On the bus, Bai Mo took out his mobile phone and saw the message from Fang Xiaoyu.

[Lord Chong is fine, that voodoo is not his natal voodoo]

[And I heard that several experts suspect that Lord Chong is a fake! 】

[He is not that much wasted at all, he is just pretending to be miserable and wants more bonuses and subsidies! 】

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to evaluate it.

And he found that Fang Xiaoyu also liked to gossip about gossip.

Someone came into the bus and sat down next to Bai Mo.

"Bai Mo, are you going to centralized management too?"

It was Lu Yang who spoke, with a panic expression on his face. It turned out that they had just received an emergency notice that their group of people involved in immortality needed to go to the Immortal Arts Committee for centralized management.

"Are you also involved in immortality? Are you also an immortal martial artist?"

Before Bai Mo could answer, he started laughing.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I have such a fate with the number one student in the school.

“During the centralized quarantine, we can get to know each other.

"Teach me how to do the questions!"

Bai Mo didn't bother to explain, smiled awkwardly and nodded.

The bus continued to drive, picking up many people involved in the Xianwu path, and also picked up another classmate from No. 47 Middle School, Yu Tingting. She is also quite famous in school... mainly for her good figure and good looks, which often attracts inquiries from her male classmates.

After receiving all the target tasks, the bus merged into the traffic flow and rushed to the Fairy Arts Committee.

Sitting in the car with nothing to do, Bai Mo took out his tablet again and began to write, draw, and study alchemy. This thing is really convenient.

Lu Yang looked at Bai Mo and then at Yu Tingting. The fear of "concentrated isolation" in his heart was dispelled a lot.

At this time, they kept chatting sideways.

"...I heard from my dad that the reason why we were taken to centralized quarantine this time was actually for protection.

“It won’t take long before it can be put back.

“My dad also said that there is an expert assigned to us on this train to protect our safety.

"But I don't see where the expert is!"

Several students nearby also looked around and saw drivers and people in uniform in front of them. Other than that, they were all students.

"The person in uniform should be a member of the Fairy Book Committee, right? A staff member? Are they experts?"

"No! I understand, experts and committee members are different."

"What about the experts? Are there none? Did Lu Yang's father make a mistake? Or is the expert lazy?"

Several people were talking about it.

Not long after, the bus arrived at the entrance of the Fairy Arts Committee.

The car door opened, and secretary Fang Xiaoyu walked in, bringing several committee members with him.

But Fang Xiaoyu walked up to Bai Mo.

"Expert White Ink, thank you for your hard work.

"Just take a rest and leave the rest to us."

Bai Mo nodded and stood up to leave.

Lu Yang and others were left in a mess.

Night falls.

When the lights come on in Xizhou City, the streets and alleys are already bustling with beer-barbecued crayfish.

The Fairy Arts Committee building was still brightly lit and busy. From the conference room to the corridor to the weapons depot, there were people busy preparing for tomorrow's action.

In the office suite, Fang Xiaoyu watched the computer, forwarded a few emails, opened a form, and checked it carefully.

He turned around again and said to Bai Mo.

“Early tomorrow morning, we will go on a mission.

"Expert Bai Mo, I have wronged you tonight and will have to stay here for the night."

Behind her, on the camp bed, Bai Mo was sitting against the wall, scrolling through his mobile phone.

Bai Mo, as an expert, will also participate in tomorrow's operation. There is no specific task, he just needs to follow and hold the line, just in case.

After swiping the balance on his salary card, Bai Mo immediately shook his head.

"It's not hard work!"

The office is air-conditioned, the camp bed is comfortable, and the pillows are made of latex. Besides, you don’t need to pay for accommodation, and you can even receive subsidies in return... This hard work is completely acceptable to Bai Mo!

After exchanging pleasantries with Fang Xiaoyu and watching Fang Xiaoyu continue to work, Bai Mo also continued to browse his phone. He opened the Shexian Forum, scrolled through it, and came across a strange post.

[Don’t you think that those cultivating immortals will really become immortals? 】

[No matter what the sequence is, they are just puppets of the ancient immortal! 】

[Their immortal arts were taught by the ancient immortals, and their cultivation resources were given by the ancient immortals. They must dream to see the ancient immortals every night. In their dreams, they let the ancient immortals kill and rob them! 】

[So, can they defy the will of the ancient immortal? How dare they disobey the ancient immortal? 】

[Of course they don’t dare! 】

[Isn’t this just a puppet? The ancient immortal held the thread in his dream and controlled them in this world! 】

[No matter how awesome you are, you are just a puppet on strings! 】

[What about immortal arts committee members and immortal arts experts? They just act secretly when the ancient immortal is asleep]

[It’s like Toy Story. Have you seen Toy Story? 】

[The ancient immortal is asleep. This group of immortal cultivators, in this world, either do some bad things or maintain order, just like those toys that secretly cause trouble]

Bai Mo frowned.

What this guy said is disgusting.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to make some sense?

He continued to look and saw that this guy continued to output.

[So, have you ever thought about what the so-called ancient immortal is? 】

[What are they pursuing? Long life? Taoism and detachment? 】

[Or maybe they are just a group of evil ghosts, a group of ghosts who dress up and talk sweet words to deceive others? 】

[What if one day, they crawl out of their dreams and want to destroy our civilization, control our world, and rewrite our history? 】

When Bai Mo wanted to look again, he saw the screen suddenly flashed and the word "404" appeared. Flashes again and returns to the forum home page.

This post has been deleted by the administrator.

"A puppet controlled by the ancient immortal?

"Are the ancient immortals evil ghosts?


Bai Mo doesn't know.

He did not have an ancient immortal master, nor had he met an ancient immortal, so it was impossible for him to talk about these things.

The gloomy sky, the gurgling creek, next to the thatched house.

Heipi and others stood beside Ancient Immortal Round Stone, while more than sixty junior brothers and sisters were kneeling in the distance. The strange thing is that this group of junior brothers and sisters all have dazed expressions and dull eyes, as if they are asleep.

Hei Pi is the eldest brother, and there is still fear in his face at this time.

"We originally wanted to lurk with the junior brothers and sisters, and wait until tomorrow morning to take them directly to the Fuqing Hotel to complete the promotion ceremony.

“But I didn’t expect that the people from the Immortal Arts Committee would actually send someone to make a surprise inspection!

"Fortunately, the blood restriction left by Master, otherwise we, the rest of us, would probably have to give an account."

Last night, Heipi was also with a junior brother. Suddenly on a whim, he realized something was wrong and ran away in a hurry to avoid being blocked by the Fairy Arts Committee.

Other junior brothers and sisters also had lingering fears.

Black Pi was crestfallen.

“Furthermore, the people of the Immortal Arts Committee have centralized management of all the junior brothers and sisters, and we don’t know how long they will be centralized.

“We’re afraid that we won’t be able to bring them out and take them to the promotion ceremony.

"Master, this mission... we can't complete it."

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