The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 970 Use of Rongyuan Magic Stone (2)

A few days later, around the minaret of the Item Refining Hall, an incomparably powerful storm of divine consciousness suddenly appeared, and the terrifying power of divine consciousness rose into the sky.

If there are monks in the Nascent Soul stage here, they will find that this power of consciousness has almost reached the peak of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and is only a line away from the great monks.

After a full quarter of an hour, the amazing power of consciousness gradually dissipated.

In the minaret room, Dugufeng opened his eyes, and his eyes flashed with amazement: "This is the spiritual sense technique perfected by the pavilion master and Zhu Siming. They have actually found a new way to start from the physical nerves and strengthen their spiritual consciousness."

Lu Kun said with a look of recollection: "The original sense of spirit technique is the method of Yueyangzong's auxiliary refining. Consciousness."

"Elder Zhu's talent in spiritual consciousness is amazing. After he obtained the Diamond Art, he cooperated with the method of cultivating physical nerves, perfected the spiritual skills, and greatly enhanced the effect of strengthening spiritual consciousness. He also developed spiritual consciousness with Nie Wufeng. The Secret Art of Oneness."

Dugufeng felt the feedback of the divine sense and sighed: "Although it is impossible to strengthen the divine sense in the middle stage of the formation of the pill, but with the magical power of the unity of the divine sense, the divine art can be regarded as a top secret technique."

Hearing this, Lu Kun frowned and said, "Brother Dugu is right, the cultivation method of Sense of Divinity will at most improve the Divine Consciousness to the early stage of the formation of elixir."

As he spoke, a dignified look flashed in his eyes.

When Lu Kun first founded Body Refinement Jue, he found that the enhancement of spiritual consciousness was very limited by body training exercises. Only the transformation of the divine soul brought about by transcending the great realm can greatly improve the power of spiritual consciousness, just like the traditional immortal cultivation method.

At the same time as he practiced the body-refining skills, he also cultivated the basic cultivation method of immortal cultivation to the perfection of Qi-refining, swallowed the red fire bee royal jelly, and learned the divine sense technique perfected by Zhu Siming. higher than those of the same level of immortal cultivators.

Moreover, after going through the terrifying tribulation of heaven and earth, Lu Kun's consciousness has undergone an amazing transformation, reaching the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so he ignored the weakness of consciousness.

Now that I think about it, although Body Refinement Jue incorporates the Spiritual Sense Technique, which is not weaker than the traditional Immortal Cultivation Technique in terms of Spirituality, this effect can only be reached in the early stage of the formation of alchemy.

If a generation of disciples enters the middle stage of Gubao, the weak consciousness will gradually become prominent, and it will even affect the breakthrough of the bone metamorphosis stage.

"Sensuality uses physical nerves, which belong to the 'peripheral nervous system' and does not involve the 'central nervous system', that is, the spinal nerves and cerebral nerves."

"If you start from the central nervous system, it may not be possible to strengthen the sense of magic..."

After pondering for a while, Lu Kun put this aside first, now there are more important things.

"Since Brother Dugu has mastered the secret technique of unity of consciousness, let's start."

"Yes, Pavilion Master."

With a wave of Lu Kun's hand, aura flashed on the Broken Dragon Stone. In addition to the lifeless battle treasure, several materials appeared. Among them, a purple-black bone with bone spurs was the most conspicuous, exuding an astonishing magical aura.

Dugufeng was stunned and said: "This is... an eighth-level devil bone?"

Lu Kun said: "Yes, the main material of the war treasure is the bones of the demon race. The refining of this prototype of the war treasure is quite conservative, using the seventh-level demon bones."

"If the eighth-level magic bone was used, it would not have been damaged so badly. Now it is repaired to incorporate more advanced materials."

After speaking, Lu Kun opened his mouth slightly, and a cloud of silver blood sprayed out, exuding a strong energy of qi and blood, wrapping the gray-black deformed piece of meat, and soon disappeared into it.

"Brother Dugu, please divide the Nascent Soul True Fire into two groups, one that burns the devil's bones, and the other that wraps the war treasure."

Dugufeng nodded, accompanied by the high temperature and sharp breath, two pale golden flames appeared on the Broken Dragon Stone, the deformed flesh and blood on the war treasure, as if stimulated, twitched quickly and began to shrink inward.

Dugufeng's eyes did not blink, and he looked curiously at this unique magic weapon.


With the calcination of the flame, a gray-black demonic energy emanated from the deformed muscles, and the room was filled with a stench like carrion.

In about a cup of tea, the deformed flesh completely melted away, revealing a gray bone like a brick.

At this time, Lu Kun raised his hands and reached directly into the two Nascent Soul True Fire.

"Pavilion Master, you..." Halfway through the sentence, Dugufeng remembered how Lu Kun's powerful body, which was difficult to damage by magic weapons, could be hurt by the True Fire of Nascent Soul.

Sure enough, those hands were unscathed in the Nascent Soul True Fire. Not only that, but ten fingers were still dexterously beating on the war treasures and demon bones, making a dull "dangdang" sound, like ten miniature hammers.

Although the ten fingers are small, the strong wind in the air shows that every beat contains a terrifying force. Dugufeng's skin felt a tingling pain, and he couldn't help but hold up the mana shield.


A few hours later, a flat and thick deformed piece of meat was suspended in mid-air. It was thicker than before, exuding a strong power of qi and blood.

The muscle fibers above twitched rhythmically, and the rich magic energy was continuously injected into it.

Dugufeng murmured: "The pavilion owner transfers his own flesh and blood into the war treasure, so that it can absorb the magic energy on its own, like a flesh and blood clone, which is really incredible."

Lu Kun controlled Zhanbao through blood essence to absorb the magic energy, and said, "Brother Dugu should be familiar with the refining of Zhanbao, but the Rongyuan magic treasure I deduced is somewhat different from Zhanbao."


A few days later, Lu Kun put away the prototype of the war treasure that had restored the magic power to the early stage of the formation of the pill. Then he waved his hand, and a pile of Rong Yuan magic stones appeared on the Broken Dragon Stone, and several seventh-level magic bones with slightly weaker breath.

Although he destroyed the Demon Spirit Sect and traded with Qian Jingshan, there are not a few demon bones above level 8 in his hands, but the refining method of the Rongyuan Demon Treasure is only a preliminary deduction, and it has to be repeated during the refining process. Verification, the eighth grade material cannot afford to be wasted.

Then, under the calcination of Dugu Peak's real fire, the pair of materials was divided into five parts, the Rongyuan magic stone was turned into black and white liquid, and the magic bone was divided into three groups of materials: gray, black, and purple.

Lu Kun's bone claws flickered flexibly in the flames, combining the black and white liquid of purple material and Rongyuan magic stone.

"Zhanbao's bone marrow cavity is not small, because it needs to reserve space for the internal muscles, but the Rongyuan Magic Treasure is different. It only needs one function, and that is to store the magic energy in a static state."

"In the battle of bone transformation, in addition to magic energy, blood essence is equally important. Magic energy ensures the existence of the source of the body, and blood essence provides lasting power and physical recovery."

"While storing blood essence and magic energy, it is necessary to use the characteristics of the Rongyuan Magic Stone, so there is only one structure that can meet the requirements, and that is the end of the long bone, the pure spongy structure."

Under the tremor of the void force and the kneading of the bone claws, a fist-sized sphere gradually took shape, and it was densely filled with fine particles of three colors.

This kind of pure spongy bone structure is loose, like a miniature honeycomb, in which blood essence can be stored. The honeycomb is constructed with the material of fusion magic stone, which can be in contact with magic energy all the time, and give full play to its compatibility with magic energy.

Then, Lu Kun grabbed the black material, and under the action of the power of the void, together with other magic materials, it turned into a thin layer of compact bone, which was wrapped around the cancellous bone.

"Brother Dugu, the consciousness is one!"

In the middle of Nascent Soul, the spiritual consciousness at its peak rose to the sky, and began to depict a miniature magic circle on the inner side of the bone layer. In addition to the Yuanling magic circle to assist in stabilizing the magic energy, there was also an energy storage magic circle. A core that stores magical mana.

While depicting the magic circle, Lu Kun spat out a cloud of silvery blood essence mixed with a little magic energy, and submerged into the unformed spongy bone ball.

Without the blessing of the power of life, the magic energy exudes an amazing power of destruction. There are bursts of crackling sounds from the miniature honeycomb-like cancellous bone, which seems to be destroyed by the power of destruction.

Lu Kun had long expected that this was his first time refining, and he needed to adjust two key points during the refining process.

The first is the material distribution ratio of this spongy bone honeycomb. It is necessary to ensure the compatibility of the Rongyuan Magic Stone and distribute it evenly.

The second is the combination of the magic arrays in the compact bone layer. These miniature magic circles are located on the inner side of the compact bone and cannot be portrayed by fingers. Lu Kun's power of the void needs to be adjusted to the internal cancellous bone, so he needs to use his spiritual sense. The method of engraving.

For the refining of the Rongyuan Magic Treasure, Lu Kun was multi-tasking, but fortunately, the help of Dugufeng's consciousness made him a lot easier.


After half a month, after consuming three complete seventh-level demon bones and a lot of magic materials, a gray ball slightly larger than a fist was held in Lu Kun's hand, exuding a strong aura. Blood power and magic breath.

Lu Kun's face was filled with joy, and he could clearly feel that this sphere stored half of the magic energy and blood essence in his body.

Dugufeng sat on the side, recovering the mana lost in the body, he looked at the ball, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

If the materials consumed during this period of time are exchanged, at least a dozen magic treasures can be exchanged.

At this moment, Dugufeng suddenly felt a palpitating aura appear, and before he could react, Lu Kun's burly body stood in front of him.

The gray ball in its hand emits a dizzying silver light.


The terrifying power of destruction surged out, and the Rongyuan Magic Treasure they had worked so hard to refine actually exploded!

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