The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 237: Perfect knowledge and self-awareness, guarding peace

In the dark cave, the ancient black bird immortal He Tian Xinghuo sat on the ground and talked about the "Knowledge Container".

Tian Xinghuo's heart was filled with confusion. He couldn't see the ground beneath him, and he didn't know whether it was dry or muddy. He had a bitter look on his face, pulling the corners of his mouth and frowning.

But he still pricked up his ears and listened carefully to every word Gu Xian said.

"...The nine paths to immortality study nine different fields.

"We, Xianwu, study the human body!

"The six members of the Immortal Martial Sequence are called [Masters of Hundred Skeletons], and they need to study the eight systems of the human body... Oh, does your modern civilization use this term?

"Hahaha, just right.

"Motor system, nervous system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, circulatory system..."

Ancient Immortal Black Bird has strict requirements on his apprentices, but his lectures are very detailed, coherent and well-organized.

She sat cross-legged on the dark ground, clasped her fingers and told her apprentice, which made Tian Xinghuo suddenly have the illusion that she was sitting in a biology class?

“…Each system corresponds to different functions, many organs, many tissues, and even different cells.

"The sixth sequence of our Immortal Martial Arts is to study these systems and learn the knowledge within them."

As she spoke, her tone was sad, as if she was recalling millions of years ago.

"I have studied eight courses in the Martial Palace for more than three hundred years.

“At that time, there were mountains of documents, and the walls and pillars were covered with knowledge.

“Every day when I wake up and open my eyes, there are endless documents.

“Every day is either studying or researching.

“Some are holding documents and staring, or standing in front of the dissecting table with blood on their hands, or sitting in the laboratory with fresh flesh and blood everywhere.

"The new research and documents written by teachers and classmates were delivered one after another, and they piled up like mountains. Some of the documents had become moldy and were thrown away before anyone had read them.

"Those three hundred years were really dark..."

Tian Xinghuo's eyes were dizzy after hearing this.

He once went to high school, and within three years, he couldn't bear the overwhelming workload.

The past three hundred years of Ancient Immortal sound even more disgusting!

"Then, Master, did you complete Sequence Six studies in three hundred years?"

Gu Xian was stunned for a moment.

"finish education?"

These four words seemed a bit strange to her.


"You mean... become a weapon?

“The human body has eight systems and eight areas, which are relatively independent.

“Every field can be condensed into a container of knowledge.

"Your master and I have indeed condensed into eight vessels in three hundred years.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

She grinned, and her laughter echoed in the narrow cave. It seemed that even today, tens of millions of years later, she could still recall the relaxation and joy she felt when she finished her studies and condensed into a container.

Tian Xinghuo sat here, holding his hands on the ground, grabbing the moist and warm soil.

After the master finished laughing, he asked cautiously.

"But... what is the connection between knowledge and these vessels?

"Knowledge is in the head and cannot be seen or touched. How did it become these instruments?"

The master was already a little impatient, but he still explained.

“When knowledge is self-conscious and complete, it can be ‘made into a tool’.

"Okay, let's go. Don't come to this cave again."

The master stood up and looked down at Tian Xinghuo in the darkness.

“Practice well!

"After your senior brother dies, the most powerful person on the mountain will be you.

"You are the new senior brother. I will rely on you in the future as my master."

Ancient Immortal Black Bird stretched out his hand, grabbed Tian Xinghuo's shoulder, pulled him up, and patted his shoulder.

“If we can’t find that alchemist in Xizhou, forget it.

"But if you find it, you must tell me!

“My disciples cannot die in vain.

"I will definitely avenge him!"

Tian Xinghuo smiled awkwardly and was noncommittal.

His former senior brother was Fatty Xianwu, who was killed first by the boss behind the scenes in Xizhou during the battle at the northern suburbs base.

"This sequence of text is quite useful."

Under the dark clouds, a strong wind blew.

An extraordinarily large car was parked at the end of the Purple Earthworm Medicine Field.

Inside the car, there are tables, chairs, refrigerators, cabinets, and an outdoor power supply.

Behind the table, Bai Mo sat, looking at documents and sometimes writing and drawing on the tablet.

...Yes, this extraordinarily large car is Fox Mountain’s latest product, Master’s Mobile Office!

On the table, there are several pots of plants of different sizes.

Outside the car door, there is a huge purple earth dragon rising from the ground.

Rumble... A cart of newly excavated documents was unloaded outside the car door.


Little Big Eyes carried a pile of new documents into the carriage.


Bowtie carried a pile of documents that Master had read and sent them out of the carriage.

Bai Mo sat on a comfortable wicker chair and moved his body to make his waist more comfortable.

While reading the document, I copied the notes on the tablet.

Recently, he has become accustomed to the sequence of six characters... This set of texts contains a huge amount of information. A few words can equal a thousand Chinese characters.

He held up the latest excavated slab.

I fumbled around and read a few lines.


He picked up the tea cup, took a sip of hot tea, and grinned.

"Qingyue Lord!

"She actually left documents for the Masters of Knowledge of Sequence Six?"

After digging through the pile of white ink, you can see that most of them are about the stems of plants, and a few are about the roots.

"Look at the stems first."

While reading and copying, he classified the documents and stacked them in different places for the convenience of his disciples to file them.

While copying, my head was running rapidly, and my spiritual consciousness spread out from time to time. I went outside the carriage to check Zi Dilong and verify this knowledge.

I had just finished copying an article, and while I was frowning, my consciousness carefully explored the sieve tubes in the stems of the Purple Earthworm outside...

Suddenly, a bronze mask flew into the carriage with a "swish", a smile on its face, flying up and down in the carriage.

This mask followed Huanquan Hu and found the documents of Qingyue Junhou, so he ran all the way to find Bai Mo! As long as Bai Mo learns what Junhou left behind, it will spare no effort to help!

At this time, he happily flew forward, picked up a copper plate, and floated it next to Bai Mo.

It believes that as long as Bai Mo follows Junhou's ideas, success will be just around the corner!

Bai Mo grinned and withdrew his consciousness from outside the door.

He looked at the copper plate in the mask's mouth and continued taking notes.

I just feel a little depressed.

“The things left by Lord Qingyue… are not very reliable either.

"The knowledge is stronger than that of ordinary ancient immortals.

"But... there are also many omissions."

From the previously dug documents, Bai Mo probably knew the requirements of this practice.

"When knowledge and self-consciousness are complete, can it become a useful tool?"

But knowledge, is there such a thing as perfection?

Bai Mo subconsciously looked up at the ceiling of the carriage, as if his eyes could see through the carriage, through the dark clouds, and see the stars and the universe.

If knowledge is said to be the stars in the sky, does "perfection" mean to count all the stars?

But, does the universe have boundaries?

Is there a limit to the number of stars?

Can you count them all?

Does the word "consummation" mean anything?

In the early morning, the trees outside the window were already full of dead leaves.

In front of the office window, Tian Xinghuo stuffed a piece of printing paper into the shredder.

The information he wrote down was eaten bit by bit and shattered bit by bit.

[...The ancient immortal spent three hundred years learning eight major systems of knowledge and condensing them into eight knowledge containers]

[Are we humans three hundred years behind? 】

He was uneasy and looked at Professor Zhang next to him.

"Is this really okay?

"If I come to the Secret Brain Office every day to report, will it be a waste of their energy?"

Professor Zhang closed his eyes, and his consciousness was fully activated, covering the entire office.

"Don't worry, the Secret Brain Office is not afraid of your chatting, nor is it afraid that your information will be worthless.

"If you want to find them, just look for them.

“It was a big enough organization with enough resources and people.

"A lot of information seems repetitive and meaningless. But perhaps there is key information hidden in some inconspicuous detail.

"Just provide information and leave all the thinking and processing work to Secret Brain!"

Tian Xinghuo nodded, and after waiting for a moment, he saw the printer next to him outputting another piece of paper.

[Please don’t worry]

[We are not only behind the ancient immortals in the three hundred years of Sequence Six]

[Ancient Immortals are more than sequence six]

[Cultivation before and after Sequence Six also takes time]

Tian Xinghuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

What do these mean?

Don't worry about the 3,000 yuan you owe Huabei, because there are still hundreds of millions in holes in the bank that can't be paid?

Upstairs, Bai Mo was wearing a black sweater, sitting behind his desk, taking a sip of hot tea and touching the head of the apprentice next to him.

"Three hundred years... I guess it's not nonsense."

According to the literature in Fox Mountain, the sixth cultivation sequence of the Ancient Immortal takes different times. Some take hundreds of years, while others can be completed in just a few decades. Three hundred years is neither too fast nor too slow, just an average.

"With those documents that are full of errors and omissions, it takes three hundred years to learn perfection, but it is not easy to be foolish without learning.

"But how should I study here?"

Bai Mo didn't want to waste hundreds of years, so he thought about whether there was any clever way to complete this practice as soon as possible?

He opened the expert database and began to read contemporary documents. But looking at this endless list, I feel that the literature in this world is like the number of sands in the Ganges. It is endless and endless to read.

"Cultivation into immortality is really not easy."

He grinned, undeterred.

There are always more solutions than difficulties!

He held the mouse, clicked on the most cited article, rolled the mouse wheel, and started reading.

The sun is rising higher and higher outside the window, and there are already footsteps in the corridor of people leaving get off work early.

Fang Xiaoyu and Bai Mo's fox apprentice Hei Huan got together and browsed various takeaways on the computer screen.

"How about this sushi?

"Order a big box set and let the four of us eat together?"

This is a newly opened internet celebrity sushi restaurant. The prices are so high that Fang Xiaoyu would not consider it on weekdays.

But now, their office has special living funds, and they can be reimbursed for whatever they eat! Then price is no longer an issue.

Black Ring, wearing the same black sweater as his master, stared at the screen with wide eyes.


I really haven’t eaten it!

But it doesn’t look like a big amount. Can it be full?

Next to him, Bai Mo squinted his eyes, lay down on the office chair, stretched and yawned.

He planned to rest first and continue working in the afternoon.

Take out your phone and check the news.

[A magic war broke out in Dongguo City. The bloody talisman covered the sky and the scab man's wanted criminals were repelled]

Su Baitao? Got into a fight with the magician from the dark side?

Bai Mo clicked to enter and saw several photos, including talismans spread all over the sky, a building that was destroyed by bombs, and post-war warning tapes and ambulances...

"Such a big battle?"

He scrolled down the report and found that the incident was suppressed quickly and the casualties were not serious. But the enemy scab failed to stay, and he managed to escape.

"Speaking of which, the base of disciples of the Xianwu path is large, and there are quite a lot of high-sequence disciples."

After all, this is a way to study martial arts and the human body, and the most needed material is the human being itself.

From tens of millions of years ago to the present day, there has never been a shortage of materials needed for this path.

The base of disciples is large and there are many high-ranking disciples, so it is not difficult to understand.

I flipped through the news and saw that in major cities in the east, west, north and south, the number of terrorist attacks launched by the dark side, Sequence Seven, was increasing day by day.

The committee's Sequence Seven defenders, as well as the existing behind-the-scenes bosses, also frequently took action to suppress the unrest.

"Tiannan City also had a fight..."

"In BH City, a battle between immortal weapon masters took place, and a huge sword shadow spread out from the sky..."

"In Spring Mountain City, the fortune teller summoned a group of yellow men to curse and kill a sequence seven beast master?

"Won? Killed? That's not bad."

White ink fingertips swiped across the screen, browsing recent big news.

Overall, all major cities are not at peace, with wars raging one after another.

The committee sometimes suffered losses and sometimes took advantage, and suffered large or small casualties, but it was basically able to stabilize the situation.

"Dongguo, Beihai, Chunshan, Heluo, Tiannan...there are fighting everywhere, but only Xizhou is peaceful?"

Bai Mo flipped through it, thought about it, and found that it was really more than just Xizhou.

"Yincheng, there is no news."

In fact, since the previous battle at the northern suburbs base, these two places have been very stable, and no large-scale attacks have been reported.

Bai Mo grinned.

"That's not bad. One move can bring you peace of mind."

He opened the Shexian Forum and saw that the entire forum was full of posts discussing the bosses behind the scenes in Dongguo City or Chunshan City. These two people had become a top topic.

[Oh my God, the Talisman Master is so handsome. The sky is covered with talismans one after another. The picture is so shocking]

[Reminds me of Xiaonan, 40 million detonating talismans almost killed Madara]

[This guy from Chunshan City is even more terrifying. Look at that photo. Hundreds of yellow-skinned people were burning incense together, and they just cursed the enemy to death? Who can withstand this?]

【What yellow skin? That's Wong Tai Sin, please speak with respect! 】

There are very few people discussing Xizhou City. Only a small number of people secretly discuss housing prices in a few posts.

[House prices in Xizhou are rising so fast that even the old and the poor can no longer afford it]

[Go and rob a house in Yincheng. There are no terrorist attacks there. It’s very safe, but the housing prices are much more beautiful]

[Just ask if you don’t understand. I can understand the peace in Xizhou. Why is there nothing happening in Yincheng? 】

[You don’t wish us well in Yincheng, do you? 】

[Do you still remember the treasure from Xizhou boss? The live broadcast was stuck and destroyed the fourteen sequence seven flowers in one frame. Now, Hong Bao is on the forehead every day]

[The key is that Yincheng is too close to Xizhou, it takes an hour’s drive]

[In that case, you can go to any small city next to Xizhou]

It’s the beginning of autumn, brothers!

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