In an instant, Zhang Sanfeng gathered all his energy, and the martial soul and soul ring behind him disappeared.

"The old Taoist knows why Zhang Wuji can't awaken his martial spirit."

"Ah? Why."

"There should be no world laws of this world in his body."

Feng Xiaotian naturally knows what the laws of the world are, "Then why can Zhenren Zhang do it?"

"Have you forgotten what is in Lao Dao's body? There was actually no reaction when I touched the crystal just now, but the power hidden in my body by the group leader caused my true energy to enter the awakening stone.

The martial spirit was born. In fact, this is my own strength. "

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and said, "It's a good experience."

Feng Xiaotian nodded, "You can ask the group leader for advice when the time comes. For this detailed chat later, I have already asked someone to prepare the meal. Let's chat while we eat."

"You don't have to be so polite, do you?"

"In my territory, I must provide enough for you and your disciples. Those are soul beast meats. I specially hunt them for you. I guarantee that the taste will be excellent."

On the dinner table.

Zhang Sanfeng picked up a piece of meat and took a bite, "Does it taste good? Hmm..."

Feng Xiaotian was shocked when he saw Zhang Sanfeng's expression suddenly changed. Could it be that there was something wrong with his eating? "There is something wrong."

"There is a lot of essence in this soul beast meat. If a cultivator eats it, I am afraid that his cultivation will be faster."

When Feng Xiaotian heard this, his eyes lit up, "So there is still such an effect? ​​Then you said that it is okay to use Liu Shen's foundation building method and use soul beasts to build the foundation?"

"It should be possible." Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

"Okay, okay."

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said, "We can discuss it at that time. After all, the group leader opened up our two worlds for better cooperation in the development of our worlds.

I have some ideas at the moment, and we will discuss them together when they are completed. "

"You can just ask my senior disciple for this Xiaotian. I don't understand this either."

Song Yuanqiao, who was eating, heard his master's words and quickly stood up and nodded: "I'm sorry to bother Master Feng."

"My family, don't be so polite."

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said, "I heard that you are planning to support Zhu Yuanzhang recently. Do you need me to send someone to help you? With the current power of the Turtle Temple, it should not be a problem to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty on your side."

"Just let them take their time. Zhu Yuanzhang is still growing up. After all, he has experienced a lot before he became the emperor of the ages."

"That's true."

At the dinner table, both the host and the guest were happy.

After eating, Feng Xiaotian took Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang Seven Heroes to visit the Turtle Temple. On the way, Feng Xiaotian also used the group chat function to take several photos of him and Zhang Sanfeng.

He also went to the Star Dou Forest to see the spirit beasts, and asked Zhang Sanfeng to take a few back as souvenirs.

Originally, it was planned to let the hunting team take action, but Zhang Sanfeng said that it was just right for his disciples to deal with these soul beasts.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang were naturally a little happy when they saw such a strange animal.

After all, their enemies in the past were all humans.

Everyone in the Turtle Temple who originally looked down upon the Wudang Seven Heroes saw that the Wudang Seven Heroes could kill ten thousand year soul beasts with one sword and one person. Their movements were extremely agile, and they also had methods similar to martial soul fusion techniques.

With the seven people joining forces, the ten thousand year soul beasts were killed at will.

Everyone in the Turtle Temple put away their contempt for this visitor from another world. They just didn't have martial arts spirits, but they were very powerful.

"I remember there are two hundred thousand year soul beasts in the depths, right? Do you want to take them back and let the disciples of Zhenren have a taste?"

Feng Xiaotian looked at the depths of the Star Dou Forest. There was a snake and an orangutan there.

“These are enough.

God has the virtue of good life. Even if you really want to kill, it is not for tasting. Aren't you building the foundation? Using a hundred thousand year old soul beast to build the foundation might be able to create a good Dao foundation. "

"That's true." Feng Xiaotian nodded.

After staying for a few days, Zhang Sanfeng and others returned to the Turtle Temple and said with a smile: "I originally said that I would let you be a guest, but recently it seems that you are still at war with the Star Luo Empire.

Then wait until you finish handling the affairs here? "

"Okay. I'll tell you in the group before I go." Feng Xiaotian nodded. He originally wanted to see Zhang Sanfeng's world, but now he can't get away for the time being.

So we agreed to discuss it next time.

"Farewell." Zhang Sanfeng said with clasped fists.

The Seven Heroes of Wudang also clasped their fists and said, "Farewell, Uncle Feng."

This trip to another world has opened up a lot of horizons for them. It turns out that there is such a magical world in the infinite world.

He can actually summon the so-called martial soul to fight, but the limitations are too great.

He originally had great power, but he could only use a few limited skills, and he had to be divided into various categories based on martial arts. It looked good, but it was too rigid.

"Farewell, Uncle Feng Master."

Zhang Wuji also followed suit.

"Farewell. Xiao Wuji, come and play often when you have time." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile, then looked at Song Yuanqiao, "Senior nephew Yuanqiao, I will have someone discuss cooperation with you in a while.

It’s mainly because there has been a lot of turmoil here recently…”


In group chat.

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader) uploads group files]

[Feng Xiaotian (the group leader’s lackey): photo.jpg. Hahaha, I finally had sex with Mr. Zhang. As expected, he looks similar to the one I saw in the chat room. We are also the first to have sex with each other in the group. 】

[Huang Rong: I'm envious. I also want to meet Master Zhang to see what the first person in the Taoist sect looks like. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): @Huang Rong, don’t you want to have sex with me? I am a god now. 】

[Huang Rong: Climb! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: The world of Xiaotian is indeed magical. I even tried to awaken the martial spirit. 】

[Peter: Master Zhang also has a martial spirit. What is it? I was wondering if I awakened my martial spirit, would it be a spider? 】

[Huang Rong: Do you also want to be Bibi Dong? 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: It can be called Tai Chi Xuanwu. Wuhun is indeed a more convenient way to use abilities. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): By the way, the group leader is great. Why can't Zhang Wuji and the others awaken their martial soul? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: The Law of the World, your world can awaken the martial soul because you are creatures of the Douluo world, and you have the Douluo Law in your body when you are born.

But Wuhun is essentially just a manifestation of power.

After the passage between Yitian World and Douluo World has been established for a long time, people in Yitian World will adapt to the laws of Douluo World and be able to produce martial spirits. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): It turns out it’s really the law of the world. 】

[Thunder God: By the way, the worlds of Feng Xiaotian and Zhenren Zhang are connected, what are you going to do next? 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader's lackey): My current view is that we exchange resources first, because Master Zhang discovered that soul beasts are a bit like supplements, and having a relatively large amount of energy is of great benefit to those who practice martial arts.

The martial arts in Yitian World is a better way to build a foundation for those who have not yet awakened their martial souls, and soul masters can also increase their soul power levels through exercises.

With this mutual promotion, the strength of both sides should increase. 】

[Ace: I’m envious. I don’t know when the group leader will be able to take over our world. I also want to awaken my martial spirit and see. 】

[Peter: Don’t you already have the Shao Shao Fruit, but you also want to awaken the martial spirit? 】

[Ace: You don’t have too many abilities. What if I awaken another powerful martial spirit? 】

After Shen Fei opened the channel, he was naturally paying attention to the first contact between the two worlds. It seemed pretty good so far. After opening the world channel, there was also a thin line between the Douluo world and the Yitian world.

The world laws of the two began to be exchanged through this channel.

Soon people in Yitian World should be able to awaken their martial spirits.


Shen Fei's eyes fell on the Douluo God Realm, and soon he discovered a strange energy, which did not cause any harm, but was a bit like a mark.

"Abyss? This world actually came to your door?"

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, is this abyss looking for death?

He actually came to the door along the aura of the previous world. If he really came to the door, he would be accepted as a subordinate world.

"Pirate, Condor, Swordsman, Naruto, Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit..."

The last person who had never shown up before, Shen Fei, looked at the group nickname and knew who it was.

Deidara, among the Hokages, is a person who pursues art and is obsessed with art.

But he never showed up, and Shen Fei didn't bother to care about him.

Shen Fei withdrew his gaze from the core of the Douluo God Realm. He could just deal with it when the time comes. He even said that when the Abyss World came to him, even Feng Xiaotian could handle it.

On the contrary, Feng Xiaotian built the foundation...

[The Great Turtle of the Ancients uploaded "The Tragic History of the Son-in-law of the Tang Family". 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader), you can take a look, this is the second plot development of your world. 】

When the time comes, just use Gu Yuena and Ditian as foundation building materials.

Now that Douluo and Yitian have returned to the inner world, the next target is these worlds. Currently, the pirate's secret fruit is in his hands.

He can come at any time.

The combat power of the Pirate World is still good, and it can be considered a relatively high-end Chinese martial arts world.

When Shen Fei returned to Jin'ao Island, nothing happened along the way. However, on the way back, the most common thing he saw was the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan fighting.

Moreover, the prehistoric continent also began to slowly produce wisps of calamity energy. When accumulated to a certain extent, it would directly erupt and cause calamity.

In the calamity, even a quasi-sage may fall.

He has to hurry up, he needs to reach the Daluo Daoguo of his world at least to the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal, and comprehend the Hunyuan.

Only by entering the Hunyuan Golden Immortal can he survive the catastrophe, lay out chess pieces, and reap benefits. It is very likely that he will have to deal with the saint at the end of the catastrophe.

At the very least, there must be an undefeated foundation.

Shen Fei turned his hand and took out the Dark Fruit. The Dark Fruit instantly shattered. The Law of Devouring and the Law of Darkness inside were revealed in front of Shen Fei's eyes. There was also a little bit of the origin of the world and some other kind of power.

"This ray of power?"

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, this power was too familiar.


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