The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 536 I said you couldn’t get in, but I didn’t say he couldn’t get in!

"Where did the hand come from?"

In the workshop, the fat black boy suddenly felt like he was dreaming. He found that he was covering his face with one hand and holding his pockets with the other, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But on the left side of his face, he clearly noticed that a cold ring had just touched his cheek.


Suddenly, there was a "plop" sound from the side.

But one of the workers fell to the ground for no apparent reason.

"Oh, why do I feel like my body has become heavier..."

The fat black boy subconsciously went to help him, but he saw dense and strange patterns appearing on the concrete floor of the workshop.

"Is there any pattern on the floor of our factory?"

This pattern is even squirming!


In the workshop next door, the medicine box collapsed the table and hit the floor!

The ram's face turned red and his body trembled slightly, but he was keenly aware that the weight of his body was rapidly getting bigger and bigger!

In other words, it was the ground, the runes on the ground, attracting the immortal energy in his body!

"This rune is..."

In his mind, Gu Xian's voice also became serious.

"Immortal Trap Rune!

"Wherever this rune goes, the white sand in your box and the fairy energy in your Dantian will become heavier and fall towards the rune!

"The more immortal energy it contains, the heavier it becomes!"

Far away in the workshop, more and more workers were falling down while walking or falling off their chairs!


"What's wrong? My body feels heavy!"

"Why are you falling too?"

The Immortal Trapping Rune has little impact on ordinary people... but this weak influence is enough to interfere with the body's balance!

The ram looked at his feet and saw densely packed runes extending into the distance, covering the floor of the workshop and even covering the walls of the workshop!

Moreover, the runes were becoming more and more numerous, denser, and more complex, turning everything he looked at, the entire workshop, into a dense and terrifying array of colors!


The sky is overcast and the wind is blowing coldly.

Tianhe Town Industrial Park looks as gray and inconspicuous as ever.

The road was deserted.

Several huge chimneys spit out billowing white smoke.




One after another, super-heavy trucks were parked outside Tianhe Town Industrial Park, facing the industrial park in the cloudy wind.




One after another, the doors of the super-heavy trucks opened on their own, and it was dark inside, with only a few red indicator lights, like the eyes of an animal.




Densely packed drones, like a swarm of bees, swarmed out of the carriage! Overwhelming, flying to Tianhe Town Industrial Park!




One after another, the mechanical dogs were like sharp arrows, densely packed and running close to the ground, forming a torrent of steel and rushing into the Tianhe Town Industrial Park!

"Are you okay?"

The fat little black man helped his colleague up.

In the factory, more and more people fell down.

Everyone got up and felt strange.

"what's wrong?"

"Is it food poisoning?"

"Suddenly my body felt strangely heavy..."

"The sky outside seems to be getting darker. Is it going to rain?"

The fat little black man turned his head and looked out the window of the workshop. It was really getting dark...but it didn't look like a cloudy sky. Instead, it looked like there was some black smoke, spreading in the air like ink.

"Oh, today, what exactly is..."

They were wondering.

Then there was a "click" and the window glass of the workshop was smashed!

It was a mechanical dog with a red light flashing on its head, and it crashed in!

The loudspeaker behind the mechanical dog emitted a high-pitched mechanical sound.



"The Immortal Terrorist Attack is happening!

"The Immortal Terrorist Attack is happening!

“Please everyone cooperate with Shexian’s rescue!

“Please stay where you are and don’t move!

"Please stay where you are and don't move!"

In the workshop, all the workers were stunned and looked at the mechanical dog.

Before they could react, they heard "click, click, click" sounds one after another, but it was the window glass in the workshop that was smashed one after another! But one after another, mechanical dogs poured in like a tide!

[This is our latest development, ultra-fast transfer rescue system]

[UAVs can quickly lock on every target that needs rescue through thermal imaging]

[And assign a mechanical dog to each rescue target]

[The mechanical dog’s manned speed can reach 60 kilometers per hour]

In the conference room, Professor Hong, Professor Fang, Chen Yuanlin and others were sitting quietly and silently.

Bai Mo lowered his head and looked at his laptop, watching the group chat report of the senior officials of the Immortal Committee!

Seeing the Tianshui Town Industrial Park in the live broadcast, in the sky, drones are densely packed like a swarm of bees, integrating information and organizing and dispatching!

And from one workshop after another and one factory building after another, a torrent of steel composed of mechanical dogs rushed out and rushed to the outskirts of the industrial park!

Behind each mechanical dog, on the folding seat, there is a shrinking worker with a panicked face tied with a safety belt!

“Oh, new system, new technology?

"not bad!"

[Please sit in the folding chair and buckle your seat belt]

[Please sit in the folding chair and buckle your seat belt]

In the workshop, the atmosphere was anxious and busy!

One mechanical dog after another makes mechanical sounds after another!

One mechanical dog after another, carrying the timid workers one after another, jumped out of the window and left quickly!

Next to the little black fat man, a trembling colleague climbed on the thin mechanical dog, sat on the folding chair like a horse, trembled again, and buckled the seat belt with a "click".

The moment the seat belt is locked!


The mechanical dog rushed out, jumped to the far window, and dodged the worker's neck!

The fat little black man had already ridden his mechanical dog. He was shivering, his legs and feet were curled up against the side of the mechanical dog. His fat hand touched the seat belt buckle and buckled it in with a "click".


The mechanical dog joint motor buzzes!


But the dog shuddered and failed to start!

The little black fat man was panicking.

"Am I broken?"

What he didn't see was that behind the folding seat, there was a withered hand with a bronze ring on it, which fell off helplessly and hit the floor with a thud.

At this moment, the mechanical dog's joint motor buzzed again, carrying him, rushing out with a "swipe" sound, and jumping towards the window!



His neck was flashed!

"Quick, come down!"

"It's okay, don't be afraid, everyone!"

"Get in the car quickly!"

On the peripheral roads of the industrial park, there are already buses waiting one after another!

The rescued workers got off the mechanical dog and were put on the bus.

"There is a doctor on the bus. If you feel unwell, please tell the doctor immediately!"

"If you find any abnormal information, please use your mobile phone to call the Shexian hotline after getting in the car!"

The fat little black man was helped off the machine head, and with his weak legs shaking, he got on the bus.

At this time, there were many co-workers on the bus, and they all looked pale.

"What happened?"

"The formation is so scary."

The fat little black man found an empty seat and sat in it.

This is an ordinary bus. It smells of sweat, gasoline, and the seats are dirty.

But sitting on this dirty seat, he suddenly felt unreasonable peace of mind!


The bus in front started with full passengers and drove towards the distance.

The driver's roar also sounded on their bus.

“Our car is also full!

“There is a doctor in the car, if you feel uncomfortable, call the doctor!

"Fasten your seat belts, let's go!"

Click...the car door closes.

Brush...the vehicle starts.

As the carriage shook gently, the fat little black man turned around and saw outside the carriage window...

Seeing the dense crowds of robot dogs on the road, they were also returning to their cabins one after another, preparing to retreat.

I saw people in black uniforms putting weak-legged and frightened people on buses one after another. They were still holding loudspeakers and shouting something.

"Hey, little fat guy, look over there."

The worker next to him poked his arm and asked him to look back.


He saw the industrial park he was familiar with in the past, and the industrial park he had just escaped from, suddenly shrouded in billowing black smoke!

The black smoke was like thick ink, and you could vaguely see ghost figures flying and circling inside!

"what is this?"


The bus they took drove faster and faster, getting further and further away from the industrial park.

More and more people in the car looked back, their expressions turning pale.

"If there had been no rescue, we would still be in the park now?"

"Maybe you really can't get out, right?"

Under the hazy sky, the entire industrial park was shrouded in thick smoke like ink!

The factory buildings and chimneys inside are not visible!

In the woods outside the industrial park.

The red-haired young man rode behind the snow mastiff and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

His face was extremely pale. During this divination journey, he killed two stand-in dolls and drank two large bottles of elixir. As a result, he saw billowing black smoke in front of him!

In the black smoke, ghost figures were flying and circling, teeth and claws showing!

On the ground, there are even dense runes extending from the park, gradually fading.

"Master, can... can we still go in?"

In his mind, the ancient immortal smiled bitterly.

"The Trap Immortal Talisman!

"Yinfeng Pill!

"These things have turned the front into a dead land!"

The red-haired young man gritted his teeth.

"Master, I still have some energy left! Maybe..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw several bloody figures beside him, rushing into the black smoke!

As fast as the wind, as quick as lightning, he is definitely not an ordinary Sequence Seven, but an Immortal Martial who has stepped into the Sixth Level of Sequence!

The red-haired young man's eyes widened, and he saw that as soon as they flew to the border, they were attracted by the runes and fell to the ground, causing huge smoke and dust!

I saw ghost figures flying in the black smoke, tearing their flesh and blood and drinking their blood!



Amid the screams, there were silver daggers flying out of the black smoke like swimming fish, drilling randomly into their bodies, drilling them into bloody holes one after another!

The red-haired young man watched helplessly as several Sequence Six figures were eaten into bones by ghosts in the blink of an eye. The bones were blackened by black smoke, crushed by runes, blown by the wind, and scattered into the black smoke. inside.

Only the ground was left, the marks they had just made.

He felt unreal!

Several Sequence Six Masters of Hundred Bones, princes and disciples, who were so powerful, how could they die so easily?

The Snow Mastiff under his seat did not dare to make a sound, shivering, and subconsciously took a few steps back, then took a few steps back again, wanting to get further away from the black smoke.




In the small woods, shadowy figures flew in one after another. The magicians were all staring at the billowing black smoke in a daze. They all stopped there and did not dare to step forward.

Some of them were disturbed by the movement, and felt sad in their hearts.

Some of them used divination methods to make divination along the way. I don’t know how many substitutes died, I don’t know how much blood they spit out, and their faces were still pale at this time. In the end, it was a step too late and they couldn’t get in!

The red-haired young man put on his hood to cover his face.

"Master, is it really impossible to get in?"

In his mind, the ancient immortal sighed.

"Yinfeng Pill, Immortal Trapping Talisman, Numb Bone Knife...these things are the crystallization of tens of thousands of years of wisdom of countless immortals in the Immortal Dynasty!

"It requires the efforts of a country to create it. It is the ultimate creation of the fairy industry! It is the war weapon of the ancient fairy country! It is the ultimate pursuit of the path of fairy!

"They are all...things that should not have appeared in this era!

“We can’t compete.

"Just watch it."

In the grove, some people were excited, some were depressed, and some were fetching water with bamboo baskets, as if their parents had died.

Someone else was sneaking around, wearing masks and was Tian Xinghuo!

He and several Sequence Seven of the Immortal Committee came together to spy on the situation.

Unexpectedly, in this small forest, a huge number of the six great immortal magicians of the sequence came in the blink of an eye!

At this time, a few of them were trembling, covering their faces, quietly turning around, preparing to leave in a low-key manner.

"How come there are miscellaneous fish from Sequence Seven here?"


A hoarse voice sounded in the woods.

A series of gazes were cast on Tian Xinghuo and others.


The wind blows and the atmosphere becomes awkward!

Sequence Seven is not a big problem... The key point is, who among the Sequence Sevens of the Fallen Immortal Family dares to come to such an occasion to die?

Sequence 7, and the courageous one, who has the courage to come to such an occasion, then nine times out of ten, he is a member of the Immortal Committee!


A figure, wearing a plush cloak, with his face hidden in the shadow of the hood, stopped in front of Tian Xinghuo and spoke with a sneer.

"Friend, who is your respected master?

"Show your face, show your face?

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave today!"

Tian Xinghuo's face was full of embarrassment and his forehead was sweating. He was about to think of a way when he suddenly heard the "whistle" of the wind!

Without waiting to look back, he saw a huge five-color fire flying past him, smashing into the man in the plush cloak and blasting into the billowing black smoke that enveloped the industrial park!


The body of the man in the plush cloak was broken into pieces of flesh and blood, and rained down in a shower of blood.

Everyone's eyes subconsciously followed the huge five-color fire, but saw that it had disappeared into the depths of the black smoke.

Only two tire ruts were left on the ground, extending into the depths of the black smoke, along with smashed ghost figures and crushed runes!


Before Tian Xinghuo could react, the great immortal magicians in Linzi were already like frightened birds. Their frightened faces turned into streaks of light, and they fled for their lives, like birds and beasts, fleeing for their lives!


The red-haired young man rode a snow mastiff and escaped dozens of miles in an instant. He had already reached the edge of the small county and got into the alley at the urban-rural fringe!

The Snow Mastiff was gasping for air, its hair was wet, there was blood and foam at the corners of its mouth, and its body was still shaking uncontrollably!

The red-haired young man's face was pale and frightened, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Master, didn't you say you can't get in?

"Why is the boss of Xizhou, he..."

In his mind, even the ancient immortal couldn't understand it!

What is that huge car burning with five-color elixir fire?

Is it an immortal weapon?

Is it a spiritual weapon?

Is it a plant?

There was no such thing in the ancient immortal dynasty!

Gu Xian really doesn’t know him!

Why should that thing crush the Immortal Trap Rune?

Even the ancient immortal doesn’t understand!

" stands to reason that you can't get in!

"But... alas... if you can escape alive, just have some fun first!

“Maybe he doesn’t have time to deal with you.

"I said you couldn't get in, and I didn't say he couldn't get in!"

Thank you all for your support and companionship!

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