The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 650 Special equipment, forbidden in the Immortal Dynasty

Huh... Woo...

The night was dark, and the cold wind blew from the horizon, blowing across the outer wall of the dormitory hall.

In the hall, the foxes formed a big circle, watching the beetles weaving the four-elephant chain mail!

Then they saw dense beetles flying like black clouds!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

They flew into the bamboo basket and bit one metal ring after another with their mouthparts!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz...

They flew back to the operating table and wove these metal rings together like building a nest!

The foxes watching, with their furry heads, whispered to each other and talked a lot.

"Bing bing bing?"

...Peach Blossom Eyes frowned, feeling that this thing seemed to be quite efficient?

Fortunately, the early insecticides in Fox Mountain were not so effective and did not kill all the insects.

"Ah ah ah?"

...Dark Eyes and the brothers in the cafeteria were all smiling.

No matter how much work this thing can do... In short, the dishwashing water and pot washing water are all useful!

The pot washing water in Fox Mountain is still very profitable. They have been very distressed that the previous profitable water was wasted!

Not far away, Bai Mo was holding Xiao Tianpeng, surrounded by a group of apprentices such as Huhufeng, Piaopiaoxue, and Popoyu, who were explaining the advanced weaving techniques of this chain mail.

"... If we always weave four rings in sequence, we can only get a flat surface.

"But what Fish Leg Grass wants is a set of fitted armor that can wrap up each of its tentacles!

"So our metal rings actually have slight differences in size, and are divided into three sizes: large, medium, and small..."

The foxes pricked up their ears, listened to the master's lectures, stared wide-eyed, and watched the master's demonstrations, not daring to miss any content!

Xiao Tianpeng was really sleepy, so he just rubbed his eyes and continued to listen with his eyes wide open.

... For the fox, this is still a bit too difficult.

But there is no way, it must listen and must learn!

Only when it has learned it can it give the appropriate orders to the army of beetles!

"...So you see, with the size matching, we weave a shape of an ice cream cone..."

Little Tianpeng sat in the arms of his master, looking left and right, still not quite understanding, still struggling.


Perhaps, this is the trouble of being a marshal?

It took a sip of its own specially made fennel, green pepper, cream bean, peach rice wine, and its eyes glowed again, and its spirit was re-energized!

A fox who leads an army must of course carry more!



The cold wind poured into the palace, blowing the ceiling light bulbs tottering.


The disciple put a heavy box on the ground.

"Master, we got the customized goods!"

The Purple Dragon Prince came over with a grin, opened the box, and saw the oversized fairy armor painted purple inside!

That's right, this is for the Purple Dragon King to wear, the Guiyuan Naqi Armor!

After wearing it, the rate at which the Purple Dragon King breathes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will increase dramatically!

The prince smiled as he fished out the heavy armor.

Suddenly he realized something was wrong.

"Why is it so little?"

He assembled the armor pieces in the box with a click and stood them up in the hall. He glanced at them and his face darkened.

"In more than a month, you only made five or six square meters?

"What's the efficiency of the Blazing Sword Prince?"

"Still not paying attention?"

The disciple hurriedly explained.

"No, no, no, the senior brother of the Blazing Sword Prince explained it to me.

"He said that the most troublesome thing about this thing is coloring!

"It takes a lot of time to adjust the color and texture of the purple lacquer to the color and texture of the purple earth dragon.

"And the color and texture of our Purple Dragon King are even more different. He took a long time to adjust this special color and texture..."

The disciple gestured and explained, and suddenly found that the master's face was not right. It seemed that he was gritting his teeth, frowning, angry and anxious, and his breathing gradually became heavy.

"Master... this... uh... what's wrong? Is it wrong?"

The prince turned around and put his hands behind his back.


"This idiot.

"Remember to tell him that there is a reason why the Immortal Dynasty painted the Guiyuan Naqi Armor, which is used exclusively by the Purple Earth Dragon, purple.

"Because, after the Purple Earth Dragon wears this thing, its ability to breathe in and out the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will become very fast and super-standard, and it may even cause destructive exploitation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

"So, this thing is a contraband in the Immortal Dynasty and is forbidden to be used by the Heavenly Palace.

"At that time, everyone had no choice but to secretly make it purple and tie a small one to their own Purple Earth Dragon.

"So, do you understand?"

The disciple suddenly realized.

"Oh, oh, oh, I just know today that there is such an allusion in the Immortal Dynasty?"

The prince sighed heavily.

"So, you tell that idiot, there are no Tiantiao immortals in the world now, and no one cares whether you use the Guiyuan Naqi Armor or not!

"No one will come to check!

"No one will come to catch!"

The voice of depression and anger squeezed out from the gap between the prince's teeth!

"So, tell that idiot, there is no need to paint this thing purple! "


Spring is only a little bit left, and the sun in Xizhou is getting hotter and hotter.

It was only halfway through the morning, and Fang Xiaoyu pulled up the sunshade in the office with a "swish", and returned to his workstation, looking at the milk tea takeaway with the fairy beast.

"This cola smoothie seems good, I had it last year.

"But isn't it a bit too cold to eat smoothies now?"

In front of the computer screen, Bai Baishuang shook her head quickly.


It's not cold!

Foxes are not afraid of cold!

Wu Qingyun sat opposite, frowning, concentrating on the test paper.

The questions on her test paper were no longer undergraduate homework questions... but became the Xianjian path knowledge container exercises made by the Institute of Modern Education and Research!

As for Bai Mo, he sat behind the desk, slightly gazing, his eyes went to Fox Mountain, and saw a jade tablet... There were a little too many jade tablets purchased these days, and there was only this one left, and he really didn't finish reading it.

At this time, he drank tea and took a comfortable posture.

Slowly savoring the words on the tablet.

[…A gentleman has his own main cultivation, just like a tree, which must have a trunk, a thick trunk, a strong trunk, and a straight trunk, so that it can rise from the ground and reach the sky, so that it can see the light of the sky at a higher place and feel the wind at a higher place]

[In addition to the main cultivation, one must also have his own secondary cultivation, just like the branches of a tree, which will branch out into branches and branches and grow green leaves, so that it can be more complete]

[Therefore, a true immortal will focus on his own path, but will also take into account other paths]

[In the mind of an immortal, there are only the words of his own path, and learning other paths is full of difficulties and obstacles]

[But a true immortal will not give up because of difficulties]

[Just like when I was young, although I was only a lord of Sequence 3, my heart for the Tao was extremely burning. I carried the immortal grass and dragon meat in my hand and went to Fuguo to knock on the door of the Sequence 6 immortal , treat them with the courtesy of treating teachers, restrain myself with the rules of restraining students, and ask them for the secrets of talismans]

[At that time, many people did not understand me, destroyed me, slandered me, laughed at me, and scolded me]

[But I didn't care, I went to Jianguo, Qiguo, and Guguo again, and used the same etiquette to ask the humble immortals for advice]

[Even if the knowledge I can understand and learn is very limited, even if the road to study is very hard, I still enjoy it]

[I don't need others to understand me, I don't care if others laugh at me, I just do myself]

[And the funny thing is that until I became an emperor, they started to learn from me again]

[As for the young princes thousands of years later, they began to travel to the nine countries according to custom and learn knowledge from other channels, that's another matter...]

Bai Mo closed his eyes, took a sip of tea, and was a little depressed.

"In the future, you should be cautious when buying jade tablets.

"I won't buy this kind of sand sculpture jade tablet in the future.

"It's a shame to spend real money and end up watching Emperor Yincao brag..."

The emperors of the ancient immortal dynasty all knew some knowledge from other sources and some skills from other sources...Bai Mo knew this.

Although they didn't know much and didn't know much, some bits and pieces of knowledge were really useful.

Bai Mo really didn't have the conditions to do this so-called [Nine Countries Study Tour].

But he wanted to learn knowledge from other sources, and there were better ways and methods.

He looked up, and on the computer screen, the database of experts of the Immortal Committee refreshed more than a dozen new papers.

He clicked and opened one.

[Proof of the role of antenna globulin in the information transmission of Gu worms]

"Isn't that it?"


The sun shone on the endless medicinal fields.


The breeze blew, and the grass leaves swayed.

Wu Mao wore an apron and carried a cane-like detector, shuttling between the ridges.


The detector was inserted into the soil.

Beep, beep, beep...

[Spiritual energy concentration: 52]


Wu Mao held the detector, looked at the dashboard, and frowned.

"Why is it so low?"


He inserted it in another place.

Beep, beep...

[Spiritual energy concentration: 54]

When I just took over this dream overflow area, the concentration of immortal energy was more than 120!

Why is it plummeting now?

No wonder the immortal grass is not right!

In Wu Mao's mind, Master Gu Xian was also depressed.

"Could it be that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this dream overflow area has dissipated?

"So fast?

"But the spiritual energy in the soil should be able to stay..."

In addition to Wu Mao, there are dozens of gardeners and immortal experts who are scattered in this medicinal field, carrying detectors and poking around.

Occasionally, other people's voices can be heard in the public channel.

"The average spiritual energy concentration in the eastern area of ​​the medicinal field is only 52."

"The western area is about the same, with 53."

"Alas, the southern area is slightly better, with an average of 60. I just checked a place with 73!"


A cold wind blew.

The public channel fell into silence for a moment, and then immediately became lively again!

"Go and see 73!"

"Maybe the problem lies there."

"Let's go and have a look!"


Wu Mao trotted all the way to the southern area, and saw a small temple that had just been built next to the ridge on the way.

Looking at this, it was a brand new Xizhou Boss Exchange!

"Uh... Is there any meaning..."

It is probably that the leaders here are blindly following the trend again!

What can the Xizhou boss like from this garbage medicinal field?

The weeds in other people's fields are more valuable than the fairy fruits here.

He sneered and continued to run forward. Soon he saw that a group of people gathered in front of him. They had dug up the land, dug out a big pit, and arranged various spiritual energy detectors.

Beep beep beep... beep beep beep...

Various charts, various curves, and various colors on the instrument are constantly jumping.

Wu Mao stared at it for a while, then exchanged looks with his colleagues and nodded.

"That's right."

"That's right."

"It should be right."

"right here."

“Sure enough, all the spiritual energy has been lost.

"It leaked in from this pit!"

In Wu Mao's mind, the ancient immortal suddenly realized.

"I see!

“The dream overflow area is still connected to the dream after all.

“And this pit is the connection point.

"The spiritual energy in the overflow area of ​​your dream has flowed back and leaked back for some unknown reason!"

This is not difficult to guess.

Some of the group of people knew it, and some guessed it.

Some are looking at the withered yellow fairy grass.

Some are looking at the instruments next to them.

Finally, he pointed to the pit and asked the most critical question.

"This loophole...can it be closed?!"

The person in charge of the spillover area had already turned around to make a phone call.

"Hello? Professor Hua?

"I am Chen Chenyu from No. 8 Xiancao Base.

"We have an emergency here..."

Wu Mao also sat next to him, his consciousness sank into dreamland, and he used the mirror to communicate with other descendants of the Holy Land, especially those of the formation path!

“In the dream overflow area here, there is a return of spiritual energy.

"Is there any way to block the backflow?"

Next to them, the pit that was the focus of this incident was lying quietly in the wind.

On the other side of the pit, in a dreamland where the night is dark and the night wind is howling, the Purple Dragon King's thick stalk, covered with Guiyuan Qi Armor, is hanging down into a pit, "whirring" to absorb the spiritual energy. !


"Ha ha ha ha."

The princes and disciples stood nearby and laughed together.

"First suck back all the spiritual energy outside!

"Why should we use our spiritual energy to grow fairy grass for them?"


In this dream, the wind was howling, and there was no lack of spiritual energy at all.

But Prince Purple Dragon still sneered and looked at the pit.

Even for the sake of disgusting people, he would drain all the spiritual energy outside!

"Master, will this connection point be blocked by them?"

The prince shook his head.

“Don’t underestimate the Dream of Ten Thousand Immortals.

"Everywhere in Ten Thousand Immortals' Dream is written by the emperor, it's not that simple.

"This is just a connection point, a mere loophole. If you want to plug it, the price you pay will be huge. This price even exceeds all the spiritual energy in the overflow area!

"Oh, it's like there are five million holes that need ten million to plug.

"If it were you, would you gamble?"

The disciple shook his head quickly.

Grinning again.

"Hehehe, Master, you are still the tallest!

"With a casual move, I will directly take the fire out of the bottom of the cauldron for the bumpkins outside!"

The prince smiled faintly.

"Bring me my chair.

"I sit here and take a good look at the Purple Dragon King.

“I don’t know when the dream will break?

"I wonder how much of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this dream can be absorbed by the Purple Dragon King?

"I wish I could suck more!"

Thanks to book friend 20180913121632617 for the reward

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