The sunny ward was filled with the smell of disinfectant and a faint smell of blood.

Fang Xiaoyu was wearing a hospital gown, leaning on the pillow, her face pale. The skin has returned to smoothness, and apart from the bad complexion, the appearance has not declined much. Seems to be recovering well.

He took the freshly peeled apple from Bai Mo and took a small bite. She was so weak that her teeth couldn't even use much strength to chew an apple.

Eat in small bites.

He looked up at Bai Mo again.

"Expert Baimo, I may not be your secretary in the future.

“The job of the Fairy Arts Committee is a bit dangerous.

"I don't think I'm suitable."

Bai Mo sat on the edge of the bed and frowned.

I feel that Fang Xiaoyu's decision is actually the right one.

Hear Fang Xiaoyu continue.

“Although this job has a well-established establishment, high salary, high subsidies, and high social status, and even if something happened this time, there will be a very high subsidy, but...fuck, these things, you can take them with your life, but you can’t spend your life with them!

“It was almost done this time!

"I finally understand, what kind of bullshit magic is called black magic or ghost magic is more or less the same.

"There is nothing good about anything related to magic!"

After saying that, she suddenly realized something was wrong and quickly looked at Bai Mo.

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't tell you anything!

"You are related to magic, but you are not a good person."

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

I also understood what Fang Xiaoyu meant, but it felt weird.

"No need to explain."

However, this time something happened, many people in the Immortal Arts Committee really faced the danger, experienced the danger, and began to want to quit and no longer want to work.

Will it become quiet here if we come to the Fairy Arts Committee again?

If we no longer have a secretary, will we hire another one?

Is the next secretary as good-looking and professional as Fang Xiaoyu?

Fang Xiaoyu pulled Bai Mo and started to gossip.

"Actually, we, a group of female secretaries, have all wanted to find a suitable partner in the Fairy Arts Committee.

“No one would dare to do anything like this.


She secretly lowered her voice.

“Can you check someone out for me?

"There is an expert named Huang Fu. I heard that he is the most popular member of the Immortal Arts Committee recently. He has a doctorate from Beijing University and is not involved in immortality, but he has a very high level in the Immortal Arts Committee and his salary is extremely high!

"We, a group of female secretaries, all think he is a perfect mate.

"You have high authority, try to find his photo and see what he looks like!"

Fang Xiaoyu's big eyes were burning with the fire of Bagua!

Bai Mo took out his mobile phone, logged into the internal account of his Fairy Arts Committee, and searched for "Huang Fu".

"Uh, we found him, is it him?"

But I saw the person on the phone screen, with a bald head, a square face, a fat neck, and a face full of acne. He was quite unattractive! Very fat, not like a doctor.

Bai Mo looked at Fang Xiaoyu again, only to see that Fang Xiaoyu had a look of disillusionment on his face and wiped his eyes in disbelief.

She pulled Bai Mo's arm again, moved closer, and lowered her voice.

"This... is a bit too... not an ideal mate anyway."

She wasn't particularly pretty, but at the level of Expert Huang Fu, she really couldn't accept it.

Leaning next to Bai Mo, she looked up and saw Bai Mo's face and the sharp angle of his jaw. I secretly thought to myself that Expert Baimo is actually very handsome and would be a good match! It's a pity that since he is involved in immortality, his safety cannot be guaranteed. And he is too young. I was not born before you were born, but I was already old when you were born. Pity.

Bai Mo sat with Fang Xiaoyu for a while, listening to this guy complaining about the food in the medical department, complaining about her parents urging her to get married, hearing her say that she hid her injury from her family, and hearing her say that her college roommate got married, and she was the only one who wanted to pay for it. Single...

It was getting late and Bai Mo was ready to leave.

But he was pulled back by Fang Xiaoyu.

"Come here, come closer!"

Fang Xiaoyu pulled Bai Mo in front of him, put it close to his ear, and lowered his voice.

"I won't be your secretary from now on. You have a new secretary. You should be smarter!

"When the new secretary tells you about the mission, just ask for more information and find out more about it.

"If it's a dangerous mission, don't go on it!"

Letting go of Bai Mo, she felt uneasy again. Pulled Bai Mo over again.

"Let me tell you, secretaries also have bad intentions.

"If there is a dangerous mission and no experts are willing to go, then wouldn't we just open the skylight?

"So secretaries sometimes use strange words to deceive people..."

Fang Xiaoyu pulled Bai Mo and whispered in his ear.

Bai Mo looked at Fang Xiaoyu and felt even more reluctant to leave her. But if you want to stay, you can't say it.

After walking out of Fang Xiaoyu's ward, Bai Mo went to Yu Tingting's ward.

Now I rarely go to school. Zhang Shan, Lu Yang, and Yu Tingting have become colleagues from classmates, but they feel that their relationship has become much closer, which makes Bai Mo slightly worried.

When he walked into the ward, he saw that the atmosphere next to Yu Tingting's bed was quite tense.

By the window, Yu Tingting's father, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, frowned and was talking to an immortal arts committee member.

"...You said that you were afraid that my daughter would be influenced by the ancient immortals and harm society, so you asked her to centrally control her. You promised me that you would protect her. But now? She almost lost her life!

"You can't protect her.

"I'm taking her away.

"If she does something harmful to society in the future, I will bear the responsibility together with her."

The Immortal Arts Committee member was a young man. He was standing there, frozen, and just kept repeating.

"I... have no authority to approve her leaving, please understand...

"I...I...don't have the power to approve her leaving..."

There were Lu Yang and Zhang Shan beside the bed, and they both came at this time. Standing there, saying nothing, just looking at Yu Tingting.

Bai Mo also walked in and said nothing in this awkward atmosphere. Just look at Yu Tingting.

Compared to Fang Xiaoyu, she looked better, less pale, and seemed to recover faster.

Yu Tingting's father stopped talking and just stared at the immortal arts committee member with cold eyes.

Suddenly, the TV in the ward turned on automatically, and Chairman Chen Shu's old face appeared on the screen.

"Gentlemen, ladies, classmates, colleagues, good afternoon.

"Considering that many colleagues are still in the ward, we will use this multimedia system to hold a brief report meeting to report some important situations to everyone..."

The attention of everyone in the ward was drawn to the TV screen.

What important situation?

But on the screen, President Chen Shu sat behind his desk and took out a document.

"Ha ha ha ha.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, it's actually good news.

"We... have figured out some of the laws of the ancient immortals!"

Some rules of ancient immortals?

“In the past few years, we have suffered attacks from the Ancient Immortals.

"After joint research by experts from the Shangjing Municipal Immortal Arts Committee and some experts in logic, ancient history, and behavior, we discovered some of the ancient immortal's patterns of action."

This is not the heroine, don’t get me wrong.

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