The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 36 The Slavery Civilization of the Ancient Immortal Dynasty

Expert Huang Fu's expression became much more solemn.

"... Our recorded history is actually not very long. The longest one is the Xuanyuan Huangdi era more than 4,700 years ago.

“Among the unearthed cultural relics, we discovered the even longer Sanxingdui Civilization.

"As for the fairyland that all those involved in immortality dream about, we speculate that it is a civilization that cultivates immortality that is older than Sanxingdui and existed tens of thousands of years ago.

"This civilization of cultivating immortals has no internal combustion engine, no electrical facilities, and no informatization, but it is also extremely prosperous! It can be said to be another branch of the technology tree, or another possibility for the development of civilization.

"This civilization of cultivating immortals has a series of immortals that reach all over the world, with continuous palaces, endless fields, and huge bronze workshops with fires that never go out day and night.

"But for some reason, this civilization was simply erased and disappeared from history. In the past thousands of years, it has not shown any trace or been seen in any records. It was only in the past three years that it was revealed to the world in the form of a dream. We reveal her ruins.

"This is just our speculation and our preliminary research result. It may not be absolutely correct."

The conference room was really quiet.

Everyone's dream of wonderland may be different. But without exception, there are ruins of palaces.

Hearing this judgment, everyone thought of the dream, the unchanging cloudy sky, the endless ruins, the palaces with collapsed roofs, the copper tripods with rusted inscriptions, and the altars with rotten guardrails. The huge pillars that were broken at the waist...Based on these, it seems to be imagined how majestic, beautiful and magnificent they were before they were destroyed!

And why was such a civilization destroyed? Subverted? Erased? Why was it completely lost in the long river of history, without even leaving any traces in the modern world? And why does it appear in the dreams of future generations?

But on the big screen, Expert Huang Fu continued to speak.

“We are still continuing to study many things, and everyone is welcome to continue to pay attention.

“But there is one conclusion that we are relatively sure of, and even think is obvious.

"Everyone can think about this question: How did the ancient immortal civilization build so many such magnificent palaces? Was it using immortal magic?

“Our team feels that it is not magic.

“Immortal magic is the art of conquest, not productivity.

"In that era, in that civilization, the most important productive force was slaves!"

The ancient immortal civilization was a slave society?

Bai Mo's heart suddenly dawned, and he suddenly felt that this statement indeed made sense!

No wonder these magic sequences are so bloody and brutal. For example, the promotion ceremony of the Immortal Martial Path...kill ten people. Of course, this is a big deal in modern times, but in a slave society, it is just a matter of sprinkling water.

On the screen, Expert Huang Fu is still talking.

Many people in the audience suddenly realized something, frowned in thought, and even began to whisper to each other.

"I see, the magic we learn all comes from the slave society."

"Let me just say, the names of this sequence are all boring.

"What kind of medicine person, what kind of soup person. What kind of fishy person, what kind of blood person. What kind of seal person, what kind of talisman person.

"It turns out it was a name given by the slave society. No wonder it's not fashionable at all."

Sitting in the back row of the audience, Yu Tingting suddenly realized.

"I was just thinking, if killing a cow can complete the ritual instead of killing a cow, why didn't the ancient immortals kill cows to get promoted?

“It turns out to be a slave society!

"In a slave society, cows are worth more than people! Of course they prioritize killing slaves for promotion, rather than killing cows."

As soon as this statement came out, the students suddenly realized that it made sense.

Pictures emerged in my mind... In ancient times, in front of the main hall, during the promotion ceremony to the Immortal Martial Order, someone killed ten slaves in a row. Their bodies were splashed with blood, and they were promoted... This is so scary!

In the front row, next to Bai Mo, Mr. Chong had a stiff face and was thoughtful.

"So... Gu Dao... no wonder the status of Gu insects is higher than that of humans... It turns out..."

Bai Mo also thought of more.

"The medicinal materials contain all kinds of human skin, human bones, human hearts, and livers. I thought there was some evil cultivator who likes to eat meat.

“It turns out it’s because of…slavery…

"What is the status of those ancient immortals in the slave society? Nobles? Slave owners?"

At night, there is a cool breeze.

After evening self-study at No. 47 Middle School in Xizhou City, students walked out of the school gates in small groups, chatting and laughing, carrying schoolbags on their backs.

Bai Mo, wearing a jacket and carrying a schoolbag, was also in the crowd.

It has been a long time since he came to school. This time the whole school organized a mock test. He came back to take the test and help the class raise the average score.

Xu hadn't been here for a long time, and walking in front of the school again felt a little strange.

As I walked, I heard gossip from my classmates.

"Have you heard that Chen Bo, the short and fat boy from Class 8, was bullied by some hooligans?"

"I heard about it. It seems like something happened to my butt. Now I don't dare to sit on the bench."

"Ah? What kind of little gangster has such strong taste?"

Bai Mo tugged at the corner of his mouth, not believing this rumor.

Although boys do need to protect themselves, he knows Chen Bo... Chen Bo is from a single-parent family, similar to his orphan family. They have had several contacts before, and they have assessed poor students together. That boy Chen Bo is really ugly. Nothing could happen.

These days, students love making up random things!

After walking along the street for a while, Bai Mo turned into a dark alley.

There are no street lights in this alley, but it is the closest road leading directly to his community.

White mist rose under Bai Mo's feet, and he immediately summoned an apprentice, Black Glove, and threw his schoolbag to it.

Then I saw this guy happily holding his schoolbag, wagging his tail, and following behind the master.

One person and one fox, with the evening breeze blowing, they quickly walked out of the alley and came to a remote intersection.

But he saw a dilapidated van parked under a lonely dim street light. He didn't know what it was for.

Bai Mo ignored it.

But in the van, a dozen Shamats with weird hairstyles got out. They were wearing tight jeans and their long hair covered most of their faces. They hurried forward and surrounded Bai Mo.

The leader, Sha Matt, looked at Bai Mo and Black Gloves.

"It's midnight, where is the walking dog?"

His hair was too long and covered his eyes, so he had poor vision and mistook the black gloves for a dog.

Bai Mo and Black Glove were both stunned.

I originally thought that creatures like Shamate were old things from more than ten years ago. How come they still exist today?

Black Glove was also stunned, his fox eyes darting around, looking at these dozen items. They look so strange!

The leader, Shamate, took out a butterfly knife from his pocket and played with it twice.

Point to Bai Mo, point to the van.

"Come on, get in the car with me!"

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