The ruins in the mountains are buried under the soil, covered with messy stones and gnarled tree roots.

Bai Mo sat on the slide bar with an expressionless face. Thoughts quickly appeared in his mind, and inspiration flashed like meteors, thinking about the best solution.

Dozens of fox apprentices gathered around Bai Mo, rubbing their heads on the master's legs, rubbing on the master's shoulders, or jumping into the master's arms and rubbing on the master's chest.

The cold wind blows, the withered grass bends, and time passes little by little.

Dozens of fox apprentices looked at their master, who was still deep in thought, and slowly began to feel uneasy.

They were chattering and whispering to each other... This thing seems to be really difficult!

The area of ​​ruins buried under the soil is so huge that as far as the eye can see, everything is buried.

Can it be exploded with gunpowder?


Copper and stone slabs in the soil will be shattered.

Can it be washed with flood water?


There are only two springs on Fox Mountain, and there is not that much water at all.

Are all the brothers coming to dig?

Too slow.

For a small piece of land, it may take three to five years to dig.

It is indeed too difficult to cultivate immortality in the ruins, and there are troubles everywhere.

There are many mountains and shadows in the distance, and time passes little by little.

Dozens of fox apprentices looked at their master, who was still deep in thought, and slowly felt more anxious.

They sat paralyzed on the ground, leaning on the master one by one, their ears drooped, their eyebrows lowered, and their big tails hanging on the ground.

If excavations cannot continue, there will be no ancient documents.

Without ancient documents, Master's cultivation would have stagnated.

If Master's cultivation level stagnates, Fox Mountain will have no development.

Without development, Fox Mountain will not be able to cope with future dangers.

Thinking of this, the fox apprentices frowned, their expressions became more frightened, and their eyes flashed with anxiety.

The sky was gloomy, the clouds were like lead, and time passed little by little.

Dozens of fox apprentices looked at the master who was still meditating, and at the ruins buried in the soil in the distance.

After whispering and talking to each other, they all stood up, wagging their tails, and walked forward!

These ruins are related to Master's cultivation, the safety of his brothers, and the future of Fox Mountain. They must be excavated! Since there is no good way, we can only use our claws!

They looked at the loess under their feet, with all four paws on the ground, their front paws spread out, and their back paws spread out!

For a moment, there was a sound of "swishing, swishing, swishing", and the soil was flying.

Although it wasn't of much use, it still made a mess.

Right now!

They heard the master's voice coming from behind them.

"There's a way!"

In the square of Fox Mountain, dozens of medicinal materials are piled up into hills.

The fox apprentices are still lining up to bring the main materials from the warehouse.

The main material this time, called "Wind Grass Pod", has been in storage for two years and is of little use. But it is easy to grow and the yield is quite high. It's like a weed that can grow wildly by just throwing seeds on the ground.

Bai Er Jian was in the grass moving team and carefully picked up a bag of gale grass pods. This thing must be handled with care, because it is hollow and inflated, and once it is broken, a large cloud of wind will burst out!

Bai Mo sat on the fishing couch, rehearsing his newly thought out prescription in his mind, revising a few refining steps to make sure it was perfect.

"Okay, let's get started!"

The huge square started to get busy.

Some fox apprentices handle medicinal materials, skinning them, pinching their tips, kneading them loosely, and beating them to pieces...

Some fox apprentices prepare utensils, such as cauldrons, buckets, bottles, large bowls...

Some fox apprentices prepared firewood, velvet grass, chopped firewood, kerosene, charcoal...

Under the command of the master, the entire square moved in an orderly manner.


The two cauldrons started the fire at the same time.

"Add water first."

The fox apprentices, holding buckets, poured water into the cauldron.

"Cauldron No. 1, increase the size of the wind grass pods. Add carefully and handle with care.

"Cauldron No. 2, boil the water first, then add the fireweed..."

Different medicinal materials were added to the cauldron one after another. Under Bai Mo's command, he used different stirrings to gradually cook out different colors and bubbles.

The wind in the mountains comes and goes, dusk is approaching in Fox Mountain, and the sky is dark.

Under the two cauldrons, only ashes remained.

In the two cauldrons, one is a red medicinal soup and the other is a blue medicinal soup. They have just been boiled and are still bubbling and steaming.

Bai Mo directed his disciples to take out a small bottle from each of the two cauldrons, and then led his disciples towards the ruins buried in the soil.

"Let's go and try!"

A sliding rod and a group of foxes came to their destination in a mighty way.

The slider stopped, and the fox apprentices gathered in a circle, waiting to see the results.

Under the command of their master, several fox apprentices first used a bronze spear to pierce the soil ground hard, making a small hole nearly two meters deep.

Then, let the white finger come forward to operate.

Use a small spoon to dip a drop of red medicinal soup into the small hole.

Use a small spoon to dip a drop of blue medicinal soup into the small hole.

Two drops of medicinal soup fell in, met in the small hole, and reacted instantly, erupting into a large cloud of wind! The small space and the huge wind seemed to expand all around, squeezing the surrounding soil...

It's similar to an explosion, but instead of fire, just wind. No heat, just shock!


A muffled sound!

With a radius of more than ten meters, cracks were opened on the ground, radiating from the center, thick or thin, spewing out wind and dust!

The fox apprentices were so frightened that they trembled.

But he stared at the dirt field with his eyes wide open.

The soil that was originally compacted into a single piece was shattered into pieces!

This digging is a thousand times easier!

Bai Mo smiled beside him and said, "Don't worry, I have planned it in advance. This kind of wind explosion is much softer than the explosion of gunpowder and will not shatter the copper plates and stone slabs in the ground."

The fox apprentices looked at each other, and instantly became happy again!



They began to dance in circles around the master, squinting their eyes with laughter, shaking their heads and tails.

Master successfully gave medicine to the soil!

The excavation of ruins can continue again in the future!

Night had fallen on Fox Mountain, and the apprentices returned to their dormitories to sleep.

Bai Mo also returned to the real world, lay down on the bed, and meditated to concentrate.

He suddenly remembered.

“The ruins of Fox Mountain are buried in the soil...What about other people’s wonderlands?

"Their ruins will also be buried in the soil, right? If they want to dig up the ruins, how should they solve it?"

Bai Mo took out his mobile phone, opened the Shexian Forum, and searched.

Not long after, I found a bunch of related posts, some from three years ago, some from two years ago, one year ago, and some just posted in the past few days.

[Mom is dying, and I’m going to dig for archeology in my dream again]

The picture accompanying the post shows a young man lying on the bed, holding a Luoyang shovel in his arms.

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