When he said the last sentence, he was so drunk that his eyes were blood-red and his voice became hoarse inexplicably.

The bride and the emcee on the stage felt that they had heard wrongly.

The parents and relatives under the stage all felt that the groom was talking nonsense.

President Chen Shu at the door of the banquet hall turned his head and looked at the groom!

More than sixty students rushed to the door of the banquet hall!

The twelve wanted criminals controlled by the talisman were suddenly shocked!

Everyone suddenly thought... Could it be that this groom is also the apprentice of Ancient Fairy Yuanshi?

But the groom took out a porcelain vase from his arms, grabbed it hard, and broke it into pieces!


With a crisp sound, the groom's hand was pricked and blood flew out!

And the thing in that bottle is also blood, also Biao Fei!

The blood flying into the air was a bright red color, even brighter than the red decorations at the wedding!

But the blood did not fall to the ground. Instead, it became dense and hazy, and spread instantly, dyeing the festive air in the bright banquet hall with the smell of blood and dyeing it light red!


"What's going on?"

Before anyone could react, the blood energy continued to spread, getting out of the doors and windows of the banquet hall, escaping out of the hotel, towards the town where the hotel was located, quickly spreading and spreading, dyeing the air in the streets and alleys red. !

In an instant, the sky and earth changed colors, and the air was stained with red ink!

Bai Mo sat in the business car and looked at the surveillance screen.

Several committee members nearby frowned.

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why is it so red? The monitor is broken?"

Bai Mo frowned, his expression solemn.

Something's wrong!

Is it the work of an ancient immortal?

What method is this?

From the surveillance footage, the red and bloody air enveloped everyone in the banquet hall.


It was the sound of everyone standing up and pushing the chairs with their legs.

Everyone is like a zombie, with a stiff body, trembling, and making sounds from their mouths.

Regardless of the man’s relatives, the woman’s relatives, or the emcee and bride on stage...

Regardless of the immortal arts committee members mixed in, regardless of the unsequenced technicians, the immortal arts committee members of sequence nine, or the chairman Chen Shu of sequence eight...

The same sound was coming from all the mouths.

Sounds gathered together, chaotic and demonic, coming from the monitored audio channel like chaotic pine waves.

The sound they spit out is...

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

Bai Mo frowned.


He was about to do something when he suddenly noticed that red blood was coming through the gap in the window of his commercial car!

The committee members in the car had red tails of blood left in their nostrils after they had just entered the ticket. Their bodies were stiff, like zombies, their eyes were red, their bodies were trembling, and the same words came out of their mouths...

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

"kill me!"

A trace of blood came and was about to get into Bai Mo's nostrils.

But as soon as he got in, he was burned into black smoke and white ink was sprayed out.

It turned out that two pill fires like stars and beans were burning in Bai Mo's nostrils.

He stretched out his hand, pinched a wisp of blood in the air with his long fingers, and gently twisted it, trying to analyze it.

"This...well...the content of immortal energy is very low.

"Sure enough, the ancient immortal cannot bring too much immortal energy out of the dream.

"But...this blood energy is too mysterious.

"A trace of immortal energy can be used to this extent?

"Is this the ancient immortal's method?

"One egg can actually make a Man-Han banquet?

"So, what's the best way for me to handle this?"

In the hotel, Heipi and a dozen other wanted criminals were frightened by the sight of crazy people reflected in their eyes, and the scarlet hell on earth.

After the president lost control, the talismans attached to them fell off on their own, and they were able to move freely.

At the entrance of the banquet hall, more than sixty students rushed in!

Heipi and others suddenly realized!

He raised his head, roared loudly, and yelled at his brothers!

"This is the feast that Master has arranged for us!

“We want to kill, they want death!

"Hahahaha, fellow junior brothers and junior sisters, what are you waiting for? Why are you so polite?

"Give me……


More than a dozen wanted criminals laughed out loud, and flexed their fingers into claws, with the usual bloody mud between their fingers, and swung them out at the necks that were begging for death!

More than sixty students looked crazy and intoxicated. They also bent their fingers into claws. Their clean fingers, perhaps stained with ink, aimed at the necks that were begging for death and waved them out!

In the commercial car, Bai Mo frowned.

“For a while, it won’t be so symptomatic.

"But... there is really a solution."

His spiritual consciousness went to Fox Mountain and gave orders to his disciples.

"Are there any leftover batches of No. 3 pesticides that were eliminated in the warehouse? Didn't they throw them away? Get a bottle!"

Not long after, white mist rose from his knees, and a fox apprentice emerged from it. He held a bronze bottle, swung his big tail, and got directly into his master's arms.


This is the fastest runner among the apprentices, and his name is Scud.

"There is an urgent mission, please run faster later!"

Bai Mo touched its fat neck with his left hand, lit two pellets of fire like stars and beans on the fingertips of his right hand, and stuffed them into Scud's nostrils to help it block the incoming blood energy. Then give Scud the direction.

"Just over there, follow the red blood in the air, find the place with the heaviest blood and the most people, and open the bottle cap."


Scud responded to his master and jumped out of the car window with a "swish". Following the direction of the blood in the air, he rushed out with a "swish"!

Its speed was so fast that it was like a stream of red light, jumping on the roofs everywhere. The fox's eyes looked at the blood in the air, and rushed out quickly following the direction designated by the master!

The small buildings, streets and telephone poles in the urban-rural fringe area retreated rapidly on both sides of its field of vision!

It had already seen the place where the blood was thickest, and saw the blood flying out of the window in front.


It landed on the window sill, opened the window with its head, and saw a dense crowd of people inside. Some of them were killing people with their claws, and some were killing with their necks. It was crazy, like hell!


So scary?

It put the bronze bottle cap into its mouth, bit it open with a snap, and pointed the bottle mouth into the window.

This pesticide is a discarded product from Fox Mountain, it is poisonous!

Be more careful when using it!

Then the bottle in the fox's paw began to tremble and "whir", as if a strong wind was trapped in the bottle!

At this time, the bottle cap is opened, and the strong wind is about to be squeezed out of the bottle!



This is a ball of green wind, roaring out!

It was blowing too fast and too hard, causing people in the banquet hall to stagger, tables shaking, dishes falling down, red ribbon hangings swaying in the banquet hall, and windows rattling!

It is a ball of green wind that blows away all the red blood in the air!

Wherever the green wind goes, the red blood is wiped out!

In the banquet hall.

Regardless of Xingren, ordinary people, or the Immortal Arts Committee, they all fell to the ground softly.

Someone’s fingers were bloody and sticky.

Someone had a hole in their throat and blood was flowing out.

Heipi and his brothers were all poisoned. Their bodies twitched, their faces turned into golden paper, and they vomited blood. They were about to die soon.

The students were slightly less poisoned and were also vomiting blood.

Others who have been infected with blood will have blood foam, nasal mucus, and red and black floc flowing out of their nostrils.

President Chen Shu supported his weak body, got up from the ground, and blew out the smelly flocculation in his nose. Between life and death, he was so sad and happy that he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

"Is this... I was tricked and saved again?

"This green wind, who is saving people?"

He looked around and saw that the banquet hall was in a mess, but he could not find anyone to save his life.

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