The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 179: Related to the future of mankind, Dream Grass

Gradually, the night sky was covered with a layer of dark clouds. In the playground of Western State University, the night is getting darker.

The students are divided into classes and are still rehearsing programs, practicing chorus, choreographing dances, or arranging sketches. The entire playground was full of relaxation, joy and laughter at the end of military training.

Bai Mo sat on a chair and listened to the classmates next to him discussing dance.

Squad leader Wanbo City discovered Hua Dian.

“I think there’s something wrong with the picture just now!

"If you think about it, we are on the stage and the audience is off the stage. When the audience looks at us, they are looking up to us.

"If we lift Bai Mo so high again, wouldn't the audience not be able to see Bai Mo's face, but only Bai Mo's nostrils?"

A group of classmates were silent.

Just thought it was a problem!

Lan Fangfang, the deputy squad leader, frowned.

"At eight o'clock later, the cultural performance will start. There is no time to change it!"

As they were talking, Wu Qingyun frowned, ran to Bai Mo, bent down to try the angle of view, then ran back and announced the good news.

"It's okay, don't interfere.

“Bai Mo’s appearance is perfect.

"Even if you look up, even if you look at his nostrils, he looks good."

All the students smiled happily and felt relieved.

What they didn't know was that Bai Mo was secretly using his spiritual consciousness to arrange tasks for his disciples.

White mist rose secretly from the grass at Bai Mo's feet, with peach blossom eyes, star ears and round ears running out from it. They were all wearing invisibility cloaks, carrying small bamboo baskets, and holding fox-claw cactus detectors.

The three of them participated in the search for Dreamweed last time. They already have work experience and are considered veterans.

"Dream grass will still appear on this campus tonight. But the specific location is hard to determine. As a rule, you three go to a deserted place first and use detectors to search for it."

Research on dream grass has temporarily stalled. But Bai Mo still doesn't want to let go of the new dream grass. After all, this thing is of such high status that if you put it in your hands, it might be useful one day!

The three foxes nodded after receiving the master's order.

Wearing invisibility cloaks, they look at the black tail next to them, sneak over to them one by one, and tap the black tail on the shoulder to scare it! After scaring Black Tail, the three foxes left with evil smiles.

In the program of the experimental class, the dance movement part has been rehearsed. Wanbo City, Lan Fangfang and others went to discuss background music again.

"Do we really want to perform a special performance? Why don't we just use the stereo to play the ready-made music!"

"How about half-opening the mic?"

While they were discussing, Bai Mo sat on a chair, closed his eyes and thought about the documents he had dug up in the past few days. There were two small problems inside that he didn't figure out.

After thinking for a while, he understood and nodded slowly.

"I see."

He raised his head and saw an acquaintance walking through the crowd.

It's Su Yaoyao!

Her long wavy hair swayed in the wind, and her silk red dress rippled like water under the lights of the playground. Her delicate face and slender figure, walking through the crowd of students in military uniforms, attracted countless furtive glances.

But he saw her coming all the way, straight to Bai Mo's chair, leaning over slightly, covering the chest of the robe with one hand, and getting closer to Bai Mo.

"Hey, white ink expert, you want to perform on stage too?

"Then sister, just wait and see.


After joking and exchanging a few words, she went to the side and pulled Wu Qingyun away from the crowd to whisper.

"There is a mission tonight. The formation expert team in Beijing predicts that there will be a leak of the origin of the dream on the campus of Xizhou University tonight...

"...The formation department is still calculating the specific leaked coordinates. The two of us need to be on this playground, on standby and ready at any time. Once we receive an order, we can quickly collect resources."

She took out a small Bluetooth headset and put it into Wu Qingyun's ears.

After speaking to Wu Qingyun, she stood up straight, blowing the evening breeze and flipping up her fluffy wavy hair. She smiled and came to Bai Mo again, leaned down to Bai Mo's ear, and whispered softly.

"I whisper in your ear like this, which attracts the attention of many little girls, hahaha.

"Don't worry, sister doesn't want to eat young grass, or you. Sister just puts on a little show to make the little girls miss you and help you pinch off some rotten peach blossoms.

"Also, my sister stood under the stage the whole time tonight. If you don't perform, I will accompany you to watch the performance. If you perform, I will applaud you from below.

"I'll just help you clean up the rotten peach blossoms. Okay?"

The distance was so close that Bai Mo could see a few of her messy hairs and her white and tender earlobes.

The warm breath she exhaled blew on his face, and his heart really felt a little itchy.

But Bai Mo understood that whatever this woman said to help him win a peach blossom was just an excuse.

He rolled his eyes at the female liar who came so easily.

"...You stay here on the playground because you have a mission, right?"

Peach Blossom Eyes held the fox claw detector and stood in the quiet teaching area under the street lamp.



A car came from a distance and stopped next to it. A young man with oily hair and fair face stuck out of the car and looked towards the sky, observing the outline of dark clouds in the sky. After looking at it for a long time, he retracted his head into the car, holding a thick notebook, and entered a bunch of data.

His laptop is specially customized and has enhanced performance. After inputting these data, the machine performed crazy calculations and actually emitted wisps of white smoke!

"Hey, it's so hard to calculate!

"Damn it, if it were Zhang Qiren, he would have a much easier time than me, right?"

This person is Cai Xiaozhen, who came in person to find out the specific coordinates of the dream leak through observation and calculation.

While waiting for the computer to calculate, he lay back on the van seat, stretched out, and frowned subconsciously as he watched the rows of data quickly scrolling across the screen.

Behind the back of his seat, he was shrouded in an invisibility cloak, and his peach blossom eyes were frowning.

What's on this computer? very messy!

Just now, Master sent a message, asking him to keep an eye on the van and pay attention to the results of the performance in the van.

Suddenly, a head poked through the car window.

"What do you do?"

It turned out to be Xue Yong, wearing a committee uniform and carrying a flashlight, patrolling!

Cai Xiaozhen remained calm and glanced at Xue Yong's epaulettes, knowing that his rank was not high. I understand that Xue Yong does not have the authority to know what happened tonight.

He grinned and started telling lies.

"We are from the environmental protection department. We received complaints that the noise was too loud, so we came to monitor it."

Xue Yong was stunned for a moment.

"Noise? There's not even a ghost on this horse. Where's the noise coming from?"

Cai Xiaozhen smiled bitterly.

"What can we do? As long as we receive a complaint, we have to come!"

The two chatted for a few more words, Xue Yong left, and the van also drove away to other observation points.

Peach Blossom Eyes sat quietly in the car, changed seats, and sat invisibly next to Cai Xiaozhen. From time to time, she would poke her furry head and look at Cai Xiaozhen's computer screen, waiting for him to calculate the specific results.

The night wind is cold.

A remote part of the campus, in a garbage dump, next to an abandoned metal newsstand.

Zhang Qiren, who has messy hair and is tall and thin, is sitting on a big rock, holding a laptop and typing codes quickly. Sometimes I look up and look at the outline of the dark clouds in the sky. Sometimes I switch the screen to open the map of Xizhou University to look at the map details and Feng Shui information.

The strong man next to him stood quietly, not daring to express his anger. Just be a good sentinel.

Under his feet, dozens of fairy beast swifts squatted quietly, ready to take off at any time.

There is also a muscular six-eared macaque, with its ears erect, listening to the sounds in all directions.

Suddenly, the six-eared macaque looked puzzled and rubbed his ears.

It heard footsteps ahead on the left, but it didn't see anything!

What's going on?

At the same time, Xingxing Er, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, stared at Zhang Qiren and his group from a distance. Seeing the six-eared macaque's gaze, it frowned slightly.



Its fox claws touched its own neck, and a life-saving medicine bottle hung around its neck...but it felt unnecessary. Then he touched the small bamboo basket on his shoulder... There was a hockey puck in the small bamboo basket.

Foxes are not easy to mess with!

If you are discovered by this monkey, just use the ice ball to kill them all!

At this moment, the master's voice came to its ears.

"Don't pay attention to this group of people. Move to another place and wait for now."

Xingxing Er then let go of the ice ball in his claws and ran away.

Zhang Qiren and others were left behind and found nothing. Even the burly bodyguard looked strangely at the six-eared macaque.

"Liu Er, what's wrong with you?

"Why are you shaking? Did you leak urine?"

Soon, lights illuminated the night sky on the playground, and the sound of speakers rang throughout the campus.

The artistic performance after the military training has officially begun!

On the stage, the leader speaks.

"...First of all, congratulations to the students for completing the fifteen-day military training..."

Under the stage, classes were lined up neatly, and every student looked excited.

"Is our class about to begin?"

"The weather tonight is so dark, the clouds are so heavy. Is it going to rain?"

In the school grass experimental class, Bai Mo is sitting cross-legged on the ground. There were no benches for the students, so they all sat cross-legged on the grass.

Bai Mo suddenly thought of a question... Su Yaoyao was right next to him, and she was sitting on the ground without a bench, so how could she sit there? Is she wearing a skirt and sitting cross-legged?

Bai Mo secretly turned his head and glanced, only to see Su Yaoyao had her legs together, her knees folded, and her skirt tightly clamped, with a graceful and decent posture.

However, this time, her beautiful curves were revealed.

Bai Mo was about to look away, but the woman caught him peeking, and she leaned over and pressed her ear to hers.

"Why, Expert Baimo, are you attracted to your sister?

"You can give it a try..."

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Could this woman really have evil intentions towards him?

The female students in the Xiancao experimental class were all nervous, replaying the next show in their minds.

The male students are all depressed. Why can Bai Mo whisper to the beautiful sister in a long skirt and big waves? Just because Bai Mo is handsome? good grades? Know magic?


Thinking of this, Wanbo City lowered his head, his face full of depression. Yes, comparing people with others is worthy of comparison, but comparing goods with others is worthy of throwing away. It seems that he really can't compare to Bai Mo...

Time flies so fast, and the performances on the stage are completed one after another.

The host on stage announced the curtain.

"Now please enjoy the skit brought by Electronics Class 1, "Job Job"."

In the Xiancao experimental class below the stage, Lan Fangfang immediately turned around and gave instructions to her classmates.

“We’ll be here soon!

“Everyone pay attention.

“I just saw a row of flower pots placed on the edge of the stage.

"When we go up to perform later, please don't get too close to the edge of the stage and don't touch the flower pots!"

Bai Mo looked up and saw a row of flower pots on the edge of the brightly lit stage. They were all worthless orchids, with pots placed every few meters, sixteen pots in total.

"This number is a coincidence. Could it be that all sixteen pots will turn into dream grass in a while?"

Bai Mo grinned.

Anyway, until now, these sixteen pots are just ordinary orchids.

Not long after, the skit ended on the stage.

The host appeared again to announce the curtain.

"The next show, let us enjoy the song and dance performance "Waiting for the Next Dawn" brought by the Xiancao Experimental Class."

Bai Mo was sitting in a chair. He was raised high by Wu Qingyun with one hand and guarded by the whole class. He rushed onto the stage and into the lights.

The music starts, the singing starts!

Suddenly there was thunderous applause from below!

Mainly, this look is so shocking! Even in the acrobatic troupe, there is no scene like lifting a person with one hand on a chair.


"So handsome!"

Singing and dancing started, and there was endless applause and cheers from below.

Wanbo City, Lan Fangfang and others were so excited that their faces turned red and they danced even harder! Although the audience in the audience were not looking at them at all.

Bai Mo sat on the chair, and was lifted up and down by Wu Qingyun in accordance with the melody of the music. He sat very firmly, but he was actually still paying attention to the Dream Grass.

Star ears and round ears are looking for them carefully. But it was never found.

Zhang Qiren's side is deducing, and Cai Xiaozhen's side is also deducing. The two computers of two people were scrolling through lines of code very quickly, and the progress could not be seen.

At this moment, lightning suddenly lit up in the sky! The electric light zigzags and jumps, swimming in the gaps of the black clouds!

Then, rumbles of thunder came from the sky.

The students under the stage frowned.

"The weather forecast says there will be no rain."

"If it rains, will the performance be interrupted?"

"Please, no!"

In the trash.

Zhang Qiren raised his head, looked at the shape and outline of thunder and lightning, and listened to the rumble of thunder.

He thought quickly, converted these into data, and typed them into the computer!

After getting this final data, the calculation results are out!

A new window popped up on the computer screen, and on the window was a map of Xizhou University. A point on the map is highlighted, which is the playground of Western State University, and it is the brightly lit stage for singing and dancing!

Zhang Qiren had a black hair on top of his head, and he opened his eyes and stared at the computer screen.

The strong man behind him has already stretched out his hand, quietly, to pinch the eyeballs and pick out the hair!

The strong man's forehead was sweating and his body was shaking, but his hands were steady!

What is this? So scary!

He wants to help the boss take it off!

Right now! He heard Zhang Qiren's voice!


"You can't touch it. If you do, I'll die!"

Zhang Qiren had known about the existence of this hair and this eye for a long time, but he vaguely understood in his heart that he could not move these things!

He just raised his head slightly.

“You see, the coordinates are there.

"After you get it, can you give me the thing to study?

“There is important research!

"It's related to dreams and the future of mankind!"

I went out today and my mobile phone was a bit slow to code. . The second update is very late. Let’s watch it tomorrow.

Thanks to the otaku from the primitive tribe for the reward~

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