In the dark hall.

The black gloves are on the ground with all four paws, dark red eyes are looking at the copper pot in the distance, and a stone is curled up in its tail...


Adjust your posture!

The tail is thrown upward, throwing out the trapped rocks... Fox Mountain mortar, launch!


The stone traces a parabola.


The stone fell to the ground, several meters away from the copper pot, and rolled away.




The brothers and sisters jumped up and cheered in celebration. There was one more cantaloupe, but one less person to share the melon!



Black Glove had a droopy face, put down his melon, and left sadly.

How could it fail?

It originally thought that it was quite good at this kind of thing.

It turned around and saw that there were a lot of melons left in the circle and not many brothers left. If the pot is thrown successfully, each fox will get about two melons.

It looked next to it, and saw many brothers who had not participated in the competition at all. At this time, they were holding their own cantaloupe and gnawing happily. There was also a cantaloupe to eat.

It was crying with tears in its eyes, and the circles under its eyes were moist.

When I ran to Master's bedside, I saw that many failed brothers were already crying beside Master.

It won't cry!

It jumped on the bed, found an opening, and put its head in the master's arms.

Then I heard the sound of the brothers "clicking" the cantaloupe, smelled the sweet taste of the cantaloupe, and found the master's hand touching its fat neck.

It couldn't help it, sniffed, shed tears, and twitched slightly.

The cantaloupe is gone!

It’s so uncomfortable!

One night passed, the howling wind was still there, the sky was dimming in the mountains, and dark clouds could be clearly seen above.

One after another fiery red figures rushed out of the canteen, forming a torrent, rushing down Fox Mountain, towards the medicine field, or towards the ruins.

Black Glove ran all the way to his post... Ghostface Woods.

This is its medicinal field, planted with many crooked and crooked neck trees. Strange-shaped tree scars often appear on the bark of trees, like twisted human faces with eye sockets and mouths.

The job of Black Gloves is to patrol the woods, look for new ghost faces, and use stones to block these eye sockets and mouths!

It looked around and found a new ghost face on the tree, so it picked up a few stones, climbed up, and stuffed the stones into the ghost face's mouth and two eye sockets.

Climbing down the tree with a swish, I still feel depressed when I think of last night's pot pitching competition and cantaloupe.

Ta la la...

Suddenly, I heard a noise, and it turned out that the stone had just been stuffed into Ghost Face's mouth, but it was not stuffed tightly, and the stone fell out.

Black Glove raised his front paws, rubbed his fat head, scratched his ears, and felt aggrieved.

What's going on these days...

I went to eat roast chicken with my master, but was scolded by a gangster.

I competed with my senior brother in pot throwing, but lost the cantaloupe.

If you put a stone into Ghost Face now, it won't be secure.


It touched its fat belly and decided to eat more food at noon to comfort itself.

Look at the face on the tree. Why does it look more and more like the gangster that day? The more I look at him, the more he looks like Xue Yong?

It had cold eyes, rolled up the fallen stone with its tail, aimed it at the ghost's face, flicked it quickly, and smashed the stone out with a "whoosh".


The stone almost crossed a straight line and hit the ghost face's mouth accurately, getting stuck firmly!


Black Glove's fox eyes widened, he poked his head to look at the stone stuck in the tree, then looked at his tail, and suddenly grinned.


This is so handsome, its unhappiness has been swept away!


It immediately shook its head and danced around the grimace tree.


But after it finished jumping, it rushed into the distance again, heading to the medicine field next door to find more brothers and sisters to show off to them!


But it made a sharp turn and ran back again, squinting at the grimace on the tree.


It suddenly recalled that just now, when it saw the grimace as Xue Yong's face, it felt particularly special when throwing stones. Could it be discovered the tips and secrets of accurate pot throwing?

The sky is gloomy, the mountain wind is howling, and the ghost-faced woods are swaying gently. The wind blows, making ghostly sounds among the branches and leaves.

Black Gloves looked suspicious, rolled up a stone with his tail again, and looked at the ghostly face on the tree...

The day passed quickly.

In the main hall of the dormitory, Bai Mo sat in front of the bed, playing with several mushroom medicinal materials, sometimes using his spiritual sense to explore, and sometimes flipping through the classics.

Black Gloves held today's snack, honey fruit, and squatted next to the master.

This is the first time I have eaten this honey fruit, so I don’t know how it tastes. Pick it up, poke it, take a look, smell it, it looks delicious!

Suddenly, it smelled a strong sweet smell coming from the side, sniffed it, and saw that it was the white tail next to it, which had peeled off a honey fruit. After the peel is torn open, honey actually flows from the flesh!

When it saw the white tail, it was already licking the fruit "sucking, sucking, sucking" with its tongue. It was licking happily, its eyes were narrowed, and the corners of its mouth were curved.

Seeing Black Ear next to him, he also peeled off a honey fruit and began to lick it happily.

Oh, yes, both of them were losers in the pot throwing last night and both lost their melons. They don’t dare to participate in the pot throwing competition again tonight, right?

Black Glove looked up and saw that not far away, a pot throwing competition was being organized. Dozens of brothers, all the winners last night, formed a larger circle than last night, using smaller pots than last night, and bet on Courage, dignity and honey fruit, there is another pot pitching competition!

Black Glove looked at the honey fruit he was holding, at his feet, at the stones he had prepared... Do you still want to participate in the competition?

Today, it was in the Ghostface Forest, and it probably figured out that it actually has some talent... As long as it looks like Xue Yong's ghostly face, it can hit it very accurately! But if the ghost face doesn't look like Xue Yong, it won't be able to hit it accurately.

This makes the fox very depressed!

To deal with Xue Yong, there is no need to throw stones.

The copper pot that needs to be hit with a stone does not look like Xue Yong.

In the pot throwing competition not far away, the brothers have already begun to chant "ying ying ying" in unison, declaring the spirit of the game and the game is about to begin.

Black Glove frowned, tilted his head, rubbed his face, then picked up his honey fruit, closed his eyes, took a deep sniff, and then rolled up the stone on the ground with his tail and rushed forward!


The pot throwing competition has begun.

A circle of brothers, one after another, throwing rocks and pots. Today's pots are farther, smaller, and more difficult. Many brothers fell over and left sadly.

The black gloves were on the ground with all four paws, the tip of the tail was curled around the stone, and the dark red eyes were fixed on the copper pot.

Doesn’t he really look like Xue Yong?

The copper pot is long and thin, and Xue Yong has a fat face, which really doesn't look like it.

What to do?

It looked at the honey fruit in front of it, gritted its teeth, and its head was shaking slightly.

Huanquan Hu next to him had failed to throw the pot and left the field sadly.

It's its turn!

But it didn't feel, or predict, that it couldn't make the shot.



This copper pot...the eye color is the same as Xue Yong's hair, both are black!

It was so blessed that its eyes suddenly lit up!

With a flick of its tail, it throws out the trapped stone.



The stone crossed the parabola and fell steadily into the pot.

The fellow apprentices next to him were jumping up and down and cheering.




Black Glove climbed up and looked at the pot in the distance, his own honey fruits, and the honey fruits left by other brothers... Success!

It suppressed laughter, showed its fat belly, put its front paws back, and assumed a master's posture.

Where is this?

The Fox Mountain mortar only needs a slight shot, but it is already at the limit of this segment. With both claws on its back, it doesn't know what an opponent is.

Outside Xizhou University, a village in the city.

There are snack bars, small hotels, and small vendors everywhere, bustling and bustling.

Young and beautiful college students came in and out, chatting and laughing.

In the alley paved with blue bricks, Bai Mo is wearing black gloves and talking on the phone.

"I can't find the store you mentioned on the map."

Zhang Shan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Can't find it? I share the location with you, come here quickly!

"The new pot is already frying again. It will be out soon. The taste is amazing. It is an absolute treasure of this little shop!"

Then a message popped up on WeChat that Zhang Shan had shared the location. Bai Mo immediately put on black gloves and followed the map to find it.

After a lot of twists and turns, I saw a small shop with a frying pan and fried chicken. The aroma of fried food wafts in the wind, and it's not greasy, even with a hint of braised food.

The black glove who followed Bai Mo immediately poked his nose, his eyes brightened, and looked up at the master.


It wants to eat this!

But he saw the master smiling and bending down to pick it up.

"Today, Zhang Shan specially wants to treat you to a meal in order to thank you.

"Let's go."

Walking forward with black gloves in his arms, he saw Zhang Shan and Lu Yang coming out of the shop.

"Come on, come on, this is the treasure shop we found during our patrol, hahaha.

“This restaurant uses an exclusive secret marinade and fresh chicken racks, no need to freeze them.

"Come and eat!"

The space in the small shop is crowded and there is only one table. Everyone was sitting on the small bench, and Black Glove squatted in the master's arms, holding the chicken stand with his front paws, making a loud noise.

The fox's chicken-eating skills seem to be innate, and he is very good at eating chicken whether it is roasted or racked. It tore open the crispy fried chicken rack, and the edible meat and crispy bones were all eaten. The unpalatable bones were spit out cleanly and piled up on the table into a small mountain.

Bai Mo took a sip of tea.

"How is Xue Yong? He's not embarrassing you anymore, is he?"

Zhang Shan and others looked at the busy fried chicken shop owner not far away, bowed slightly, lowered their voices, and grinned.

"He took the punishment, hehehehe.

"I was scolded by Captain Wang and Director Zhang."

Lu Yang was munching on the chicken rack with a happy face.

"We are actually quite scared, afraid that the ancient immortal will take advantage of us if we go to the dream.

"But I didn't expect that when he told me this in his dream, Gu Xian punished him again.


Even the ancient immortal is very sensible.

In the whole thing, from beginning to end, the only one who was brainless was Xue Yong.

“But he recovered from his physical injuries quite quickly.

"The recovery ability of the Immortal Martial Path is very strong. That guy went into a dream and was brought into the straw house by the Ancient Immortal Master. It seemed that he was treated?

"I haven't had any rest in the past few days. I have been participating in plainclothes missions."

Bai Mo nodded.

Suddenly he became alert and looked up to see a tall figure hiding behind the corner of the alley in the distance.

Although he immediately shrank away, Bai Mo's eyes still caught... that was Xue Yong.

"Why is this guy here again? What does he want to do?"

Black Gloves also noticed it. He held the chicken rack in his claws and chewed the crispy bones in his mouth. He didn't take this thing seriously.

After some hard practice, it has been able to "see everything like Xue Yong", so it can "hit anything it hits". As for the real Xue Yong, he has lost his learning value.

On the other side, in the alley.

Xue Yong looked dejected and left quickly.

"Fuck it again.

"What a coincidence, damn it!"

Seeing the fox made him feel guilty.

In his mind, the voice of Ancient Immortal Pebbles suddenly sounded.

"Don't worry about what's useful or not!"

Xue Yong's legs suddenly went weak, he staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, the alley was narrow enough and he held on to the wall.

But the voice of the ancient immortal master continued to sound.

“Be smart and pay attention to the movements of your committee at all times!

"When I find that thing, I will help you grab it."

Xue Yong looked pale and thought silently in his heart.

"I understand, Master, don't worry."

After eating the fried chicken, he wiped his greasy mouth with black gloves, followed the master, and left with Zhang Shan and others.

The group of people walked through the deep alley and talked about this plainclothes mission again.

"Do you gain anything by working as civilians here?"

Zhang Shan frowned.

"It's okay to say there is.

"I actually found a few sneaky people, dressed in rags, wandering outside the school.

"A few of us suspected that they were kidnappers, kidnapping female college students or something like that...

"But when the report was submitted, Commissioner Gulin said no, and ignored it for the time being. He gave us a new route map every day and asked us to continue patrolling."

Bai Mo nodded.

Then maybe there really is a mysterious mission?

Something to do with the chips in the soles of their shoes?

Black Glove followed the master, swaggering and wagging his tail, walking in the village in the city, attracting the attention of many female college students.

"Look at that, what a cute pet!"

"What a beautiful fox."

"I want to raise one!"

"Don't think about it. The value of a pet is directly proportional to its appearance."

"Could it be a fairy beast?"

"Huh? It's really possible!"

The eyes of the female college students at the food stall immediately changed. They often surf the Internet and know the complexity of cultivating immortality. If it is really a fairy beast, there may be a terrible connotation behind it!

The aunt picking up garbage in the corner of the alley, wearing shabby clothes and a headscarf, carrying a fish scale bag, was also looking over secretly.

She doesn't use the Internet and doesn't know anything about fairy beasts.

But that fox looks very expensive at first glance!

Looking at those young people, they were all dressed cleanly and decently, and they certainly didn’t look like poor people.

"The a thing raised by rich people?"

She frowned and thought for a moment, put down the mineral water bottle in her hand, turned around and started jogging.

Not long after, he took a detour and rushed to the alley in front of the group of young people. He hid behind the corner and opened the garbage bag.

When the group of young people passed by, and when the fox swaggered past, she suddenly pounced out, using a skill unlike that of an elderly person, covering her head and face with a fish-scale bag, and put it on the head of the black gloves!


Then, she immediately put her pockets away, turned around, and ran away!

Got it!

Can this be sold for a lot of money?

However, after running two steps, she realized why the pocket was so light?

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