The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 965 Visitors and Transactions

Lu Kun's escaping speed was astonishing. He crossed a dazzling treasure light in the sky and landed on the cliff beside the Demon Abyss.

Xiao Jin looked at Mo Yuan's intact restraint, his ears trembled again, and his expression was a little confused. He was then patted on the head by Lu Kun, and it turned into a yellow light obediently, and fell into his ribs.

Lu Kun closed his eyes and stood quietly on the spot.

Before Xiao Jin's cry, he heard the movement in Moyuan, but as for him, relying on the magical power of the Five Elements Chaos Demon Body, he sensed the change in the vitality of heaven and earth.

In his perception, the heaven and earth vitality lingered in a unique way here. It was obviously a powerful magic magical power, which inspired the heaven and earth vitality, but his divine sense power could not sense the existence of any spells.

Lu Kun said lightly: "What a powerful illusion magic power, since this fellow Daoist is here, why don't you come out to see him."

Seeing the silence all around, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Kun's mouth, and a dazzling golden light suddenly burst into his eyes, like two little suns.

After the refining of the Mountain of Oaths, Lu Kun's golden-eyed supernatural power was further strengthened. Although the attack supernatural power was not yet ready to be used, his restraint on various illusions was greatly improved.

Lu Kun glanced around, his arm suddenly soared, and he directly activated the supernatural power of the arm, a streamlined invisible vortex surged around his body, and his figure flashed, appearing on the edge of the cliff on a piece of empty ground.

The changing energy of heaven and earth was attracted and poured into the vortex. Under the supernatural power of Jeet Kune fighting skills, it turned into two light black halos that enveloped both fists. In a moment, several fist shadows bombarded out.


Strong aura flickered, and terrifying air waves swept away.

The ground of the cliff was not penetrated, and an old man with red hair appeared on the spot. His eyes flashed with horror and anger, and the magic in his body surged, maintaining a layer of magic shield, and the vitality halo above it. Vibrating violently, blocking a few fist shadows.

At this moment, a huge figure with purple-black scales all over his body and bone spurs in his joints appeared beside Lu Kun, and a strong corpse aura spread out, a demon whose aura reached the peak of Nascent Soul mid-stage.

Mo Zong's hands, which were covered with sharp nails, stabbed Lu Kun's head ruthlessly, and at the same time, a knee bone spur pierced his abdomen, dantian, with an icy chill.

Lu Kun snorted coldly, his incomparably ferocious right arm quickly returned, and his thick palm directly pinched the demon's head, ignoring the demon's attack.


Several crisp clashing sounds came out, and the demonic claws only cut through the skin on the surface of Lu Kun's head, and the bone spurs also pierced into the abdominal muscles a few inches before they were stuck.

Lu Kun's abdominal muscles were tense, and he couldn't pull out the bone spurs on his knees for a while.

At this time, Lu Kun's other thick palm turned into a fist, and a silver vortex condensed on the fingertips, like a silver sword, with amazing penetrating power, directly bombarded the end of the bone spur.

Mo Zong was trembling all over, roaring in pain, and the bone spurs on his knees snapped.

Its scaly head creaked, and the cold and cold magic power of the middle Nascent Soul in its body poured into its head, turning into a strong magic light, trying to compete with the big hand that only needed to crush its head.

After a round of attacks, Lu Kun didn't mean to chase after the victory. He grabbed the demon and used his body as a stick, swung it on the red-haired old man's shield, and blasted him out.

Mo Zong took advantage of this opportunity to explode a dozen purple scales on his head, out of Lu Kun's control.

The red-haired old man's figure was stable at about ten feet away, and a dark yellow umbrella-mounted magic weapon appeared in front of him, and the halo on the shield became deeper.

The demon returned to the old man's side, and most of the purple scales on its head were broken, and black blood flowed out. In its red eyes, fear flashed.

The red-haired old man laid out his defenses and said quickly, "Fellow Daoist, slow down! Qian has no malice."

Lu Kun put away his supernatural powers and grabbed the bone spurs in his abdomen. The wounds on his body healed quickly, and the venom full of corpse gas was also squeezed out by the squirming muscles.

He slowly said: "The late Yuan Ying cultivation base, coupled with the demon in the mid-term peak, it seems that your Excellency is the new Great Elder of the Blood Refinement Sect, Qian Jingshan."

Qian Jingshan looked at the other party's recovery in a blink of an eye, his pupils shrank slightly and said, "Daoist friend knows Qian so well.

"I don't know what you call you. Qian thinks he is well-informed, but he has never heard of the name of the Body Refinement Pavilion before."

Lu Kun said in a cold tone: "In Xia Lu Kun, the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, the Body Refinement Pavilion has just been established. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Why, Daoist friend came here this time, do you want to take revenge for Shi Jingtian?"

Qian Jingshan shook his head and said, "Pavilion Lu should know that the residence of the Blood Refinement Sect in Zhongzhou of Wei Kingdom has been evacuated a few months ago, and this sect has no malice towards the Refinement Pavilion."

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "If that's the case, what is the purpose of Daoyou Qian sneaking into this pavilion?"

Qian Jingshan cupped his hands and said, "Ge Master Lu, please forgive me. Qian came to visit so rashly that he wanted to retrieve the blood demon sword in Shi Jingtian's hand."

Lu Kun heard the words, a flash of light flashed in his hand, and three blood-colored long swords appeared in his hand.

The three Gorefiend swords flickered with magic light, exuded a powerful breath, and trembled spiritually, but they did not break free from Lu Kun's palm, and they looked very well-behaved.

Lu Kun regarded them as treasures and said, "These three Gorefiend swords are the magic weapons of life that Pang Laomo has tempered for many years. They also incorporate silver dragon meteorites, which can not only be reduced to flying needles, but also turned into giant swords."

"They are a complete set of six pieces. If the Blood Refining Sect has two Nascent Souls in the late stage, the power they exert is extremely terrifying. Such treasures are invaluable."

"However, Daoyou Qian is willing to pay enough price, and Lu is willing to make a deal."

Qian Jingshan's face darkened.

Now he is sure that Shi Jingtian was killed by the person in front of him, and I am afraid that even Yuan Ying has been searched for souls, otherwise this Pavilion Master Lu would not be able to know so much information about the Gorefiend Sword.

Qian Jingshan frowned. After a short fight, although he could not see the mana breath of the opponent, he was also a powerful cultivator with the power of heaven and earth entrained in the attack.

The Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion obviously has supernatural powers above the flesh. His mid-Nascent Soul Demonic Stiffness was actually crushed on the flesh, and he was injured at the first sight.

Moreover, the opponent's golden spiritual power can see through his illusion. It can be said that his supernatural power is restrained by the opponent. If he continues to fight, he is not an opponent.

Thinking of this, Qian Jingshan stepped back a dozen feet and said, "Listening to your fellow Daoist, it seems that you have already asked for something, so let's talk about it."

Lu Kun put away the bone spurs in his hand and said, "If Fellow Daoist Qian is willing to exchange the complete Gorefiend Art, Lu Mou will immediately offer him the three Gorefiend swords."

Qian Jingshan's face sank and said: "Pavillion Lu is joking. The core exercises of this sect cannot be exchanged. If you don't want to trade, Qian will not reluctantly say goodbye."

After that, the magic power surged in his body, and he was about to fly away.

Lu Kun laughed and said: "Lu Mou just said casually, since the blood demon art can't be exchanged, let's talk about other things."

Qian Jingshan's heart was relieved. He was about to leave because he wanted to test it. From this sentence, it seems that the Blood Demon Sword is not necessary for this Pavilion Master Lu. He pretended to be cold and said:

"Pavillion Lu, don't want the lion to open his mouth. Although these three Gorefiend swords are treasures, they are after all the magic weapons of the elder Pang of the sect. No one can use their 100% power, and their value is not that high."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said: "In that case, Lu is not greedy, as long as fellow Daoist Qian provides thirty kinds of magic treasure refining methods, and ten demon bones at the level of demon generals, he can exchange three blood demons. sword."

Qian Jingshan frowned and said: "There is no problem with the refining method of magic treasures, but you can give up to three demon bones at the level of demon generals. As compensation, the bones of demon soldiers of level five to seven can be given to Pavilion Master Lu for twenty pieces."

Lu Kun said: "The value of the bones of the demon soldiers is too low, so how about adding some materials, a magic marrow drill, ten kilograms of magic marrow stones, and fifty thousand-year-old magic dragon grass."

"Pavillion Lu is like a lion's mouth, the value of a piece of magic marrow drill is at least worth the bones of five magic generals!"

"Young Daoist Qian, you can't say that..."

After seeing and seeing, the two sides finally determined thirty kinds of magic treasure refining methods, five bones of the magic general, ten bones of the magic soldier, and a magic marrow drill, in exchange for the three blood magic swords.

Qian Jingshan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If there is no problem with Lu Pavilion, then we will use the stone of the stone of oath to make a contract."

Lu Kun nodded and said, "No problem, but in addition to this transaction, Lu has a proposal."

"Lord Lu, please speak."

Lu Kundao: "The Body Refinement Pavilion and the Blood Refinement Sect have no conflict of interest. Both have just experienced war and need to recuperate. We might as well make an alliance agreement not to attack each other. This will benefit both factions."

Qian Jingshan's eyes flashed a little when he heard the words.

The Body Refinement Pavilion is close to the Southern State of Qi State, and there are great monks like Lu Kun. Although the Blood Refinement Sect is not afraid, at this time, they must focus on recuperating and recuperating. Forging an alliance is not harmful to the Blood Refinement Sect.

Lu Kun added: "This time the Qi Kingdom War, the Blood Refinement Sect did not hurt its muscles, but its overall strength has dropped a lot. The next time the secret realm of one yuan will become very important."

"If Fellow Daoist Qian is willing to sign an alliance agreement, the Body Refinement Pavilion can help you the next time the One Yuan Secret Realm opens."

Qian Jingshan raised his brows and said, "Lu Pavilion master has a good abacus, and the disciples of Body Refinement Pavilion can also benefit from entering the secret realm of one yuan."

"However, this matter is not trivial. Qian has to discuss with several senior brothers. Let's determine the contract of the transaction first. Next time we meet, Qian will give Pavilion Master Lu an answer."

"it is good!"

Lu Kun and Qian Jingshan both have the stone of the stone of oath, and the two agreed on the time and place of the transaction and made a contract.

Then Qian Jingshan turned into a ray of light and left the Yunling Mountains.

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