The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 203 Insight into the trends of the fallen immortal! Open the champagne at halftime?

Dark clouds covered the sky.

At the foot of Fox Mountain, a strong wind blew in the field of purple bell flowers, causing the flowers to sway.

The fox's apprentice, Xiaohuaji, works hard in this medicine field.


It looked at the flower in front of it, shook its head, looked left and right... Does this plant seem to be growing slower?

It held a small shovel and gently loosened the soil on the flower.


It went to the next one and saw that the leaves of this one were curled up with yellow edges.

It frowned, stretched out its claws, and dug around, and sure enough, it found a nasty vegetable insect under the leaf!


The vegetable insect was thrown to the ground and crushed to death by its kick.

Immediately, it went to the next one... a huge medicinal field, a sea of ​​gorgeous flowers, all filled with purple bell flowers. But it checked one flower after another without relaxing at all.

Because these purple bell flowers are very important!

This is an important tool for detecting pollution in Fox Mountain!

In the past, black oil and black fire were all detected by bell flowers.

While inspecting the flowers, Little Flower Arm suddenly tilted its fat head and grinned... It knew that the master must have given it this job because it was the most reliable!

"Are you so happy?"

Suddenly, it was picked up and held in his arms. But it was Bai Mo who came to this flower field at some unknown time.


The little flower arm was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her head against the master's chest, happily acting coquettishly.

"Is everything normal with Bell Flower?"

The little flower arm straightened out the chest and patted the chest!


...With the little flower arm here, this flower field must be normal!

Bai Mo hugged his apprentice and sat on the ridge of the field. He took a look at the dilapidated palace surrounded by flowers in the innermost part of the flower field... In fact, it was no longer dilapidated. All the holes in the walls and ceilings had been filled in and covered tightly.

In that palace, all the pollution found in Fox Mountain is stored!

Including the previous barrel of black oil, the body dug out of the river dripping with black oil, and the flames stained by the previous mask, a little bit remained.

Bai Mo touched Xiaohuaji's head and then rubbed its face.

“Your job is actually quite dangerous!

"If you notice anything is wrong, you must tell Master as soon as possible."

Xiaohuazhi lay on the master's chest.


Suddenly, Bai Mo frowned.

His spiritual sense was touched... It turned out that he had received the documents presented by Poison Master Wang Crocodile today.

He squinted his eyes and his vision changed instantly.

In the field of vision, a handwritten sequence of seven words appeared on the desk of Poison Master Wang Crocodile.

"Oh? This is... the secret recipe of the Meat Bottle Mountain kitchen? A mid-to-low-end recipe specially designed for Sequence Seven Fire people?"

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Just as he was about to switch back to his field of vision, he suddenly saw Poison Master Wang Crocodile continuing to write on the paper.

"Boss, I no longer have real power in the dark world and am reduced to a drug refining horseman. I cannot provide you with much information.

"But just today, the dark world asked me to deal with the medicinal materials yellow tree scab and Tianhu dung."

After finishing writing, Poison Master King Crocodile closed the notebook.

Bai Mo switched back to his field of vision.

“Yellow scab?

"Tianhu dung?

"What are you doing with this thing?"

These are two very unpopular medicinal materials with few uses.

Bai Mo thought about it and suddenly remembered.

"There was a fireman in the ancient immortal dynasty who used yellow tree scab and Tianhu dung to prepare medicinal materials to ripen Tianming grass!

"Ripening Tianmingcao?

"Could it be that there are people in the dark world who want to advance to the seventh level of alchemy?

"This Poison Master King Crocodile is really good. In addition to daily documents, he also sends me key information."

Bai Mo was frowning when his spiritual sense was suddenly touched again.

It turned out to be Su Baitao, sending him a message from afar.

"Boss, a blood corpse tragedy was discovered in Dongguo City. It is suspected that someone failed to advance to Sequence Seven of the Sword Immortal Path."


The strong wind blew, and the purple bell flowers swayed wildly. But no contamination was detected and they made no sound at all.

Only the fragrance of flowers invaded Bai Mo and the little flower arms in his arms.

"What does this mean?

"The immortal cultivators who have no taboos begin to attack Sequence Seven on a large scale?"

If you think about it, it's not that strange.

After all, if a cultivator has no taboos, it will be much easier to upgrade. He will use all kinds of bloody, cruel and evil methods, take shortcuts, find ways, and seek promotion.

As time goes by, there will inevitably be more and more people who have no taboos and will complete the cultivation of Sequence Eight and hit Sequence Seven.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo suddenly understood why Professor Zhang insisted on risking his promotion!

"If there are more and more Sequence Sevens in the evil camp, surpassing the good camp, then the current balance of the entire society will be broken!

"People on the committee cannot commit adultery or violate any law, and they cannot have any taboos. They want to try to see if they can use technological methods to get promoted.

"Professor Zhang is the first pioneer and wader to try to advance in science and technology."

Bai Mo sighed.

"Perhaps, when dreams connect to the real world, and when ancient immortals are secretly entrenched, this world is destined to be destroyed? Is this civilization already destined to overthrow?

"Even as far back as tens of millions of years ago, when the disaster appeared, when the first immortal fell, was the human race already destined to be destroyed?

"The committee is struggling to maintain social stability, Zhang Qiren escapes into the darkness alone, and the ancient immortal emperor leaves behind the fire... They are all just struggling, and they don't want to give up the little hope."

He rubbed Xiao Huazhi's fat belly and scratched Xiao Huazhi's ribs, making Xiao Huazhi curl up in his arms and tremble and laugh.

"Okay, you go and do your work.

"I'll go take a look at that palace."

Xiao Huazhi jumped down from the master's arms and watched the master go deep into the flower field to the sealed hall where pollution was stored.


The heavy palace door was pushed open, and the master's figure disappeared inside.


The master went to work, and the little flower arm continued its work, picked up the small shovel, and continued to inspect each purple bell flower.


In the office building of Xiancao Experimental Class, the office door is closed.

The students were immediately excited, whispering to each other and starting to chat.

"Didn't you say that the internship is over? Why did you call us again?"

"I heard that today's project showdown may require a little help from us."


"Is there a celebration party after the decisive battle?"

"For such a high-end project, the standards for the celebration banquet cannot be low, right?"

"Golden Emperor Hotel? Hehehehehe."

Fang Yuan sat alone in the corner, holding her mobile phone and sending a message to Zhang Jian.

[It’s so annoying, I don’t know anyone in this grass jelly experimental class! 】

Zhang Jian replied instantly.

[Where did Bai Mo go? Where is Wu Qingyun? 】

[I don’t know, the two of them were just called away]

Bai Mo is in the office next door, sitting in front of Chen Wenquan's computer.

The office is larger, more spacious, and has a more serious vibe.

Behind a dozen desks, a dozen experts all looked serious, staring at the monitoring software.

"So far, refining is going fine."

Bai Mo sat on the office chair, holding the mouse and looking at the monitoring software.

This software is connected to the mechanical alchemy furnace and is outputting many signals such as furnace temperature, medicine smell, medicine gas flow direction, etc., outputting matrices one by one, and outputting changing waveforms.

Lao Chen sat next to Bai Mo, his face full of nervousness.

“…You don’t need to understand everything about this software.

“Just focus on the mathematical signals.

"You have checked these matrices and these waveform diagrams before, are you familiar with them?

"Put the acting paper and pen over here."

Bai Mo nodded to reassure Lao Chen.

Just a little doubt in my heart...

"Professor Zhang refining fire and understanding soup, you want me to participate in such an important matter and keep an eye on it?

“It’s not impossible.

"When it comes to Alchemy Master Xinhuo, keep an eye on it, and you can always feel more at ease.

"But, how can this expert group trust me, a freshman, to join in?

"Are they pretty big-hearted?"

Xiao Huazhi squatted on Bai Mo's shoulder, raised his tail, and poked his head, looking at the computer screen with his master... even though he couldn't understand it.

This is the first time it has come to this world.

He looked at the computer screen, raised his head again, looked at this, looked at that, looked at the dozen experts in the office... and saw that none of these experts had much hair.

Not as good as it, with fiery red hair all over its body!

Not as good as Master, who has jet black hair!

Bai Mo sat in front of the computer desk, assuming a comfortable posture and holding Xiao Hua's arms in his arms.

Divine consciousness is like invisible tentacles, coming out through the wall, and next door, I find the technological pill furnace.

The furnace is electromagnetic heated and has precise temperature control. There are more than a dozen indicator lights on the surface, some are always on, some are flashing, and they are making a "buzzing" sound.

A little further away, in two large cabinets, various medicinal materials are arranged in an orderly manner. From time to time, they are taken away by mechanical arms and put into the alchemy furnace.

Farther away, Professor Zhang is sitting behind the operating console, wearing dust-free clothes, concentrating on controlling the operating panel.

He wears a headset and is ready to listen to the voices of experts from all walks of life.

Behind his dust mask, his face was dull, his skin was oily, and he was full of fatigue... After all, these days, he often stayed up late to study and manage projects, and he was already exhausted.

His eyes were bloodshot!

But in the dark pupils, there is a light of determination, a light of determination that moves forward!

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness turned into thousands of tiny tentacles, one by one, one by one, and secretly climbed up Professor Zhang's body to help him check whether there were any hidden dangers left by the ancient immortal.

“Well… I haven’t found anything yet.

“It’s just that the internal organs are in bad condition, especially the liver, which is a little hard.

"I guess I'm quite tired."

In the big office.

Bai Mo was staring at the computer, stroking his apprentice, thinking in his heart.

Suddenly saw the door open.

But it was Commissioner Gu Lin who walked in with President Chen Shu on his arm.

"President, please be careful."

President Chen Shu, is this... excessive use of spiritual consciousness?

Bai Mo thought for a moment and figured it out.

I guess the president checked Professor Zhang’s body before the refining started?

Has your consciousness been exhausted?

Lao Chen has already stepped forward to help the president move the chair.

Behind the president, Wu Qingyun and Su Yaoyao came in.

The last person who followed in was Zhang Shan!

There was no nervousness on this guy's face, he was pushing a cart of champagne, but he was quite happy.

When he saw Bai Mo, he quietly came forward and came to the side, staring at the little flower arm in Bai Mo's arms.

He bent down and glanced at the computer screen.

"How's it going? Is everything going well?"

Bai Mo nodded.

"It's going well so far."

I saw Su Yaoyao coming over again carrying a chair.

Zhang Shanzheng was embarrassed, "Oh, Sister Yaoyao, how can I ask you to move a chair for me..."

But Su Yaoyao pushed him away.

"Go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I'll keep an eye on it with the white ink expert."

Just like that, under Zhang Shan's resentful eyes, Su Yaoyao sat next to Bai Mo and squeezed his shoulders.

It was cold, but she still wore a red dress, but with a small white silk jacket, which made her look more elegant and intellectual.

Her fluffy curly hair fell on Bai Mo's shoulders, and her faint warm fragrance reached Bai Mo's nose.

"It smells pretty good."

Bai Mo secretly thought in his heart.

This is not the smell of industrial perfume, it is natural body fragrance.

Her red lips parted slightly.

"Is everything going well?"

Bai Mo nodded.

"It went well."

At the end of the corridor, in the conference room, students had no tasks and were in small groups, chatting and laughing.

"I heard that Huang Sitong was pretending to be competitive in their pharmacy school class, but was slapped in the face by his classmates."

"Hey hey hey."

"Fang Yuan, are you and Bai Mo high school classmates?

"What was he like when he was in high school?"

...The joyful sounds were sealed inside the wooden door of the conference room.

The corridor outside was silent.

The rooms on both sides of the corridor were all silent.

Only in the alchemy operation room, the buzzing sound of the alchemy furnace was still heard.

Professor Zhang's waist became even more bent, and his whole body became more tired.

But the pupils in his eyes are still so bright!

Sitting behind the console, staring at the panel, controlling the machine, and performing operations one after another, just as I have practiced thousands of times.

In the big office.

Xiaohuazhi lay in the master's arms, and the master rubbed his neck, closed his eyes, and hummed in comfort.

Su Yaoyao leaned against Bai Mo's shoulder, staring at the screen even though she couldn't understand.

She lowered her voice and trembled slightly.

"Is everything still going well?"

Bai Mo turned his head and saw her pale face and round eyes.

Even though Su Yaoyao looked like this, she was pretty good-looking.

But it always feels like it's not normal.

"all the best.

"Sister Yaoyao, are you nervous too?"

This has nothing to do with her, right? Why are you so nervous?

Su Yaoyao did not explain.

He just nodded, his voice trembled, and he uttered a sentence faintly.

"Yeah, I'm nervous too."

Her thin, right-angled shoulders leaned closer to Bai Mo's shoulders, as if this would allow her to lean on him more and worry less.

Li Fangming, who was not far away, had been staring at the screen for too long. He stretched out and glanced at Bai Mo from the corner of his eye. He suddenly had a strange expression and his face was slightly distorted... He was obviously very professional, and he was obviously in charge of the entire mathematics project. Some experts, why did the beauty post to Bai Mo?

Sure enough, is this a world based on looks?

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, in the operation room, the indicator light on the surface of the mechanical alchemy furnace was all green!

The valve of the alchemy furnace opens, and high-temperature steam spurts out!

Behind the operating table, Professor Zhang stood up!

In the big office, all computer screens and all monitoring software popped up, displaying the green words "Refined Successfully"!

Li Fangming, Professor Niu, Professor Meng and more than a dozen academic experts all smiled.

"Hahaha, it's done!"

"It's done!"

Zhang Shan was stunned for a moment, then went to the dining car to get a bottle of champagne. He opened it with a bang, and the wine foam sprayed out all over the floor.

"Hahaha, open the champagne!"

But he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

However, Chairman Chen Shu, Wu Qingyun, Committee Member Gu Lin, Bai Mo, Su Yaoyao and others still had serious faces.

"Huh? It's not over yet?

"Did I pop the champagne at halftime?"

Once again, thank you all for your company!

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