The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 240 The fox in the knowledge container, the blood scab in the cerebral cortex

In the main hall, Bai Mo raised his head and looked at his knowledge container with a strange expression.

The foxes who were watching became excited and rushed into the hall to surround Dading and Master. They jumped up and down, shook their heads, and started dancing.




Above the mouth of the cauldron, there are four bronze foxes standing in all directions, facing outside the cauldron, guarding the cauldron!

The first bronze fox holds a sword with its claws behind its back, with its chest raised and its belly protruding.

The second bronze fox, holding a shovel, is proud of himself.

The third bronze fox picked up a small hammer and frowned slightly.

The fourth bronze fox, with a copper plate on its head, is in high spirits.

"What's going on? It's not a standard wok or tripod..."

Whose wok and tripod brings four foxes?

But Bai Mo had a vague realization in his heart that there was no problem in his process of making the cauldron. Instead, it was very successful.

He stepped forward and touched the cauldron.

However, he saw that the tripod was obviously newly cast, but there were rough bronze rust stains on the surface, as if it had experienced tens of millions of years. And among the mottled rust, if you look carefully, you can vaguely see small words one after another.

These words are densely packed, crowded, and stacked, but they have their own structure.

In this text, Bai Mo saw his research on Purple Earth Dragon, the characteristics of Brain-eating Vine, the line of plant stem science he had summarized, and his understanding of the stem of the big mushroom... He is The master of the tripod, the tripod is his knowledge.

“Anyway, it’s done, that’s great.

“The success this time shows that there are no problems with my ideas and methodology.

"Following this line of thinking, all six knowledge vessels of Sequence 6 can be cast!"

Bai Mo asked his apprentices to stop dancing in circles, and was about to take back the container when he suddenly noticed that the container produced a huge suction force and was pulling a piece of Purple Earthworm stem next to the table...or rather...

"Is it trying to pull something in the stalk of Purple Ground Dragon?"

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness spread out, aware of Zi Earth Dragon's resistance and unwillingness, as well as Zi Earth Dragon's powerlessness and grievance.

He understood what Purple Earth Dragon meant... This big cauldron was going to take away the original fairy energy of Purple Earth Dragon's stems!

Bai Mo suddenly understood.

"No wonder it's a container. It's supposed to contain the original immortal energy of all things?

"At this time, the cauldron's instinct is triggered, and it wants to suck away the original fairy energy of this purple earth dragon?"

He looked at Zi Dilong.

“If you don’t want to give it, I won’t force it.

"It's still a long time, let's discuss it slowly."

Taking it by force is not the solution, we can think about it in the long term.

Bai Mo grinned, and with a thought in his mind, he controlled the cauldron to let go of the purple earth dragon.

Immediately, the big cauldron suddenly disintegrated into pieces of bronze characters, and flew back into the white ink sleeves like a hundred birds returning to their nests.

The night is dark.

The dormitory hall was dark, and the foxes gathered in circles, all discussing the master's cauldron.

Peach Blossom Eyes held a small shovel and looked proud.

"Ouch, ooh, ooh, ouch?"

...Does it look similar to the bronze fox on the cauldron?

The foxes looked over one by one and frowned.

It's a bit like it!

But the foxes in the medicinal field, everyone has a small shovel, and they all look like the statue. After all...the bronze statue has no pattern and color, so it's impossible to tell who it is.

The white claws are reversed and the sword is held, with the chest raised and the belly raised.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch? Ouch, ouch, ouch?"

...Does it look like the fox holding the sword on the cauldron?

The foxes all looked suspicious, and soon they discovered Hua Dian.

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The fox's sword on the statue is solid!

But the sword White Claw is hollow!

White Claw tilted his head and thought for a moment.


It also used a solid sword!

But not only it, many brothers and sisters have used solid swords.

The overalls held up the hammer, frowned, and put on a serious expression.

He raised his head again and asked his brothers.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch?"

...Does it look similar to the bronze fox on the tripod?

The brothers and sisters in the circle all tilted their heads and looked suspiciously.

There are already thousands of foxes in various workshops in Fox Mountain. Quite a few of them have carried hammers. They all feel that they are quite similar!

Huanquan Hu held a copper plate on his head and raised his front paws to support it.

He was so excited that he recalled the scene when he sent documents to Master!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The fourth bronze fox on Master's cauldron looks like this!

The black-eared, white-eared, and flowery-armed ones next to them all tilted their heads and laughed.

Now that there are more cars in Fox Mountain, there is no need to travel all the way to deliver literature to Master. Everyone delivers it by car.

But the last few hundred meters from the entrance of the temple to the master's desk were still like this, with my head held high as I walked!

In the middle of the dormitory, Bai Mo was lying on the bed with his arms pillowed on his pillow.

Moon Claw and Star Claw, one on the left and one on the right, lie on both sides of the master.

They have already decided that from now on, they will lie here tonight and will not leave. They will sleep next to their master later.

Thinking of this, the two foxes tilted their heads and laughed out loud.

Bai Mo is closing his eyes, feeling his newly forged knowledge container.

"This a container for storing the original immortal energy?"

After some trying, he figured it out.

The original immortal energy required for the Alchemy Path only exists in the immortal grass of sequence six or above. In the Ancient Immortal Dynasty, it might still be relatively abundant. But today, tens of millions of years later, it is already an extremely scarce material.

"The Purple Earth Dragon tree needs to be properly worshiped.

"The resurrection of other super fairy grasses also needs to be put on the agenda."

lunch time.

The huge canteen in the northern suburbs base was filled with shouts and noises.

Professors, doctors, and technicians were all in groups, chatting and laughing, and queuing up for meals.

"The bread looks good today."

"I want to go eat roast duck rice."

"Let's go, gourd head steamed buns?"

At the edge of the cafeteria, a staircase leads to the second floor.

Bai Mo was wearing a black sweater and carrying his apprentice's black belt. He had just eaten and drank and walked down the stairs.

Professor Zhang walked side by side with him and said with a grin.

“Everyone in the entire northern suburbs base is eating here.

“Quite a few of them are participating in the mycelium healing patch project.

“In other words, they are running for you.

"When you point out new directions and new goals later, they will probably follow you, help you do experiments, help you write reports, and help you test technology. Hahaha."

Bai Mo smiled and exchanged a few words.

He didn't care much about it.

I came with Professor Zhang today. It is said that there is a difficult problem and we need to consult together.

After eating at this time, he followed Professor Zhang's footsteps and left the cafeteria and walked all the way to the laboratory building.


The elevator door opens.

The smell of disinfectant wafts from the corridor.

There were little nurses walking around.

Bai Mo frowned.


A hospital built into the northern suburbs base?

Is the problem that needs to be dealt with today a patient?

Following Professor Zhang, I entered a ward and saw that this was a single room. A pale-faced boy was lying quietly on the bed.

The infusion tube in his arm is injecting glucose into him to help him maintain nutrition.


The door was pushed open again, and several old men in white coats came in, all of them frowning.

They looked at Professor Zhang and Bai Mo, and all smiled bitterly.

The leader of the old man lowered his voice.

"Every line is like a mountain. No matter how powerful Bai Mo Expert is, there is no point in bringing him here."


The door was pushed open again, and it was Bai Mo's acquaintance, Tian Xinghuo, who came in!

When he saw Bai Mo, he smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

Pointing at the pale boy on the bed.

"Is it in vain?

"He was quite dark originally. After turning into a vegetative state two years ago, he has been lying in the hospital, making himself white."

Bai Mo frowned.

"what happened?"

Tian Xinghuo shook his head.

"I do not know.

"He and I entered the same dreamland.

“Ever since that day two years ago, when Master Guxian taught him alone, he has become like this.

"Can't eat, can't drink, turned into a vegetative state."

Several medical experts nearby, after some discussion, came over with a smile.

"It's good that all the experts from Baimo are here to take a look at the situation, discuss it, and brainstorm ideas."

They didn't think Bai Mo could be of any use, they just wanted to give Professor Zhang some face.

I briefly looked at Tian Xinghuo’s younger brother, Tian Xingguang.

Bai Mo and a group of experts left the ward and came to a conference room.

After everyone sat down, they handed a large amount of information to Bai Mo, and he quickly read through it.

"Hmm... Tian Xingguang is not the only one who was turned into a vegetative state by the ancient immortal?"

This situation occurs all over the country.

Recently, the safety rating of the northern suburbs base has become higher. More experts have come here, and more cases have been gathered here to study this problem together.

At this time, the old men present in the conference room were all top experts in neurosurgery, but they couldn't find a way to deal with Tian Xingguang's condition.

"Although I have become a vegetative state, my brain has always been super active? Is it even necessary to replenish the brain with nutrients?

"The brain has become extremely fragile and MRI cannot be used. Once an MRI is performed, will the head explode?"

Bai Mo raised his head and looked at the experts.

When I saw the experts, they all smiled bitterly and nodded.

"We can only do CT, not MRI, nor craniotomy. Even... the unlucky kid whose head was shot, we wanted to use him as a gross body teacher to study... But his brain was too damaged... "

Having said this, several old experts lowered their heads one after another, with gloomy expressions and dim eyebrows. He seemed unwilling to recall the scene at that time.

"Can't we use our spiritual consciousness?"

Professor Zhang shook his head.

"Tian Xingguang originally came from a family of immortal magic, and there are several people in his family who have spiritual consciousness.

"But...the divine consciousness cannot be used.

"Their brains have become extremely weird. Once their spiritual consciousness comes into contact, their brains will be inexplicably messed up and turned into a mess."

Professor Zhang took out a document from a pile and handed it to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo glanced at it and found that it was the report made by Wu Jianxian two years ago... Two years ago, he used his spiritual consciousness to examine the brain of a vegetative person involved in immortality. As a result, a weird trigger was triggered on the spot, which messed up the brain of a vegetative person involved in immortality. A lump of paste.

Two years ago... Since then, has the ancient immortal done weird things to the world?

Bai Mo frowned slightly while reading reports related to biochemical levels, and his consciousness went out through the wall and went to Tian Xingguang's ward next door.

But he saw Tian Xinghuo standing in front of the window in a daze.

Tian Xingguang was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and his face expressionless.

Bai Mo's consciousness spread out gently like ripples on the water, and swept towards Tian Xingguang with the lightest, softest and most imperceptible gesture. Through his scalp, through his skull, to his cerebral cortex.

Divine consciousness and divine consciousness are also not the same.

Wu Jianxian's consciousness will detonate the restriction.

Bai Mo's consciousness is delicate enough to hide from the restrictions!

At this time, his spiritual consciousness swept over and he saw the pink cerebral cortex with grooves and ravines on it, which looked like walnut kernels.

Nothing seems unusual?

Bai Mo was about to let his consciousness go deeper when he suddenly noticed something was wrong and withdrew his consciousness.

He took a deep breath and already understood what was wrong.

Lift your head and look at the experts.

"Are there any CT films? I want to read them.

"It's best to get some CT scans of normal people's brains for reference and comparison."

An expert reached out his hand and pushed his laptop directly to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo nodded and started reading the film.

But I saw that in this folder, there were one CT film after another. There were more CT films and more angles than ordinary CT films. There was not even much change between each one, which made people dizzy.

White Ink rubs the mouse wheel and reads one by one.

He was not familiar with CT films, but he already knew the answer. At this time, he just wanted to find a way and angle from the CT films to tell the answers to the experts present.

The fox apprentice has a black belt and wears the same black sweater as his master. He jumps on the desk with his head held high and his tail raised... As long as the master takes action, there will be no problems! These old men, just wait and see!

The experts at the conference table all looked at Professor Zhang and smiled bitterly. I thought why bring Bai Mo here? Even a genius cannot master all fields. At this moment, everyone just wanted to cooperate with Bai Mo, go through this scene, and then send him away.

Professor Zhang also realized that his move was inappropriate. Bai Mo's field of expertise is not here. If he brings Bai Mo here, it will in vain destroy Bai Mo's confidence, and it will also affect other experts' perceptions of Bai Mo.

In his mind, Ancient Immortal Qingluo was already chuckling.

"Hahahaha, do you need to seek medical treatment if you are in a hurry?

“This problem cannot be solved casually!

"Apprentice, why don't you beg me?

"Although even if you beg me, I won't help you. Hahaha."

Professor Zhang ignored Gu Xian and looked at Bai Mo, who was still reading the film. He hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and was about to say something.

The other experts on the table stretched and put their hands on the table before standing up.

At this moment...

They heard Bai Mo talking.

"There is something wrong with the patient's cerebral cortex.

"Looking at these pictures, your intuition tells me that the patient's cerebral cortex shadows are different from those of ordinary people."

The apprentice next to him, Black Belt, was very proud. Fox Claw immediately picked up the laptop and showed the screen to the others.

The experts were stunned on the spot and leaned over one by one.

They are all big guys in the field of supernatural beings, so their ability to read movies is naturally not weak.

At this time, he was staring at the several groups of films that Bai Mo had selected, his eyes full of seriousness.

"Ah? Is there any difference?"

"The shapes are different, individual differences, right?"

"White ink experts may not understand very well."

The leader, Professor Qin, suddenly raised his eyes on the bridge of his nose and his pupils shrank.

"Huh? Look at this shadow, is it possible... that the patient's cerebral cortex is covered with a thin layer... a layer... of blood scab?"

Bai Mo's face was expressionless.

Professor Zhang's eyes widened.

The ancient immortal in his mind stopped laughing and his expression became weird again.

After being awakened, several experts were speechless.

They stared at the films selected by Bai Mo one by one. The more they watched, the more they felt that Professor Qin seemed to be right.

"Oh my god, how come there are blood scabs on the cerebral cortex?"

"No wonder we can't see it. Is that a place where blood scabs can grow?"

"Expert of white ink, how did you find out? Have you studied imaging? Are you so good at reading films?"

"Hahaha, white ink expert, please share your experience with everyone."

Bai Mo was stunned for a moment and frowned, what should I say?

He was looking for the answer through the process, and it was certainly easier to find.

At this time, after thinking about his words, he spoke and said something that stunned all the experts.

"I haven't studied imaging, I rely on...intuition!"

Thanks to book friend Digital Brother 2047 for the reward~

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