The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 255 The past of Lord Qingyue, friends of Lao Feng and his wife


The strong wind blew by, carrying yellow sand and blowing on Bai Mo's clothes and hair.

Then he saw that the Black Stick Mountain in the distance had collapsed from head to toe, as if it had been flattened, turning into a large pool of gravel, rolling down, spreading, and spreading in the mountain.

Under the strong wind, large pieces of smoke and dust flew away from time to time.

In Bai Mo's arms, several fox apprentices poked their heads out one after another, their eyes widened and their mouths couldn't close, looking at the scenery behind after the Black Stick Mountain collapsed.

Whoosh! Whoosh...

But there were hundreds of fox apprentices, running back from a distance and running towards the gravel of Black Stick Mountain that was spread all over the beach.


The big flowery arms picked up a piece of gravel, only to see that it was not a stone, but a piece of metal!


The black bracelet picked up one piece and replaced it with another.

These metal blocks all have edges and corners, but they are all about the same size, as big as a human head, so they are easy to move and operate!


The overalls jumped out of the master's arms and looked at the metal blocks.

This is not a copper block, nor an iron block... it looks like a special metal used for making weapons, with a lighter mass and higher strength.

It looked at the car made of bronze plates behind it, recalled the bumps and noises of the car, and recalled the compromises made in the production process of the copper plate materials, and suddenly smiled... With an inexhaustible supply of better materials, in the future These broken copper plates are no longer rare!

Each of the foxes held the metal block in their paws, surrounded the master's car, and started dancing, shaking their heads and tails!




...Fox Mountain’s new mechanized materials, Fox Mountain’s more better and updated machinery, are coming soon!

On the roof of the car, a bronze mask was suspended, with a dull face.

Bai Mo grinned, and his consciousness spread out like the wind, sensing things in the metal blocks all over the mountain... He just seemed to sense that there was something hidden in the mountain?

"found it!"

He made a move with one hand, and with his spiritual consciousness, he saw the metal stone beach in the distance trembling slightly, and a bronze scroll flew out from it, flew several hundred meters away, and landed in Bai Mo's hand.

The bronze mask was in mid-air, frozen.

Bai Mo unfolded the scroll and saw that it was a copper-scroll silk book. It had been specially treated and had survived for tens of millions of years.

“Easter eggs left in Black Stick Mountain?

"You can see it when future generations smash Black Stick Mountain?"

On the silk book, there are words in sequence six.

Bai Mo subconsciously looked at the final signature, and it turned out to be Qingyue Junhou.

[In the 18,030th year of the Dan Kingdom, I asked the Ding'er princes of the Qi Kingdom to help me build a black stick mountain and place it next to this high platform for ancestor worship]

[Every time they worship their ancestors, the immortals of Qingyue Dan Palace can use this Black Stick Mountain to demonstrate their great immortal skills, inspire future generations, and comfort their ancestors]

[Mountains are dead things and cannot grow, but our Qingyue Dan Palace can be passed down from generation to generation. Whenever the immortals of Dan Palace worship their ancestors, they will use great magic on this mountain. This mountain will often receive new wounds and wear away day by day. 】

[The immortals in my Qingyue Dan Palace will become more and more numerous]

[The immortal skills of my Qingyue Dan Palace will become more and more powerful]

[As time goes by, after thousands of years, this mountain will eventually be crushed]

[I will leave this silk book in the heart of the mountain, waiting for future generations]

[Perhaps I have died of old age at that time, perhaps I have died in battle at that time, perhaps my tablet is already on the high platform for ancestor worship, enjoying enshrinement]

[If my spirit in the sky can see that the Qingyue Dan Palace is even more prosperous than before, and if my spirit in the sky can see that the descendants of the Dan Palace finally smashed the Black Stick Mountain, how happy and joyful would it be? 】

After reading this, the disciples were still dancing in circles nearby, and their cheerful voices rang in the wind.

Bai Mo couldn't help feeling sad.

Previously, some general platforms were dug out, and Lord Qingyue went out for battle. It was eighteen thousand and three hundred and twenty-one years in the Dan Kingdom calendar, twenty-one years after the Black Stick Mountain was cast.

In other words, not long after Lord Qingyue left this text, the ancient Immortal Dynasty suffered a disaster and its civilization was destroyed. The Qingyue Dan Palace, which was filled with pavilions and pavilions, also turned into ruins all over the mountains and plains.

There are not more and more immortals in Dan Palace.

The magic of Dan Palace is not getting stronger.

I don’t know if Lord Qingyue is still alive.

Her tablet does not appear on the ancestor worship platform.

She had never seen the scene of Black Stick Mountain being shattered thousands of years later.

The apprentices have resumed work, and the roar of the excavator continues to sound.

I jumped into the car with overalls, returned to Master's arms, and read this copper-scroll silk book with Master.

Of course it can't understand it, but it has to watch it with Master. The important thing is to participate!

The bronze mask stood next to him, his face also full of anxiety.

It wants to know, what did the master say in this silk book?

Bai Mo raised his head, looked at the mask, and grinned.

"She said she was very happy and relieved that this mountain could be built."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued reading the silk book.

[I am from a minor noble family, my family is in decline and resources are scarce]

[She has been beautiful since childhood, attracting countless nobles to propose marriage]

[But I was unwilling to be reduced to someone else’s vassal, so I became a Tenjo Immortal, hunting down corrupt people, earning merit, and exchanging resources]

[My talent for cultivating immortals is only average to above average, and I often sigh when I look at the backs of talented people]

[But I am in charge of the law of heaven, hunting down the fallen, walking in blood all the way, fighting through the evil wind, and the heads are rolling, but I have not been defeated for many years]

This entire text, written with cinnabar, has been sealed in the Black Stick Mountain for tens of millions of years and is still bright red.

Especially in this line, there is even more sharpness in the writing, as if the sharpness is going to cut through the silk scroll!

[In this way, I walked along the way, obtained materials in a pool of blood, and learned the magic of immortality in life and death. Five hundred years later, I suddenly ascended to the position of king]

[Looking back again, the talented people who I could never compare to have either fallen, died of old age, or are still practicing hard in the middle order. It really makes me sad.]

As he writes this, Junhou's strokes are light and airy, with soft and playful arcs. It seems that through this painting, one can see the relaxation and pride on the face of the person who wrote it thousands of years ago.

"If you are not defeated... Qingyue Lord is not an ordinary person.

"She's a different kind of genius."

Keep watching.

[Although the best-growing fairy grass in Qingyue Dan Palace is Zilong, what I am good at is not Zilongpan]

[Today, I will record in this silk book the great immortal arts that I comprehended in life and death during the Sixth Sequence, and give them to future generations]

[Perhaps tens of millions of years later, the great immortal arts will change day by day, and my great immortal arts will no longer be able to keep up with the trend, but it doesn’t matter]

[If there is any merit in this technique, please remove the waste and retain the essence]

[If this technique is completely outdated, please leave it as a joke]

[The name of this technique is Blue Flower Rain]


That's not bad.

Bai Mo grinned, looked at the back of the silk book, and wrote a piece of text eloquently.

"Here, have a drink!

"Our relationship is in place, no need for alcohol, just some Coke, hey hey hey."

Under the warm light, Chen Wenquan's dining table was filled with dishes.

Home-cooked food, not amazing, but extremely affordable!

Beef brisket stewed with tomatoes, small pieces of beef brisket on top.

The braised pork ribs are slightly darker in color and slightly overheated, but they are softer and more flavorful.

Shredded cucumber mixed with shredded apple, placed in a small stainless steel basin, with acetic acid and refreshing fragrance...

Chen Wenquan and his wife were all smiling as they talked to Bai Mo.

Chen Wenquan's son is in elementary school. He looked at Bai Mo with curiosity on his face.

The fox apprentice Leopard Head Belly on the bench grabbed a stewed chicken leg, first slurped up the chicken soup, and then took a big bite of the meat, eating with a smile on his face.

"Does the food taste good?"

"It's delicious! My wife's cooking skills are great.

“Over the years, I have sometimes eaten takeout and sometimes eaten in canteens, but home-cooked food has been the least of my meals.

"I'm in a good mood today."

This is a small talk, but also the truth.

Bai Mo laughed and ate... In the past, it was really hard to eat pork ribs that were so fresh and stewed so badly.

Lao Chen asked casually.

"How is the completion of your project over it's confidential, just pretend I didn't ask."

After he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong and smiled awkwardly.

Bai Mo also smiled.

"There is nothing that cannot be said. It is basically completed. It will be put into production tomorrow and the first batch of goods will be put into use in half a month."

On the committee's side, all work has come to an end.

Hong Anxi taught them that they could have a good rest for a few days.

Chongye and Fang Xiaoyu’s stocks also took off successfully.

Master Chong called to announce the good news, and you could hear on the phone that he was grinning from the corner of his mouth to the base of his ears.

Fang Xiaoyu called to make an appointment with the real estate sales, but her tone was different from before.

At the dinner table, the mistress frowned.

"It's been a hard time for you, right?"

Bai Mo was stunned for a moment.

"'s not that hard."

The mistress is already a yellow-faced woman, and she is a yellow-faced woman who is devoted to her family and has no ears to what is going on outside the window. When facing Bai Mo, he is not so reserved, but instead has the enthusiasm and kindness towards the younger generation.

At this time, he picked up the spoon and scooped out a large spoonful of beef into the white ink bowl.

"Hey, our old man, Chen, sometimes does this kind of project. I understand how hard it is for you. Eat more beef and replenish it! It has been pressed in the pressure cooker for half an hour, but it is now mushy!"

Bai Mo laughed while eating.

Sitting at this dining table, I looked up and saw that people on the opposite floor were also eating.

The family of three was enjoying themselves with a table full of food.

But why is there a tablet on the table?

What do you mean?

Bai Mo paid attention for a moment, took a closer look...and suddenly smiled awkwardly. It turned out that it was not a tablet, but a tablet.

But what does that mean?

When the family eats, do you still have a place for your tablet?

Just as they were wondering, Lao Chen and his wife followed Bai Mo's gaze and looked back at the human world on the other side of the building.

"Oh? Modashan, did you go to Lao Feng's house for dinner again?"

"Is this Mo Dashan interested in the old Feng family's wife?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Wenquan rolled his eyes at his wife and forbade her from chewing her tongue.

After hearing Lao Chen whisper a few words, Bai Mo realized that it turned out that they were not a family of three.

It was Mrs. Feng, Feng Endi, mother and son, and the Feng family’s friend Mo Dashan.

“Old Feng, Feng Kaishan, and Mo Dashan are actually alumni of our Western University.

“Before graduation, their relationship was good.

"Now that Lao Feng has been transferred out of town to work, Mo Dashan will come over occasionally to help his old classmate take care of his wife and children. I don't have anything like that, so don't listen to your wife's nonsense."

Feng Endi?

Isn't that the younger brother?

The leopard-headed belly next to him was grabbing a small spoon to show off the beef. He stood on tiptoes, poked his head and looked towards the other side of the building.

Sure enough, I saw my little brother sitting at the dining table with a happy face!


Although the little brother no longer plays with them, as long as the little brother is happy, they will be happy too.

Bai Mo grinned and understood.

That tablet computer placed on the dining table is waiting for Lao Feng to come back from working while making a video call?

Feng Endi is so excited and his face is red. Is he also looking forward to his father?

Under the torrent of the times, people are like grass in the wind, gathering and scattering involuntarily, each with his own joys and sorrows.

That child, for some unknown reason, was forbidden by his mother to play with the fairy beasts, and he was left alone in this courtyard for a long time. You will finally be able to see your dad tonight, you must be very happy?

There was a lot of fun at the dinner table over there.

The dining table here is equally happy.

Old Chen and his wife lowered their voices and chatted about gossip.

"This guy Lao Feng has gone to work somewhere. He hasn't been home all year round, leaving his wife to be ostracized and his son to be bullied.

"Expert Baimo, don't get me wrong. My son won't bully him. My son is already in elementary school. Hehe."

As we talked, we talked about Modashan again.

"Mo Dashan started his business, but he was almost dead. He had no wife for so many years, and sometimes he asked Lao Feng for help.

"In recent years, I suddenly became enlightened, became prosperous, and began to support the old Feng family in turn. He is really a good person.

"Did he drive into the Mercedes-Benz?"

"It seems so."

"It's really developed."

The mistress curled her lips.

"Let me tell you, Mo Dashan is not married anyway. A guy like Lao Feng who abandons his wife and children should just give his wife and children to Mo Dashan!

“He doesn’t care for his wife, so let Modashan help him care for her.

"He doesn't care about the children, let Modashan take care of them for him."

Chen Wenquan rolled his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense!

"If your words get out, those talkative women will be able to chew their tongues even more.

"I don't know what the innocent relationship between friends will be chewed into."

The master's wife smiled coquettishly.

"I'm just saying that I feel aggrieved for Lao Feng, his wife and son.

"You haven't seen how his wife and son were bullied."

The meal was finished quickly.

With the leopard head and belly, there was still some leftovers at the end of this large table of dishes... There was a puddle of vegetable soup left on every plate.

The mistress cleared the dining table and drove away Bai Mo who wanted to help.

Lao Chen took Bai Mo's arm.

"Would you like to watch a movie together? Watch mecha? Exoskeleton armor?"

Bai Mo frowned.

"Do you still see this kind of thing?"

Old Chen grinned.

"It's not that I like to watch... I have a mission.

“Recently, the committee has been brainstorming ideas for mechas and armors.

"I really want to start making this kind of equipment."


Bai Mo suddenly realized that he recalled what he saw that day, the committee's exoskeleton armor.

If you think about it carefully, things like mechas and armors are really interesting...

In terms of power, it is not the strongest.

In terms of speed, it's not the fastest.

In terms of maneuverability, it's not the most flexible either.

In terms of intelligence, he can't be said to be the smartest.

But what if we consider it all together?

On the contrary, it is very effective and very suitable for this era!

Lao Chen took Bai Mo and sat down on the sofa.

Lao Chen's son and Leopard Head Belly also ran over and looked at the screen, their eyes widening.

"Let's watch it together and find some inspiration from literary and artistic works and science fiction works.

“Human imagination is also a treasure house!

"We look for inspiration and throw it to the committee. Let them worry about the technology and let them realize it. Hehe."

While smiling, he suddenly froze again.

"Um...this type of project shouldn't give you a headache, right?"

Bai Mo grinned.

It’s hard to say whether it will happen or not, but...

"...No headache."

While talking and joking, Bai Mo saw that on the other side of the building, the dining table had not yet been cleared.

The three people were all full and did not move their mouths.

Is this table of food waiting for... waiting for the tablet that is still dark, waiting for the video call that Lao Feng has not yet called back?

The character Qingyue Junhou was not written blindly. There will be important scenes in the later stages.

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