Bai Mo sat under the awning and saw the rain falling outside like a curtain of beads.

With nothing to do, I started thinking about the elixir recipe again.

A dozen medicinal materials came to mind, and I began to simulate the process of their interaction...

Next to him, Zhang Shan took out his mobile phone and opened a software called "Wanted Order". Start looking at the various wanted criminals inside.

The software page is simple, with nine photos on each page, each belonging to a wanted criminal.

Many of the photos of wanted criminals are stamped with a blue mark... "person involved in immortality."

"Is the person involved in the Immortal becoming a wanted criminal?"

Zhang Shan didn't quite understand.

The treatment for people involved in immortality is so good. You can get extra points in the college entrance examination, and you can work in the immortality committee after graduation. They have high salary, decent staff, and a good staff. It is a job that comes from heaven. Why bother being a wanted criminal like a street rat?

He flipped through the photos of wanted criminals page by page.

"I am currently on the Immortal Martial Path. If I meet someone one day, I may be able to punish evil and promote good."

Suddenly, he saw a photo of a wanted criminal and couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Looking at Bai Mo next to him, he hesitated for a moment and then approached.

"Bai Mo, let me show you this, it's really fun."

Zhang Shan approached Bai Mo holding his mobile phone.

“Look, this wanted criminal is also a member of Shexian.

"He's so ugly!

“Look at his eyes, it’s a ray of sky!

“Look at his nose, rosacea!

“Look at his skin, lunar surface!


Bai Mo was not angry when his thoughts were interrupted. He just looked at his phone and then at the third person coming over behind Zhang Shan.

That's right, the third person who was also taking shelter under the shed came over.

He wore a hood and looked at Zhang Shan's mobile phone screen from behind Zhang Shan's shoulder.

The light from the screen illuminated his face.

Light up his eyes, a ray of sky!

Light up his nose, rosacea!

Light up his skin, the surface of the moon!

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at the phone screen, and then at the face behind Zhang Shan.

"This... looks a bit like you. But it shouldn't be, right?"

The wanted man with rosacea shook his head.

"That's right, it's me."

He stood behind Zhang Shan, grinning, and cut out Zhang Shan with a hand knife, stabbing Zhang Shan in the back!


Between life and death, Zhang Shan reacted, rolled to his side, rolled off the bench, out of the awning, and into the rain.

His face became even paler and his back was burning!

His school uniform was torn, his skin and flesh were torn, blood dripped out, and his spine was exposed!

If you react any slower, you may be scratched and your spine will be broken!

He looked at the wanted criminal in the awning, looked at Bai Mo, and felt fear in his heart. I also felt severe pain in my back and my body was unstable.

"You...who are you?

"Why do you want to hurt people?"

The wanted criminal was sitting in the awning, sitting on the bench, grinning, Zhang Shan's skin and flesh were still hanging on his fingers, and Zhang Shan's blood was dripping.

"I'm the ugly guy on your phone.

"Like you, I am also a member of the Immortal Society.

“But, I am a little freer than you and a little more powerful than you.

"Tonight, you two will be unlucky if you meet me.

"Ha ha ha ha."

How could it be such a coincidence?

The atmosphere was awkward.

The rain was still falling.

The street lights in the distance were still dim.

The convenience store in the distance was closed and dark.

There were no pedestrians or vehicles on the road.

Zhang Shan suddenly panicked and didn't know what to do.

It seems like he can't beat that guy!

And it’s useless to call for help. On this rainy night, there’s no one to call for help!

In a hurry, his vocal cords trembled and his voice trembled.

"Bai Mo, run!

"I'll hold him!

"You call the police!"

The wanted criminal grinned and laughed "hehehehe".

"What the hell do you think this is a TV series?

"Are you still clinging to me?

"Why are you clinging to me?

"Wrap your legs around me?"

He smiled and suddenly realized that something seemed wrong?

He looked at another high school student and saw a fiery red fox in the high school student's arms. A particularly fat, fiery red fox was rubbing its head into the high school student's arms, wagging its tail coquettishly.


At this time, the fox in Bai Mo's arms was Bai Er.

After being promoted to Sequence Nine, you can already blur the boundary between dreams and the real world, and bring things in dreams into reality. White ink sequence seven is of course even better.

At this time, he randomly found an apprentice... He didn't want to do it himself, not because he was lazy, but because he was afraid of losing control, making too much noise, and causing trouble.

White Ear was brought here and was very happy. She snuggled into the master's arms and acted coquettishly.

It suddenly realized that the atmosphere was not right...

Is the guy outside the awning injured? Who is that? do not know.

There is another person inside the awning, sitting on a chair with bloody fingers... huh?

Bai Er narrowed his eyes.

What grade is this product? Sitting on the same chair as Master?

But seeing that the wanted criminal had already noticed something was wrong, he became ferocious and rushed towards him with a knife in his hand and the wind in his hand!

White Ears was like a red flash of light, jumping up from the master's arms, rushing towards the wanted criminal, and volleyed with a big tail!


The wanted criminal was slapped in the face with a tail, and his whole body was whipped away, as if he had been hit by a car. He flew upside down for more than ten meters, crossed a parabola, flew out of the awning, and landed on the road with a "plop" in the heavy rain. He rolled a few more times, his neck went limp, and he lay in the water, lifeless and unsure of life and death.

A van passed through the rain curtain and stagnant water, and picked up Bai Mo, Zhang Shan, and the wanted criminals who did not know whether they were alive or dead.

In the van, medical staff bandaged Zhang Shan and gave emergency treatment to the wanted criminal.

Zhang Shan was already confused. The amount of information about what had just happened was too great for his brain to process.

Bai Mo and the staff of the Fairy Arts Committee sat side by side in front.

Bai Mo felt a little depressed, encountering such nonsense would waste a lot of time. Moreover, I don’t know how this wanted criminal did it, it stinks...

It turned out that the wanted criminal was wearing a special layer of clothing similar to a sealed garment. At this time, the medical staff tore open the layer of clothing, and immediately there was a strong smell of blood inside, along with the sour smell of sweat!

This is not a fresh smell, but a fermented smell!

It spreads in the car and gets into people's noses, causing nose pain. It gets into people's eyes and makes them sore. It even makes people fear that they will be poisoned, which is completely unbearable!

The medical staff wore masks but frowned.

Sitting in front, it was quite common for the staff of the Fairy Arts Committee to sit there.

"It should be someone involved in immortality.

“In one sequence, quite a few people were like this, with their bodies carrying a huge smell of blood.

"In order not to expose the smell of blood, they wear sealing suits for a long time, and the smell of sweat is really difficult to bear!"

Is this bloody smell caused by the path and sequence?

"What method? The side effects are a bit severe."

The staff of the Fairy Arts Committee said calmly.


“There have been a lot of new additions recently, and many high school students are Xianwu.

"The name of Sequence Nine of this pathway is Xingren."

Bai Mo looked back at Zhang Shan and saw that he fell into silence.

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