What was supposed to come has come!

Bai Mo sat on the bed among a bunch of fox apprentices. He saw the next show and was ready...

Exactly, Fox Mountain Choir!

Hundreds of fox apprentices lined up in a neat square formation, with heads held high, belly bulging, tails wagging, and looking at the baton in front of them!

At the front of the phalanx was Black Claw, with his head held high, his belly wagging, and his tail wagging. The fox paw held a slender branch as a baton and raised it high!


The baton was waved down gently.

The choir's singing began!



The baton was raised and lowered, drawing wavy lines in the air.

The choir's singing changes accordingly!


The conductor's baton danced endlessly in the air, and the choir's singing continued.




Bai Mo sat on the bed, put on a "nice" expression, and looked like he had high emotional intelligence.

In fact, although this choir has an extra conductor's baton, it still does not solve the basic problem... Every fox sings, which is quite unpleasant. A whole group of foxes sang unevenly.

At this time, his ears had been strengthened and became more sensitive, and he could better detect the awkwardness and dissonance in the singing.

The other fox apprentices in the audience also raised their heads, squinted their eyes, pretended to be "pleasant", and pretended to be intoxicated. After all, this is a celebration meeting. Foxes are very cunning and have high emotional intelligence, and they will give face to their brothers and sisters!

Bai Mo listened and grinned.

When he heard the singing, he didn't find it pleasant or addictive...

"...At least it proves that I have completely cracked the addictive mechanism of Cong'er Soup."

Anyway, not long after the chorus started, Bai Mo sat at ease and listened carefully. No matter what, this is what the disciples want. Even if it is just to make them happy, they must listen carefully to the end.



"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh~"

The fox's song echoed in the hall, even suppressing the howling wind outside.

But gradually, Bai Mo realized that something seemed a little wrong.

His ears caught the intermittent strange melody from the fox's song.

Some melodies are desolate and ancient, as if they came from thousands of years ago, from the extremely long past.

Some melodies reveal courage and tragedy, like the chants of the weak, singing courage to encourage themselves.

Some melodies reveal terror and intimidation, as if the singer is using skills to try to arouse the fear in the soul of a powerful enemy!

Some melodies reveal sadness and self-deprecation, as if a loser is licking his wounds, making strange sounds with his tongue, but trying to keep it down as low as possible, not daring to let outsiders hear it!

Bai Mo frowned.

"what happened?

"Am I too imaginative?

"Or has my spiritual sense been touched?"

Bai Mo frowned, pricked up his ears, and continued to listen carefully.

But I saw that all the fox disciples in the entire hall, whether it was the choir or the audience, started singing together at some point. They seem to be falling into a dream, as if they are intoxicated, as if recalling the past, they are confused and singing softly.

But the messy singing voices can be intertwined together, as if they are really a choir, with treble, alto and bass parts, and the echo of orchestral drums!

This song seems to exist in their memories.

Every fox cannot remember everything, but every fox can remember bits and pieces.

When they sang the part they remembered, they raised their voices and led the other brothers.

When they reached the forgotten part, they lowered their voices and followed the other brothers.

Just like that, like sleepwalking, they sang the song hidden deep in their memories...or in other words, deep in their blood!

I don’t know how long it took before the song was finished.

The Fox Mountain Hall suddenly fell into silence.

All the foxes were either silent, frightened, or burst into tears.

Black Claw grabbed his baton, looked at his fox claws, and touched his mouth. He felt as if he was dreaming just now. What's up with that song? It seems that I suddenly remembered it, as if I always knew it. But it doesn't like that song, it likes joy, that song is too sad.

Bai Yangyang burst into tears and threw himself into his master's arms. He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't stop his tears.

Bai Mo frowned, touched Bai Yangyang's head, and asked softly.

"What's wrong?

"What are you crying for?

"If you have anything to do, just tell Master."

Fox disciples, you look at me, I look at you, and they all shake their heads. In fact, they don't know what's going on.

Bai Mo thought for a moment.

"Wait a minute!

"The next show, Master will perform for you."

Bai Mo got up from the bed. During his movements, his earlobes trembled, pulling on the wound...


"It fucking hurts!"

He grinned, and in the eyes of his disciples, he went to the edge of the dormitory hall, opened the alchemy furnace, found some corn kernels and added them to it. He also poured in the leftover ice cream, pearl milk tea and iced grape soda.

Then he waved one hand, igniting the elixir fire in his palm, and put his palm against the wall of the elixir furnace.

"Master will give you some good things to practice!"

Then they saw the elixir fire burning, and this hodgepodge of elixir furnaces began to shake and make a "bang bang bang bang bang" sound!

The disciples were attracted one by one, staring at the alchemy furnace, and subconsciously gathered around.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch?"

...What delicious food does Master make?


...no smell!


Hei Bitou, who works in the canteen, expresses his professional opinion... The fragrance does not float in the air, that is better, and it will not be wasted. After a while, all the fragrance will enter your mouth.

The group of foxes next to them nodded one after another, feeling that what Hei Bi Tou said made sense and was indeed professional!

Not long after, Bai Mo's consciousness moved, and the lid of the alchemy furnace opened with a "swish".


Amidst the loud noise, white particles spurted out from the alchemy furnace, and it rained in the main hall of the dormitory.



Black Claw picked up one that fell on his head, grinning, it was popcorn!

It’s hot popcorn!

Put it in your mouth...


Crunchy popcorn, instantly chewed. But this popcorn actually has fillings that can burst with juice! The filling is hot milk tea!

Big Eye picked up the one on Little Big Eye's head in front of him.

This popcorn is ice cold.

The same pot of popcorn can be cold or hot? Master is indeed amazing!

Eat it in your mouth...


Crunchy popcorn, instantly chewed. The filling of this one is cold, it’s ice cream!

The disciples picked one from here or there, and they all had it in their mouths. One by one, they tilted their heads, rolled their eyes, and savored it slowly... Then, in this hall, there was an explosion of cheers, and the sadness just now was swept away!




They started to get busy, picking up popcorn all over the floor to eat!

Then I saw this guy with dark circles, "swish, swish", climb up the alchemy furnace, and in a diving posture, he plunged into the alchemy furnace with a fierce move, and then threw sandwich popcorn wildly outside amid cheers!

Bai Mo was a little further away from the alchemy furnace. When he saw that his disciples were happy again, he smiled.

“What’s going on with this song can be explored slowly, not in a hurry.

“Joy is the immediate thing.”

In fact, Bai Mo already had some guesses... Fox Mountain used all kinds of rare medicinal materials to feed his disciples regardless of the cost. For several years, the results have begun to show!

The special skills of the previous apprentices were the abundant supply of genius treasures, plus their individual differences and talents.

Now this weird song... is probably the medicinal power of various rare medicinal materials and genius treasures, activating a little bit of memory in their blood!

In the cafeteria of Xizhou University.

Lunch time had just begun and students came in in twos and threes.

"Huh? No one is queuing up at the hot and spicy hot pot window over there?

"Let's go make Malatang. We want the pork ribs soup base, no spicy!"

Bai Mo said to Black Claw who was squatting on his shoulder.

After that night, the other apprentices got a little emo and ate sandwich popcorn, and then they regained their strength and became happy little girls one by one.

Only Black Claw seems to be in a very depressed mood all the time. His eyes are squinted, his ears drooped, and he is no longer as cheerful as before.

...Could it be that the memories in the bloodline are activated more than other disciples, or even a little too much?

After thinking about it, Bai Mo simply brought it to the real world, to the cafeteria of Xizhou University, for dietary therapy!

When they came to the Malatang window, this guy's eyes widened as expected. He poked his nose and sniffed the smell inside the window.


The spicy taste... chokes my nose, and he doesn't like it!


The bone broth tastes... very fresh and fragrant, this is good!

"Lettuce, cabbage, baby cabbage, sliced ​​meat, chicken, sausage, tofu, meatballs, quail eggs...you can choose from them all!

"What to eat?"

Black Claw raised his ears, opened his eyes, looked at the dishes in the self-selection window, and thought for a moment.


Then he stretched out his paw and pointed at the lettuce, cabbage and baby cabbage.

The aunt serving the dishes inside the window smiled and said, "Are you a fairy beast?"

"Is it vegetarian?

"Why choose some green leafy vegetables?"


Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that this aunt was arbitrary.

Sure enough, Black Claw pointed at these green leafy vegetables with its fluffy paws, waved his paws and shook his head, indicating that he did not want these items.


Then he scratched all the other dishes with his claws... Everything else, have a portion!

Bai Mo is holding a dinner plate with a large bowl of Malatang.

Behind him, Black Claw was also holding a dinner plate, wagging his tail, smiling broadly, and followed his master. On its dinner plate, there are three large bowls of Malatang.

"Find a secluded place!

"Otherwise it will not be very good if we are found to be taking advantage of the public."

Bai Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and with black claws, he came to the corner of the canteen and found a seat to sit down.

One person and one fox, let’s start cooking!

Black Claw Claw doesn't know how to use chopsticks, but his metal fork is very good at using it. Fox Claw holds the fork and "brushes" it, and he can fork out a round quail egg from the bowl and stuff it beautifully. In your mouth, take another sip of the pork ribs soup and swallow it happily together.

Bai Mo raised his head and looked at the TV hanging from the ceiling of the cafeteria, watching the news broadcast on the TV.

“… Our school’s enrollment work has been basically completed.

"This year, the investment lines in various provinces have reached a new high, and the principal, Academician Li Minnong, said..."

"...The basic construction of the Xiancao Experimental Class in our school has been completed, and it has been equipped with new infrastructure..."

Bai Mo looked up while eating, learning about his future school.

Needless to say, Xizhou University’s spicy hotpot tastes really good!

The soup base is real bone soup made from pork tube bones. It is milky white, fresh and fragrant. The green leafy vegetables and broccoli in this soup also absorb the soup juice and are full of flavor. There are also small balls fried by the canteen. After being cooked, they are glutinous on the outside and tough on the inside. They have two textures and a unique taste.

While he was eating, he heard the sound of "hula hula" drinking soup.

Seeing that Black Claw next to him had finished two large bowls of vegetables and soup, he was holding the third bowl and poured the ribs soup into his mouth.


It drank the pork ribs soup, put down the soup bowl, and took a sip of hot air.

The front paws touch the fat belly, and the tongue licks the oily spots around the mouth.

Bai Mo tore a tissue from the table and wiped its mouth.

"Are you full?"


"Have you felt better?"


This guy is beaming.

But Bai Mo could clearly see from its eyes that there was still sadness that could not be dispelled... Eating food did make it happy, but it was not enough to dispel the sadness in its bloodline memory.

This cunning guy is just pretending to smile, he wants to deceive Master!

Bai Mo picked it up, rubbed its belly and touched its head.

There are very few records of bloodline memory in the literature. Bai Mo couldn't find a solution for a while, so he had to hold it and calm it down.

"Stay with Master."

Black Claw rubbed his head in Master's arms.


Bai Mo hadn't finished his bowl yet, so he picked up a small ball and fed it to Black Claw's mouth.

"Master likes to eat this."

While eating, he continued to look up and watch the news on TV.

"...Today, the Immortal Arts Committee has received frequent good news, successfully wiping out the evil gangs of the Crown Prince Group.

"It is reported that the Crown Prince Group has concealed its involvement in immortals and has eighty-one and ninety-seven people in the series. It has also been illegally using immortality for a long time to attack competitors and secretly control the heads of relevant departments. It is a serious violation of the law..."

On TV, there was a scene of the Crown Prince Group's gangsters being executed. Several immortal elements were escorted by the committee and sent to prison vans.


Bai Mo frowned and discovered to his surprise that none of these Shexian elements who were executed had no little fingers.

In other words, their left and right little fingers were cut off, leaving only red wounds and white bone stubble! There was no blood, but it looked quite scary.

What's going on?

The tradition of the Crown Prince Group?

In Bai Mo's arms, Black Claw curled up and got closer to the master.

He rested his head on Master's chest and looked up at the TV screen.


It knows the next thing on TV.

"...Recently, our city has successfully arrested criminal gangs of infant and child abduction and trafficking..."

On the TV screen, it was the group of traffickers who were sent to prison by White Claws and Big Head. At this time, they were all wearing prison uniforms, with their heads lowered, sitting behind the bars.

They all had their heads shaved, and it could be seen that they had no ears, and there was only a small black hole on the side of their heads, which was very scary.

Bai Mo grinned.

"You deserve it!"


"How come their hands...are all missing their little fingers?

I wrote this chapter really fast, hahahahaha

Finish writing and call it a day! See you tomorrow, book friends!

One more thing, um. . Does anyone have that kind of thing? . . The monthly ticket is about to expire at the end of the month, but you don’t know who to vote for? I want QAQ! ! !

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