The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 963 Simple and rude opening ceremony

On this day, various restrictions flickered in the depths of the Yunling Mountains, and thousands of immortal cultivators gathered under the mountain gate of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

These people have different cultivation bases, most of them are in the Qi Refining stage, and there are only more than 300 people in the Foundation Establishment stage. They line up in a long queue according to the strength of their cultivation, and there are nearly 200 mortal warriors at the end.

A tall man, standing at the end of the foundation-building stage, fluctuated with mana within his body, as if he had just broken through to the foundation-building stage.

He looked around, his face full of curiosity, just like the cultivator in the qi refining stage behind him, looking like he had never seen the world.

"Shouldn't the opening ceremony be the practice of seniors who have deep cultivation and praying, worshiping the heavens and the earth, and then all the disciples recite the prayers?"

"It's strange that the Body Refinement Pavilion is quiet. The opening ceremony is quiet and quiet, and there are still queues to enter this small valley. What mysterious things are in it."

This man was called Gao Yong, and he was a side disciple of the Gao family in Zhongzhou.

"No matter what, I, Gao Yong, are also included in the Great Immortal Cultivation Sect. Otherwise, with the rotten aptitude of my spiritual roots of the five attributes, even if I enter the Foundation Establishment stage, no one will look at me."

Gao Yong's aptitude is extremely poor. He has been cultivating day and night since he was seven years old. At the age of thirty-seven, he was still stuck on the ninth level of Qi training, and he could not enter the later stage of Qi training.

Who knew that a year ago, Gao Yong walked away from the dog rice field and met a seriously injured Youth League disciple in Zhongzhou. After solving the opponent with a small fireball technique, he got two foundation pills.

Excited, Gao Yong found a mountain and swallowed the two foundation building pills at once. As a result, he entered the foundation building stage in a daze.

He is the aptitude of the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, the worst aptitude for immortal cultivation, how could he be able to successfully establish a foundation?

After Gao Yong returned to the family, everyone felt unbelievable. They didn't believe that he was relying on luck.

Gao Yong was speechless. After all, even he himself did not believe that he could build a foundation. Just when the Gao family planned to torture him, the summoning order from the Body Refinement Pavilion arrived.

"If it wasn't for the Body Refinement Pavilion, now I don't know what it would be like to be tortured to death."

Thinking of this, Gao Yong looked happy.

The recruitment of the Body Refinement Pavilion is extremely overbearing. All the immortal cultivators and loose cultivators in the Wei Kingdom must be incorporated into the Body Refinement Pavilion. If they resist, one word will be destroyed!

The Gao family has the highest cultivation base, but he was only in the early stage of forming pills. How could he compete against this behemoth? He could only put the matter of Gao Yong aside.

"When the people of the Gao family stabilize in the Body Refinement Pavilion, they will definitely continue to trouble me. The people in the family can't believe it. I can only rely on the Body Refinement Pavilion. Even if the Body Refinement Pavilion suspects me, those seniors are sure Can tell if I'm lying."

As the team progressed, it was Gao Yong's turn. Under the spell of a senior at the Core Formation Stage, he walked into the forbidden light curtain in the small valley.

There is only a black hill about ten feet long, and a fat man in the form of Dan.

The fat man looked at Gao Yong, then looked at the jade slip in his hand, and said in a strange tone: "Thirty-seven years old, five attributes of spiritual roots, early stage of foundation building, you are Gao Yong?"

Gao Yong said nervously, "It's this junior."

The fat man nodded lightly, and continued, "I'll teach you a spell below, just do it."

"Yes, senior."

Gao Yong listened to the spell coming from his ear, and he was a little surprised: "It turns out to be a blood oath spell. Our Gao family also has a blood oath. Will there be a conflict, what is this stone mountain in front of me, and the blood oath must pass through it?"

"Don't worry, just listen to the senior's words."

Gao Yong's mana surged in his body, forcing a drop of blood to float forward, while pinching the magic, he said:

"I, Gao Yong, officially joined the Body Refinement Pavilion! I made three blood oaths!"

"One: Never betray the Refinement Pavilion, 2: Never spread the exercises of the Refinery Pavilion, 3: Never kill the same sect, violate any one of them, and the soul will be destroyed!"

With the casting of the spell, the blood essence was absorbed by the black hill, and then an incomparably mysterious force of restraint acted on his soul.

Seeing that Gao Yong successfully completed the spell without any abnormality, the fat man couldn't help but whisper, "Are you a child of the Gao family in Zhongzhou?"

"Yes, senior!"

The fat man's expression was a little strange. The light in his hand flashed, and a triangular token the size of a palm appeared. Then the magic trick flashed, and a red dot emerged from the black hill, which fell into it, and finally threw the token. past.

Gao Yong caught the token and looked intently. The three characters of Lianti Pavilion were engraved on it, a beautiful furnace pattern was drawn below, and his name was printed on the back.

"Forget about the Gao family forever. In the future, you will be a disciple of your sect and treasure pavilion. Go out from the west, and someone will pick you up."

Gao Yong saluted respectfully and walked in the direction pointed by the fat man.

"This is the opening ceremony of the Body Refinement Pavilion? It's over with a blood oath?"

Gao Yong, who was still a little confused, quickly walked out of the valley's light curtain and found that the monks at the foundation-building stage behind the valley were divided into two teams.

Those guys carrying the long swords were obviously Jianxiu from Tianjianmen. They stood together and communicated in a low voice, and everyone looked excited.

The second team was the Cultivation Family and Loose Cultivators recruited by the Body Refinement Pavilion. These people looked uneasy and seemed to be frightened.

In midair, a white-haired old man saw Gao Yong come out and pointed to the second team.

Gao Yong walked over, but not long after he entered the team, he was horrified to find that several members of the Gao family who entered the valley first had all disappeared!

"I remember that there are disciples of the Yao family in front. They have disappeared. Could it be that they were killed by the seniors in the valley? Why didn't they attack me?"

Just when Gao Yong had doubts in his heart, a loose cultivator suddenly opened his mouth and said to a middle-aged man in the middle stage of foundation building: "Fellow Daoist Xu, you were the first to join the Body Refinement Pavilion. Now all the cultivators in the foundation building stage have passed through the valley. Can you explain our doubts?"

This middle-aged man was Xu Rui, the former leader of the scattered cultivators in Wupan Mountain.

Xu Rui smiled slightly and said, "Everyone is a disciple of Treasure Pavilion now, so don't be polite. Some fellow Taoists must be able to guess that the stone in the valley is the Stone of Oath."

Seeing many people nodding, Xu Rui continued: "This body of our body refinement pavilion should be called the Mountain of Oaths. It was made by the pavilion master with great supernatural powers, and its effect is far stronger than the stone of oath."

"Ordinary blood oath and blood oath spells will only trigger bans after they are really violated."

"But our body training pavilion is different. As long as you have the idea of ​​violating the blood oath subconsciously, the mountain of oath can make a judgment and directly activate the power of prohibition."

Xu Rui said slowly: "It was linked to the cultivator of the Dan period, and because of the blood oath, four people died."

Seeing the shocked crowd, Xu Rui chuckled softly: "Everyone has passed the judgment of the Mountain of Oaths, so don't panic. In my opinion, this is a good thing. You must know that in the past, even the closest people, We all had to guard several hands, and now it's a lot easier."

Listening to Xu Rui's words, everyone understood when they thought about it, and their expressions relaxed.

Gao Yong put down a mountain in his heart. He took the initiative to walk to Xu Rui's side, began to chat, and learned a lot of information.

For example, the furnace painted on the sect token is the symbol of the Treasure Pavilion, and the sword repairers not far away have a long sword on their token, representing the Tianjian Pavilion.

The once powerful sword-cultivation sect of Wei State has actually become a subordinate sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion. Gao Yong feels more and more unfathomable.

After a while, the cultivators in the Qi refining period passed through the valley one after another. Unlike the Foundation Establishment period, they were divided into three teams. The Qi refining period sword cultivators with long swords belonged to Tianjian Pavilion.

The middle-aged and elderly people came to the Treasure Pavilion where Gao Yong was located.

As for some young guys with low mana cultivation, they became a team by themselves, led by a burly man.

Gao Yong took a peek at it and found that on the badges of the little guys, a huge city was drawn. He whispered, "Senior Brother Xu, what are the badges of these little guys?"

The others also looked at Xu Rui. The Body Refinement Pavilion was really mysterious to them. Could this majestic city also signify a subordinate sect?

Xu Rui explained: "This is the symbol of the Holy City of Martial Artists. It is not a subordinate sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion, it represents the outer sect disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"You must be curious about the exercises of the Body Refinement Pavilion. As the name suggests, what the Body Refinement Pavilion cultivates is the body-refinement and immortal practice that has never appeared in the world of immortals."

"Physical training and immortal cultivation?"

"Is it a practice that specializes in cultivating the flesh?"

"Can the physical body also practice?"

Xu Rui said with a look of reverence: "It is said that this is the path created by our pavilion master. It can practice the physical body as a magic weapon, and its combat effectiveness is terrifying. It is almost difficult for immortal cultivators of the same level to face physical cultivation."

A loose cultivator said excitedly, "Fellow Daoist Xu, can we also pass on the body training exercises?"

Xu Rui shook his head regretfully: "Such a powerful practice naturally has limitations. It must be completed within the age of fifty, and the basic practice must be completed. I am too old to practice at all."

Seeing Xu Rui say this, the others showed regret.

Gao Yong's expression changed, and he asked, "Senior Brother Xu, is this holy city of warriors the place where outer disciples practice basic exercises?"

Xu Rui nodded and said, "Speaking of which, the Holy City of Martial Artists was built with the help of our Wupanshan scattered cultivators. In this way, it took a year to accommodate tens of thousands of disciples."

"As long as the disciples of the Holy City of Martial Artists have cultivated the basic exercises to the top and successfully entered the mid-stage of Qi Refining, they can join the fighting sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

"Fighting faction?"

"Senior Brother Xu, apart from Treasure Treasure Pavilion and Tianjian Pavilion, what other sects are there in the Body Refinement Pavilion?"

Xu Rui said: "I heard Master Qin mentioned that there are five subordinate schools in the Body Refinement Pavilion, the three battle pavilions and the auxiliary two pavilions."

"The three battle pavilions are Tianjian Pavilion, Wuxing Pavilion, and Hualing Pavilion. Tianjian Pavilion is naturally the former Tianjianmen. Wuxing Pavilion cultivates orthodox physical training, most of which belong to Wuxing Pavilion."

"I heard that Hualing Pavilion has something to do with monsters. In any case, the exercises practiced by the three battle pavilions are related to body training."

Xu Rui rubbed the black token on his waist, and then said: "As for the treasure pavilion we are in, it is one of the auxiliary double pavilions. The elder in charge of this pavilion is the predecessor of the Yueyang Sect."

"The purpose of this pavilion is to refine all the weapons needed by the body refining pavilion, and to study the way of refining."

Xu Rui's eyes flashed with anticipation: "As long as we complete enough contribution points, we can exchange all kinds of medicinal pills to improve our cultivation, and even top treasures that are helpful for forming pills."

This sentence made everyone agitated. What they lacked was this medicine pill resource. With these, they would definitely be able to continue to break through.

"Another auxiliary sect, called Poison Refinement Pavilion, I don't know the specifics."

With the exchange of people, people dressed as warriors came out one after another in the valley.

Xu Rui suddenly said solemnly: "By the way, talk about an important thing."

"Remember, in the Body Refinement Pavilion, never discriminate against mortal warriors. These mortal warriors are also outer disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

A loose cultivator smiled and said, "Senior Brother Xu, are you kidding me? What kind of outside disciples are mortals? Could it be that they can still generate spiritual roots out of thin air?"

Everyone laughed. After a while, they found that Xu Rui's expression was still serious, so they could not help but calm down. They looked at each other, a little confused.

The former loose cultivator whispered: "Could it be that these mortals are really..."

Xu Rui said sternly: "Just remember my words, don't discriminate against mortal warriors because you don't have spiritual roots. As for the reason, you will know in the future."

As everyone passed the small valley, the fat man flew from the small valley. He stretched out his hand and waved, and a huge flying boat appeared out of thin air. He said lightly:

"The opening ceremony of the Body Refinement Pavilion has ended. Follow me back to the Yueyang Mountains, where our Treasure Pavilion is stationed. There are still many tasks waiting for you to do."

Next, the disciples in the Foundation Establishment and Qi Refining Periods of Treasure Treasure Pavilion embarked on the flying boat in turn, and the Heavenly Sword Pavilion and the Martial Artist Holy City were also led by monks in the Formation Stage.

When Gao Yong walked up to the fat man, he made an important decision in his heart. He gathered up his courage and said:

"Senior, this junior wants to enter the Holy City of Martial Artists and become an outer disciple of the Body Refinement Pavilion!"

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