In a crowded butcher stall hut.

The third senior brother knelt on the wooden board and used clumsy movements to imitate the wings of a fly.

A low fly sound came from his mouth, "Buzz buzz, buzz buzz, buzz buzz..."

This set of actions was very awkward, but the cries of flies in his mouth were extremely real, and even attracted several green-headed flies to fly around him "buzzing"!

His fairy beast fly seemed to understand the "fly language" in his mouth, and it also "buzzed" and flew over, landing on his shoulder and flying alongside him.

His arms actually flapped faster and faster, gradually catching up with the fly's wings!

His voice became deeper and deeper, gradually matching the rhythm of a fly!

He could feel that he and the fly were getting more and more synchronized!

He could feel that he had really turned into a fly!

Look at the other flies around...all of them suddenly became bigger.

Look at the crowded meat stall hut... suddenly it becomes empty.

Then I smelled the various fishy smells from the meat stall...and suddenly felt sweet.

He looked at his arms and saw only black claws with bristles.

He looked at his body and saw only a yellow and black carapace, which was strange and familiar at the same time.

It turned out that... after casting a spell, his three souls and six souls successfully came into the body of the fairy beast Fly.

Looking to the side, he saw the giant's body, which was clearly his own body.

He flapped his wings and flew over, "buzzing", and landed on his physical face. He saw that the skin of his physical face was covered with deep and shallow greasy, dirty black mud, and there were huge pit-like pores.

As a fly, he likes this dirty feeling!

But as a human soul, he felt sick.

"Why is my skin so bad?"

He flapped his wings and flew away "buzzing", flew to the corner next to the table, and settled down quietly, waiting for the opportunity.

Not long after, I heard the sound of the door opening.

But the fat owner of the meat stall walked in and took a look at his body.

"Brother, are you asleep?

"Oh, let's get some sleep.

"It's not easy for you either."

The fat boss took a greasy coat and covered his body.

In the office, the lights are bright.

Bai Mo, Fang Xiaoyu, Chong Ye, Brother Gu Lin and others were all sitting around the sofa, or taking out their computers to work, or chatting from time to time.

Fang Xiaoyu didn't have time to play Star Rail anymore. She opened her laptop and started typing, as if she had some administrative tasks.

Bai Mo sat on the sofa, assuming a comfortable posture, closing his eyes and meditating to concentrate.

Suddenly, Master Chong spoke.

"President and others, have they arrested people? I wonder how they are progressing. Have they arrested anyone?"

Gu Lin, the student next to the president, glanced at his phone.

“Not caught yet.

"Currently, a large number of criminal investigation experts and network experts are identifying more than a dozen suspicious locations.

"The president personally led the team, and hundreds of immortal arts committee members were dispatched to investigate.

"But there are no results for the time being."

Everyone nodded.

In the vegetable market, in front of the meat stall, a van parked, with the words "Magic Committee" printed on the body, and the trunk door opened.

With a smile on his face, the fat boss piled boxes of fresh meat into the trunk of the van.

The driver who came to pick up the meat was chatting and laughing beside him.

None of them noticed that in the box of beef brisket they had just moved in, there was an inconspicuous fly hiding in the gap between two large pieces of beef brisket.

Not long after, loading was completed. The van closed the trunk door, restarted, left the vegetable market, and entered the traffic flow on the road.

The van drove all the way on the road, sometimes overtaking and merging, sometimes waiting for traffic lights. Slowly, there were fewer and fewer cars on the road, but it arrived at the park where the committee is located.

At this point, there are no other cars on the road.

Arriving at the committee gate, the van stopped. Several members of the Immortal Arts Committee joked with the driver, and then carefully inspected the the compartment, on the roof, under the vehicle...

The third senior brother huddled in the body of the fly, between two pieces of beef brisket, and suddenly heard the sound of "Ka". However, the trunk of the van was opened, and he saw bright skylight coming in. He saw a giant wearing the uniform of the Fairy Arts Committee, holding a strange-looking bronze rod. , visiting in this trunk.

That bronze rod emits soft waves and slightly distorts the light. It is actually an immortal weapon!

Anti-invisibility magic weapon?

If an invisible chameleon came today, wouldn't it be detected?

Unfortunately, it was not a chameleon but a fly.

After inspection, the van entered the Fairy Arts Committee.

The moment the van arrived at the back door of the cafeteria and the trunk opened, the third senior brother sneaked out from an inconspicuous corner.

In order not to make a sound, he did not flap his wings, but let himself fall out of the carriage and to the ground like a piece of debris. Then he used his fly legs to quickly crawl along the ground.

After a while, he got under the blade of a weed on the side of the road.

Looking back at the staff coming and going, I saw the cook in white coming out to move the meat. His mouthparts were slightly open, as if he was smiling... He had successfully sneaked into the committee!

In a brightly lit office.

Bai Mo nestled comfortably on the sofa, meditating and concentrating. The Fairy Arts Committee's sofa looks ordinary, but it's actually made of genuine leather. The sponge inside is also of very good quality, making it extremely comfortable to sit on.

Master Chong, Gu Lin and others were already getting closer, sitting on the sofa laughing and chatting.

"...Do you think it's possible that assassins from the dark world have already sneaked in?"

"Even if you come in, what will happen?

“Our Fairy Arts Committee now has four buildings, each of which is dozens of stories high.

"Even if you come in, you won't be able to find Zhang Yuan."

The third senior brother huddled inside the fly, not daring to fly and just crawling with his feet on the ground.


But it was a big foot that almost trampled him to death, but he dodged it in advance.

Looking at the giants coming and going above his head, he was frightened, but his thoughts were still calm.

He lay down at the door of the restaurant, lying on the black cement floor, using the dark color of the cement to protect himself. He would not go up the white tiled floor in front of him.

He was not familiar with the terrain of the Immortal Arts Committee, didn't know which building Zhang Yuan was on, or which room Zhang Yuan was in... but he didn't look for it either.

Just waiting quietly at the door of the restaurant, staring at the people coming in and out of the door with fly eyes.

As a fugitive, he has been on the verge of life and death many times, and he has no shortage of courage.

As a fugitive, he has dealt with complex matters many times, and he has no shortage of brains.

How to find Zhang Yuan specifically?

He already has an idea!

An afternoon passed.

The sun is hidden behind high-rise buildings, dusk gradually falls, and the cool breeze bends the grass on the roadside.

The third senior brother squatted patiently at the door of the restaurant and saw the immortal arts committee members in uniforms, either walking in a hurry or talking and laughing, entering the restaurant to eat.

He squatted on the ground and saw many female committee members and female secretaries in skirts... If it were normal, he would have smiled crookedly, but at this time, his soul was living in the body of a fly and he had no feeling at all. It's just that a fly's sensitive nose can smell the smell of smelly feet coming and going... What, these magic committee members are all dressed like dogs, but the soles of their feet are still smelly!

As time passed, it became darker and darker, fewer people entered the restaurant, and more people left the restaurant.

The third senior brother squatted at the door, hiding under the grass blades, becoming more and more panicked.

Could this be a fucking miscalculation?

At this moment, he felt the ground shaking slightly, heard the sound of "Gulu Lu", and saw a stainless steel dining car being pushed out of the restaurant!

The third senior brother's fly eyes were so excited that they were about to shine, right now!

The moment the dining car passed by, he jumped up suddenly, and the fly's body landed on the bottom beam of the stainless steel dining car.

"A key protected person like Zhang Yuan can't eat in a crowded restaurant, right?

“If he doesn’t come to eat, then we have to give him food.

"I'll find him if I follow the food truck!"

It is also possible that this dining car is not delivering food to Zhang Yuan. But Third Senior Brother doesn't care so much, opportunities don't come often, and once they appear, you must boldly seize them and give them a try!

The stainless steel dining car, carrying a lunch box and a stowaway fly, went to the office building of Building A of the committee. With the sound of "Gulu Lu", it was pushed into the elevator, and then went up to the seventeenth floor with the elevator, and was pushed out again. The elevator goes along the corridor, turns a corner, and goes to the office suite in the center of the floor.

A plump young man pushing a stainless steel dining cart knocked gently on the door.

"The food is here, can you come in?"

At this moment, the third senior brother squatting on the bottom beam of the stainless steel dining car suddenly felt something was wrong!

His feet slipped and he fell off the smooth stainless steel beam. He moved quietly and hid in a crack in the corner.

Then the dining car entered the office, the office door closed with a bang, and silence returned to the corridor.

What he didn't know was that when the dining car entered the office, Gu Lin immediately took out a small bronze mirror and took a look up and down.

In the office, Bai Mo and others got their lunch boxes and started eating.

In the innermost room of the office, Zhang Yuan got the lunch box and started eating too.

As for the gold medal bodyguard Bai Er, he still got two box lunches!

The guy was holding two heavy lunch boxes and wanted to grin, but in order to maintain the cold image of a gold medal bodyguard, he kept his face straight.

When the meal delivery person left, the door closed again, and it immediately opened the lunch box, only to see tonight's dishes, including scrambled eggs with chili peppers, fried beef with green onions, braised beef brisket, and a sweet and sour crispy fish.

Bai Er frowned.

It doesn't like spicy food.

But I still picked at the eggs and stuffed them all into my mouth.

Then stir-fried beef with green onions, braised beef brisket, and rice, put it into your mouth with a spoon, and it was a crazy meal.

Not long after, there was only chili left in the lunch box.

One box was half full, but two boxes were just right. He happily opened the second box.

in the corridor.

With the sound of "Gulu Lu", the stainless steel dining car left.

The fly inhabited by the soul of the third senior brother was still hiding in the corner of the wall and did not move.

Is Zhang Yuan in this office?

Possible, but not sure.

Does he want to go into this office and take a look?

He didn't want to go in... Based on his perception, if he went in, he would probably die!

But if you don't go in, how can you kill Zhang Yuan?

He was in trouble.

Fly eyes looked around, and suddenly, he saw a toilet sign on the door at the end of the corridor?

Will Zhang Yuan go to the toilet?

He didn't know it, but this was an opportunity!

The white tiles in the corridor made him feel dangerous...after all, he had a black body.

He got up and crawled to the toilet step by step against the crack in the wall.

Time passed little by little.

In the office, Fang Xiaoyu yawned.

Looking at the phone, "It's half past nine, it's time to go to bed."

The committee prepared folding camp beds and blankets for several experts.

At this time, everyone immediately started to unfold the camp bed.

Bai Mo chose the camp bed at the end and sat on it. But I saw that this camp bed, although it was foldable, was extremely heavy and thick, and it did not shake when I sat on it. Moreover, the cotton mat is thick and soft, which is of excellent quality! The blankets provided by the committee are also soft and smooth.

"It's really good."

Everyone lay down on the camp bed and covered themselves with blankets.

"Hahaha, does it feel like going back to your student days and living in the dormitory again?"

"A little bit."

"Two secretaries, just sleep well and rest assured. We cultivators can only meditate to keep our spirits up, and our spiritual consciousness will alert us to danger."

Fang Xiaoyu lay on the bed next to Bai Mo, turning sideways to face Bai Mo.

"Then I'll go to sleep, good night."

Bai Mo nodded, lay down in a comfortable position on the camp bed, covered himself with a blanket, and began to meditate.

In the innermost office, Zhang Yuan was also lying on a camp bed, covered with a blanket, and fixed his mobile phone with a lazy holder to keep the live broadcast room open.

"Everyone in the live broadcast room, I'm going to sleep."

【Sleep, sleep】

【Good night】

[It’s not easy for you every day]

Zhang Yuan looked at his two bodyguards.

The crickets on the table are not sure whether they are asleep or not.

The fox fairy beast on the chair next to him, holding his big tail, was already sleeping soundly, his body rising and falling with his breathing.

"Do fairy beasts also need to sleep?"

He was a little confused...but he didn't know that fairy beasts had spiritual senses and could warn of danger even while sleeping.

The toilets in this office building seem to be rarely used, and the cleaning staff are diligent in cleaning them, so they are very clean, and even have a strong smell of disinfectant.

This makes Third Senior Brother dislike it very much!

He prefers a dirty traditional toilet... After all, he is staying in the body of a fly and has some of the habits of a fly.

"That bastard, are you coming to use the bathroom?"

He hid in the corner of the men's room behind the door, always on guard.

The light in the toilet was always on, and it was pitch black outside the window. During the long night, time passed like this, minute by minute.

The toilet was quiet all the time. Occasionally, there was the sound of flushing water coming from the pipes. It must be someone working overtime upstairs or downstairs.

The third senior brother waited quietly, not knowing how much time passed.



The toilet door was pushed open.

A dazed and shaky figure walked in and reached for the waistband of his pants.

The third senior brother's fly eyes looked at the profile of the man's face. He saw the fat, white, pimpled profile, and the bald hairstyle reflecting the light in the toilet... It was Zhang Yuan!

The wait is here!

The third senior brother laughed wildly in his heart!

Hard work, God will not let you down!

When the fly's wings flapped, it made a loud "buzz" sound!

The fly's body flew out quickly, "swish" across the black curve, from bottom to top, and slammed into Zhang Yuan's nostril!

Thanks to 665687.qdcn for the reward~

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