The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 605 The most powerful elixir, great achievements, come from accident


The night is dark.

In the main hall of the dormitory, the foxes gathered in circles, chatting and bragging.

Bai Mo was sitting in the center of the hall, holding a copper plate and reading literature.


Soybean cake holds the teapot and offers water to the master at any time.


Mung Bean Cake holds the tablet computer, waiting for Master to take notes at any time.

Bai Mo frowned slightly while watching.

"It turns out that Yincao stove has such a origin..."

This copper plate is the imperial scripture left by Emperor Yincao. It records that in order to cast this furnace, Emperor Yincao collected countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the entire Dan Kingdom! The Eight Hundred Holy Lands and the Three Thousand Pill Palaces all tried their best to contribute money and effort!

It also records some special activation methods and usage techniques of Yincao furnace.

"I really didn't notice it..."

Bai Mo smacked his lips, holding the copper plate in one hand and the grass stove in the other, squinting his eyes, slowly trying and verifying.

The corner of the hall in the distance.

A group of foxes formed a circle and were passing a machine around, observing each one.


Block Claw held the machine and looked around for a while, but found nothing unusual.


Zishuqiu took the machine and looked it up and down. After a while, it felt normal.


Lianrong Qiu took the machine, squinted her eyes and frowned, but saw nothing unusual.


Dou Xiqiu gently took the instrument and held it in his arms with a serious expression.

The purple line on this screen has definitely, definitely, definitely gotten thinner!

The contours, lines, knobs, screens, purple lines, colors, materials, weight, feel of this's all in my mind!

The fox who loves machines most will never mistake any detail!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

It suggested, go find the master!

"Is this...this...not normal?

"The response speed of this immortal energy circuit..."

In the office, Director Wen, Director Mo, and a group of experts looked at a fairy energy circuit pattern on the big screen and a bunch of test data, all looking like they had seen a ghost.

The response speed of this immortal energy circuit drawn by a certain ordinary experimenter is beyond imagination, and even exceeds the immortal energy circuit drawn by the immortal consultants!

"That experimenter, what's his name?"

"Ducy, hurry up!"

"Oh, the name is very special. Did he explain how this thing was drawn?"

"He...he said it was intuition. He majored in electronic information and had drawn circuit diagrams for many years.

"He thinks this design will be better...but it can't be said that he is ugly."

The whole room was silent.

This Du Xikuai has never had any achievements, no papers, no reputation, his IQ is not too high, his ability is not too strong, he is not the first to go to work every day, and he leaves work very quickly, he is just a proper ordinary person!


After all the leaders looked at each other, they asked the question they were most afraid of.

"Have you checked it out?

"Is he... Shexian?"


Surrounded by a group of fox apprentices, Bai Mo frowned, took the microscope, and saw the purple line on the screen.

He looked at the red bean paste balls.

"You mean, this purple line has become thinner?"

Dou Shaqiu nodded heavily.


Although it doesn't know why...if anything strange happens on Fox Mountain, you must find the master immediately!

Bai Mo looked at the machine and couldn't make any judgments.

Because...the immortal energy instilled in each machine is actually uneven, some are more, and some are less.

So...the purple line displayed on the screen of each machine actually stops evenly. Some are thicker and some are thinner.

If Dou Shaqiu insists that the purple line in this machine has become thinner...

"Uh... let me take a look."

Bai Mo put his hand on the knob and started to twist it "click-click"... If the purple line really changes, it is most likely because it encountered a special organelle!

Bai Mo decided to observe for himself and see what was going on.

Outside the curtains of this world, it was already the last darkness before dawn.

Behind the curtains, beside the conference table, Li Momogu and eight friends were busy working.

Some friends are in a daze, communicating with the ancient immortals in their minds.

Some friends are guarding the computer, typing and communicating with the Secret Brain Office.

Li Dalong and Hu Shanjiu sat in the corner, staring at a piece of printing paper and the [Du Xi Kuai Immortal Qi Circuit] on the paper, and sighed.

"My master said he has never seen this thing before."

"My master also said that he has never seen it before and doesn't know what it is.

"But he tried it and it was really fast!"

"Duxi is fast, Duxi is fast, is it as smooth as running to get diarrhea?"

The two people looked at each other and laughed "hehehehe" with obscene expressions on their faces.

Smiling and laughing, he suddenly heard Li Mushroom exclaim.

"no problem!"

Then he saw Li Momogu holding a signature pen in his hand and straightening up suddenly. In front of him was a stack of script paper filled with deduction contents.

At hand is a copy of "Modern Scientific Interpretation of the Refining of Immortal Medicine (Part 2)".

"I...I have learned this new mathematical tool given by Baimo Expert.

"This [Duxi Kuai Xian Qi Circuit] can be proven and explained clearly using modern science. There is nothing wrong with it."

The whole room looked at each other.

I feel in my heart that this guy Mushroom Head is also a bit perverted!

His learning ability is super strong, his talent for cultivating immortals is also super strong, and his practical ability is even better!

No wonder he is the descendant of the Heavenly Palace!

A group of people were sighing when they saw the mushroom head full of doubts.

"It's just... um... where did this thing come from?"



In the main hall of the dormitory, the foxes gathered around the master, watching the master control the microscope and let the purple ray hit the strange-shaped organelles one after another.

"Is this the cell organelle of the timid chrysanthemum?"

The owner of the machine, Lian Rongqiu, nodded quickly.


This is indeed the organelle of Chrysanthemum cory!

The higher the level of grass jelly, the more types of organelles there are, and the more bizarre they are.

It has been observing for many days, but it still has not been able to observe all types of organelles.

At this moment, the machine in Master's hands was extremely smooth and smooth. On the screen, the purple line was like an obedient greedy snake, constantly hitting various cell organelles one after another, or pass through, or refract.


The foxes either got into the master's arms, climbed onto the master's shoulders, or leaned on the master's arms, hanging all over the master's body. Each of them had a furry head and a pair of dark red eyes, watching the master's operations.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

The bean paste ball, which was in Master's arms, secretly nuzzled Master with its head, squinting its eyes and showing a smile.

This position is really good. I can be held by Master and can see the screen of the machine clearly.

For example, at this time, it saw that the purple line hit a long organelle, deflected, and became a little thinner...


It suddenly woke up!

"Oh, it's true."

Bai Mo also noticed it!

This long organelle, at the moment of collision, sucked away a little bit of the original immortal energy.

"Could it be that it's a new type of alchemy weapon?

"But it seems that the reaction to the immortal energy is not too big..."

It doesn’t seem to be a particularly high-quality elixir?

After all, Fox Mountain now has a lot of alchemy weapons, and it is necessary to choose the best among them, and there is no need to use ordinary ones.

"Let me see what this is."

Bai Mo turned the knob, and with the sound of "click", the long strip of organelles on the screen was immediately enlarged!

In the office.

Chen Yuxing held a piece of paper and was in a daze.

The emperor's voice sounded in his mind.

"You still can't apply for the second half of the article?"

"Uh...Tian Weiming said it's under review..."

When talking about Tian Weiming, the emperor and Chen Yuxing fell silent.

This guy is absolutely disgusting!

No matter what document you read, he needs to approve it first!

Get stuck here, get stuck there!

The progress advantage of the Immortal Artifact Research Institute has been completely blocked!

Now the Xianqi Research Institute and other research departments are basically at the same pace, sometimes slightly ahead and sometimes slightly behind.

For example, the second half of "Modern Scientific Interpretation of the Refining of Immortal Medicine" was blocked by this guy and could not be obtained at all!

Chen Yuxing sighed.

Then he saw the [Du Xi Kuai Xian Qi Circuit] in his hand. Tian Weiming approved this thing with great enthusiasm.

"This... can really speed up the response?

"Is this something revealed by the fallen immortal?"

In Chen Yuxing's mind, the emperor shook his head.


"In the history of the Immortal Dynasty, there has never been anything like this, whether it is the path of immortal weapons or the path of talismans.

“It looks simple, but actually… there’s something to it.

"I'm more inclined to think that this thing came from a flash of inspiration in the experimenter's mind!

"Or to put it bluntly, by chance!"

Chen Yuxing couldn't understand it, or couldn't accept it.

"This... this immortal energy circuit, in the Immortal Dynasty, is it considered to be at the level of Sequence Five?

"The structure of the immortal energy circuit that can be mass-produced by human beings at the fifth level of the sequence comes from chance?"

The emperor nodded.

"That's right.

“A lot of greatness comes from accident.

"'s just that to a certain extent, this accident is not so pure.

"This experimenter was able to discover this kind of circuit by accident.

“But the prerequisite is that your society has a high degree of education and high-level talents.

"The prerequisite is that your Immortal Committee has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to set up a large number of research centers to participate in the Fog Ice Project.

"All in all, this can be considered a conditional coincidence."

"Ah? This...why does this thing look a bit like..."

In the dormitory hall.

More and more foxes came closer, leaning their heads and looking at the screen of the machine with wide eyes.

On the screen, the enlarged long organelle was seen to be made up of gear-shaped molecules stacked one after another.

The first gear is spinning rapidly.

The second gear spins slowly.

The third gear was barely turning.

And the hundreds of gears superimposed at the back cannot be seen to rotate.

“The speed of the first gear is ten times that of the second.

“The speed of the second gear is ten times that of the third.

“The speed of the third gear is ten times that of the fourth.

"This...this organelle is the molecular version of the Gugol gear set!"

Bai Mo stared at the screen, fascinated by this strange organelle.

The foxes are piled next to each other. You look at me and I look at you.



Is this thing very powerful?

Bai Mo looked at the gear ratio, the drive shaft, and the gear body, and the more he looked at it, the more exquisite it became.

"There is no physical is this achieved?

"Molecular force?

"How much energy can it store?"

It is difficult for Bai Mo to fully understand things in the microscopic world.

But you can try it!

He covered the machine with both hands, and with a thought, the elixir fire poured into the machine!

The screen of the machine instantly becomes colorful!

As for the organelle gear set, the first gear rotates rapidly, driving the second gear to rotate quickly, and driving the third gear to rotate slightly slower... Just like this, the elixir fire and energy poured into the white ink pass through the gear set. Level-by-level transmission and level-by-level storage, in a short period of time, can only drive the seventh gear at most!

And this gear set has a total of 361 pieces!

At this time, the rapidly rotating first-level gear was still stable and showed no tendency to fall off!


Bai Mo took back his hand.

At this time, he looked at it for a while, and the corners of his mouth were raised higher and higher, becoming more and more happy.

"Okay, okay, it's really good, it's amazing, great stuff!"

The fox apprentices looked at their master and laughed too.



This principle is very simple. As long as Master smiles, it means that this is a good thing!

When Master praises it, it is an extremely good thing!

As expected, Bai Mo took a deep breath, hugged the bean paste ball, and announced to his disciples.

"Our alchemy laboratory has discovered the most awesome, best, and most significant super organelle since its establishment, or in other words, super alchemy!

"This little alchemy can store astronomical amounts of energy!

"That is to say, all the pills in our Fox Mountain will have military versions from now on!"

The foxes were stunned for a moment.

In fact, they didn't quite understand what the master said.

But that doesn’t stop them from celebrating!




...The dormitory hall instantly burst into cheers!

And Dou Shaqiu huddled in the master's arms, showed a proud smile, stretched out her fox paw, and gently stroked the machine.

Sure enough, we should treat the machine better in the future!

These lovely machines, if you are kind to them, they will be kind to you, and everything will be rewarded!

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