The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 531 Expert Bai Mo is no longer in the world, but the world is full of legends about him


Blockclaw was lying in front of the machine, frowning, pinching the knob, staring at the screen, lost in thought, unaware of the master.

Bai Mo stood behind it, already sensing something was wrong.

No way?

Can this guy's talent for stacking blocks be extended to stacking molecules?

Even if it knows a little bit about balance and knows how to deal with gravity... but molecular forces, gravity and repulsion, and force fields that become more and more complex as they are superimposed, can it handle this?

Click, click, click...

Amidst the slight noise, Fox Claw began to manipulate the knob again, and began to carefully pile up molecules one after another.

It is quite skilled at controlling this knob!

And it remembered the steps just now. The dozen or so molecules in front were familiar with the road and piled up quickly!

When it came to the step where it had just failed, it frowned, pouted its mouth, raised its triangular ears, thought for a moment, and then tentatively manipulated the molecules to go around an arc and pile them up... then it saw that the molecules had just When you get close to the molecular pile, you are attracted by gravity!

Blockclaw grinned, his eyes shone, and he went to grab the next molecule...

Bai Mo's eyes also shine!

This precious disciple actually figured out the composite force field through intuition!



The lunch bell came with the wind and reached this shabby hall.

Block Claw, however, ignored it and immersed himself wholeheartedly in the machine, continuing to operate the knobs and molecules.

At the door of the main hall, several furry heads poked their way in. It turned out to be apprentices passing by and wanted to call their master to have dinner with them.

They were about to shout, but when they saw Master's silence gesture, they quickly remained silent.

When I saw the master making two gestures, I immediately understood. After nodding in response, they all turned around and ran away.

The midnight sky is a deep blue.

The base in the northern suburbs of Xizhou is still brightly lit.

In the conference room, a group of algorithm engineers were drinking bitter coffee, looking at the slides, and waiting for the test results!

"...Lao Zhang, how accurate is the large model you made?"

"Sixty-five percent."

"It's not low either."

"Lao Mo's, it can reach 70%."

"You still haven't reached eighty yet?"

In the far corner of the conference table, Zhang Yuan shrank his neck, guarding his laptop and not daring to speak.

The people sitting at this table are all top algorithm engineers in the industry, coming from all over the world to participate in technical research here.

Because he was a local, he was pulled out of the generals and was able to sneak in.

It's a waste of time!

The other big guys and engineers all know each other or have heard each other’s names.

And he, Zhang Yuan, stood out among the crowd like a chicken. Although he was short, he was also very short!

"How many large models are still running data?"

"Gong Liu, Gong Wu, Gong Kuang, Gong Chen, and this one, uh... Gong Zhang's, are also running!"

"Who is Gong Zhang?"

"Zhang Yuan and Zhang Gong from the Xizhou Immortal Committee!"

The big guys in the industry cast their eyes over, and Zhang Yuan quickly nodded with an awkward smile.

This time it was requested by Shangjing to use all surveillance data in Kyushu to find all people who appear in abnormal locations!

For example, if a small southern potato from the southern region suddenly appeared in the world of ice and snow in Sichuan within half an hour without buying a train ticket or a plane ticket, something must be wrong!

Either it was an array master who teleported over!

Either it was a talisman master who escaped!

…It can’t be an ordinary person anyway!

The Immortal Committee calls this phenomenon an "abnormal occurrence"!

The requirement of this project is to use artificial intelligence to catch all "abnormal occurrences"!

This sounds simple to say... But if the problem is expanded to the entire Kyushu, to thousands of large and small cities, to billions of people... this problem will immediately become a super difficult problem that makes any engineer scratch his head!

In this technical research, the engineers showed their talents and cooperated in groups. They first wrote a large algorithm model.

These seven or eight large algorithm models compete on the same stage. Finally, the one with the most stable performance, highest efficiency, and highest accuracy is selected and then implemented into the project.

At this moment, new results were displayed on the big screen.


"Gong Wu, well... the accuracy is only over sixty points.

"Wang Gong's, the average is seventy-two points."

"Kuang Gong's, the average accuracy rate for ten times is between 75% and 80%. It's very accurate and stable!"

"That's pretty much it. Let's use this."

Everyone else knows that this accuracy rate is quite good!

Zhang Yuan huddled in the corner and could only nod.

With this level of technical difficulties, he could only forcefully participate... He randomly searched for a similar case from the library, modified it slightly, and then took on the challenge.

Anyway, in the end, he will definitely not be the one chosen.

At this moment, new results were displayed on the big screen.

"What the hell?

"Is that correct?"

"The ten-time accuracy rate is between ninety-six and ninety-eight?"

"Whose big model is so powerful?"

"Zhang...Zhang Yuan? Zhang Gong?"

All the industry leaders turned their attention to Zhang Yuan again, with surprise in their eyes.

"Gong Zhang, the real person doesn't show his face!"

"how did you do that?"

"Tell me a few words about technical ideas?"

"How was it made?"

Zhang Yuan looked at the big screen and then at his computer, his face full of embarrassment.

"I... am actually an expert in white ink. He helped the Xizhou Immortal Committee to do a similar project a long time ago...

"That... that one is only used in Xizhou. The amount of data involved is not large, and I didn't think about it...

"I used his one and modified the interface... I can't say that it was made, just modified."

In the conference room, a bunch of engineers looked at you and me, and they all fell silent.


A cold wind blows.

Pour into the dilapidated hall.

Blockclaw lay on the machine, still immersed in it.

It failed many times, but it was repeated many times, and the overall idea was even restructured many times.

At this time, Fox Claw was still twisting the knob, his eyes still staring at the screen, sometimes frowning, sometimes grinning, operating each molecule.

Bai Mo sat behind it, holding a bowl, eating fragrant coconut rice, and quietly watching its operation.

A dozen fox brothers also sat on the ground in a circle, holding bowls, eating fragrant coconut rice, and quietly waiting for it to operate.

They didn't dare to make a sound!

Each one communicated with their eyes, either surprised or happy, and occasionally glanced secretly at the claws of the blocks on the table.

In the thermal lunch box next to it, there is a large bowl of coconut rice, added with brown sugar, honey juice and raisins, waiting for the brick claws.

In the small county town at midnight, even the street lights were turned off and plunged into darkness.

In the deepest windowless room of the office building on the roadside, a dozen men were working on more than a dozen computers.


Hu Shanjiu stretched, yawned, and rubbed the dark circles under his eyes.

Everyone says the system is good, but the intensity of the work inside is really only known by whoever joins it!

After he entered the Secret Brain Office, he hadn't slept soundly for a long time.

The team leader next to him suddenly said in surprise.

“Xizhou has built a very impressive large model, which is extremely accurate in detecting [abnormal occurrences]!

“They have already implemented the algorithm and started trying to run data on a large scale.

"It won't take long before anyone who has appeared abnormally within a radius of three hundred miles near the toy factory will be screened out!"

Everyone in the house is in good spirits!

"Hahaha, it's not easy!"

"Although we don't have powerful diviners, we do have technological means!"

"Which expert made this big model?"

The team leader stared at the news report on the screen and took a look.

"Uh, my name is Zhang's Bai Mo, Bai Mo expert."

The room full of people suddenly had strange expressions.

They all smiled bitterly again.

I actually didn’t want to bother the white ink experts with this project.

After all, it involves too much cause and effect, which is quite evil.

But I didn’t expect that even if the white ink expert is no longer in the world, his legend will always be there!

Hu Shanjiu lay back on the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness sank into dreamland. He saw the ancient immortal master sitting in front of the table, holding a chessboard and carving the circuits of the immortal weapon.

He sat forward, sighed and complained.

"Master, I don't really understand. Is it really necessary for the Secret Brain Office to insist on the toy factory?

"With their fighting power, even if they find out something, it would be difficult to intervene, right?"

Gu Xian was stunned for a moment.

Put down the chessboard in your hand and point to the 19-way Go board.

"That's not what it said.

“Humans and fallen immortals competing against each other is like playing chess.

"Humans are weak at chess, but fallen immortals are strong at chess.

"Isn't this correct?"

Hu Shanjiu nodded.

Then I heard the ancient immortal continue.

"So... if you are weak at chess, can you just surrender in this game?"

Hu Shanjiu was slightly startled.

Then you can see that the ancient immortal's words are serious and thoughtful.

"In this game of chess, you can't make a move or admit defeat.

"This game of chess is played for the last chance of survival!

“So, we must fight for it step by step, we must think about it with all our strength, and we must work hard!

“What to do if you find it, that’s a matter for later.

“But now, we have to find it.

"Because in this game of chess, you can't give in even one step!"


The window of the hotel room was pushed open a crack.

The black and white snake sneaked in silently, coiled up on the window sill, reflected the moonlight, and spat out a message. It looked at the sleeping man and woman on the bed, saw the messy bedside table, and saw the transparent bathroom not far away.

It lowered its head and stared at the folds of the quilt for a long time, as if it could discern a hexagram from the folds.

"The hexagram shows...well..."

The rooftop of the hotel.

A bald young man sits cross-legged behind a huge moose.

He was playing with two black and white snakes in his hands, frowning and thinking, mumbling as if he was calculating something.

"...Ninety-three, focus on strength but not in the center. The top is not in the sky, and the bottom is not in the fields. Therefore, Qian Qian is alert because of the time..."

The two black and white snakes in his hands were extremely soft. He muttered and tied them into knots one after another.


"Water flows into wood, and wood flows into fire?"

After the calculation, he frowned and patted the huge moose under him.

The deer jumped up, jumped off the rooftop, and headed southeast!

This hotel is located in Dongguo. Although the location is remote, the quality is not low!

In the parking lot, long and tall luxury cars were parked in the parking lot at this time.

There are two security guards patrolling here with flashlights.

"Hey, when will we be able to afford this car in this life?"

"Don't touch me, right? Oh, this is not cheap! It's worth more than my house, hehe."

"What about that one? Is it Running of the Bulls?"

The two security guards walked away while chatting.

But he turned a deaf ear to the parking space between me and Benniu, as if he didn't see anything.

In fact, there was a car parked there too...a bullock cart!

The black ox pulling the cart stood with his head down sleeping.

The young man in black robe in the car was sitting among a pile of bamboo slips and silk books. He was frowning, holding a volume of silk books, and reading carefully.

There are no words on the silk book, only patterns, which depict a woman reaching into the stove.

"What does it mean?"

There was a hint of confusion in the eyes of the young man in black robe.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated in his pocket, waking him up.


He took out his cell phone and answered the call.

"Hello? Brother? I'm brother Qin Hu, Li Hu!

"My master asked me to come to you and walk with you to find the treasure together!"

Li Hu?

Prince Lingmo's apprentice?

The young man in black robe was about to report to his master when he heard Li Hu speak again.

"Tell your master, I have a pill with me!

“There is more than one real elixir!

"My master, I just made it!"


On the roadside outside the hotel.

A shabby old four-wheel tram slowly stopped.

The faces of mice, weasels, and hedgehogs poked out of the car windows.


The old fox, which had lost its fur because of its age, also poked its head out.

Finally, there was Dong Yunhui, sitting in the driver's seat with his head tilted and frowning, looking towards the hotel.

"The mysterious man...has he been to this hotel?"

He was holding the handlebar, and the pendant hanging from his wrist was a shrunken Guixu bottle!

He saw that in the hotel building, some rooms had lights on and some rooms had lights off. The lights on and off formed a strange pattern.


At this time, quickly memorize this pattern.

Without time to calculate, he turned the handlebar, started the old man's tram, and drove away from the hotel.


In the dilapidated hall where the cold wind howled.

Block Claw looked at the screen of the game console, then looked at the computer screen next to him, and confirmed again that he seemed to have really built it!

How can such a difficult game be accomplished?

Just as he was about to feel happy, his body lost weight and he was picked up by his master.

"Hahaha, it's done, well done!"

A bunch of fellow disciples nearby were already shaking their heads, circling around Master and dancing in celebration!




Liangmu curled up in his master's arms and grinned, wondering if this would be too grand?

It's just a game, isn't it?

Then I saw the master holding it with one hand, opening the game console with the other hand, and using the belly of his finger to take out a piece of film about the size of a grain of rice from the game console.

Phew...use the elixir fire to ignite this small piece of film!

And this film dances up and down in the elixir fire!

“Brickpaw, great job!

"You have overcome the last technical problem of the Fox Mountain Suihuo Danpi Project!"

technical challenge?

Blockclaw suddenly realized that that thing might not be a game console...

It was stunned for a moment, and glanced secretly at the brothers who were dancing and celebrating. It suppressed its pride and smile, and put on an expression that said, "Although I'm a little tired, I'm lucky to have fulfilled my mission."

In fact, I have been thinking about how to brag to my brothers and sisters these days.

It’s finally its turn to pretend to beep!

Thank you all, thank you book friends!

This time we designed a different climax plot!

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