Especially Zhang Shan, Lu Yang and the other three people were sitting in the carriage, even more silent.

After being promoted to Sequence Nine, they thought their combat capabilities were very good, but who could have imagined that a criminal with a slave sigil immediately taught them a lesson.

The criminal's momentum and strength when he rushed over had already overwhelmed them.

Their Sequence Nine is, after all, too fragile.

Bai Mo looked at these people, frowned, and thought for a moment.

"Don't be so nervous, everyone, it's time to eat at noon.

“I got another bonus.

"Invite everyone to have hot pot together."

In the hot pot restaurant, the aroma is thick and there is laughter and laughter.

The innermost table.

The mandarin duck pot is steaming with fragrant heat, and all kinds of beef, mutton, small seafood, and meatballs are piled on the table.

Bai Mo waved his hands generously while eating.


“Order whatever you like.

"I see there are abalones in this shop. Let's all come here to replenish our health!"

Zhang Shan and others were so hot that they were sweating, their faces flushed, and their complexions returned. They were all much more relaxed now.

But Zhang Shan smiled awkwardly.

"It's not necessary. We already have a good meal. Don't make it too expensive for you."

Bai Mo shook his head and lowered his voice.

"It doesn't cost anything. I just asked Fang Xiaoyu if this meal can be reimbursed."


Zhang Shan and others were quiet for a moment, looked at the menu, and found the most expensive page in the menu. Seafood, Wagyu, etc., without looking at the price, they just waved and shouted, "Waiter, add more dishes!"

As for Bai Mo's apprentice, Black Gloves, he was sitting at the back of the seat, leaning against his master. Holding a paper bag full of fried chicken, he poked his foxy face in and ate it happily. Hot pot or something, it's not too rare. Fried chicken is better.

While eating, everyone lowered their voices and talked about this case.

"...Actually, this tattoo artist came up with it by searching the video bit by bit.

“There are many cameras in Xizhou City, and now the storage time of image data has also changed.

“We searched through the video and found all the people who had been in contact with these hooligans in the past three months.

“It took a lot of effort to find this tattoo artist.

"The case should be closed, right?"

Bai Mo was a little doubtful.

"Will he be a genius tattoo artist? Will the genius paint himself with the quarrying mark of a slave?"

After all, it's a sigil, not a sticker. Once painted, it can never be erased.

Zhang Shan and others looked at each other, feeling that something was indeed wrong.

A group of people chatted while eating, and then talked about No. 49 Middle School.

"The three of us haven't been to school for a long time.

"I guess after taking the college entrance examination, I will say goodbye to my studies completely.

"Bai Mo, we have a school outing the day after tomorrow, and we will also take graduation photos. Are you going?"

Bai Mo had finished eating and was wiping his mouth. When he heard this question, he was stunned for a moment.


Graduation photo?

He hasn't been to school for a long time, and he just heard about it.

"My old classmate said in the class group a few days ago that he wanted all of us to go on an outing together and take a graduation photo. After that, he put away his thoughts and concentrated on preparing for the college entrance examination.

“She said that the whole class should try to go, and asked me to take time to go too.

"Zhang Xiaoman, who dropped out of high school in her second year of high school, was also called over by her.

"She also said she missed you very much and didn't know if you would go."

miss me?

Bai Mo recalled in a daze.

This class teacher is a middle-aged woman, a very nice person, and has always taken good care of Bai Mo... In the past three years, many substitute teachers have had objections to Bai Mo sleeping in class. Some of them wanted to talk to Bai Mo, but they were rejected by this The head teacher blocked it. She also helped apply for school grants and scholarships. One time, she ran out of living expenses and was eating steamed buns with kelp shreds in the cafeteria. She caught him. Every month after that, there was a mysterious extra one hundred yuan in the meal card...

Bai Mo looked at Zhang Shan.

"I should go.

"If you have time, come together."

This hotpot restaurant is located in a busy shopping mall. As soon as you walk out the door, you can see people coming and going, laughing and laughing.

There are not only restaurants and counters in the shopping mall, but also various tutoring institutions, which are also very lively.

Suddenly, Zhang Shan grabbed Bai Mo and said, "Look, is that Fang Bo over there?"

Everyone stopped and looked not far away.

It was a calligraphy tutoring institution, and a father and son were confronting each other at the door.

The father, wearing a suit and ties, was cursing angrily.

The son was short and fat, with his head lowered, his eyes red and swollen, tears falling, and he did not dare to say a word.

Pedestrians passing by frequently turned back to watch the excitement.

But Fang Bo's father didn't restrain himself at all and kept scolding him.

Fang Bo's face became redder and redder, and he shed more and more tears.

Zhang Shan squinted his eyes and saw the details.

"What the hell? There seems to be a slap mark on Fang Bo's face?

"How much hatred does his father have against him? As for that?"

Yu Tingting pouted.

"I heard before that his father has very high demands on him. No matter what he does, if he doesn't get first place, he will beat and scold him.

"I think he is already very good, but his father is just not satisfied."

Lu Yang frowned and was about to step forward!

But he was pulled by Bai Mo.

They couldn't solve Fang Bo's siege. After all, it was his own business. On the contrary, if they go up and Fang Bo looks like this and his classmates bump into him, it will definitely be very painful!

"We can just pretend we didn't see it and leave quickly."

Several people changed directions, looked back again, found the stairs and left.

It was night in Fox Mountain.

When the master is away, the fox apprentices lie in the dormitory, or nest in groups with other brothers, or lie alone and hug their tails, sleeping soundly, snoring continuously, and crystal bubbles popping out of their nostrils from time to time.

There were still some foxes who couldn't sleep, so they stared at their reddish-brown eyes in this huge dark dormitory.

Suddenly, in the center of the dormitory, white smoke rose up, blurring the boundary between dreams and the real world.

The foxes who were not asleep immediately got up and stared over.

But he saw the black gloves on the mission, walking out of the smoke, licking the grease at the corner of his mouth, and brushing the fried chicken crispy residue from the hair on his cheeks.

A group of foxes immediately gathered around him.



In a whisper, let Black Glove talk about this mission.

A smile appeared on the face of the black-gloved fox. He stood up, with his belly bulging, his front paws back, his head slightly raised, his eyes slightly narrowed, and like a master, he began to talk in foxy words about his heroic combat experience!

He tells how he wears an invisibility cloak, moves nimblely, and flickers in the battle formation, appearing and disappearing!

It tells that the enemy is invulnerable, like old cowhide, and even an iron sword cannot pierce the skin!

He talks about how he is ruthless and decisive, has superb skills, and can directly break through the enemy's defense with one move and one finger!

A group of fox brothers raised their heads, their expressions focused and fascinated.

Some foxes stretched out their front paws, dug out their nails, and recalled poking the valves before.

One more update is due. . I owe two updates in total.

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