People’s thoughts are like fish in the water, flexible, fast, one after another, densely packed, endless, or slipping away quickly, or jumping out of the water with light, fast and slippery, difficult to catch.

If you want to modify people’s thoughts without being noticed, it’s like carving words on the scales of fish in the water. You need to be fast, faster, super fast, so fast that time will stop for you.

So it is...

The Emperor of Defection took over Jia Ke’s body and stood on the podium.

The fairy art has been activated at this moment!

At this moment...

Lin Mindong’s saliva just flew out of his mouth and was still in the air!

The old professor Zhumen blinked his eyes wildly, and his eye muscles contracted halfway!

The reflection of Director Tian Weiming’s glasses in the front row just reflected!

On the podium, Fox made tea for Bai Mo, and the mercury burst out of the cup!

At this moment, the talisman pen in the sleeve of the Emperor of Defection flew out!

It was really too fast!

When flying, it even caught up with the light it emitted!

No one can see it.

The scientists in the audience can't.

The leaders in the front row can't.

The defecting emperor who cast this magic can't either.

Its pen flew out pieces of runes, like colorful butterflies, and instantly scattered all over the sky, outlining a white ghost with wide sleeves and wide robes, covering the entire conference room!

The hair was disheveled, and every fluttering hair was a trace of the talisman pen!

Just like that, in this extremely short moment...

The corners of the ghost's mouth outlined a smile.

The ghost's eyes saw the straw paper with seven matrices written on the table.

The ghost's hair was elegant, extended, and scattered. Every strand of hair went to the top of everyone in the venue!

It wanted to rewrite everyone's thoughts!

After it modified their thoughts, everyone would agree with these seven matrices and firmly believe in them!

After it modified their thoughts, everyone would regard the seven matrices as principles that cannot be violated, as beliefs to be maintained throughout their lives, and as the cornerstone of all logic and science!

After this, if they learn, encounter, research, or practice anything that contradicts these seven matrices, they will make up for it themselves and try their best to prove the rationality of these seven matrices!

At this moment, the rain in Jiuzhou is still floating in the air!

The publicity materials of the Immortal Committee are running on the network cables in the form of electric current!

In the conference office, the next frame of the mobile phone screen of the factory director Chen Yuanlin has not been refreshed yet!

In the conference hall, the corners of the mouth of the Emperor who turned against him are about to rise!

Before launching the immortal technique, he had already realized that the thoughts of the top scientists in this room would be rewritten, and their consciousness would be deeply planted.

This room full of top scientists is enough to determine the entire Jiuzhou Wubing plan!

From now on, every spiritual weapon produced by the Wubing plan will be infiltrated by the runes hidden in these seven matrices, and will leave the mark of his defection to the Emperor!

Even the octagonal Qi-fixing plates of several kings and princes will be infiltrated by him!

Every bucket, every liter, and every wisp of original immortal energy collected by the princes will be marked with his mark!

That's it. After this moment is over, he will stay in the human world with the skin and identity of the top scientist Jia Ke, and participate in the most cutting-edge scientific research of mankind!

That's it. After this moment is over, he has his own immortal dream, and can even enter it at any time to avoid all dangers. No one can kill him!

That's it. After this moment is over, he can connect the brand with a thought and control all the spiritual weapons of mankind in the future, whether it is Thor's hammer or the upgraded version of Thor's weapon!

That's it. After this moment is over, he doesn't have to do anything, and he can use the added octagonal fixed gas plate to own every wisp of immortal energy mined by several princes in the future!

That's it. After this moment is over, raindrops will continue to fall, light will continue to spread, water will continue to splash, and this room full of scientists will suddenly wake up, suddenly understand, suddenly applaud him, and suddenly agree with his point of view!

Just like that, after this moment ends, human history will be rewritten, and he, the defecting emperor, will return to this world without anyone knowing and start his new game!

Bai Gui's hair has fallen...

It fell on the head of Lin Mindong, who was furious;

It fell on the head of Director Wen, who had a strange expression;

It fell on the head of Rousongqiu, the fox apprentice who was holding a pot to make tea;

It fell on the head of Bai Mo, who was working at his desk;

This hair was so fast that it even caught up with the light!

But when it fell on Bai Mo's head, it only fell on the afterimage.

It turned out that the light emitted by Bai Mo at that time was still there.

It turned out that Bai Mo had already dodged sideways at this time and saw the circuits corresponding to the seven matrices that he had deduced on the paper.

It was a strange rune...

The scribbled lines were dirty, filthy, and evil, as if outlining the battlefield of the Immortal Dynasty, outlining the defection in front of the battle, outlining the shameful betrayal, and outlining the endless blood disaster...

"So, what on earth are you?"

Bai Mo looked at the "Jia Ke" next to him, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Why can it cause such a filthy celestial phenomenon?

"Why can it have such a strong academic strength?

"And why can it have such a terrible immortal art?

"Chen Yuxing?

"Jia Ke?"

"Or... something else hidden behind them?"

In Bai Mo's eyes, the cauldron of autonomic neurology was slowly rotating!

It turns out that he used knowledge and magic to infinitely speed up his nerves, his brain, and his consciousness!

Under the white ink skin, there is a faint cyan fire!

It turns out that he used the secret technique [Qing Cang Shen] to turn his body into elixir fire to withstand this crazy and infinite acceleration!

This talisman pen and this white ghost can go very, very quickly!

And Bai Mo's reaction and body can be faster, faster!

In the eyes of the white ghost, the world is so slow that it almost stops!

In Bai Mo's eyes, the white ghost was so slow that it was almost still!

Bai Mo sighed, looking at the nearly frozen faces in the audience, at the strands of Bai Gui's hair that were about to fall, and at the corners of "Jia Ke"'s mouth that were about to raise...

He stretched out his right hand, tapped his fingers, and pointed towards Jia Ke's head...

Under his skin, green fire loomed...

His fingers flicked in the air...

Then, the white ghost in the sky disappeared!

So, the extremely short moment was over!

So, the water column used by the fox apprentice to make tea continued to flow and fall!

So, in the front row of the audience, Tian Weiming's glasses reflected the light!

So, in the back row of the audience, Professor Zhumen’s eye muscles continued to move!

As a result, Lin Mindong's spittle continued to fly out along a parabolic trajectory!

Then, everyone present heard a "bang" and saw Jia Ke's head on the podium, bursting like a watermelon, exploding red and white all over the sky!

In a dream.

Du Shuang'er was in high spirits and came to the edge of the blood pool, wanting to chat with her master.

"Master, what do you need to repair your body?

"When the Octagonal Qi Fixing Plate is refined and we have the original immortal energy, can you be resurrected?

"Do you need any other materials?

"We had a hard time while you were away..."

But she gradually realized something was wrong.

No matter what she said, the blood pool did not fluctuate at all, and she could no longer hear the slightest response in her mind.

"Could it be that Master is asleep again?"

In the conference room.

Jia Ke's headless body fell to the ground with a "pop".

The smell of blood and strange rancid smell floated in this huge conference room.

The whole house was in an uproar!

"Why did you die suddenly?"

"He...he really has a problem?"

"His head was blown off by the boss of Xizhou?"

"Oh my god……"

Some people were already dizzy and did not dare to look down.

Some people were already nauseated and covered their mouths to block retching.

Fox apprentice Roufongqiu, holding the contaminated kettle and looking at the contaminated teacup, looked depressed.


Bai Mo frowned and stood up.

"Um... We, the scientists of the Immortal Magic Age, have all gone through many ups and downs. We study methods of killing people and manufacture weapons of war. We should not lack courage, nor should we lack insight.

"One person died, one head was shot, and a body was left behind. There is no need to be so panicked."

The white ink-covered coat was also splattered with spots of red and white, including flesh foam, bone stubble, and brain matter.

But at this moment, he didn't care.

"There is indeed something wrong with his seven matrices. It is not an injustice to have his head blown off by the boss of Xizhou.

“Just call someone later to take care of the body and clean up.

"However, I have calculated and verified that only three matrices are needed to communicate from the talisman field to the center.

"The last piece of the puzzle of Fog Ice Theory has been completed.

"We can finally declare that the meeting was a complete success!"

In the conference room, after a moment of pause, a wave of applause suddenly erupted!

Blah blah blah...

Some scientists are still scared and disgusted.

Some scientists, on the contrary, had their eyes shining, applauded vigorously, and were even more excited!

As the white ink expert said, scientists in the age of immortality studied killing techniques and developed killing weapons. In this room full of blood and putrefaction, they wore blood-stained white robes and guarded the enemy's corpse to complete the most important research. Laying the foundation for the most important cause... isn't this a kind of romance? !


A cold wind blows.

In the dark dream, Ancient Immortal Pebbles and his apprentice, the King of Darkness, turned and left the river.

What they didn't know was that one of the thousands of spare bodies at the bottom of the river suddenly shed a tear and scattered it in the river.


So there was a hint of sadness in the sound of the waves of the river running in the night.

He seemed to be saddened by the death of his kind.

It seems that he is feeling sad for the passing of his old friend.

Hu La La La La…

Between heaven and earth, the heavy rain continues.

On the top of the huge Xiling Mountain, the tiny copper bull on the stone suddenly trembled, looked up at the sky, and caught the rain with its big face.

The shepherd behind it didn't know if he saw it wrong, or if he had an illusion, but he saw what seemed to be a drop of a copper bull's tear in the rain on his face.

Must be a mistake?

Bronze Bull, how could he shed tears?

Then the bronze bull turned around, its evil spirit and arrogance dissipated, it returned to simplicity and intimacy, and it rubbed its big head against Shepherd's body.

Shepherd wept with joy, his bronze bull was back again?

"Hahaha, don't make trouble, don't make trouble, your head is wet and my clothes are all wet!"


"This video is so popular. The big alchemy furnace floating in the rain is so handsome!"

"It is strongly recommended that Xizhou be recreated as a landmark on a one-to-one basis!"


"Fireballs bomb the entire city!"

"Did you see this? The camera captured it. That big rat was actually a bunch of small rats that swallowed each other?"

"Indeed, Xizhou is still safe and cannot be shaken!"

In the dormitory of Xizhou Architecture College, a private technical college, a group of children are watching the promotional film just released by the Immortal Committee in front of the computer.

The quality of this film is extremely high!

The footage captured by drones is the main part, supplemented by footage captured by civilian photographers. It shows the terrorist attack, Yincao furnace, fireballs, and the death of lamp rats from all angles!

"The Immortal Committee also released a lot of photos, all of which are high-definition pictures!"

"Wow, I'm going to download them and use them as wallpapers!"

"The Immortal Committee is soliciting opinions on the Immortal Forum. Should we build a one-to-one Danlu as a landmark in Xizhou?"

"Ah? Do we really want to do this? Hahaha! ”

“Go and vote for support!

“The fake peripherals of Xizhou boss have a common feature... I don’t know when they may become real!”

On the upper bunk of the dormitory, the little yellow-haired boy got up and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

He looked at the brothers in the lower bunk and quietly climbed out of bed.

He ran to the balcony again and saw that the rain outside had stopped.

The accumulated water on the ground was flowing "clattering", sweeping away some black ashes. I don’t know if it is related to the fireball of Xizhou boss?

He sighed, and his heart was still difficult to calm down.

“The dirty emperor is dead?

“The dirty emperor died in the hands of Xizhou boss?

“But how is this possible?

“Even if he is weak, even if he is incomplete, he is still an emperor.

“The emperor’s conspiracy, the emperor’s accumulation of background, the emperor’s weird methods, the emperor’s peerless fairy art...

“How did Xizhou boss kill a dirty emperor? "

The classmates behind him were still noisy and barking, immersed in the joy of victory.

Outside the balcony and downstairs, some classmates had already run out, running, jumping and cheering.

Few people in this world know that a dirty emperor tried to come to the world.

Few people in this world know that a dirty emperor died at the hands of the boss of Xizhou.

No one in this world knows what cards both sides played, what magic they used, and how much they paid in the duel between the emperor and the boss of Xizhou?

Perhaps one day, the boss of Xizhou will tell it?

Perhaps this battle will become a secret forever in the long river of history?

Huangmao sighed.

"The historical line has been straightened again."

He was in a trance for a moment, thought for a long time, and had a new idea.

"Or, if there was no boss of Xizhou, the world should have been corrupted and fallen into the hands of all kinds of monsters and demons?

"The boss of Xizhou is an accident that happened in history."

"The historical line with the boss of Xizhou is abnormal?"


The wind after the rain blew onto the balcony and blew on his shoulders, wet and cold, icy and cold, making him shiver.

He looked up and saw the sky, which was clean and cloudless, and the sky was blue after the rain.

Suddenly I realized that today is the 16th, and everyone's guaranteed monthly tickets have arrived.

Uh, this, if you don't vote after the monthly ticket expires, it will be invalid. If you don't know where to vote. Hmm? Do you understand what I mean?

PS: I found that some book friends spread rumors that I have ten chapters in stock!

This is pure rumor!

I would like to declare that the daily updates of this book are freshly baked, and so far, I have not updated the manuscript overnight!

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