Hua La La La...

The huge ship was like a fairy mountain on the sea, crushing the waves and moving forward steadily.

On the deck, the foxes were busy refining medicine.

"Ying Ying Ying!"

It was the white belt, who poured out another bucket of hot medicine soup from the Guixu bottle.

"Ao Ao Ao!"

It was the black belt, who was pouring ice cubes into the bucket to cool the medicine soup.

The medicine soup was light yellow, slightly turbid, and looked dirty.

The busy foxes around him frowned and were very careful whether they were adding ingredients, canning, stirring, cooling or carrying.

Because... this thing is really expensive!

A dirty bucket of medicine can be equivalent to the food expenses of Fox Mountain for three days!

"Boo, boom, ah!"

It was the black necklace and the white necklace who worked together to lift a bucket of medicine soup, and went to the box where the ghost eyes were piled up steadily, and "swished" the medicine soup into it, giving the ghost eyes a bath!

"Not bad, that's it."

Bai Mo hesitated, smiled, nodded, and reached out to touch the head of the black sugar bag.

"Give the ghost eyes a bath, let the ghost eyes carry the medicine soup to the sea."

The ghost eyes blinked, trembled, and spasmed, as if they hated and resisted this medicine soup!

But the "thick eyebrows and big eyes" on the top of the ghost eye box "sizzled" and released fierce electric light, forcing ordinary ghost eyes to take a bath... Anyway, these thick eyebrows and big eyes are on the top, and they can't take a bath.

Black sugar buns and braised pork buns don't quite understand...such an expensive medicine soup, why don't these ghost eyes know how to appreciate it, as if they are wronged?

Bai Mo sighed.

"Uh... they are just the carriers of the medicinal soup."

"This stuff may not be a good thing for them. "

The brown sugar buns and the braised pork buns looked at each other and nodded.

Got it!

They grabbed the small kettle on their shoulders, unscrewed the lid, and let the aroma of [Nectar Condensed Milk] drift away!

And the thick eyebrows and big eyes followed the fragrance in the air, all of them were stunned, as if stunned.

And they all understood quickly, and their eyes became determined!




On the deck, lightning flashed!


Hua Lala Lala...

In the closed room, from the floor to the walls and ceiling, it was sealed by a black oil film.

The prince of Chifan sat inside, listening to the sound of the waves and feeling the slight shaking of the ship. He had long been accustomed to it.

After all, nearly half of his thousands of years of life had been spent on this sea.

At this moment, he was sitting at the desk, holding a scroll, sometimes thinking, sometimes frowning.

"Is this design wrong? "

This scroll records his latest research results.

In this room, on the bookshelves around, scrolls are piled up in piles, filling up one grid after another. They are his research on Wan Huatian and the accumulation of knowledge over the past thousands of years.


The door opened.


The eldest disciple walked in, like squeezing into a bubble, into the black oil film.

"That female fairy seems to be a little too stupid. She can't learn to paint in a short time.

"I saw her gesturing on the sea for a long time, and she only drew a mess of garbage, and she was sweating profusely."

The prince of Chifan was stunned for a moment and smiled bitterly.

"You have a high vision.

"The cultivation of Wan Huatian is not easy.

"If you can learn to paint after practicing for twenty or thirty years, you can be called a genius.

"Like the immortal Ku Nian, who broke through in two or three years, it can be regarded as a monster.

"You said that the female fairy can already use her consciousness to adjust the colors and can already start painting... That's probably just an above-average talent.


The prince glanced at his apprentice.

"With her talent, she must be much stronger than you at Sequence 6.

"Although you are different from her.

"It's basically impossible for you to reach Sequence 4 again."

The apprentice was embarrassed.

"Ah... hehe... Master... I... I mean, since this female fairy can't be dealt with in a short time, should we pour the collected soul fragments directly into the sea and fish for the patrol ship?"

The prince thought for a moment and looked at the scroll in his hand.

Thinking back to what he had learned over the past few thousand years, thinking back to his knowledge and experience in Wanhuatian, he sighed.

"Go fishing."

"Try it once."


The roadside noodle shop in Xizhou is dirty and greasy, with a wooden sign that has not been changed for many years. The three words "Oil-splashed Noodles" are almost covered by the stale oil smoke.

Even the dishes were served in a small, bumpy stainless steel bowl.

But the noodles in the bowl were smooth and chewy, the green vegetables were green and tender, and the bright red chili peppers were steaming. The aroma rose up and caught the noses of Guan Yuexi and Dong Yunhui!

So delicious...

"Ah, it's delicious!"

Dong Yunhui licked the oil on the corner of his mouth.

Guan Yuexi, who was sitting opposite him, nodded as he ate.

Halfway through the meal, he tilted his head to look at the alley not far away. He saw that there was a barrier, a metal house, and cameras installed.

"What are they going to do with the Lianzhu Teleportation Array?"

"Can that thing be dismantled?"

That's right, the alley was a node of the Lianzhu Teleportation Array!

"My master said it can't be dismantled.

"With the jade talisman in hand, all the nodes can be found.

“But if you want to dismantle it… without the knowledge and magic of Sequence Five, I’m afraid you can’t do it.”

“The Immortal Committee’s foundation and accumulation are still a little lacking after all.”

“What are they going to do then?”

“Build that tin hut to shelter people who use the teleportation array?”

The two were eating noodles when they saw a little mouse sneaking back and “swoosh swoosh” climbing onto Dong Yunhui’s body, climbing onto his shoulder, and “squeak squeak squeak” into his ear, telling him the information he had just seen.

Dong Yunhui laughed strangely after hearing it.

“Uh… the Immortal Committee is still a bit interesting.”

“They can’t dismantle the teleportation array.”

“They installed some things on each teleportation node.”

“Install some poison gas, mines, high voltage electricity, space interference array stakes…”

“If anyone uses the teleportation array and is teleported to that hut, it will be really cool.”


The waves are rippling, and red and black duckweed are floating on the sea.

The quiet black is the mother duckweed, holding the lively red daughter duckweed.

Splash... snap!

A wave hits down, breaking the piece of duckweed, separating the red and black, and being impacted by the current, scattering everywhere.

Splash... snap!

Another wave hits down, and the water surface fluctuates.

But the mother duckweeds that have lost their daughter duckweeds are anxious, and they are shaking in the sea water.

But what can they do if they are anxious?

They are duckweeds, born in the waves, and they can't help but gather and disperse.


A piece of black mother duckweed suddenly grows an eyeball.

This black eyeball rolls around and looks around. When it sees the lost mother duckweed, it actually sheds tears, pale yellow, turbid tears, flowing onto the mother duckweed.


It jumps again, goes to a piece of red daughter duckweed, and also sheds pale yellow, turbid tears.


The big ship crushes the waves and sucks a piece of duckweed to the bottom of the ship.

Above the side of the ship, bottle after bottle of fluorescent water poured down into the sea.

It was actually floating in the sea, reflecting strange scenes... There were college dormitories, where students were playing games; there were noisy and bustling vegetable markets, where aunties were buying vegetables; there were teaching buildings with the sound of books, where children were reading; there were taxis on the long road, picking up the next passenger... It was bottles of soul fragments being poured down.

"Are they all poured out?"

The eldest brother shook the bottle and threw the last drop into the sea.

"It should be okay."

He turned around and called his fellow apprentices.

"Full left rudder, get out of the way first, and let the patrol ship come over!"



On the big ship of Fox Mountain, the black-eyed man was guarding the mobile stove, waving a shovel, stir-frying quickly, performing a handy iron plate stew!


It was the soy sauce that sizzled up, and it was quickly stir-fried, dyeing the crystal stew red, and frying out the fragrance!



It was the brothers who were watching, holding small bowls and cheering!


It was the vinegar that was sizzling, and it was quickly stir-fried, making the stew smell like oil and vinegar again!



It was the brothers who were watching, already drooling, and continued to cheer!

The aroma of oil smoke drifted into the sea breeze and dissipated instantly.

Not far away, Bai Mo sat on a recliner and smiled.

When did this guy with dark circles learn this trick?

Did he see it from a short video?

While smiling, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his nerves connected to the vision provided by the ghost eye.

"That big red ship...want to use the soul fragments to lure the patrol ship over?

"Want to wait until the patrol ship leaves with the fragments, and then track the ship?

"That's a solution."

Last time when the immortal Ku Nian broke through, Bai Mo tried to use the ghost eye to track the whereabouts of the patrol ship.

But... the ghost eye lost it.

The ship entered the vast sea, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

The ghost eye attached to the seaweed on the hull fell out of thin air, fell into the sea, and splashed water.

This time, Bai Mo used the yellow medicine soup to transform the seaweed native to Wan Huatian.

"I originally wanted to wait for the transformed seaweed to continue breeding and expand the scale...If this opportunity...uh..."

Bai Mo frowned and thought for a while.

"That's fine.

"Then let's take this prince's car once. "



The Red Sail Marquis's ship had already sailed away.

The soul fragments on the sea surface reflected all kinds of images.

The patrol ship arrived as promised, and a large spoon came down from the side of the ship. With a "swish", all the soul fragments were scooped up and taken back to the ship.


"Sure enough, after tens of millions of years, this patrol ship is no longer picky.

"They used to only want the souls of Sequence Four, but now they are eager to salvage the souls of ordinary people.

"It seems that they have been hungry for too long!"

In the room, the Red Sail Marquis sneered.

Then the eldest disciple next to him suddenly asked.

"Master, that...that particularly large ship, uh...I don't know what its origin is. It won't take our car, right?

"Then wouldn't we be at a loss?"

The Red Sail Marquis also had a constipated expression on his face.

Anyone who gets taken advantage of would feel uncomfortable.

"This... um... I don't know who that person is.

"But... I think that person looks a bit like the boss of Xizhou.

"If it's him, hehe, he can't get a ride.

"He can't track that patrol ship."

The eldest disciple was slightly stunned.

"Can't track it?"

Wang Hou pointed to the bookshelves in the room and the piles of scrolls on the bookshelves.

"We can track the ship because of the knowledge we learned back then and the accumulation of thousands of years by your master.

"He wants to track the ship?"

"Why does he do that?"

Wang Hou sneered and looked out the window.

"Okay, call your fellow apprentices in.

"Our ship is going to start chasing!"


Hua La La La...

Amid the sound of water waves, the patrol ship carrying the soul fragments that had just been salvaged turned its bow and sailed into the vast smoke.

In the smoke, the outline blurred, the color dimmed, and disappeared in an instant.

Leaving only the ripples on the sea surface, gradually dissipating.

The huge red ship in the distance also adjusted its bow and headed here!

The red ship trembled slightly, shook off the dust, and the fairy spirit diffused!

Three hundred bronze birds flew out of the cabin, chirping, circling around the ship, but no matter whether they flew up or down, left or right, the bird heads turned flexibly, always staring at the patrol ship that disappeared in the smoke in the distance.

Three hundred bronze men ran out of the deck, dispersed into formations, and made various movements. They had long arms and legs, sitting or holding, and moving non-stop. Each bronze man was like a constantly changing rune, even guiding the flow of fairy spirit on the deck, exuding ancient Taoism!

Three hundred bronze fish were released from the bottom of the ship, whizzing into the sea, swimming around the bottom of the ship quickly! The fish fins and tails stirred the water, pushing the big ship forward, pushing the big ship in the direction where the patrol ship left, chasing it!


Hua La La La ...

On the observation deck.

Black Necklace held a telescope and saw the disappeared patrol ship.


The telescope on Fox Mountain can actually see through the sea mist!

You can see that huge ship, and it went behind the mist, and it disappeared in a flash!

White Necklace held up the telescope and saw the strange red ship with the bronze bird rising and the bronze man running.


In its field of vision, the red ship exuded an increasingly dense white fairy air, like the sea mist, running and running, and it also "brush" and disappeared.

Where did these two big ships go?

Bai Mo sat between the two foxes and frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, there is a trick."

"Don't worry.

"We can catch up."



The patrol ship sailed out of the vast smoke.

It was seen that this was no longer the surface sea of ​​Wanhuatian just now, but a red sea area!


The underwater volcano erupted!


The sea water set off a huge tide!


Huge bubbles emerged from the water surface!


The water surface was boiling, bubbles billowed out, and white steam exploded!

This is Wan Huatian, the second sea area!


The patrol ship continued to move forward.

Not far behind it, bronze fish gradually appeared in the sea, swimming quickly and disturbing the water flow!

In the sky, bronze birds gradually appeared, circling and dancing, with flexible heads, always staring at the patrol ship!

White smoke rose between the bronze fish and bronze birds!

In the smoke, the red ship slowly sailed out and chased after it!

Thanks to Ying Sui Feng Shi Ying Wu Zong and Book Friend 20220911204032154 for the reward

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