohibition. Shi Yin’er and Gui Ling’er, the two Nascent Soul-level existences, are all sitting in the mountains.

In the depths of the Demon Abyss, there was a faint screeching noise, and the ground was shaking slightly.

In the stone house cave, Li Qianfeng was no longer there. On the central ground, there was a hole in the place where the magic circle was originally transmitted. The sound and vibration came from here.

The hole is three or four feet in diameter, almost accommodating one person to pass through.

At the bottom of the cave, Lu Kun's burly body was suspended upside down. His ten fingers became claws, and each fingertip flashed a dazzling silver vortex. Along with one after another of silver claw marks and sparks, a large number of gray stones were quickly dug out and disappeared. in the ribs.

Below ten feet on the ground of the stone house is the Broken Dragon Stone Layer. Lu Kun still had a bit of difficulty digging out the bone treasure with both hands, so he improved his whirlpool fingering technique and applied the power of penetration to each finger.

These broken dragon stones, which were indestructible for these Nascent Soul monks, were abruptly pulled out by his whirling claws.

Another broken dragon stone was pulled out, and a large amount of pure magic energy poured out from below.

"Hey, it's only twenty feet away."

Lu Kun's body spun rapidly, and his claws waved countless silver claw marks. There was an invisible force field under his feet, and a huge force erupted, shattering the last layer of Broken Dragon Stone, and the whole person fell.

Lu Kun looked at the Broken Dragon Stone Gate not far away and nodded with satisfaction. For him without the power of Nascent Soul, the teleportation formation was impossible to pass, so he simply dug out a passage.

Shaking the gravel on his body, Lu Kun walked into the treasure house, and came to the shelf where the jade slips were placed.

He rubbed the rough and ancient jade slip and sighed softly: "Unfortunately, many of the refining techniques here have been replaced by Yue Yangzong's new methods, only the refining method of the stone of oath, and a little more. value."

When Lu Kun came to investigate before, he glanced at this Item Refining Technique without further research. At this time, he looked focused and carefully read the content related to the Stone of Oath.

The refining method of the Stone of Oath was found in the inheritance of Yueyang Sect. Lu Kun also asked for a copy from Tianjianmen and Hualingzong, and now he is looking at the one collected by Devilling Sect.

After half an hour, Lu Kun showed a thoughtful look:

"Although the refining methods of several schools are different, the main materials used are exactly the same. It is no wonder that most sects do not have the Stone of Oath. This material is too hard to find."

Lu Kun knew quite a bit about the Stone of Oath. Back then, he sneaked into the Blood Refinement Sect, and he also established a ban on vows through the Stone of Oath there. Later, he also blocked the effect of the ban on the Stone of Oath through the secret technique of the Black Demon King.

The stone of oath is the cornerstone that carries the blood and soul of the disciples of the sect. Using it as a medium, cultivators of different bloodlines can also make bloodline oaths like a family of cultivators.

As for the Heisha Demon King's secret technique against the Stone of Oath, it is through the secret technique that the caster's soul and the Heisha Demon Soul form a unique contract, and a trace of Demonic Soul power is generated in the divine soul.

With the unique power of the Demon King, the prohibition of the Stone of Oath was isolated.

"The secret technique of Heisha, if it is reversed, has a certain reference value, but the most important thing is refining materials."

Lu Kun put the jade slip back and walked outside the treasure house. With a wave of his hand, a pale white stone eight feet high appeared on the ground.

This boulder was the Stone of Oath that he took from the Chi Lianzong after he destroyed Tu Tiancheng. It exudes weak blood energy fluctuations, the spiritual light is dim, and the forbidden spirit pattern inside has been destroyed.

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, then threw a few jade bottles around, then his hands became claws, and silver vortexes lit up on his ten fingers. Layers of white gravel.

As the stone of oath was peeled off layer by layer, pale yellow runes were gradually revealed, and it was quickly shattered by invisible force, turning into pale yellow powder, exuding a cool breath, and submerging into the jade bottle on the ground.

After a cup of tea, the stone of oath was completely shattered and scattered on the ground. The pale yellow powder was also filled with two jade bottles.

Lu Kun held an egg-sized stone with a pale white halo in his hand, and his spiritual consciousness in the middle of the Nascent Soul surged out and wrapped it up.

Lu Kun could feel that there was an extremely weak mind in this stone. If it wasn't for his strong consciousness, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to find it.

After a while, the white halo on the stone dimmed, and the thought inside seemed to have lost its life and completely dissipated.

Lu Kun looked at this unremarkable stone and thought: "It really is a treasure of heaven and earth with a mind. Losing the soul-concentrating rune, the stone of oath is destroyed, and the consciousness inside can only be dissipated."

"According to Fairy Fang Yuan, even in the ancient times, it was extremely rare for the treasures of heaven and earth to have thoughts.

"Spiritual Transformation Sect's oath stone was conceived by the god-transforming ancestor, who was conceived with great supernatural powers. The sword valley of Tianjian Pavilion, which is full of sharpness, also has a chance to give birth to the material of the oath stone."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun murmured: "If my judgment is correct, the main material of the Stone of Oath can be used completely..."

After a moment of silence, he waved one hand, put away the fragments of the stone of oath, jumped, and disappeared into the tunnel at the top.

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