The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 959 The Secret of Lingming

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, and with his supernatural powers, it seemed that he couldn't see through the yellow halo beyond the strange stone. Almost in an instant, he lost the sense of this drop of blood essence.

"Is it absorbed so quickly?"

Lu Kun's control over his own blood is amazing, otherwise he would not be able to use the meridian strengthening method in the air. This kind of situation of losing the sense of blood essence and blood only occurred when feeding Shi Yin'er, indicating that it was absorbed by refining.

He then frowned again: "Strange, after absorbing my blood essence, there seems to be no change in the insanity. Does this strange stone have no soul?"

Lu Kun could see that the madness of the demon valley all came from this small island, and the core of the island was this strange stone. After sensing the bloodline of the gibbons, the madness showed a strong willingness to communicate, obviously having a soul life exists.

"The magic ape in the Warcraft Garden can be awakened by relying on the breath of blood, because there is very little true demon in the body, but the madness here is so strong, is there not enough blood?"

Thinking of this, the blood in Lu Kun's whole body was surging, the power of qi and blood was surging endlessly, and a ball of silver blood, which was comparable to the size of a fist, spurted out of his mouth. In the halo of the strange stone.

After a few breaths, the blood essence was absorbed by the strange stone. Lu Kun could clearly feel that the madness became a lot calmer.

"Sure enough!" He was refreshed and continued to mobilize the blood in his body.

With the passage of the blood essence, Lu Kun's face was a little pale, and it was not until he consumed most of the essence and blood in his body that the madness completely calmed down, and there was no such crazy feeling.

The yellow light outside the strange stone also dissipated completely, revealing a gray rock without any breath, just as inconspicuous as an ordinary rock.

Lu Kun felt the long-lost feeling of weakness in his body and breathed a sigh of relief. He first carefully let go of a small part of his consciousness, and found that the thoughts around him became the same as the sharpness of Jiangu, without any aggressiveness.

He withdrew his magical powers, released his divine sense, and probed towards the strange stone. Immediately afterwards, a soul consciousness poured out from the strange stone and merged with his divine consciousness.

Completely different from the previous madness, this is an extremely agile divine soul thought:

"It's actually a human race, little guy, why do you have the blood of a gibbon monkey? It seems to be mixed with a brutal aura."

Lu Kun was overjoyed, Yi Shi really had life and was able to communicate, he said respectfully, "Dare to ask if senior is a Lingming Stone Monkey?"

Hearing this soul consciousness, he became extremely proud: "Hahaha, I didn't expect the human race to remember, yes, this king is the most powerful demon king among the three holy apes.

"Even if only the strongest demon king with open arms is fighting, he is not the opponent of this king. This king can be said to be the strongest in the demon clan!"

Lu Kun's face was a little weird, is this really the Lingming Stone Monkey? Sounds like a narcissist.

Lingming Stone Monkey's thoughts turned around and said: "By the way, you haven't told this king yet, where does the blood of the gibbon monkey come from? Don't try to deceive this king, your blood essence has been absorbed by this king so much, you can completely Induction of the truth of the words."

Lu Kundao: "The younger generation is a coincidence, and it combines the blood essence of an arm demon ape in the upper realm to have the blood of the demon race."

The Lingming Stone Monkey was stunned for a moment and said, "There is only a gibbon monkey in the demon clan. What is the gibbon monkey, is it related to the devil world?"

Lu Kun sighed softly, and did not hide it. Combining his bloodline memory and Fang Yuan's information, he told the origin and disappearance of the Armored Ape one by one.

The Lingming Stone Monkey seemed to have the means to judge whether Lu Kun's words were true or not, and fell silent for a while, and after a while it sighed:

"In the end, the demons still came in. They were in a cross-border war and were suppressed by the power of the interface. Even if there was no arm demon, the demons would not be the opponents of the human race and the demon race."

Then it asked again: "By the way, what is the situation of the demon clan now, if this king remembers correctly, this is the gathering place of the demon clan, why are there only immortal cultivators and no demon clan exists."

Hearing this, Lu Kun immediately remembered the murals of the mountain black ape family and some records of the Demon Gate, and said slowly:

"It has been seven or eighty thousand years since the battle of the Demon Race, and many histories cannot be verified. However, according to the younger generation, after the Demon Race, a war broke out between the Human Race and the Demon Race. The demon clan were all driven to overseas places."

Lingming Stone Monkey's thoughts were suddenly full of rage: "What! Humans dare to be ungrateful. If there is no help from the demons, how could they be the opponents of the demons."

Lu Kun's face turned pale, and the other party's thoughts showed signs of turning into madness. He quickly squeezed out a ball of blood essence and sent it into the strange stone.

"Damn, almost got suppressed again."

After a long time, the spirit of the Lingming Stone Monkey calmed down, and it said, "Boy, you belong to the half-demon family, and your consciousness is equivalent to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. Why is the blood essence not inferior to that of the demon king?"

"The physical body of the half-demon clan is similar to that of the human race, and it cannot withstand such blood essence... Wait, why is your physical body so powerful! Boy, what kind of creature are you?"

Lu Kun calmly said: "The younger generation is a human race. Relying on the bloodline of the Tong-arm Demon Ape, plus many opportunities, he created his own line of refining the body and cultivating the immortals. It specializes in cultivating the physical body, and cultivates the body to the level of a magic weapon. The essence and blood are naturally powerful."

Lingming Stone Monkey's thoughts fluctuated violently. It could sense that Lu Kun was telling the truth, and said incredulously, "How can the weak flesh of the human race become stronger through cultivation?"

Then it seemed to have thought of something, and said eagerly, "Is the line of body training and immortal cultivation that you created, all of the half-demon clan of gibbons and monkeys, and how many people are in the same realm as you?"

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Senior, this junior has just founded the Body Refinement Pavilion, and he is already the highest cultivation base in this sect. There is also blood flowing through the arm."

"Mountain Black Ape? How many are they eight-level demon cultivators?"

Lu Kun sighed: "The mountain black ape clan that follows me, the clan leader with the highest cultivation level, is only at the sixth level, and most of them are young apes below the fifth level."

Lingming Stone Monkey let out a sigh, and it was silent for a moment: "Little guy, you are the first high-level immortal cultivator to come in over the years, you should have the supernatural power to resist the demon king's mind, and you have the blood of the gibbon, and you know that This king is a Lingming Stone Monkey, I am afraid it is not as simple as exploring the valley."

Lu Kun bowed his hands and said sternly: "Senior, I think, this valley has been infused with the demon king's will for more than 2,000 years, and it is very likely that there are materials to give birth to the will. The younger generation creates a line of cultivation and cultivation, and needs to refine the stone of oath."

Lingming Stone Monkey said in a somewhat proud tone: "If you have some knowledge, this Black Gold Stone Mountain already has a prototype of will, and the main material of such a large stone of oath, I am afraid that the top immortal gate of the human race does not have it."

Hearing this, Lu Kun couldn't help swallowing his saliva, listening to the other party's meaning, the black rock island under his feet can be used as the material for the stone of oath.

It is rumored that the top stone of oath, although it is still three bloodline oaths, has an amazing prohibition power. Just violated, the will of the stone of oath can kill its soul without anyone else casting spells.

The stone of oath of the Blood Refining Sect still needs to be cast by the guarding cultivator of the Nascent Soul period to trigger the ban, and there are also means to actively eliminate it. Pang Laomo is using the control of the stone of oath to ban Qian Jingshan. Moved hands and feet.

If the blood oath of the sect can be controlled by others, there will be great hidden dangers, which is the case in the blood refining sect today.

Lingming Stone Monkey said: "The Black Gold Stone Mountain is connected to the blood of this king, and the will inside is still under the control of this king. Only the spiritual consciousness of the late stage of God Transformation can be refined into the stone of oath."

Lu Kun's expression froze, not to mention the late stage of God Transformation. Even in the middle stage of Bone Transformation, he only has a clue now. Does that mean that he has no relationship with this top-notch material?

Lingming Stone Monkey changed his tone and said, "You kid has the blood of a gibbon monkey. If you are assisted by this king's divine soul will, you can also make the stone of oath, but you need to pay a lot of money."

Lu Kun was refreshed and said, "Senior, please speak."

The Lingming Stone Monkey said slowly: "The Lingming Stone Monkey is a unique existence in the world. It possesses a variety of powerful innate supernatural powers, one of which is the Nirvana supernatural power."

"When I fought with the enemy back then, both of them fell, and my fleshly bodies turned into ordinary rocks, and I fell into Nirvana in the depths of the spiritual veins here."

There was anger and sadness in its tone: "I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, even the monsters were driven overseas."

"Among the demon clan, the Lingming Stone Monkey is the absolute king. As long as the stone body wakes up, there will be a large number of monsters above the eighth level to sacrifice blood essence, absorb enough blood essence, and this king will be able to break the stone and be reborn."

Although Lu Kun had some guesses, he was still stunned. What a heaven-defying supernatural power this is, doesn't it mean that as long as Nirvana succeeds, the Lingming Stone Monkey will never die.

The Lingming Stone Monkey seemed to be able to see through Lu Kun's thoughts, and said slowly: "This kind of supernatural power is also flawed. It requires a large number of high-level demon races to provide blood and blood sacrifices in order to truly break the stone and be reborn. If the sacrifice is timely, it will even break the stone. After leaving, the cultivation base will be at the eighth level."

Lingming Stone Monkey sighed: "After this king woke up, there was no demon blood to absorb, and the huge demon aura emanating from the mountain and stone body also attracted a large number of cultivators. In order to protect the stone body, this king had to release the demon king's thoughts. , to form this Lingming Demon Valley, and immortal cultivators below the middle stage of Spirit Transformation cannot enter."

Lingming Stone Monkey said fortunately: "After this king woke up, he noticed that the rules of heaven and earth have changed, the realm of the demon king has been suppressed, and the human race's spirit transformation period must be the same. In recent years, most of the little guys in the late Nascent Soul have tried to explore. here."

"The suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, coupled with the fact that the demon king's secret realm continues to consume the king's soul will, the soul can only be maintained by swallowing low-level monsters."

"But there is no physical body, the spirit of this king is getting weaker and weaker, and is suppressed by the will of the demon king, and he falls into a deep sleep. If it weren't for you, who is comparable to the blood of the demon king's homologous blood, I am afraid that this king will continue to fall asleep until The spirit is gone."

Lu Kun tentatively said: "Senior, do you want the junior to take it to the outer sea and let the demon race sacrifice blood?"

Lingming Stone Monkey said a little embarrassedly: "Since the demon clan migrated to the outer sea, they must be ruled by the Jiaolong clan, and this king has some festivals with them."

Speaking of this, it suddenly asked: "Little guy, what kind of body training pavilion is yours, other people's cultivation base has reached your current realm, is the blood essence also so powerful?"

Lu Kun compared the power of Qi and blood of Gui Linger, and thought for a moment: "The realm of body repair and bone transformation is equivalent to the eighth-level demon cultivator, but because of the cultivation of the body, even an ordinary disciple of ordinary blood, the power of blood is not enough. To be stronger than the monsters of the same rank, does the senior want to make the body repair sacrifice blood essence?"

Lingming Stone Monkey said: "That's right, the bloodlines of the demon ape and the human race are the closest. The spirit of this king has survived to this day, and there is no way to drag it down. You must enter the rebirth stage as soon as possible. I can conclude a blood contract with this king and help me reborn in Nirvana!"

Lu Kun calmly said: "Dare to ask the seniors, what is the form of sacrificing blood essence and blood, and does it damage the cultivation base?"

Lingming Stone Monkey said: "Don't worry, just like what you just did, you can release most of the blood essence in your body, but at least the blood essence of the eighth-level demon cultivator or above."

Lu Kun frowned and said, "The blood essence that the junior has just consumed can be recovered after a year of cultivation. What if I sacrificed it alone?"

Lingming Stone Monkey said: "Everyone's blood essence has its own imprint, and a simple one cannot help me reborn, at least hundreds of ways are required."

"But senior, even if the Body Refinement Pavilion is against the sky, hundreds of people in the bone transformation stage exist..."

Lingming Stone Monkey said: "This king has abandoned his previous cultivation and entered a state of rebirth, and his spirit can barely last two thousand years."

"As long as this king's embryo absorbs hundreds of powerful blood essences over the years, he can be reborn from a rock, but his cultivation will be reduced to the lowest level after birth, not even a first-level monster."

"During this period, this king was connected with the Black Gold Stone Mountain and became the stone of oath of the Body Refinement Pavilion. After the birth, this king is equivalent to a member of the Body Refinement Pavilion. If you can have hundreds of Nascent Soul-level existences, the sect's strength is strong. , enough to protect this king, it only takes five hundred years for this king to restore the demon king cultivation base."

"As long as you promise that the Body Refinement Pavilion will provide you with the blood of a hundred that bone in the next two thousand years, and bless this king to restore his cultivation, this king will help you to refine this black gold mountain stone into a stone of vows. ."

Lu Kun's mind was running fast, and after a while he said solemnly: "After the senior was reborn, because of the stone of oath, he is also a disciple of the Refinement Pavilion, and he will be able to bless this pavilion in the future. The juniors can only do their best to develop the Body Refinement Pavilion to meet the requirements of the seniors."

Lingming Stone Monkey sighed: "This king is also looking for a chance to survive. Well, we will conclude a blood contract, and then we will help you refine the stone of oath!"

Lu Kun looked dumbfounded and said, "Refining here?"

Lingming Stone Monkey said proudly: "This king is born with a body of five elements, and is proficient in all kinds of spells than the human race. The stone of oath is just a skill to describe the consciousness, boy, let's have some blood essence, this king will teach you the blood of the demon clan. contract."

"Yes, senior."

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