The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 985: The Calamity of Transformation

Somewhere in the high altitude of Xiwonzhou, the wild bear and the wolf Qingfeng flew rapidly with the demon wind.

"Something's wrong, this guy Xiong Da was asked by me to stop training a long time ago. With his courage, he didn't dare to disobey the order, so why did he suddenly break through."

"And the aura of this Transformation Thunder Tribulation... seems to be a little different..."

The wild bear looked at the southwest direction, showing a look of uncertainty. The sky was covered in darkness hundreds of miles away, thousands of miles apart, and he could feel the power that once made him tremble.

Lang Qingfeng also noticed this, the coercion of the distant transformation thunder tribulation seems to be much stronger than normal, he looked moved: "Ban Xiong, do you think it will be this guy Xiong Da, he has awakened. Earthquake Bear's blood."

"Boss Kui said that the vitality of heaven and earth in the land is different from that of the sea, which will stimulate our bloodline. Your sea bear beast family was tens of thousands of years ago, but it was a branch bloodline of the earth-shaking bear."

When the wild bear heard the words, his expression was relieved a lot: "It's really possible. I have been able to feel the changes in the bloodline after coming to the land. If Xiongda's bloodline is awakened, the cultivation base will definitely be stimulated and directly break through."

But then his face changed: "Oops, the power of the transformation thunder tribulation is related to the bloodline. The stronger the bloodline, the more terrifying the thunder tribulation. The little guy is not prepared enough, and the risk of crossing the tribulation is extremely high."

The two demon cultivators thought of this, and when they mentioned the demon spirit power, they escaped a little faster.

The wild bear was running the demon spirit power, and complained a little: "Boss Kui doesn't know what to think. If he took action back then, we would definitely be able to discover the hidden cave, and the demon soul tree would be taken away by others."

"With the help of the Demon Soul Tree, the demon cultivator has a high chance of awakening his consciousness in advance in the process of breaking through. The use of demon spirit power has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it will be much easier to face thunder calamities."

Lang Qingfeng exuded a blue light, blessing in the escape light, he sighed softly: "Boss Kui may have his consideration."

"Besides, what is really useful for the transformation of the thunder tribulation is not the demon soul tree, but the cold marrow. This is a treasure that can directly reduce the damage of the thunder robbery to the body."

When the wild bear heard the "cold marrow", he hummed: "In the world of immortal cultivation today, only the extremely cold land can have cold marrow, but it is blocked by the cracks in the space of the Shattered Kingdom, and there are also high-level immortals in Dazhou. However, the difficulty of obtaining cold marrow is much higher than that of the spirit tree."

Lang Qingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "I heard that there is more than one monk in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there is no demon king in charge. Even if the Shattered Kingdom is opened and the cracks in the space are greatly reduced, we will not dare to go to the extremely cold place."

Then he looked back and his eyes flashed: "From the words of the boss Kui Niu, I can hear that he has a good understanding of the realm of the demon king. I don't know if it is an illusion. The strength of the boss seems to have improved a lot."

"If Boss Kui enters the Demon King, we will have a bright future."

"Old wolf, Kui boss is still at the ninth level, the realm of the demon king is too far, the current form is to increase the number of demon cultivators."

The wild bear looked at the dark cloud of robbery in the sky, and the demonic energy all over his body rolled.

"Let's hurry up, the thunder tribulation is almost brewing."


Water Bear Mountain, where the wild bears are located, is located at the southernmost end of Xiyuan Prefecture. It is adjacent to a wide river and is full of spiritual energy. It used to be the residence of a powerful family in the state of Chu.

At this time, Water Bear Mountain was shrouded in a dark cloud, and the spiritual energy within a range of hundreds of miles was gathered towards this huge cloud.

In the center of the black cloud, there appeared a huge vortex, and countless lightnings shuttled through it.

The river not far away, under the action of this pressure, rolled into waves and slapped on the reefs on the shore. The water bear mountain below the thunder tribulation also trembled slightly, and sparse rockfalls were scattered everywhere.

A large number of monsters were terrified and fled to the outside of the mountain. Monster cultivators below the eighth level had an instinctive fear of the transformation of the thunder tribulation, and could not wait to flee a hundred miles away.

There are only a few bear demons with deep breaths, standing on the top of the mountain on the edge of the dark clouds, and the head is a big, fat bear with a yellow body and a huge body.

At this moment, an escape light emitting a powerful demonic energy shot from far to near.

"Xiong Da, what's going on here, it's not you who caused the transformational thunder calamity?"

Accompanied by a thick voice, two eighth-level demon cultivators landed on the top of the mountain, and the wild bear's face was gloomy and terrifying.

The yellow fat bear stood up with a bewildered look on his face, and whimpered.

When the wild bear heard the words, his face became even more ugly. He looked at the mountain directly below the robbery cloud.

"This is an immortal cultivator's cover-up formation. Monster beasts can't use it at all. Damn, there are human monks breaking into Water Bear Mountain."

The wolf Qingfeng on the side twitched his nose, and his eyes flashed with surprise: "The breath of this monster... is the fox clan, and the residual mana fluctuations in the vicinity seem to be consummate."

When the wild bear heard it, he gritted his teeth and said, "The pill is a great success, and the seventh-level peak demon clan must be from the Spiritual Transformation Sect. This sect that enslaves the demon clan should be wiped out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the wild bear rushed directly in the direction of Jieyun, and Lang Qingfeng on the side heard the "Spiritual Transformation Sect", also showing resentment, followed closely.

All overseas high-level monsters, whether it is the land monster or the sea, hate the Spirit Transformation Sect, not because the spiritual transformation monks of the Spirit Transformation Sect intercepted them overseas, but because of the sect's merits. The law is completely aimed at the demon clan.

For the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation Sect, even if their spiritual cultivation base is lower than that of the monsters, they can enslave them, and they can even control the transformation monsters at the stage of forming an elixir.

This is completely the nightmare of the low-level demon clan.

If it wasn't for the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage, the Spirit Transformation Sect would have been wiped out tens of thousands of years ago.

When this cultivator of the Spirit Transformation stage was exhausted and the demon clan landed, the first person to deal with was the Spirit Transformation Sect. Who knew that this sect had already been prepared and disappeared without a trace, even the Nine Great Sects of Chu State. The sect is nowhere to be found.

Looking at the scene at this time, Barbarian Bear is sure that the one who sneaked in here is the cultivator of the Hualing Sect. After all, the Water Bear Mountain has been transformed and is full of strong spiritual energy and demonic energy, which is very suitable for the breakthrough of the seventh-level demon clan.

In a blink of an eye, the two demon cultivators came outside the mist-shrouded peak.


And the vortex tribulation cloud in the sky seems to have finished brewing, and hundreds of thunder and lightning with the thickness of the arm are intertwined, with the power of majestic destruction, blasting down below.

In the face of the destructive power in the thunder calamity, the cloud-like covering formation had no resistance at all. As soon as it touched it, it was completely blasted away, revealing the scene inside.

There are also a lot of restrictions in the range of hundreds of feet under the cloud and fog, all kinds of aura flashing, intertwined with a lot of thunder and lightning, I don’t know what magic circle this is, it seems to weaken the power of thunder tribulation, hundreds of lightning, only a small half Boom in.

A small white fox stayed in the center of the magic circle, and the surrounding demonic energy and spiritual energy gathered towards it.

Its azure blue eyes stared nervously at the falling thunder and lightning, and did not dodge, letting the terrifying lightning strike over, and then, the small body was wrapped in dazzling purple electric light.

Not far from it, a pair of men and women sat cross-legged, with a complex pattern under their bodies. They kept pinching some kind of magic in their hands, and a line of aura penetrated into the circle of love under them.

The mana emanating from the two had a bit of demon spirit power.

"Sure enough, it is a cultivator of the Spirit Transformation Sect!"

The demon spirit power surged on the wild bear, and a strong spiritual light appeared on his palms.

At this time, Lang Qingfeng suddenly said: "Old bear, wait, there is a human race here!"

The wild bear looked stunned for a moment, and followed the eyes of the wolf demon.

A burly man with short hair stood on a boulder outside the ban on the magic circle.

This person folded his arms and had no mana fluctuations on his body. Like a mortal, he looked up at the robbery cloud in the sky, seemingly unaware of the arrival of the eighth-level monster.

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