
The flying sand is rolling, the yellow sand is endless, and the edge of the sea of ​​sand cannot be seen.

This is the fourth level of Wanhuatian.

In the vast sea of ​​​​sand, the patrol boat is like a sharp arrow, shuttling through the flying sand!

Wherever it passes, the desert becomes active, the sand flows like water, and the wind inflates the sails of the ship, pushing it forward quickly!

Not far behind is a huge red ship!

It travels through the desert and moves forward hard!

The bronze fish at the bottom of the boat was swimming in the desert, providing power for the red boat. The fins and scales gradually gained scratches, and sparks gradually appeared!

The bronze man on the deck danced in the wind and sand, controlling the immortal energy for Red Boat. Gradually there were grains of yellow sand in the gaps and joints, and his movements gradually became more and more sluggish!

The bronze bird above hovered in the flying sand, locking the target for Akafune. Its eyes and neck were gradually filled with grains of yellow sand, and it gradually lost its previous flexibility!

In the captain's room, a group of apprentices looked out the window, all looking pale.

"Master, our... uh... our sacrificial vessel group dance doesn't seem to be able to adapt to this sea of ​​sand?

"You didn't know this was a sea of ​​sand before?

"You didn't prepare in advance?"

The prince sat behind the desk and frowned.

"How can you say you didn't prepare in advance?

“These nine hundred sacrificial vessels were barely collected by me after killing more than seven thousand Sequence 4 formation mages over the course of thousands of years.

"Isn't this preparation enough?"

The disciples were stunned.

But I feel that Master seems to have answered the question incorrectly?

Then listen to the master continue.

“Of course we are well prepared.

“This ship, the materials on board, these nine hundred sacrificial vessels, as well as the information I have collected over the years and the research I have done are all sufficient.

"It's just... I really don't know that there is such a sea of ​​yellow sand in Wanhua Tian."

He sighed.

“The atmosphere of the society in the past was still good.

“After my colleagues go deep into Wan Hua Tian, ​​they will also try their best to leave news and intelligence to later generations.

"For example, the volcanic sea on the second level of Wanhuatian, and the frozen sea on the third level are the information left to me by the old guys in the past.

“But…the deeper you go into Wan Hua Tian, ​​the harder it is to pass on the information.

"I really don't know about the yellow sand sea on the fourth level."

He looked outside.

“And this is not just ordinary yellow sand.

"How can ordinary yellow sand destroy this sacrificial vessel?"

The disciples nodded.

However, every one of them had weird thoughts and felt that something was wrong.

Until the big brother suddenly had a flash of inspiration!

"Master, you mean that throughout the ages, no one who has followed the patrol boat into the depths of Wan Hua Tian can go back?

"Only people come in and no one goes back?"

The prince nodded.

Disciples, look at me and I will look at you.

"Master, why don't we go back?"

"Didn't you agree to test it first?"

"This doesn't look like a test, does it?"

The prince had a cold face.

"Did I say anything like testing?

"Do you think this deep part of Wan Hua Tian is a public toilet? You can go in when you want and get out when you want?

"This time I came in, so far, I have burned half of what I have accumulated over thousands of years!

"This time, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

All the disciples fell silent one after another, with pale faces, not daring to speak any more.

I thought that the master was just testing the waters.

As a result, the master took all of them to stud!

The second apprentice was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something.

"Then... is that ship the boss of Xizhou? Is he, is he prepared?"

Everyone turned to look out the window.

Seeing the front right, the billowing smoke is like a yellow dragon, rushing forward close to the ground, following the patrol ship, even much faster than them!

A group of people looked at it for a long time and then nodded.

"Maybe... not the boss of Xizhou?"

"Who knows if it is."

"Anyway, I came prepared."

"I guess I'm also burning a lot of resources!"


In the captain's cabin.

The foxes sat in a circle around their master.

Some were eating candied haws, making a crunching sound in their mouths.

Some of them were leaning against each other, secretly chatting and secretly laughing.

Some are bragging!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..."

It's a black bracelet, pointing out the window, letting the brothers listen to the huge wind noise!

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

This is the wind noise caused by the air cushion of the big ship!

This air cushion function was designed by the master, but in the end it participated in the construction!

All the brothers and sisters were full of admiration.



Bai Mo, who was sitting on the chair, had a strange expression, and felt a little confused.

The purpose of installing the air cushion function on this big ship was originally for racing on the sea, but I didn't expect that it would actually come in handy in this desert!

There is a small armored butterfly on the finger of one hand, filled with the fairy energy that connects to the dreamland. He is always vigilant and attentive.

He even put his spiritual consciousness outside the captain's cabin to observe the vast sea of ​​yellow sand.

"It's been suppressed... The output of divine consciousness has been suppressed..."

In this sea of ​​yellow sand, his consciousness was suppressed by rules and could only travel three hundred meters.

In fact, signs of this kind of suppression had already appeared in the previous volcanic sea.

In the previous frozen sea, this kind of suppression had already become stronger.

In today's Huangsha Sea, this kind of suppression is already very, very heavy!

With Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness, he can only travel three hundred meters.

For ordinary immortals, their spiritual consciousness would be blocked in the acupoint between their brows and would not be able to escape at all!

Blah blah blah...

Compared with the volcanic sea, the frozen sea and the yellow sand sea, the Wan Hua Tian on the surface is so beautiful and sunny.

The gorgeous sky reflects the gentle sea.

A small boat floated over.

Aunt Guxian was sitting on the boat, with a happy face on her face as she stretched out her hand to touch the cold sea water.

She was indeed very happy... because the price she paid for this boat from the Immortal Ku Nian was very, very beautiful!

If it were placed in the Guxian Dynasty, you wouldn't be able to buy even a piece of boat hair at this price!

"Alas... Tens of millions of years have passed, the Immortal Dynasty is gone, the Immortals are all dead, and second-hand Immortal Ships are all on sale.

"A mediocre immortal like me originally didn't dare to dream about Wan Hua Tian or Caixia Consciousness.

“But now, I can reach out and reach for it.

"Hey Hey."

Smiling, she stuck her head out of the boat and saw her fat face full of flesh and folds.

"Oh, it's just that my consciousness is not strong enough."

She frowned and tried to use her consciousness to control a piece of duckweed not far away!

But he frowned, gritted his molars, and worked hard for a long time as if he was constipated!


The piece of duckweed didn't move much.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead.

“Hmph, that’s fine.

"It's time to go boating, take in the scenery, get some air, and relax."

I was smiling when I suddenly heard a "dang" sound.

It turned out to be a thousand-year-old peach board that floated to the side of her boat and gently knocked against the side of her boat.


She picked it up and saw a scripture engraved on the peach board.

[Cultivation method of sensing divine consciousness from heaven and man]

A method for cultivating spiritual consciousness?

Where did it come from?

She raised her eyes and looked around. On the vast sea, there were only waves, only water mist, and nothing else.

"Could it be that... some prince or grandson lost this scripture at sea?"

Her eyes were huge and her face was full of ecstasy.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"I was really dozing off and someone gave me a pillow. With this scripture, I will be able to paint on the sea in a few days!"

“This is such a good time, people like me can have adventures!

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Cold weather, miserable wind.

This is the fifth level of Wanhuatian.

Under the gloomy sky, the water is gray-black.

There are dilapidated patrol ships floating on the sea. Some have collapsed sides, some have broken masts, and some have collapsed ship buildings. Each one has left burnt marks and sword marks. It seems that it has gone through a battle. Great war!

Some of the boats were even burning with black flames!

There is even black oil floating on some sea surfaces!

There are even black ice cubes floating in some waters!

Because this already miserable sea is stained with filth and filth!

Blah blah blah blah...

A large red ship sailed from afar, running straight through a ball of black oil on the sea surface, not dodging or dodging.

In the captain's room, the eyes of the disciples were shining, and the princes were laughing loudly.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!

"Thousands of years ago, there were heavy troops on display here, and there were endless patrol ships. Anyone who dared to come here would be attacked by a group of people until the ship sank!

"Millions of years later, things and people here have changed. The patrol buildings and ships are all in ruins, and there are even black fires burning and black oil floating. It must have been attacked by the temple army in the last years of the Immortal Dynasty and completely destroyed!"

The last years of the Immortal Dynasty?

Temple army?

The disciples didn't quite understand.

But the prince was elated.

"You don't need to understand, you just need to understand... This heaven was originally going to be besieged by building ships, and there was no chance of life.

"But tens of millions of years later, things have changed and people have changed. Today, we only need to swagger and walk through this sea area easily, hahahahaha!"

As he spoke, he sighed again.

"I just don't know if the deepest fruit of Wanhuatian has been picked away?"

Blah blah blah blah...

The big ship of Fox Mountain followed closely the patrol ship.

The building boat did not go in a straight line. Instead, it often turned and took detours to avoid the turbidity floating in the sea.

Fox Mountain's big boat is no nonsense, and it is equally flexible in turning and avoiding every dirt.

In the captain's cabin, the foxes stood on tiptoe one by one, lying on the windows and looking out.



They could only see far away, and saw the ruins of floating buildings and ships on the gray-black sea.

Suddenly, I heard Master's voice.

"Everyone, get ready and use your ghost eyes.

“At this level, the spiritual consciousness has been completely suppressed and cannot even get out of the ship.

"We started to use ghost eyes on a large scale!"

After hearing the order, the fox apprentices immediately took action and began to prepare.

Bai Mo stood up, came to the window, and took another look outside.

Then you can see the ruins floating on the sea, covered with the wind and frost of the years, recording the tragedy of that year.

But for some reason, it always makes Bai Mo feel weird and not so real.

Blah blah blah...

The big red ship sailed through the vast mist.

In the captain's room, the disciple was reporting the situation.

"Aunt Mei, the fairy, has picked up the wooden board and has started to read it."

The prince of Chijiang wiped the bronze tripod with a foot cloth, but he did not let go of it and held it in his arms.

"Just start reading it.

"Alas... this woman is not a smart person.

"If you don't help her and don't give her some pointers, she will probably learn to paint in the future.

"We can't wait that long.

"We also need her to be bait as soon as possible to lure the ship over."

The disciple was stunned for a moment, but still said.

"Uh... But, the disciple observed for a while and saw her holding the scripture, frowning, as if she didn't understand it very well.


The prince sighed and cursed.

"Go get a piece of peach wood board, I'll write a note for her, and send it to her after you make it old! "

The disciple nodded hurriedly and turned away.



It started to rain heavily, blurring the distance with gray.


The sea was rolling up waves, and the sound of water mixed with the sound of rain.

Bai Mo stood in front of the window and saw the sixth floor of Wanhuatian.

The rain curtain outside the window was so dense that even the deck, which was close at hand, was blocked and could not be seen.

"Let's not chase them for now, and stop the ship first.

"This sea area suppresses the spiritual consciousness even more.

"I really can't see the road clearly."

There is something wrong with the rain. Wherever the rain falls, the spiritual consciousness cannot be used!

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness can only spread in this captain's room, and can't even reach outside the window!

"Let's use the ghost eye to scout and explore the way first! "

He turned around and saw that his disciples were ready.

Dozens of foxes, in rows and lines, sat cross-legged neatly.

Each fox was guarding a small box.

Each box was filled with ghost eyes.

Above each box, white mist was floating, and in the white mist was the vision seen by the ghost eyes.

"Okay, let's get started."

The "thick eyebrows and big eyes" in each box were "sizzling" and releasing electric light!

Although the ordinary ghost eyes were extremely reluctant, they still disappeared "swishing" and flew outside, flying into the wind and rain, acting as scouts.


Hua La La La...

One bronze bird after another, in the heavy rain, opened a long queue.

At the front of the queue was the patrol ship advancing in the rain.

At the back of the queue was the Red Sail Prince who followed closely.

At this time, in the captain's room, the Red Sail Prince was full of smiles.

"Haha, hahahahaha!

"I saw that the big ship has stopped!

"Their vision ability is far inferior to my three hundred bronze bird sacrificial vessels!

"Come on, cheer up, go look out the window, keep an eye out, be alert at all times!

"Alas... maybe today, we can find the deepest secret of Wanhuatian?

"The legendary immortal treasure, the legendary supreme opportunity!"

"The longing of countless fellow students of the Chichuan Academy for thousands of years!

"This super terrifying resource that should not exist in this Dharma Ending Age!

"We will find it soon!


The group of disciples around him also laughed out loud.

"Master, if we really get that great opportunity, wouldn't we be the best in this era?"

Thanks to Xinghen Mengshang, Wuzhui, Jietiantes, Shuyuedangkong, Shuyou20220819190023146, Yinbaiyuhuihei, Meilingdengwo, Cangwujun, Shuyourururenhei, Crushlian, Jiujieshenzun for their rewards

ps: Today is actually the last day of February, I was scared to death, and my monthly ticket almost expired. Book friends, be careful, this February is too short and too insidious, don't let your monthly ticket expire!

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