The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 115 I, Bai Xingxing, will never admit to being afraid of snakes!

"Do you still remember... Brother Pastor said before that when we saw the herb collection team in Xizhou City, he told us to stay away?

“The bigger the noise of collecting herbs, the farther away you have to be?

"There's something wrong with the herb collection team. They work for that person. If they really find a successful elixir, it will attract that person's attention.

"I'm just afraid that if we don't die, if that person sees us wanted criminals, he might kill us casually...

"So, do we really want to take action?"

In the dark, hot and crowded space, the bald man lay on his stomach and spoke on the intercom.

A reply came immediately from the other end.

"Did you see the herb collection team?"

"I saw it."

"Huh? So little?

"Then we have to take action!

"You're here for the hell of it! It's not that evil!

"What if he really sees it?

"If he takes one look at us, our brothers will die?

"I do not believe!

"Hurry up and finish this vote, and you can earn fifty points.

"With these fifty points more, Brother Pastor will be able to succeed faster.

"Do it!"

"Okay, do it!"

"I don't know which car Wang Yuanbao is in. We brothers will get in together."

"I'm on it now."

"Then I'll come too!"

The bald man turned off the intercom and took out a flying insect from his pocket, "Open your mouth and use the insect first!"

It turned out that he was lying in the body of a huge rat, with his arms and head protruding from the rat's throat!

At this moment, the mouse opened its mouth in response, and the sun shone in, illuminating the mouse's rotten yellow teeth and the man's pale and foamy face... He was still a little uncomfortable and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands.

“Damn these days, there are no humans and no ghosts.

"Brother Pastor, please work harder and help your brothers live a good life as soon as possible."

Through the mouse's mouth, he saw the bottom of the cliff and saw the bus approaching quickly in the distance. He pointed at the bus and said to the flying insect, "Trouble is, it's that bus, that big can."

I don’t know if Wang Yuanbao is in the car.

But it didn't matter, he wanted to drag the entire car away, and treat everyone in the car as blood food for the fairy beast.

After all... the fairy beasts cannot go hungry, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

The luxury bus drives smoothly on the mountain road.

The cabin is pleasantly cool and filled with the scent of citrus.

The students laughed and laughed.

Bai Mo was unscrewing the water glass and giving it to Hei Tai to drink.

Suddenly the phone vibrated.

He took out his cell phone and saw a voice message from Zhang Shan in the official group of the committee.

"It's finally out to play, why did he send a work message again?"

Press and hold Baimo to transfer text and see the content...

[We were attacked by the Giant Food Mountain Immortal Beast]


So little?

After finally going out to play, how did I encounter the fairy beast from Giant Food Mountain?

Bai Mo frowned, suddenly wondering... Is there a possibility that they were involved in the feud between Wang Yuanbao's wealthy family?

He suddenly noticed something, raised his head, and saw a small flying insect crawling into the air outlet of the air conditioner. The wings of the small flying insects are full of poisonous powder. At this time, they flutter their wings at the air vent of the air conditioner...

"A fairy beast?"

Bai Mo glanced at it...

This little flying insect became slightly red and shiny. From the inside out, it was burned into fine black ash, which was almost invisible. Then it flew back into the air vent, flew out of the car against the current, and was scattered in the mountains. Not a trace of its existence.


"Damn it, it's really hard to get rich people's advantage."

Bai Mo looked out the window and saw a black mouse bigger than an ox running over the grass and crooked trees between the cliffs and dense forest. It was charging like a tiger down the mountain!

The speed of this thing is extremely fast. It is much faster than a car on the road when running through the mountains, and it is not much faster than a supercar!

Bai Mo glanced at it...

The big rat suddenly stumbled forward and rolled forward. Its eye sockets, ear holes, and mouth were slightly red and shiny, and it was spitting out hot air. The body, which was larger than an ox, was burned from the inside out into fine black ash. It was blown away by the mountain wind and dispersed in the mountains, leaving no trace of its existence.


The bus turned a corner.

There was still laughter and laughter in the carriage, and the students were unaware of it.

Bai Mo looked at his phone and the committee's group chat.

But I saw that Commissioner Gu Lin had already sent out the video captured by the satellite.

The video was slightly blurry, but you could vaguely see it. It was the bus that Zhang Shan, Wang Yuanbao and others were riding in. It was parked quietly on the road and was touched by a huge rat. The front face was torn off by the giant rat. Insert the tail into the trailer hook and be dragged off the road by the giant rat into the vast forest beside the road!

"You actually use a tow hook?

"So professional?"

In the group, Commissioner Gu Lin briefly explained the situation.

[The satellite is tracking with all its strength, but the mountains and forests are too dense, so the possibility of being lost cannot be ruled out]

[Helicopter has taken off]

[The closest one is the herb collection team led by Professor Zhang, who is now rushing to the scene]

Bai Mo's phone vibrated again, but it was Fang Xiaoyu calling.

"Hello? White ink expert?

"Something happened to Zhang Shan, did you know?"

"I know."

Now that you know it, you can keep the story short!

"Your bus has not been attacked so far, but the possibility of being attacked cannot be ruled out..."

Bai Mo frowned.

In fact... he had just ruled out the possibility of being attacked.

"...The herb collection team will assign ten people to work with you to protect your classmates in the car first.

"We're not going back yet, just wait by the roadside, helicopter support will be here soon!

"Here at Zhangshan, we are arranging all-out rescue."

While he was on the phone, Bai Mo saw through the car window more than a dozen off-road vehicles passing by from behind. It was Professor Zhang's herb collection team.

The last two vehicles in the team were the remaining protection personnel, who slowed down and stopped the bus.




The bus was dragged by the rat's tail as it rushed wildly through the mountains and forests, stumbling and sometimes hitting rocks and sometimes crooked trees.

Jushishan's towing business is very professional. It has already damaged the car's fuel tank and drained the oil to avoid collision and fire.

At this time, he dragged the bus and shuttled through the mountains and forests at high speed!

The carriage was topsy-turvy and swaying. Everyone was fixed to their seats by seat belts, their heads tilted, and they fell into coma.

Zhang Shan's cell phone fell to the ground and slid under the chair. It rang, but no one responded.

Wang Yuanbao also fell into a coma.

At this time, in my dream, I hurriedly ran into a cave and saw Master Guxian sprawled out on the bed, sleeping soundly, snoring with snot in his nose.


"Something is going to happen to your apprentice!

“My cheap brother is going to kill me!


Wang Yuanbao rushed forward, picked up the master's shoulders, and shook him awake.

"What are you doing? Why is it so urgent?"

Gu Xian curled his lips, feeling very unhappy that his sleep was disturbed.

He rubbed his eyes, pulled away from the fat man, sat up slowly, sensed his apprentice's state, and glared suddenly.

"What the hell?

"Are you poisoned?


"Where are you going with this big rat dragging you?"

Wang Yuanbao twitched his lips.

"Master, stop talking nonsense and do it quickly!

"Kill this big rat!"

Gu Xian was stunned, frowning, smacking his lips, grinding his teeth, and pointed to the wine jar on the bedside with an expression that was hard to say.

Wang Yuanbao turned to look over and saw two bees floating in the wine jar.

"What the hell?

"Master, have you soaked your bees in wine?"

Gu Xian shook his head.

"Apprentice, I have good news and bad news."

"Say it quickly, don't fucking tell me!"

Gu Xian sighed.

“The good news is, the bees didn’t soak the wine.

"I soaked it with potion to upgrade it.

“The bad news is that it’s halfway upgraded and can’t go into battle.

"And...your master and I have no other cards that can affect the present world."


Wang Yuanbao's eyes widened, he gritted his teeth and looked at the master!

I used to think this old guy was unreliable, but today I realized that this old guy is totally unreliable!

"I'm fucked!"

An open space next to a mountain road.

Two off-road vehicles guard the bus.

The students in the car were pale and sitting quietly, like quails.

Outside the carriage, Bai Mo stood with several immortal arts committee members, but no one spoke. They just looked down at their phones to see the latest developments.

Black Tails squatted on Master's shoulder, leaned its furry head down, and looked at Master's mobile phone... Even though it was illiterate, it still wanted to look at the mobile phone with Master! The main thing is companionship!

In the group chat, Professor Zhang sent a message.

[We are at the scene. The traces left by the Immortal Beast trailer are very obvious. Four members of the Immortal Martial Path have already followed the traces]

Not long after, there was news in the group, but it was the Xianwu pathway committee member who had followed him away.

【Can’t catch up! 】

[That mouse is so fast, dragging a car faster than us on foot]


Bai Mo and several committee members all raised their heads and looked at each other.

So we can only wait for the helicopter?

[The helicopter may not be able to make it in time]

[Satellite surveillance showed that the beast was too fast and rushed all the way to the entrance of the cave! 】

[It can get into the cave first before the helicopter arrives]

[Caves extend in all directions. Once it gets into the cave, it will be even harder to find it.]

Professor Zhang sent a message.

[It would be great if we could find the Millennium Herb today, maybe that person would notice]


The group suddenly became quiet.

Bai Mo's side also fell into silence.

There is only the sound of the mountain breeze and the chirping of birds and insects in the mountains.

Only then did everyone realize that this was an unsolvable situation?

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth...Zhang Shan is really an unlucky guy. From now on, it’s better not to take advantage of the local rich. You won’t be able to enjoy the outdoor barbecue or the farmhouse. Look at this, today’s event is considered a waste. If it’s enough, you can still eat it.

With a thought in his mind, he went to Fox Mountain and the dormitory hall, and woke up Bai Xingxing who was sleeping.

Between the mountains and forests, white mist rises.

A giant python-like mushroom boat snaked out of it.

Bai Xingxing sat on the back of Big Mushroom's neck, sitting in the driver's seat, with his front paws on the steering wheel and his back paws on the accelerator, with his head held high and his chest high, very proud.


The huge hull like a python crushed the grass in the mountains, pushed away the trees in the mountains, and pushed away a few obstructing stones.

We even scared away a few colorful snakes, which made them burrow into the grass and go far away.

Bai Xingxing sat in the driver's seat and glanced at the snakes. He was not afraid at all and even smiled.

It, the fox, the mountain chariot god, the white star, is never afraid of snakes!

Even if it has been afraid, it will never admit it!

Because what it drives is the largest and ugliest python, now it is not afraid of snakes, but likes to see other creatures being afraid of snakes.

Behind it, the white moon and the white sun put an invisibility cloak on it.

The big mushroom boat is too big to be invisible.

But there are a few of them who feel more secure if they are invisible.


Bai Xingxing asked the brothers behind him, are they all seated?


Bai Yue is carrying a small medicine box across his body.


Bai Yangyang holds the sword of injustice.

Bai Xingxing turned the steering wheel, looked at the traces left by the rat trailer not far away, and stepped on the accelerator!


The big mushroom boat suddenly rushed out!

The huge python-like body rushed wildly in the mountain forest, sometimes breaking trees, sometimes pushing away rocks, and adding a huge friction sound, scaring away countless snakes, insects, birds and beasts, which was very scary.

But Bai Xingxing grinned, and the corner of his mouth almost reached the ears of a fox, making him even more proud... This is the feeling he wants!

In the mountains and forests, a giant rat drags a big bus and rushes forward!

Inside the rat's mouth, a bald man is showing off into the intercom.

"Hehehe, with my speed and horsepower, those idiots from the committee can't catch me!

“They can only eat my farts!

“I immediately entered the cave, entered the cave, turned around and drilled everywhere.

"When they find this tin can, they will only find the shit that my fairy beast pooped out.


"That bullshit mysterious alchemist, that Sequence Seven, is it useful?

"What can he do to me?

"Can he come after me?


He was very excited at this time and shouted into the intercom.

But for some reason, there was no reply on the intercom.

"Brother, where have you been?

“Damn, is there no signal?

"Your walkie-talkie is out of battery?"

Just as it was strange, he suddenly heard a huge friction sound of "swishing, swishing, swishing" coming from outside!

He had heard this sound before in Giant Food Mountain. Was it a python? Giant python?


“Indigenous pythons in the Xiling Mountains?

"Is there such a thing in the Xiling Mountains?"

He asked the immortal beast to grin and look outside.

But he saw that it was indeed a huge python, walking side by side with his mouse fairy beast in this mountain forest!


That's not a python!

That thing has no head, only a fleshy, vertical mouth. It looks extremely weird and is more disgusting than a fucking python!

What is it?

Are there such disgusting species among fairy beasts?

The bald man couldn't help but shudder.

His voice trembled, and he discussed with his fairy beast Mouse, "How about... we give up the can, make the speed faster, and run faster?"

The fairy animal mouse is dragging a big bus and can't reach the top speed!

But this mouse is still hesitating!

The courage of the mouse made it equally afraid of this terrifying beast that it had never seen before!

The mouse's greed makes it reluctant to part with the canned food, which can last for many days!

But both the bald man and the fairy beast mouse have forgotten one thing... In fact, they have no right to choose.

The big mushroom boat and the fairy beast mouse kept pace with each other, relatively still.

Bai Yangyang looked at the straight tail of the mouse trailer and frowned... This tail was red and bare, ugly and disgusting.

It swung its wronged sword, pointed it at the stretched tail, and struck down with the sword!


In the crisp sound, blood splashed!

The rat's tail, cut in two!

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