The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 231 Wine vessel flower makes a shocking appearance! Got the soul!

The live broadcast signal is shaking quickly, disconnected and reconnected.

In the new picture, the camera is zoomed in closer to see more clearly.

One barrage after another went by like crazy!

[What happened to Goddess Su? 】

[Have you been sniped? 】

[Where are our people? Where is our support? 】

[Brothers, don’t panic, look at perspective three, look at the sky, there are five-color fire clouds! 】

[Damn it, the immortal came out of the fire cloud! 】

【Fuck! 】

【what happened! 】

In the live broadcast, the Flame Immortal suddenly walked out of the five-color fire cloud!

This is not a real person, but a flame fitted to form.

The five-color flames turned into human shapes, into robes, robes, and streamers. The hem of the clothes was the tail of jumping flames, like a dream!

In the brightly lit office, the fat black man, who looked like a mountain of meat, stared at the live broadcast screen.

It is the Lord of Darkness!

"What the he the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou?

"Is this fucking medicine refining?"

In the Baitao chain medical beauty office.

Su Baitao was wearing a long chiffon dress, her big eyes fixed on the computer screen and the live broadcast. She couldn't understand it at all, and it was hard to believe it!

"Boss...he...what magic is this?"

Dark World Drug Distribution Center.

King Crocodile sat on the office chair with his feet up on the table, staring at the screen of his mobile phone. His eyes reflected the five-color sea of ​​fire and the five-color flame immortal, and a smile secretly appeared on his face.

"Damn it! You're with the right boss!"

In the bright conference room.

Professor Zhang and a group of Sequence Sevens all looked at the projection screen and were stunned.

"Is...he so perverted?"

"Is this also sequence seven?"

Professor Zhang knew more than anyone else, and knew the truth about the puppet arena, but he looked dazed at this moment.

"Puppet Arena, Fallen Immortal, Tenjou Immortal... Is this how the Tenjou Immortal from the ancient immortal dynasty looked like?

"Millions of years later, I see this scene again in the puppet arena. Is this a coincidence? Or is it destiny?"

In his mind, the Ancient Immortal Qinglu sighed.

"do not think too much.

"The Tianjo Immortal from the Ancient Immortal Dynasty... didn't have such an aura."

In a dark rental house.

The middle-aged man with green stubble stared at the screen.

In his mind, the voice of the ancient immortal came.

"Huo Nao Decoction, Huaihuo Decoction, and Alchemy Master's Fire Decoction, he must have taken these three!"

The middle-aged man is fascinated.

"Master, when I advance to Sequence Seven, and when I take these three things, can I be like him?"

Gu Xian was speechless for a moment.

"This...not to mention where you go to do these three things.

"Even if you get it... there's no need to have too many illusions.

"You have to understand that it's not Sequence Seven that's scary, it's him who is Sequence Seven, it's his Sequence Seven!

"Although... even if he is as talented and gorgeous as him, I'm afraid he will fall today."

The middle-aged man was feeling depressed when his master made a sharp turn and dodge him.

"He is so terrifying, will he die today?"

The ancient immortal sighed quietly.

"Those are not just fourteen Sequence Seven puppets, they are also fourteen puppets with immortal energy and divine consciousness!"

Under the fire clouds, immortals floated.

Under the immortal, on the side of the stage, the fourteen figures in sequence seven all looked crazy!

"kill him!"

Gu Xian's angry voice sounded in his mind. The woman wielding the long sword had dull eyes and stiff movements, like a puppet being lifted up by strings.

The flesh and blood under her skin began to flow, flowing to her shoulders, flowing to her arms, flowing to her hands, and flowing to the sword in her hand!

And on this long sword, flesh and blood rushed out, and blood scabs grew like crazy!

In the blink of an eye, the man was reduced to skin and bones, and the sword was reduced to a blood-scabbed tree!

There was a sonic boom with a "pop" sound, the hilt of the sword took her severed hands, and the sword body blasted towards the Flame Immortal in the sky!

"kill him!"

The crazy voice of the ancient immortal sounded in his mind. The man wrapped in the insect cloud had dull eyes and stiff movements, like a puppet being lifted up by strings.

The skin all over his body, including his clothes, suddenly rotted and fell off from head to toe, revealing a cloud of insects under his skin, which turned into black wind and blew into the sky!

There are a hundred and eighty thousand insects in this insect cloud!

It looks chaotic but is actually arranged in a military formation!

The beetle serves as the vanguard, the poisonous wasp protects the flanks, and the ladybug covers the upper and lower sides, facing the immortal together. In the blind spot created by the sight, a grasshopper is stepping on the moth, its legs are tense, and it is ready to go!

"kill him!"

The roar of the ancient immortal rang in my mind!

The man with the flying talismans beside him was like a puppet, his movements were stiff, he knelt down, his fingernails were drawing dragons and snakes on his forehead, drawing bloody horizontal talismans, and then he knelt down to the immortal in the sky!

Then he saw a hanging blood talisman suddenly appeared outside the Flame Immortal's head, and he was about to stick it on!

"kill him!"

The shrill voice of the ancient immortal rang in my mind!

The man with his feet on the formation diagram and a bronze ruler in his hand had his eyeballs bulging and his eye sockets were bleeding and torn!

Countless runes flashed in his eyes, and he calculated wildly until his eyeballs exploded into blood mist. Then he took a step forward to the right, raised the bronze ruler, and tried to swing it down... But when he took one step and fell, he was already in mid-air, in the flames. Behind the immortal, the bronze ruler swung towards the back of the Flame Immortal's head!

The fourteen sequence sevens really turned into fourteen puppets, performing fourteen magical arts from ancient immortals!

All of a sudden, all kinds of weird magical arts surrounded and submerged the Flame Immortal!

All of this happened only in an instant. The high-frequency camera of the live broadcast couldn't even capture it clearly. It could only capture one or two frames, and the audience could only see the jump and weirdness of the picture!

The King of Darkness opened his mouth wide!

Su Baitao's eyes widened!

I saw King Crocodile sit up straight!

Professor Zhang was seen frozen in place!

Seeing each and every ancient immortal laughing heartily, they couldn't help themselves.

Laughter echoed in the minds of each apprentice!


"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"He's going to die hahahaha!"

"He's finally dead hahahaha!"

"What can a genius do? Hahaha!"


The Flame Immortal took out a pot of flowers from his arms!

This pot of flowers was held in his palm.

There is only one main flower on the branch, which is bronze in color and has an inscription. It has a wide body and a narrow mouth, like a dendrobium used to hold wine in the ancient immortal dynasty!

There are more than a dozen secondary flowers in the background, the same bronze color, with inscriptions, a round cup body and a trumpet mouth, like the drinking horn of ancient immortals!

As soon as this flower appears, distortion occurs!

I don’t know if it’s the picture, the space, the cause and effect, or... the ancient immortal’s puppet strings that are distorted!

The flying blood-scarred sword tree twisted and flew into the wine tree!

The blood-colored runes on the forehead took off on their own and flew into the wine vine!

The Chi-Chi formation master behind him compressed along the distorted light and flew into the wine vine amidst the crisp sound of "click"!

The flying black wind insect clouds, amidst the "buzzing" sound of insects, gathered along the twisted space and flew into the dendrobium!

The rushing black tiger, the poisonous snake in the wind, the circling tortoise shell, the gilded skull...the fourteen magical arts are all twisted and fell into the top of this flower, the flower that looks like a wine tree!

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

Fourteen Sequence Seven, fourteen puppets, all seem to have been erased from the canvas, as if they had never existed.

Only the flower pot on the flame cactus, the flower that looks like a dendrobium, has burning white gas coming out of its opening, jumping like a flame.

At this moment, everyone was staring at the live broadcast.

All the ancient immortals looked into the flame cactus through the eyes of their disciples, looking at the pot of flowers swaying gently in the wind.

This is the wine vessel flower!

Born out of Qingyue Junhou's magic, it combines the strengths of many Tiantiao immortals and was cultivated by Fox Mountain. It can twist the strings of puppets and specialize in treating various puppet immortals!

Twenty thousand meters high in the sky, Bai Mo hugged the belly of the moon and grinned.

In fact, the bunch of puppets just now had some misunderstanding... Why did they attack the Flame Immortal?

It was just something he made up at random.

In the Fox Mountain canteen, fiery red figures looked at the white mist and pictures in the air, cheering and jumping!




...The middle-cup wine-cup flowers in Fox Mountain are already so ferocious!

If it’s a big cup, is it still worth it?

If it is a super large cup, what effect should it have?



The foxes were jumping around and suspected that this was because the "little cup" had not been planted. Otherwise, the master would have brought a small cup and the problem would have been solved!

Dark World immediately cut off the live broadcast.

But the scene in the live broadcast room is still playing normally... because the committee seamlessly connected the live broadcast in an instant!

The barrage went by like crazy.

[The boss behind the scenes in Xizhou is so terrifying! 】


[What is that potted flower? Where to sell? Link up! 】

【Mighty and domineering! 】

[Boss of Xizhou, protect the human race! 】

Professor Zhang looked at the projection and was stunned.

The Ancient Immortal Qingluo in his mind also didn't understand it at all.

"This magic... seems a bit familiar, but it's so much stronger!"

The king crocodile held the mobile phone and his eyes were wide and shining!

When the boss upgrades in the future, can he eliminate the junk he doesn't want and give them to his younger brother?

Su Baitao stared at the computer and unknowingly crushed the mouse!

"This this……

"Who would dare to use this puppet magic in front of the boss in the future?"

In the rental house, a middle-aged man with unshaven beard asked the ancient immortal master in his mind with doubts on his face.

"What is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

The ancient immortals were also amazed.

"What a coincidence, I haven't seen it either."

The five-colored fire cloud in the sky has dissipated.

The red peacock is sneaky, fluttering its wings, trying not to make a sound, and trying to escape while carrying its owner on its back.

When gods fight, Hong Bao doesn't want to get involved.

Su Yaoyao behind it was sitting cross-legged, her heart filled with great joy!

He actually saved a life!

But noticing the drones and cameras nearby, she quickly covered her face to hide her wrinkles and age spots.

She doesn't want to be seen by Bai Mo!

The backs of her hands were also full of wrinkles, but she had no choice but to hide them.

She has the same thoughts as Hong Bao and transmits the sound to Hong Bao.

"Quick, go!"

Unexpectedly, Hong Bao felt a burning sensation on his back.

Su Yao shook her hand to cover her face, and firelight came out from between her fingers.

She let go of her hand and saw the pot of wine vessels and flowers placed in front of her.

The Flame Immortal in a wide robe and long sleeves sat opposite her.

Her face looked panicked!

blurted out subconsciously.

"I...I'm sorry...I have someone I like..."

When she said this with fear, she actually saw a smile on the blurry face of the Flame Immortal?

The immortal broke off two dendrobium flowers, put them into the steaming dendrobium flowers, and poured out two horns of wine.

Give one corner to her and keep one corner for yourself.

He reached over again, held her hand, pinched the corner of her wine, and forced the corner of wine into her mouth.


Su Yaoyao was trembling and scared, not daring to resist. She felt a stream of hot water pouring into her mouth and into her throat.

Thinking of the scene just now, thinking of so many Sequence Sevens, including blood, flesh and immortal weapons, all getting into the wine tree and being turned into wine, then what exactly was she drinking?

The thought of this made her even more disgusted!


The immortal's strength finally disappeared, and she turned back suddenly, only to see that she was still sitting cross-legged behind Hong Bao, still flying in the night sky, facing the cold wind.

The pot of wine vessel flowers was still in front of her, with one main flower and a dozen secondary flowers swaying in the night wind.

The Flame Immortal who forced her to drink wine disappeared.


Just leave this wine vessel and flower to her?

Will it be too expensive?

Could it be that the boss really fell in love with her?

She already has her heart set on belonging!

Peacock Hongbao timidly tilted his head and glanced back.

But behind him, he saw that the Flame Immortal was no longer there.

Only the owner and the wine vessel and flowers are left...


The immortal left his treasure behind?

Its eyes flashed with light, full of joy, and it flapped its wings and accelerated its flight!

Take the baby and run away quickly!

"Hong Bao, stop making trouble!"

Su Yaoyao quickly stopped.

But she heard the voice of her ancient immortal master again in her mind.

“Since it’s given to you, just keep it.

"This potted flower is so overbearing. In an instant, it snatched the string and refined fourteen sequence seven puppets!

"The two cents of wine just now...

"The corner he took away was the 'soul'.

“The corner you drink is ‘fate’.

“After drinking it, you can make up for the life you lost.

"Your youth, your beautiful face and figure will be back soon."

Su Yaoyao ignored the pot of flowers.

In fact...she doesn't want to be favored by the boss of Xizhou, nor does she want his potted flower.

But now, there is nowhere to return it!

She was just looking at her hands and touching her face.

"Ah, I'm really back!"

Wrinkles are fading, and the skin's tenderness and smoothness are slowly returning!

The lost collagen is slowly coming back!

"Ah, by the way, Hong Bao, hurry up, let's go back to the base, my phone is still in the lab, go get it!"

When Su Yaoyao flew back to the base, he jumped off the peacock's back and retrieved his mobile phone in the laboratory building.

Looking at the missed calls first... there aren't any.

"Ah? That bastard Bai Mo!"

Turn on the camera again and turn on the front-facing selfie.

But on the screen, she had restored her delicate and beautiful face, which was full of collagen, and her eyes were no longer cloudy, becoming watery and dark again.

Only the hair tied back is still as white as snow.

"Here... go back and dye your hair!"


After taking a beauty selfie, she shared it directly with Bai Mo.

"Hey, didn't you expect that I'm young again, I'm beautiful again, my youth is back, hahaha!"

But I saw that this guy was as usual, not replying to messages.


Su Yaoyao jumped back behind Hong Bao.

"Let's go to Yincheng and take office! He is missing!"

Hong Bao looked at the wine vessel flower on his back and felt that he was invincible!

Now in Yincheng, who would dare to provoke it and its owner?


It was triumphant, and with a clear cry, it flapped its wings and took off, flying into the night sky.

Sitting cross-legged on Peacock's back, blowing the cold wind, Su Yaoyao's cell phone suddenly vibrated.

She quickly unlocked the screen, only to see that it was Bai Mo. This guy had replied to the message for the first time.

【Bon Voyage】

Promoted to sequence six tomorrow!

This plot is finally finished, I hope you all like it.

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