The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 972 New discovery

Lu Kun sorted out the refining method of the Orb of Destruction, recorded it on a jade slip, and put it away solemnly.

Zhao Qingtian left in a hurry and went to the Dongfu of the Holy Poison Sect to continue his cultivation. After seeing the power of the Sphere of Destruction, he could not wait to enter the middle stage of bone treasure immediately.

Even Dugufeng is extremely eager for these treasures that explode in an instant, but he just thinks about it. In addition to being activated by powerful blood essence, the Orb of Destruction can only be thrown by the power of the flesh.

With Dugufeng's thin body, I'm afraid he can't throw it out of the range of self-destruction.

"Brother Dugu, let's continue."

Dugufeng was stunned for a moment: "Pavilion Master, do you want to continue trying to restore the refining of magic weapons?"

Lu Kun nodded and said: "Yes, the Orb of Destruction is an accidental product. Just now, I actively stimulated the internal blood essence, and I have a new idea for the structure of the internal magic weapon."

A flash of light flashed in his hand, and two jade figures, one black and one white, appeared, which were the Rongyuan twins of the Demon Sect.

"I thought it was too simple before. After all, magic energy is a unique energy, and it cannot be treated like ordinary magic power."

Dugufeng looked at Shuangying and couldn't help saying: "Pavilion Master, since mana can be separated into mana and magic, why not make two, one for mana and one for magic, in the same way as Shuangying did."

Lu Kun shook his head and said: "The mana and magic power separated from the magic energy need to be re-transformed by the body to synthesize magic energy. This is no different from absorbing spirit stones and magic stones, and it cannot achieve the effect of rapid recovery."

He continued: "The method I just came up with is to make the magic energy in a state of semi-dispersion and semi-fusion. In this case, although the power of destruction also exists, it will not erupt."

"Magic energy in this state can also be absorbed by me."

"Semi-integrated state?" Dugufeng is a traditional immortal cultivator. He heard the energy characteristics of this kind of physical cultivation, and he was dazed. He simply didn't answer.

Lu Kun didn't care either, playing with the Rongyuan twin babies in his hands, pacing back and forth:

"If two Rongyuan magic balls are refined, one of them accommodates chaotic mana, the other accommodates magic, and then a structure is made to connect them, and a small amount of destructive power is intertwined at the connection."

"In this way, mana and magic power are separated from each other on the one hand, and intertwined on the other hand, isn't it a semi-fused state?"

"Brother Dugu, please make the Nascent Soul really fire!"

When he thought of it, he did it. Lu Kun took out a six-level demon bone, danced with his hands, and re-refined it in the same way as before under the calcination of Nascent Soul's True Fire.

With experience, Lu Kun was very familiar with the road this time. In a short time, two spheres that were the same as before appeared in mid-air, dragged by the invisible force of the void.

Lu Kun didn't stop, and continued to refine the magic bone material and Rongyuan magic stone. Gradually, a connecting bone appeared between the two spheres. This backbone, like the spheres, was also a dense honeycomb structure.

This double skull is rounded on both sides and connected by a stubby backbone in the middle. It looks like the bone dumbbells in Lu Kun's original world.

"The balls at both ends store mana and magic power respectively, and the backbone in the middle is intertwined with the power of destruction. Try it with magic power first."

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Lu Kun grabbed the material next to him and began to construct a dense bone layer outside the double skulls.

"Brother Dugu, the consciousness is one!"

Next, Lu Kun, like the previous refinement of the Destruction Ball, constructed the bone compact layer on the outside, while looking for the optimal combination of the magic array and the structure of the cancellous bone.

With the interweaving of magic energy and Rongyuan magic stone, Lu Kun soon discovered that the internal honeycomb structure was not much different from the previous structure, and it was easy to complete, and the magic energy stayed stably in the backbone of the honeycomb structure.

However, the magic energy is gathered in the backbone, and it is difficult to separate.

If Lu Kun forcibly urges the separation of magic energy, then the mana and magic power will be directly disconnected, not the semi-separated and semi-integrated state he thought.

After discovering this, Lu Kun frowned after experimenting in his own body.

"The cultivation state of magic energy can be said to be a semi-separated state. In the body, the magic energy is completely under my control. If it is out of the body, then other external objects are needed to help the magic energy in this state."

While thinking, Lu Kun saw the black and white jade figure on the Broken Dragon Stone, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"The semi-separation of magic energy means that its mana attributes and magic attributes are separated. Why not peel off the black and white materials of the fusion magic stone for melting the spherical balls at both ends of the two skulls."

The Rongyuan Magic Stone is black and white, in which the white part is the spiritual attribute, and the black part is the magic attribute. The Rongyuan Shuangying intercepts the two attributes and refines it, and then referring to the structure of the Rongyuan Magic Stone, it can motivate the magic spirit. The magical power of Hunyuan Jue.

The middle backbone of the double skull is the interweaving point of the power of destruction, so only the backbone needs to be integrated into the complete Rongyuan magic stone, the balls at both ends correspond to the magic and mana attributes, and the Rongyuan magic stone needs to be split.

Afterwards, Lu Kun re-extracted the materials at both ends of the two skulls. Like the Rongyuan Twin Infants, the two ends of the two skulls were black and white, corresponding to the attributes of magic and mana.

After injecting magic energy into it, Lu Kun showed a mixed look.

"Although the magic energy is still concentrated in the backbone, the mana and magic power inside have a tendency to loosen and separate. It seems that with a little effort, they can be separated."

"By the way, if I draw auxiliary circles on both ends to attract mana and magic, wouldn't it be feasible?"

Lu Kun, who is proficient in refining art, quickly thought of a method.

He stopped refining and let Dugufeng control the firepower, leaving the double skulls in a semi-softened state, and lowered his head to ponder.

"The magic energy in my body is relatively special. The separated mana is the attribute of the five elements. It is necessary to depict a miniature magic circle that attracts the mana of the five elements."

"But in the world of immortality, there doesn't seem to be any combination of the five elements. After all, the immortal cultivator with the spiritual roots of the five elements is afraid that even the breakthrough of the foundation stage is very slim."

"Wait, I have a jade slip related to the power of the five elements in my hand."

Lu Kun's expression changed, and he took out a jade slip, "The Five Elements of Chaos", which is an ancient formation treasured by the Demon Sect.

"The power of the five elements of the Jade Bone Human Demon tells how to integrate the power of the five elements into the magic weapon, so as to strengthen the latter's control over the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"And the Chaos Five Elements Great Array is about how to absorb the chaotic and violent Five Elements Spiritual Qi and convert it into a five-element forbidden power. The more chaotic the Five Elements Spiritual Force is, the stronger the forbidden power will be inspired."

"So the chaotic Five Elements Great Array in the ancient times was a magic formation for monks in the Spirit Transformation period to learn from each other. The more chaotic the spiritual energy in it, the stronger the force of prohibition, and the more difficult it is for battle fluctuations to spread out."

His consciousness was surging, and he focused on the part that absorbed the spiritual energy of the five elements in the "Five Elements of Chaos".

After a few hours, Lu Kun, relying on his understanding of the power of the five elements, tried to transform a magic circle into a miniature magic circle that attracts the magic power of the five elements.

The power of divine consciousness at the peak of the Nascent Soul rose to the sky. With the help of the method of unity of divine consciousness, Lu Kun slowly painted a complex pattern on the white bone ball, and at the same time input magical energy into the half-finished double skull.

After failing a dozen times, Lu Kun finally felt the mana in the magic energy, and was attracted by the white bone ball. If it wasn't for him to suppress, the mana would be directly separated.

Lu Kun was very excited: "Very good, the magic circle that attracts mana is solved, and the magic side is much simpler."

His magic power attribute is also different from ordinary magic power, it is blood magic power.

"Qi and blood magic power should be guided by the essence of flesh and blood. As for the amount of flesh and blood, it must be tested to ensure that it is balanced with the Five Elements Magic Array."

Lu Kun used the method of transferring flesh and blood to force out a drop of blood essence, submerging it into the black bone ball, transferring the essence of flesh and blood inward.


Time passed by, more than a month later, a brand new double skull appeared in Lu Kun's hand.

The two ends of the bones are black and white balls the size of fists. The black balls are wrapped with a layer of black muscles, which wriggle slightly, appearing a bit hideous, exuding a strong breath of blood and magic.

On the white ball at the other end, complex spiritual patterns are depicted, and the nearby spiritual energy seems to be attracted and tends to converge.

The middle of the two skulls turned gray, and a palpitating aura of destruction flowed in the middle.

The double skull has been successfully refined, and the magic energy inside is also in a semi-separated state. He can absorb it at any time, but the magic energy inside is only one thousandth of the magic energy in his body.

With a solemn expression, Lu Kun opened his mouth, and the silver blood essence containing magical energy clinged to the backbone in the middle and slowly merged into it.

"Two thousandths, three thousandths..."

The magic energy in the two skulls slowly increased.

"Nine thousandths, one percent, two percent..."

Just when Lu Kun's input reached 3%, a mutation suddenly occurred!

An invisible force spread out, and the two skulls broke free from Lu Kun's palm and levitated spontaneously.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and then showed an incredible look: "What's going on, this power..."

The next moment, the power of destruction in the backbone exploded, and the double skulls snapped and broke into two pieces from the middle.

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