The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 961 The Mountain of Oaths

In the depths of the Yunling Mountains, the forbidden formation of the Demon Spirit Gate once enveloped the Demon Abyss, the Mountain Gate, and the Dongfu Group, and now the prohibition has changed somewhat.

In the center of the three prohibition formations, there is a small valley, and in each forbidden formation, a force of prohibition extends, turning into a light curtain, covering the small valley.

The small valley is filled with a lot of demonic energy, and a black hill about ten feet high is located in it, and its surface is hovering with a terrifying madness, but this powerful thought floats on the surface of the hill, not too far away.

At the top of the hill, sat a burly middle-aged man, who was the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Lu Kun.

Lu Kun's body trembled slightly, and a large amount of magical energy and spiritual energy in the Yunling Mountains poured into it, and a strong power of blood was surging around him.

Layers of light silver thick blood mist spread out from his body. The hill seemed to be full of spirituality. The complex runes on the surface of the black rock lighted up in turn, actively absorbing the blood mist.

Then the madness entered the interior of the hill along with these blood mists. After a while, the madness surged out again, bringing out a layer of blood mist with a different aura.

Lu Kun closed his eyes, as if he could feel the presence of the blood mist. He opened his mouth and inhaled it, and then the blood in his body boiled. It gradually calmed down.

Then Lu Kun continued to do the same thing. He absorbed the magical energy and spiritual energy of the Yunling Mountains, recovered the magical energy, retrained blood through the bone marrow, stirred up the blood mist, and repeatedly intersected with the black hills.

In this way, day after day, the complex runes on the surface of the black hill gradually turned silver, and the demonic energy in the valley disappeared without a trace, all absorbed by the black hill.

The frenzy that appeared from time to time was completely calmed down, and the entire black hill exuded a majestic breath of blood.

Time continued to pass, and suddenly one day, the qi and blood in the body of the black hill and Lu Kun seemed to resonate. Come.

Lu Kun stood up, the muscles on his arms swelled rapidly, intertwined like pythons, and the supernatural powers of the arms were activated autonomously.

The aura around him was surging, and behind him formed an incomparably sturdy giant ape figure, which also possessed a ferocious and thick arm, exuding an extremely fierce aura.

Not long after the phantom of the gibbon monkey appeared, next to it, another handsome ape appeared.

At this moment, Lu Kun opened his eyes, his eyes were covered with extremely bright golden light, and the surrounding skin and eyelids turned fiery red, as if burned by the scorching temperature.


Lu Kun let out a painful roar in the sky, his thick arms clasped the black rock under him tightly, and the golden light in his eyes became more and more shining.

Suddenly, there was a frenzy in the depths of the black hill, it entered Lu Kun's arm along the rock, and at the same time, the phantoms of the two apes behind him did not enter the body.

The golden light in Lu Kun's eyes seemed to have reached a certain critical point, and suddenly two fiery golden auras were shot out at an amazing speed, and they reached the forbidden light curtain in the valley in a blink of an eye.

These two strange golden lights do not seem to be ordinary spells. In front of them, the forbidden light curtain here is like nothing, passing through and disappearing into the distant sky.

After shooting these two golden beams, Lu Kun plopped down and sat down. His face was pale, his consciousness was severely depleted, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyelids were even blackened.

After a while, Lu Kun regained his senses. He rubbed his sore eyes, looked at the place where the golden light disappeared, and whispered, "The blood through the arms is indeed more pure."

"Senior is right, this mountain of oath contains a little blood of Lingming Stone Monkey."

"After refining with the blood sacrifice method, the essence and blood of the Lingming Stone Monkey will be refined and absorbed by me, thereby strengthening its own bloodline of the gibbons."

"I didn't expect that after the bloodline was improved again, Jinmu was strengthened so much that he actually activated the attacking supernatural power."

Lu Kun couldn't help recalling the scene in his memory. When the gibbon monkey was fighting the unknown thunderbird, Jinmu had this kind of golden light attack.

He rubbed his head: "The magic energy is not consumed, and the spiritual consciousness is mostly consumed. If I am not wrong, it also stimulates the vitality of the heavens and the earth. It is likely to be a special magical power for the soul."

Lu Kun sighed: "If it wasn't for the Demon King's mind in the Stone of Oath, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible."

"The roar of the sky needs the meaning of true demons, and Jinmu's attacking magical powers relies on the meaning of madness to successfully perform. I am afraid that I will have to reach the level of god transformation before I can use these two magical powers freely."

During the process of refining the Mountain of Oaths with the Lingming Stone Monkey, Lu Kun learned some of the mysteries of the Divine Transformation stage, and knew that this powerful idea that can survive outside is a magical power that can only be possessed by the God Transformation level.

Generally speaking, the key to entering the Nascent Soul Stage for a cultivator in the Core Formation Stage lies in the understanding of the power of the Nascent Soul. Even Lu Kun has cultivated a physical source power equivalent to the power of the Nascent Soul, and only broke through to the Bone Transformation Stage. .

The Spirit Transformation Stage is different from the Nascent Soul Stage. The key to this realm is not mana, but to comprehend the unique will that conforms to one's own, complete the transformation of the soul, and combine the unique will with the energy in the body to control the vitality of the world.

Lu Kun shook his head. Several small realms of the bone transformation stage have not yet been perfected, and it is still too far to think about the spirit transformation stage.

After adjusting his breath in place for a few days, Lu Kun's spirit has improved a lot. Jinmu's attack on supernatural powers is not what he can use now. Not to mention the consumption of powerful thoughts, the spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul is too weak.

The consumption of spiritual consciousness is different from that of the physical body. It takes time to nurture to recover. If it is often overdrawn, it is likely to hurt the soul.

Lu Kun spit out a mouthful of turbid air, looking at this black hill exuding a strong breath of blood, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"This black gold stone mountain is transformed by the weapon of the predecessors, and it is connected with its bloodline. Coupled with the influence of the will of the demon king for so many years, the idea that it has nurtured is extremely powerful."

"Although I haven't reached the realm of the god-turning stage, but relying on the blood of the arm demon ape, I barely used the blood sacrifice method to refine this stone of oath. No, it should be called the mountain of oath."

"Next, as long as you run the simplest blood oath law, the disciples in the sect can complete the sect's blood oath to prevent cannibalism and the leakage of exercises."

Then he flickered and came to a corner on the back of the Mountain of Oaths. There was a seven-foot-high hole, and the hole was filled with yellow demon energy and a lot of madness.

Lu Kun said softly, "Senior, rest in peace."

"The will born from the later realm of the previous demon king, coupled with such a huge material, the prohibition of the mountain of oath, even the secret technique of the black evil demon king, can't be broken."

"With the mountain of oath, the Body Refinement Pavilion will have no worries, and it will definitely develop with all its strength to help seniors complete the Nirvana rebirth technique as soon as possible."

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