The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 212 Tips to deceive ancient immortals, broken promotion path

In the main hall of the dormitory, Bai Mo held a tablet computer and walked around, sorting out the fragmented thoughts in his mind. He opened a new page on the tablet computer and drew smooth braces with a raised pen.

"I learned something from Lord Qingyue.

"Now reorganize your thoughts and try again."

He was not discouraged or anxious, and he even had no emotions in his heart. He was only calm and rational. He was just reviewing what he had learned bit by bit, and writing down feasible ideas and things that might be used bit by bit.

After a while, the tablet was full of pages.

"Well, if we start from this idea, can we start?"

He drew a circle and started thinking...

The black glove next to him rested his head on his master's shoulder, rolled his eyes in a circle, then rushed out of bed, passed through groups of brothers, rushed to the corner of the dormitory hall, and jumped into a circle.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Around this circle, there are black shoes, big noses, white toes, overalls, black stars, white tails, black noses, black eye circles, and black tails. They form a temporary team to help Master solve problems and solve problems. Some problems, now wait until the black gloves, their meeting begins!

Overalls and black gloves, I study with the master every day and have learned a lot.

Then he saw Black Glove standing in the middle of the circle, raising a left paw.

Talking like a fox, he told his plan.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

...Master said that when dead grass comes back to life, it depends on luck. Some fairy grasses are so dead that they cannot be saved no matter how hard they are saved. Some fairy grasses are not so dead, so they are easy to revive.

Then he saw overalls jumping into the middle of the circle and raising a right paw.

Together with Black Gloves, he gestured and explained to the brothers.

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

...The super fairy grass currently available in Fox Mountain seems to be quite dead and cannot be easily revived. Therefore, their team must help Master find a tree that is not so dead!

Big Bi Tou suddenly understood and jumped into the circle, wagging his tail, beaming and talking like a fox!

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

...It is going to take a bite of the Ghost Crying Tree or the Purple Earth Dragon, and then use the powerful talent of the "Medicine-seeking Fox" to go to the grassland and find more Ghost Crying Trees and Purple Earth Dragons!

Black Bi Tou got excited and jumped into the circle, gesticulating and talking nonsense!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

...If we can find another Ghostly Crying Tree that is not so dead, then Master can be successfully promoted!

A group of foxes are excited!




They feel that they are worthy of being the most cunning fox. They can even think of such a method. Fox Jun is a little genius!

They immediately gathered in groups and ran to find their master to explain their genius plan.


At the bedside, Bai Mo put down his tablet, paused his thoughts, and looked at the bronze mask that had been tricked into the distance, and at the disciples who were gesticulating in foxy language. He frowned, then grinned, reaching out to touch their round heads and their fat necks.

"very good!

“Great idea!

“But… you can’t.

“Big Bitou can’t eat those fairy grass.

“We don’t know the specific medicinal properties of sequence six grass jelly, we don’t know whether it’s toxic or not, and we don’t know whether it can be eaten.

“If you eat it, it’s hard to tell what the consequences will be.

"We can't let Dabi Tou take this risk."

The foxes were all stunned. You look at me, I look at you... They really didn't expect this level.

At this time, they all looked downcast, drooped their ears, dragged their big tails, and turned around to leave.

Only Da Bi Tou was not willing to give in. He turned back to look at the master, his fox eyes blinked, with a hint of negotiation.

But Bai Mo shook his head firmly.


Is the issue of the resurrection of withered grass serious enough to require the apprentice to take risks?

Can Big Bitou hold the Sequence Six Immortal Grasses?

Bai Mo didn't even consider these issues.

There was only one thought in his mind...

“...This is absolutely not allowed!

"Not negotiable!

"Eat more, eat less, no matter how you eat!"

The clouds were thick and the wind was howling.

Roupingshan, Square.

Gao Shou sat cross-legged on the high platform, condescendingly staring at the alchemy furnace, the fire under the furnace, and the medicine in the furnace.

The hundreds of junior brothers and sisters with blooming ears in the audience were as numb as zombies. They listened to his orders and were controlled by him, busy around the alchemy furnace, adding firewood, adding medicine, stirring, or fanning the fire.

"hurry up!


"More intense!"

At the entrance of the hall in the distance, Wang Crocodile stood behind the Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal and heard Gao Shou's voice becoming hoarse. seems to be almost completed, pretty smooth?

Did the boss really not do anything with the medicinal materials?

Then Gao Shou, a bastard, doesn't he want the villain to succeed?

Doesn't he want to be promoted to Sequence Seven and wreak havoc in the world?

In front of him, the Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal poked his head, his eyes widened, his face full of excitement, and his tone excited!

"It's almost done! It's almost done!"

In the dormitory hall.

Bai Mo's tablet is about to run out of power.

The entire screen is filled with densely packed small characters and some red and blue arrows are drawn, but it still doesn’t feel right to express the ideas.

"Only those things like Lord Qingyue still can't cut through."

To him, the Sequence Six herbs were a huge black box. He couldn't even understand them at all, and he couldn't use them at all.

At this time, it is very necessary to find a tool, an idea, and a method that can penetrate into this black box!

Look at the time, it's time to go to bed soon.

The fox apprentice, who was already alert, ran towards the bed with a "swish", or got into the master's arms, or ran to the master's pillow.


This guy with big flowery arms got into Master's arms in advance, his brows and eyes were full of excitement, and his head was on Master's chest.

Bai Mo grinned, saw the big flower arm, and suddenly thought of the batch of fish-scale grass at the bottom of the lake that had been tampered with during the day.

“Hey hey hey.

"I wonder if the apprentice of the ancient immortal used that thing to try to get promoted?"

He believed that the ancient immortal would never be able to detect the moves he made.

The moving hands and feet on the fish scale grass at the bottom of the lake are actually easy to detect. There are light gray markings on the surface of the grass, which would be hidden under normal circumstances. But you only need to put it under the sun, stare at it, and you will find it!

In the ancient immortal dynasty, any alchemy master knew this common sense.

But in today's dreamland, there are always clouds overhead, so where is the sunshine?

This is what Bai Mo is planning!

More and more fox apprentices came running over.

Bai Mo held the big flower arm, rubbed its fat head, and lay down on the bed.

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow. Today, go to bed first!"

In the square of Rouping Mountain, the alchemy furnace went out, and the junior brothers and sisters with flowery ears lying around them were lying on the ground, panting and half dead from exhaustion.

Gao Shou held the fire consciousness soup that he had just made, left the alchemy furnace and his junior brothers and sisters behind, and climbed up the steps with a look of crazy joy on his face!

He climbed the last step and came to the entrance of the main hall. He came to the ancient Medicine Monkey Immortal, knelt down, raised his hands above his head, and his voice was hoarse.

"Please, Master, give me fire!"

The Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal laughed loudly, very satisfied with the apprentice's sense of ceremony!

He stretched out his fingers and gently rubbed them over the fire consciousness soup.

Then he saw the steaming gas from the medicinal soup burning instantly, burning into... a dirty black fire!

King Crocodile couldn't tell whether it was smoke or fire, but when he saw the fire with his eyes, he felt that disgusting things and bad memories suddenly came up in the depths of his heart and mind! There's something wrong with this fire...!

If Gaoshou drinks this fire consciousness soup, wouldn't it mean that he can bring this fire into the present world?

But Gaoshou, without hesitation, raised his head and neck, drank the fire consciousness soup burning with black fire in one gulp!



The copper bowl fell off his hand, and he was stunned.

Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal waved his hand and said.

"Don't be afraid, this is all normal. The medicinal soup is changing his body and opening up the sea of ​​consciousness between his eyebrows and the sea of ​​qi in his Dantian.

"After the transformation is completed, he will be Sequence Seven!"

Gu Xian's thin face had a pair of protruding eyes fixed on Gao Shou.

His eyes are full of greed!

Rather than looking at his apprentice, it is better to say that he is looking at the stronger weapon he is about to acquire!

Behind Gu Xian, Wang Crocodile frowned, unable to control himself, and made a mistake.

"When Gao Shou is promoted to Sequence Seven, will there be others who have been promoted to Sequence Six?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly gritted his teeth!

Is he stupid?

How could you say such things that would make Gu Xian unhappy?

But fortunately, Gu Xian's mood was not affected, and he was even very happy.

"Hahaha, impossible!

"In this era, the way to be promoted to [Teacher of Tongwen] has been cut off!

“Other aspects, maybe it’s easy to say.

"Only the new sprouts of resurrection... Over the past tens of millions of years, all the immortal grasses in Sequence Six have long since died.

"No one can break through this level!

"Not to mention Sequence 7, even the immortals who have ascended to high positions cannot resurrect the withered grass with the knowledge and abilities of higher sequences."

One of the steps in the sky-high building in Alchemy Road has broken.

This broken layer became the ceiling for later generations.

Later, people will never be able to cross over, and they will never be able to catch up with the ancient immortal who is already at the top of the tall building entering the clouds!

Medicine Monkey Ancient Immortal looked at Gao Shou kneeling in front of him. He had already thought about it. After Gao Shou was promoted, he would immediately start the cultivation of Sequence Seven and use all means to help him reach the ceiling of this era as soon as possible!

"King Crocodile, were you hit on the face?"

Gu Xian suddenly said calmly.

But I heard King Crocodile shake his head quickly.


"Who said that?


Gu Xian grinned.

"It would be fine if I didn't, hahaha, it would be fine if I didn't!"

Gu Xian stretched out his skinny hand and put it on the kneeling Gao Shou's shoulder, grinning, and was about to help him explore the promotion situation.


As soon as he put his hands on it, Gao Shou suddenly lost his balance, fell backward, fell to the steps with a thud, and then rolled down the steps like a gourd.

The ancient immortal was stunned when he saw Gaoshou's body stopped rolling. Black smoke was emitting from all seven orifices at the same time, but it was fire inside his skull!

In the astonished eyes of the ancient immortal, in the hidden surprise of King Crocodile, Gaoshou's body, with a "whisper", was ignited by the black fire from the inside out, gradually turning into a charred corpse, then into fly ash, and was Blown away in the mountain wind of Rouping Mountain.

Gu Xian twitched the corners of his mouth, his face twisted.


"What a waste! What a waste of my medicinal materials!

"How could he...

"He...did he hit you just now? King Crocodile?"

"Did I slap you in the face?

"Such a villain deserves to be burned to death!"


[Last night at 5 o'clock in the morning, a man died in a fire in Sichun City. After investigation, the man's name was Gao Shou, 48 years old, unemployed]

The setting sun shines into the office window sill.

Fang Xiaoyu was very confused when she saw this email informing everyone.

"A man was burned to death in a fire? Why should everyone be notified?"

Bai Mo was browsing the database. At this time, he raised his head slightly and took a look. He also received the notification email.


He went to open the crowd, only to find that the crowd was filled with joy.

[Hahaha, we have information here. This dead Gao Shou is the Sequence Eight Soup Man of Rouping Mountain! 】

[In the rental house where he burned to death, a lot of evidence of murder and silence was found]

[Apparently, he failed the promotion and burned himself alive]

Professor Zhang, who has always been steady, did not say anything and directly sent out a big red envelope in the group!

Bai Mo grinned, quickly grabbed the red envelope, and came back with two hundred yuan.

It seems that Gao Shou's promotion failed and his death has made Professor Zhang feel much more relaxed and relieved a lot of pressure.

Bai Mo closed the group and continued browsing the database.

This time, he did not pay too much attention to certain subdivisions. He just took a quick glance at the current achievements of mankind, hoping to find different angles, different inspirations and inspirations. ideas.

"Huh? This is...cryo-electron microscopy, analyzing protein structure?"

Cryo-electron microscopy, what is it?

Bai Mo clicks to enter the paper and read quickly...

After a while, he nodded and figured it out.

The so-called cryo-electron microscope is an ultra-high magnification microscope that can even see the structure of molecules clearly!

To put it simply, it first uses low temperature freezing to reduce the thermal movement rate of molecules. Then the electron stream is used to bombard the molecule, and the reflection of the electron stream is used to deduce and calculate the specific structure of the molecule.

“It feels amazing!”

One of the several expert tasks Bai Mo completed today included this thing... using reflection imaging of electron beams to deduce the three-dimensional structure of proteins.

He raised his head and asked Fang Xiaoyu casually.

"Does our Xiancao Building have a cryo-electron microscope?"

Fang Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment.

"Let me check!"

She crackled and typed on the keyboard. After a while, he raised his head and said.


"This thing is too expensive. Currently there are only two units in Shangjing.

“But Professor Zhang has this on his list of introduction plans.

"Just wait a few more months and the goods will arrive. Do you want to use it?"

Bai Mo shook his head.

Sitting behind the computer, I reached out to touch the fat head of the fox apprentice Bai Bang next to me, rubbed its ears, and slowly came up with an idea in my mind.


“It seems like a good idea.

"This is humanity's cutting-edge technology, something that has never appeared in the ancient immortal dynasty, and an idea that the ancient immortals have never thought of.

"Perhaps, with this, I can crack the secret of the resurrection of withered grass?"

Bai Mo grinned and entered the words "Principles of cryo-electron microscopy" in the search bar of the database. There was a "pop" and he hit Enter!

It's autumn again in a blink of an eye. .

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