
The evening breeze blew through the office windowsill.

The lights in the factory area downstairs have been turned on.

The workers had just had dinner and came out of the canteen in small groups, chatting and laughing.

In the office, Fang Xiaoyu did not leave, and neither did Wu Qingyun.

Because Bai Mo also has to work overtime today!

The two people gathered in front of the computer screen and opened the live broadcast page of "Big Shot Live Class" in advance, waiting for the show to start.

Then I saw a beautiful female host warming up.

"...Every one of us must have heard of the name of White Mo Expert.

“Analytic geometry is a weird name, and I guess not many people have heard of it.

"After all, mathematics is always difficult and mysterious, and it made us suffer a lot in middle school.

“After entering society and starting to work, we are even less willing to understand mathematics.

"Today, we are honored to have experts from Baimo come and give us a live broadcast on 'analytical geometry'..."

Barrage after barrage flew by quickly.

[Analytical geometry? Was there any mistake? Memories of the dead began to attack me...]

[Ah ha ha ha ha, I will be the atmosphere team]

[I have long heard that the white ink expert is omnipotent, but today, he has encountered a problem. If he has the ability, let him teach me! 】

Fang Xiaoyu and Wu Qingyun laughed out loud when they saw the sand sculpture barrage.

Not far away, Bai Mo and Fox apprentice Flash Lightning were still adjusting their cameras, preparing to connect to the live broadcast.

Bai Mo is easy to say.

"Um... the screen projection of the tablet has been connected and can be started at any time."

Fox apprentice Flashing Lightning squatted next to him, wearing a white coat, holding the camera with his fox paws, sometimes looking at the camera, sometimes looking at the screen on the computer.


It needs to find a good angle and a good camera position to ensure that both the master and it can be more photogenic!


The night of the real world corresponds to the day of the dream.

Even if the master is away, Fox Mountain has already entered a busy working state.

In the medicine field, fiery red figures were busy repairing facilities or picking fruits.



Trucks one after another walked along the main road, passing through the medicinal fields, heading towards the location of Purple Earth Dragon.

The back of the truck is loaded with huge fairy grass armor, newly cast with fairy gold, and the surface is polished to make it shine like silver!

The dormitory of Xizhou University was brightly lit.

More than half of the students were sitting in front of their computers, with pens and paper ready, waiting for this "big celebrity live class".

"Hey, that's pretty good."

"I used to listen to lectures by experts from Bai Mo, and I was deeply impressed."

"I wonder if Bai Mo Expert can become a regular guest on this show?"

"Hahaha, I think too much. This is a brand new program of the Fairy Committee. Its main function is to popularize science and improve people's literacy in fairy-related matters.

“Bringing the white ink experts to the platform this time is purely to increase the popularity of the program and help open up new programs.

"Anyway, he won't lecture too much, just listen and cherish it."

In the dormitory on the other side, Wanbo City, Fu Mingyuan and others were also gathered in front of the computer.

Then the perspective of the show changed, and the beautiful host left the show, replaced by Bai Mo sitting in front of the camera. Next to him squatted Mr. Fox, wearing a white coat, with his head held high and his chest protruding, his face full of coldness and extraordinary aura.

Several of them laughed out loud.

Bai Mo's voice sounded.

"Okay, our program today is mainly about popular science.

"We will give some very simple and very basic explanations of analytic geometry.

“I hope that after listening to it, everyone will have a general understanding of what kind of knowledge this is, and how it is researched and applied.

"Mathematics majors can already leave..."

Hearing this, Wanbo City and others smiled and stretched.

"Hahaha, it seems that today's class should be simple and not very intense."

“It’s pretty good!

“Not just universities, it seems that more than 20 million people are watching the live broadcast.

“The audience includes all regions, industries and age groups.

“Although the vast majority of them are just watching the fun.

"But at least, they know about our program [Live Classes by Celebrities]!"

Northern suburbs base, in the broadcast room.

The director of the publicity department looked excitedly at President Chen Shu next to him.

But President Chen Shu was also very happy, smiling and nodding.

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

Bai Mo's name is much easier to use than imagined!

From Sichun to Chunshan, from Dongguo to Xizhou, there are people in Kyushu who are watching this program.




In the mine where the noise is loud and smoke and dust are flying everywhere, there are people watching this program in the duty room!

"...Analytical geometry includes two parts: plane analytic geometry and solid analytic geometry. In plane analytic geometry, by establishing a plane rectangular coordinate system, algebraic methods are used to study geometric problems, or geometric methods are used to study algebraic problems. I believe this part of the content, We all had some contact with each other in middle school..."

In the mine duty room.

The young man in blue work clothes, wearing glasses and disheveled hair, had prepared a pen and paper, lay in front of the computer, and listened carefully to the lecture.

The workers next to him were probably watching TV series, short videos, or beautiful women dancing live, and they were all enjoying it. Some even turned around and glanced at the young man with disdain.

"Hey, what are you pretending to be able to learn?"

"If you were so able to learn earlier, would you still need to come to work in the mine? "

The young man Guo Liqing pulled the corner of his mouth at this time, pretending that he didn't hear it.

When he was in school, he had always worked hard, but he just couldn't learn. What could he do?

I thought he would graduate and didn't need to learn anymore, but he didn't expect that he started to cultivate immortality and specially practiced the art of formation!

I thought that if I couldn't understand it, I could just give up and didn't force myself, but he didn't expect that he was still a descendant of the Holy Land!

When he thought of this, Guo Liqing felt choked up!

As one of the nine descendants of the Holy Land in the art of formation, he was completely an art of formation Muggle. Just after Sequence Nine, he was already stuck by the complicated art of formation knowledge and could no longer be promoted!


Carrying the inheritance of the Holy Land and the responsibility of the Holy Land, he gritted his teeth and widened his eyes to continue watching the live broadcast and listening to the class!



The wind blew, and the huge purple earth dragon, with roots as thick as water tanks in the medicinal field, twisted and swirled, and twisted like a dragon on the land.


"Aoaoao! "

Black Star, White Tail, Huhufeng, Popoyu and other foxes were lifting the huge fairy grass armor above their heads and carefully unloading it from the car.


The heavy armor, even if it was handled with care, still made a muffled sound when it landed.

The armor has a fairy energy circuit inside, and the outside is polished and shiny, and it is also engraved with beautiful dragon patterns.

The four foxes looked at the armor and smiled, feeling proud.



But, the next step is the problem... How to put this big guy on the purple earth dragon?

Before making it, the purple earth dragon's body was not measured. Will it fit it?


Look at the armor, then look at the purple earth dragon, it doesn't seem to fit?

The armor is thicker, and the purple earth dragon is a bit thin?

"Ao? "

The foxes looked at each other.

Master didn't mention this question before?

Master neglected it?

It seems impossible?


"...So this is the ellipse in the coordinate system on the two-dimensional level.

"It has a very wide range of uses. For example, the satellite orbit is elliptical.

"If we launch a satellite..."

In the office, Bai Mo said, Wu Qingyun and Fang Xiaoyu nodded from time to time.

Bai Mo's talk was very basic and popular science.

This intensity was just right for them.

Bai Mo sat in front of the camera, lecturing and occasionally writing and drawing on the handwriting board.

He frowned slightly and noticed the Fox Mountain.

The fairy grass armor has been completed?

He squinted his eyes and saw that in the dream, several fox apprentices had moved the first batch of four pieces of fairy grass armor to the side of the purple earth dragon medicinal field.

So, while lecturing, he divided his mind and went to Fox Mountain, shouting to the purple earth dragon with his consciousness.


"During this period, you have produced a lot of original fairy energy. Thank you for your hard work.

"Fox Mountain rewards you with a set of armor. Try it to see if it fits you.

"If you don't want it, or if it doesn't fit, I'll give it to Fish Leg Grass first..."

The master's voice came from the air.

The foxes watched as the purple earth dragon shook violently in the howling wind, causing the dust to fall!

Then they saw a root of the purple earth dragon grow up with a "rustling" and "cracking" sound, reaching the ground, and hurriedly put on all four pieces of armor!


The wind blew.

The foxes were all dazed and speechless.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh? ”

It was Huhufeng, pointing at the fairy armor wrapped around the fairy grass stem, speaking in fox language and gesturing.

…It doesn’t fit, the fairy armor is too loose!

Before it finished speaking, it saw that the rhizome of the purple earth dragon was rapidly thickening with a crisp sound of “click, click, click”, filling up the fairy armor!

Then, this rhizome wrapped in the fairy armor, shining silver, with gorgeous dragon patterns, was lifted up to the sky, facing the strong wind, and it was quite eye-catching in front of the huge purple earth dragon tree city!

Several foxes looked up, their eyes followed the silver rhizome, and they were stunned...No wonder the master didn’t measure the size and directly asked them to do it.

It turns out that the purple earth dragon can adapt to itself!

Even this showy fairy grass actually adjusted this silver rhizome, put it in the middle, and adjusted the shape!

“…Okay, let’s continue and talk about three-dimensional analytic geometry.

"First, the most basic example is the so-called, ball..."

In the carriage, a burly man sneered and turned off the live broadcast.

"Hmph, what is this? It's useless."


The off-road vehicle he was riding in was shuttling through the mountain paths.

"Most of the so-called knowledge in the human world is just a showpiece, and most of it is useless."

"What's the use of me writing functions? Can I use it to buy groceries? Can I use it to practice immortal arts? Can I use it to make pills? Or to cultivate immortal grass?

"Ha, funny!"

Several people in the carriage laughed "hehehe".

They are all disciples of the Purple Dragon King and Marquis in the alchemy path. Today, they came here to do things under the order of their master.


The off-road vehicle drove far away. Through the car window, we could see a large area of ​​lights on the hillside in the distance.

It was a temporary warehouse and temporary office area built of board houses.

The engineer sitting in the co-pilot stared with wide eyes, watching from afar for a long time, and recalled the intelligence he had obtained before, pointing to the far left of the board house.

"I remember that the seventh row in the second column on the left is the monitoring room.

"The monitoring room is connected to all the cameras in the mine, and is connected to the Immortal Committee through a network cable.

"If there is any abnormality in the mine, it will be detected by the monitoring room, and the Immortal Committee will be able to detect it immediately.

"It is equivalent to saying that the monitoring room is the eyes of the Immortal Committee placed in the mine.

"No matter what we want to do, we need to cover that eye first."


In the monitoring room.

Every corner of the mine is displayed on the computer screens.

Some pictures show the inside of the mine, the lights are dim, and the mine cars are idle.

Some pictures show that outside the warehouse, someone is patrolling with a flashlight.

Some pictures show temporary toilets in the mine, with people occasionally coming in and out.

The workers staring at the surveillance cameras all hold their phones, watching beauties dancing, watching TV series, or watching short videos.

Only Guo Liqing in the corner, wearing dirty clothes, is still staring at the screen of his phone, watching Bai Mo's live broadcast.

"... So, let's look at an example, a very simple example.

"How do you find the analytical expression of the tangent line at a point on the ball? "

Guo Liqing's eyes lit up!

He knows the answer to this question!

On his desk, there were piles of math textbooks and exercise books, all of which were old, dirty, curled, and yellowed.

At this time, he laughed and quickly followed the live broadcast and started to calculate.

This iron house has no windows, so they don't know that there is a thick fog outside!

The fog enveloped the entire mine...

The patrolling workers and the workers standing guard had fainted in the fog.

Even the workers who were driving were unconscious in the fog. They couldn't hold the steering wheel with their hands and couldn't step on the accelerator with their feet. They let the truck go off the track and crashed into the pile of houses with a "bang". .

And all this was completely unnoticed in the monitoring room.

The lights in the monitoring room were still on.

On the monitors in the monitoring room, the screens were normal, and the mine was still running smoothly and safely.

In the screen, you can even see cars driving by, people patrolling, and people secretly relieving themselves in the corner.

The workers who occasionally looked up at the monitoring could not find anything wrong.

Not far outside the monitoring room.

Wang Hou's disciples and the engineer sat directly on the ground.

The extra-large router box dug out of the ground, covered with mud, was connected to the engineer's computer.

"Hehe, it's done.

"Now, what you see in that monitoring room are all fake videos."

Wang Hou's disciples frowned.

"Fake videos?

"Who can make so many fake videos so quickly?"

The engineer smiled triumphantly and patted the laptop in his arms.

"Artificial intelligence!

"In that monitoring room, all the downstream information flows were imitated by artificial intelligence, pretending that everything was safe and sound.

"For example, that guy..."

The engineer raised his chin and pointed to the patrol worker lying in a pool of blood next to him, whose life or death was unknown.

"That guy, in the monitoring screen, is still patrolling as usual. Hehehe."


In the monitoring room.

Some workers suddenly heard a ringing sound, looked up, and found a pop-up window on the screen.

[Please verify biometric information]

"Hey, what a hassle."

He smacked his lips and pressed his right thumb on the fingerprint detector on the desktop.

This detector can detect multiple biometric data such as fingerprints, blood oxygen, body temperature, heart rate, etc. He needs to press and hold for fifteen seconds to complete the verification.

While verifying, he looked up and saw that everything was normal in the monitoring screen.


He yawned, and after a while, he saw a pop-up prompt on the screen.

[Biometric information verification successful]

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