The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 207 The ninth secret medicine, dead grass resurrects new shoots

In the early morning, the sky over Fox Mountain was a little brighter, and the outline of dark clouds could just be seen.

The strong wind blows between the mountains, the endless medicinal fields, and the mighty motorcade passing through the medicinal fields!

In the leading car, there was a sofa on the roof, and Bai Mo sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, facing the strong wind and flying sand.

The car moves forward quickly, and the scenery along the road recedes quickly.

Bai Mo occasionally raised his eyes and looked around, looking at the medicinal fields on both sides of the road.

In some medicinal fields, little red figures can be seen walking around, but it is the fox apprentice who is in place, either wielding a small shovel to weed, or pulling the grass blades to remove insects.

Behind Bai Mo, there were fifty cars, each carrying ten fox apprentices, various shovels, water ladles and buckets of herbicides.

"It's quite nice to sit on the roof of the car like this. Apart from the wind messing up your hair, there's nothing wrong with it.

"When I patrol Fox Mountain from now on, I'll use this."

Bai Mo grinned, combed back his wind-blown hair, and watched the convoy rush out of the 10,000-acre medicinal field and arrive at the desolate grassland outside the medicinal field.

He held the morning glory on the armrest of the sofa and gave orders to the driver in the car.

"Overalls, open to the right first.

"The car behind you, please keep up."

After driving a certain distance, he gave orders to his disciples again.

"Car No. 50, stop on the spot, use the car as the center, spray herbicide and open up wasteland!"

The No. 50 car at the end of the convoy stayed in the wasteland and watched the convoy go away.

The four foxes jumped out of the car, holding small buckets of herbicide, and began to spray the herbicide to open up land.




When we were clearing land in the past, there were not so many herbicides, so we all relied on fox claws to remove the herbicides.

The four foxes were delighted and began to sprinkle medicine on the ground.

The convoy walked some distance, and Black Star, the No. 49 car at the end, was holding the steering wheel and stepping on the accelerator when he heard Master's order coming from the loudspeaker in the cockpit.

“Car No. 49, stop where you are.

"Create land with cars as the center!"

Black Star brakes!

When the car stopped steadily, he went to the back of the car with a few brothers in the car, grabbed buckets of herbicides, jumped out, and started working!

In addition to herbicides, there is also a large bucket of honey green tea and a large pot of taro cakes in the carriage, which are specially prepared tea and snacks in the canteen.

When Fox Mountain opened up wasteland in the past, conditions were not so good.

At that time, we were opening up wasteland. We drank cold water when we were thirsty and drank the northwest wind when we were hungry.




The four foxes cheered and started splashing herbicide.

They have enough confidence...Today, this land, including this bucket of green tea, including this pot of taro crisps, they can all solve it!

The convoy moved quickly around the original medicinal fields.

Every once in a while, a car stops, and the wasteland is opened up with the car as the center.

Car No. 35 stopped.

Bai Tai raised his tail, holding a small bucket, and together with his three brothers, they circled around the car and spiraled outwards!

At the bottom of the small bucket, there is a spray can nozzle, which is spraying out herbicide.

The grass is bald in some places, dense in other places, and the grass is taller than a fox in some places and needs to be drilled into.

But wherever the herbicide reaches, no matter whether it is tall, short, sparse or dense, the weeds will quickly rot, corrode, and rot into thick soup, rotting in the ground and turning into fertilizer for subsequent planting of pesticides.

The four foxes all have rich experience in weeding. At this time, they are spiraling outwards side by side. There will be no waste of herbicides, no overlapping sprays, and no omissions.

Spreading pesticides is a very common daily task in Fox Mountain, and they all have a lot of experience!

Suddenly, Xingzhao next to him spoke, talking in a foxy tone.


It wants to ask, are there any valuable herbs in these weeds?

Whitetail grinned.

"Ouch, ugh, ugh, ugh!"

Master has already sent a convoy to search the area, and all the valuable medicinal materials have been taken away!


All the forty-nine cars in the convoy had stopped.

It's like driving forty-nine nails into this vast grassland. Then use these nails as the starting point to weed and loosen the soil to spread the fertile land.

Bai Mo's first car was patrolling back and forth in this wasteland.

The spiritual consciousness spreads, scanning the land, and finding major problems, he gives guidance to the apprentices.

"Here, dig a hole and pour the herbicide directly into it. There are still weeds underground!"

"There are a lot of rocks down here in this place. The grass field is a little outside. Try to avoid the rocks."

"Huh? This land is actually quite fertile! Maybe we can grow something valuable."

While Bai Mo was sitting on the sofa on the roof of the car, inspecting land reclamation, he turned on his tablet computer and recorded the general situation of each medicinal field.

Just like that, most of the morning passed quickly.

Forty-nine brand-new medicinal fields, with soft and fertile soil, appeared in this vast grassland.

The apprentices wielded small shovels one by one, began to find out the gravel inside, and began to repair some uneven places.

Bai Mo sat on the roof of the car, left early, passed through thousands of acres of medicine fields, and returned to the bronze hall early.

"There's still some time before lunch. I'm going to sort out the documents I dug out in the morning."

At the entrance of the hall, Bai Mo jumped out of the car and walked in.


He suddenly saw a large stack of copper plates placed neatly next to the bronze table.

"Is there a big deal?"

Bai Mo grinned, walked through the hall, walked to the copper plate, picked up the top piece, and started reading.

[...The dead grass is reborn and sprouts new shoots. The meaning of resurrection contained in the sprouts is another secret medicine that can be promoted to sequence six]


I really found it!

This ninth secret medicine is indeed related to the rebirth of withered grass!

"The last secret medicine was obtained by cultivating the Eighth Alchemy Master.

"This secret medicine is obtained from reviving the Six Immortals of the Sequence.

"How come these secret medicines are all tinged with charity?"

Bai Mo smiled, holding the copper plate in his hand, quickly walked back to the bronze table and sat down, and began to read carefully.

[The rebirth of withered grass is an eternal problem. Countless ancient immortals have lost their scriptures and wasted their lives, but they were stuck at this step and could not be promoted in the end]

[A disciple once asked Junhou how she regenerated withered grass and how she was promoted to a master of knowledge? 】

[Junhou said, luck]

[The disciple cried]

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

"What's going on? Luck?

“If you’re lucky enough to revive dead grass, you’ll be promoted?

"Those who are unlucky will be stuck for the rest of their lives until they die of old age?

"Gu Xian Chao's stuff is really not very reliable!"

He continued to look.

[Qingyue Junhou felt sorry for his disciples’ hardship and began to study the mystery of the resurrection of withered grass. Day and night, he left two carts of documents in the withered grass garden]

[When the war breaks out, the king orders his generals and rushes to the battlefield]

[Two carriages of documents, the secret of resurrection, this is interrupted and it is difficult to continue]

[The disciples engraved the two carriages of documents on copper plates and sealed them in the Withered Grass Garden, waiting for the day when the monarch returns...]


"It turns out that Qingyue Junhou once studied this problem, but halfway through the study, she ran away to fight. Once she left, her research was unfinished.

"In the Ancient Immortal Dynasty, if you are a monarch, it should be sequence three?

“Even the big guys from Sequence Three can’t handle this thing?”

Bai Mo finished reading the copper plate and continued reading.

The good news is that in order for the disciples of Sequence Seven to understand, Qingyue Junhou specially recorded her research in the words of Sequence Seven.

It is recorded in the copper plate that first of all, she went to collect the research of her predecessors, many of whom were high-sequence ancient immortals like her, who were promoted through luck, and then went back to study the secret of the resurrection of withered grass.


Bai Mo continued to look down, and sure enough...

"All the research on ancient immortals is stuck?

"No one understands it?"

Bai Mo looked down again and looked at several copper plates in succession.

"Qingyue Junhou's research is actually the most advanced and the closest to success?

"She was probably not an ordinary prince back then."

Bai Mo stood up and roughly turned over the copper plates.

I saw this pile of documents recording the information collected by Qingyue Junhou, as well as Qingyue Junhou's research ideas and existing work.

"not bad!

"I will follow her ideas first, step by step."

In these documents, many high-sequence celestial herbs are recorded in sequence seven words...for example, Ghost Crying Tree, Dirty Heart Orange, Yunzhongbu...

“Without this document, I wouldn’t even know the name of the high-sequence jelly grass.

"Let's try it first to see if I can complete the road that Lord Qingyue failed to complete back then."

Dark clouds cover the sky and the wind howls.

At the foot of the mountain, there are ruins.

On the broken bronze pillars, numb men and women are carved. They are all bow-legged, like the base of a vase, with their arms raised like the handles of the vase, and their big mouths raised, like the mouth of the open vase.

Yes, this is Rouping Mountain.

Not far away, there is a grass field, about dozens of acres.

There are men and women working numbly among them.

Some of them loosened the soil, and some caught insects, but all of them had vines and small flowers growing out of their ears, and their eyes were lifeless, like zombies.

“This trick is really reliable.

"If you plant flowers in your ears, no one will be afraid of hardship, fatigue, or laziness."

At the ridge of the medicine field, the poison master Wang Crocodile stood, drank the medicinal wine in his cup, smacked his lips, and was very emotional.

King Crocodile turned around and left, climbing along the mountain road to the mountain hall.

Entering the hall, I saw the Ancient Medicine Monkey Immortal huddled in a huge bronze chair in the empty hall.

King Crocodile immediately put on a smile.

"Master, everything is going well over there in the medicine field!

"There was a junior brother just now who seemed to be tired. I poured some fertilizer into his mouth and he became full of energy and energy again!

"Master, the flowers you planted in their ears are truly amazing!

“The fertilizer you prepared is really amazing!

"To be honest, every time I come into contact with your magic, I feel extremely uncomfortable!

"A master like you, with such mysterious and unpredictable magic, makes me, a disciple, look up to the mountain, and makes me feel despair. I will never be as powerful as you in this life..."


"Actually, I am considered outstanding in this world, but compared with you, I am nothing..."

The Ancient Medicine Monkey Immortal lives up to his name. He is thin and dry, huddled in a bronze chair. He wears a long robe and a huge hat. He often reminds Wang Crocodile of the phrase "monkey in the crown".

But King Crocodile is still sincere and enthusiastic, sending flattery like a machine gun!

Because he has long discovered that this ancient immortal likes to be flattered!

Sure enough, after he blew wildly for five minutes, Gu Xian waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Hey, where did all the flattery come from?

“We cultivators don’t pay attention to these things.

"Especially for me. Since I started cultivating as an immortal, I have been pure and stoic. I am no longer too lazy to listen to other people's flattery, and I am even more impatient to listen to other people's flattery.

"Good disciple, sit down and we will continue the lecture.

"Last time we talked about the second stage of the Fire Knowledge Soup..."

Poison Master King Crocodile quickly sat at the master's feet, raised his head, and listened carefully as if he had found a treasure!

As for Gu Xian saying that he doesn't like to hear flattery or anything like that, just listen to it and don't believe it.

The other disciples in the dreamland of Roupingshan all believed the ancient immortal's lies at first, but now they all have flowers growing in their ears like zombies planting medicine.

He, the Poison Master Wang Crocodile, discovered the clues on the second day after he arrived, so he blew rainbow farts every day, and flattered him every day for three years, three times a day. The flattering was done at an angle every day, and he did not repeat it every time, so now he is sitting at the feet of the ancient immortal, Listen to the ancient immortal's lecture.

Before I knew it, two hours had passed.

Poison Master King Crocodile's head felt dizzy after hearing this.

But he saw Gu Xian stretch out his skinny hand like a monkey's paw and touch his head.

King Crocodile suppressed his nausea, put on a moved expression on his face, and his eyes flashed with tears.

"Master, please stop touching me!

"You are so kind to your disciples, it always reminds me of my father who passed away long ago...

"Of course he is definitely not worthy of being compared with you. He is thousands of miles away from you..."

Amidst the random blowing, Gu Xian huddled in the bronze chair, his face filled with excitement.

After more than five minutes, the ancient immortal waved his hand and asked King Crocodile to stop first.

"I've told you, we immortal cultivators don't pay attention to this..."

King Crocodile nodded quickly.

"Disciple just can't control it, his true feelings are revealed!"

When King Crocodile pretended to be his grandson, his two disciples, who were as tired as his grandson, carried the big stone slab to the hall and placed it next to the ancient immortal.

Gu Xian casually glanced at the writing on the stone slab, then smiled crookedly, with a trace of mockery in his smile.

King Crocodile lowered his head, turned his eyes to the stone slab, and saw the words, which looked like the seven words in the sequence!

He immediately thought for a moment.

"Disciples look at this stone tablet as if they were reading a book from heaven!

"But Master can see through the content on this board at a glance. This gap... ugh!"

Gu Xian was very happy and grinned.

“There are some clown things written on this slate.

“To advance from Sequence 7 to Sequence 6, there is a level where the withered grass needs to be reborn.

"On this slate, a clown's useless attempts are recorded."

King Crocodile was surprised.

"Rebirth of dead grass? Can you still make dead grass regenerate back then?"

The ancient immortal smiled.

“I was also very lucky back then.

“But there’s nothing we can do about it, even the emperor could do it by luck back then.

"Anyone who wants to study the mystery of the resurrection of withered grass is either a fool or a clown."

King Crocodile glanced sideways and memorized the patterns on the stone slab.

At the same time, he kept flattering his mouth.

"Hey, that emperor can only be in the same league as you!"

Gu Xian grinned like a monkey that had grabbed a banana.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha, that's not the case, that's not the case!"

Gu Xian bared his teeth and sighed.

"Damn it, tens of millions of years have passed, and all the high-sequence fairy grasses have withered and died completely.

"If there really is a way to revive dead grass, that would be great!"

Today’s manuscript is finished. See you all tomorrow!

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