
The night was dark, and the strong wind poured down from the sky and into the pit!

This pit seemed to have infinite suction, sucking the Purple Dragon King into the pit!

The prince's disciple next to him had a panicked look on his face. He knelt down and hugged the Purple Dragon King. His hair and clothes were blown to the side of the pit by the wind!

"Why is it so windy?"

"What a powerful suction!"

Even Prince Purple Dragon was so sucked that he couldn't sit still. He staggered and almost knelt on the ground. He stomped his feet into the soil before he could stabilize his figure. His robes were still rustling in the howling wind!


The prince's eyebrows were angry, his hair was messy, and his face was flushed!

"what happened?

“Is there suction on the other side too?

"Purple Dragon King, come again!"

Amidst the sound of "swishing", another branch of the Purple Dragon King, wearing the Guiyuan Na Qi Armor he had just obtained, swam like a python, with a fierce momentum, and then raised its head to probe into the pit!

But it just reared its head...


The branches wearing fairy armor were sucked into the pit and hit the bottom of the pit, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky!

This suction force, this branch, cannot withstand it!

Prince Purple Dragon's face turned red, and he stretched out his hand to touch the stem of Purple Dragon King next to him.

“Come, I’ll take you with me!

"Use this Guiyuanna Qi Armor to suck up the bastard on the other side!"

The prince gritted his molars, and the immortal energy and spiritual consciousness in his body poured into the Purple Dragon King's stalk, and he let out a muffled groan!


Then he saw the Purple Dragon King trembling, flashing purple light, and suddenly arching his body, as if he was exerting force!

The Guiyuan Na Qi Armor buzzed softly, and the Immortal Qi circuit flashed, already activated!

And the next moment...


In the crisp sound, the surface paint layer of Guiyuan Na Qi Armor exploded!

The Purple Dragon King's arched body crashed back to the ground, erupting into smoke and dust!

The prince's eyes were so wide open that he could burst into tears!

"what happened!"

Under the bright sunshine.

The huge octopus tentacles, wearing chainmail, were leaning against the exchange, lying on the ground, sucking cups against the pit, "gurgling", sucking and drinking!

This thing lay across the field, like a mountain, blocking the wind and light. Wu Mao and others in the distance were all pale and wide-eyed.


"The boss in Xizhou still has such a thing?"

"I've never seen him use it before!"

Someone has already taken out a camera and clicked to take pictures, leaving behind image data!

Someone is already carrying a video recorder and running around from multiple angles to take pictures of this huge octopus tentacle!

The image data they took were immediately sent back to the Secret Brain Office and the Immortal Committee for observation and analysis by experts from all walks of life.

In the secret brain office conference room.

A group of people sat around the conference table, staring at the big screen, their eyes wide open, and they were all in a daze.

"What's this?"

They are all descendants of the Holy Land!

There is the path of immortal weapons, the path of formation, the path of alchemy, and the path of immortal martial arts.

At this time, people from other pathways looked at the two girls from the Alchemy Path.

"what is this?"

The two girls were also stunned.

In their minds, Master Guxian was also stunned.

This thing looks weird, wearing chainmail and a small hat, like a giant python, but it doesn't bend...

"I almost recognize this chainmail.

"It looks very much like the Immortal Dynasty's spiritual energy breathing amplification weapon, it should be one of them.

"This is quite high-profile, not even a camouflage color..."

"As for the true body, it looks like an octopus fairy beast, but this... doesn't look like... well... it can't be fishlegs, right?

"A whisker of fishlegs?"

The ancient immortals all frowned, unable to make a conclusion.

Go to Beijing, the Immortal Committee General Assembly.

In the conference room, a group of leaders sat around the table, smiling happily.

"Hahaha, the concentration of spiritual energy in Base No. 8 is already recovering!"

I saw that the real-time monitoring numbers on the big screen had jumped to 72, 73, 75... and even kept jumping up!

“The big water pipe in Xizhou Boss looks a bit fierce!

"While it was sucking, a little leaked out of its mouth, which was enough for our grass jelly base to repair.

"Ha ha ha ha."

A group of leaders were laughing and joking, not caring what this "big water pipe" was.

Anyway, no matter what it is, they don’t know it.

Hua Yuyue was smiling when his phone suddenly vibrated.

Then I saw that it was the message from Base No. 1.

[We apply to install a Xizhou boss exchange! Could you please make a special case and give me a quick reply? 】

Hua Yuyue thought for a moment and replied immediately.

[Okay, get it done as soon as possible, complete it first, then make up for the program]

Base No. 2, Base No. 3, Base No. 4... almost at the same time, they all sent similar messages.

Hua Yuyue jumps quickly with her finger, taps the phone screen, and replies quickly.

【Get it as soon as possible! 】


Cold wind poured into the bronze palace.

Prince Lingmo was sitting deep in the hall, holding a tablet and looking at the photos and videos on the screen. His face became weirder the more he looked at it.

"It it really fish legs?

"This thing is the most rubbish super fairy grass in the Immortal Dynasty. It is easy to feed, but the upper limit is also low.

“Bad blood, low breed.


The apprentice next to him poked his head over.

"Master, what's wrong?

“Isn’t the variety of Xizhou Boss’s stem wrong?

"What kind of alien species is it?"

Prince Lingmo shook his head and sighed.

"Ah, haha, hehehe, that's okay!"

Prince Bai Bao sat deep in the hall, staring at the picture in the mirror, and smiled bitterly.

Is this also the super fairy grass of Xizhou boss?

Mu Lianen next to her was conveying the news.

“The Purple Dragon Prince would like to ask us to contact the White-haired Prince.

"I want to buy a sacrificial vessel from the white-haired prince!

"Master, this..."

Prince Baibao sat on this chair and changed his posture several times, but it was not comfortable no matter how he sat.

At this time, I feel the unwillingness of "the sinking boat and thousands of sails passing by", and also feel the sadness of the rabbit dead and the fox, the coldness of the lips and teeth.

"Contact him!

"Help him persuade the white-haired prince!

"Each of the princes on the path of the formation has slaughtered 1,800 Sequence 5s, and each one has 1,800 sacrificial vessels in his hand.

“Trading a sacrificial vessel is completely feasible for the white-haired prince.

"Encourage the white-haired prince! Help the purple dragon!"

Mu Lianen nodded immediately.

"Then...Master, what do you think of this Fishlegs? Do you think it is a different species?

"How do you set the tone?"

The prince of Baibao even smiled bitterly.



The spiritual energy of heaven and earth formed a funnel, formed a whirlwind, and poured back into this pit!

The Purple Dragon Prince is right next to the pit, his robes and hair are messy in the wind!

He smiled bitterly and saw the apprentice's mobile phone and the video data.

It also received judgment and confirmation from several other princes.

What's out fishlegs!

An ordinary variety, of low origin, the lowest grade, Fishlegs!

And this ordinary fish-leg grass can have such terrible suction power, and the forbidden fairy weapon is second to none. The main reason is also very simple... This fish-leg grass is really fed too fat!

Fishlegs that have become so fat are rare in history!


The figure of a disciple appeared behind him, and his voice sounded aggrieved!


"The white-haired prince, the lion, opened his mouth and asked for five elixirs. We...

"Is that little spiritual energy outside worth five elixirs?"

The Purple Dragon Prince smiled bitterly.

“The aura outside is not worth it, but the aura inside our dream is worth it!

"Besides, how can this be considered a lion's opening?"

Without hesitation, the prince took out five elixirs from his clothes!

There was also a slight choking in his voice!

"Tell the white-haired brother Wang to give him five old bad elixirs in exchange for a life-saving sacrificial weapon!

“This is a kindness he gave me and I will remember it in my heart.

"If we meet again in the future, I will treat him as my elder brother!

"If there is any conflict in the future, I will definitely stay away!"

Blah blah blah...

Bai Mo took a big sip of smoothie, sat comfortably on the office chair, and burped.

"Ah... it feels so good."

When I was a kid, I didn't dare to drink smoothies for fear of diarrhea.

Now that I have become an immortal, it is okay to bite an iceberg.

This feeling of drinking freely is really refreshing!

Bai Mo squinted his eyes, his vision went to the Fishlegs, and couldn't help but smile.

It's probably quite fun to lie down in front of someone's house and have a drink without having to worry about whether it will destroy the spiritual energy circulation!

Blah blah blah...

But the fox apprentice next to him, Bai Baishuang, also took a big sip, drank most of the smoothie, and imitated his master, burping, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

He has successfully learned how to make smoothies with a little care as his tuition!

Now I learned a new way to drink smoothies from Master!

With a proud face on its face, it decided to turn around and teach its brothers all this!


Bai Mo suddenly frowned.

"Can't breathe anymore?


Bai Mo put down the smoothie cup, changed his position on the office chair, and went to the front line with his consciousness to feel it again.

"Huh? Is it really blocked? Can't the spiritual energy be sucked out?"

He subconsciously looked at the mobile phone on the table.

"Didn't we agree that we can't stop it?

“The experts from the Secret Brain Office don’t seem to be very reliable.

"Are they all parallel imports like Master Huang Sitong?"

But that doesn't matter.

Base No. 8 is blocked, and there are No. 7, No. 6, No. 5...

With a thought in his mind, he arranged a transition for Fishlegs!

Base No. 7!

A group of people were wielding shovels and digging a pit.

"right here!"

"Our spiritual energy escaped from here!"

Mo Lanyou stood in the pit, waving a shovel and looking depressed.

The output of Base No. 7, excluding the part that goes to Baimo Pharmaceutical Factory, is all for him!

These fallen immortals want to destroy Base No. 7, and they want to destroy his practice!


Another shovel shoveled down, and Mo Lanyou's white coat was stained with mud.

He was about to speak out angrily when he suddenly heard movement in the distance!


That’s the messy wind!

Turning around to look, I saw the small temple that had just been decorated for the Xizhou Boss Exchange, rising slowly in the white mist, with a giant python holding it on top of my head, like a little hat!

"Run, get out of the way!"

"The big water pipe from Xizhou boss is here!"

"Hahahaha, our base is saved!"

A group of people fled in all directions!

Then there was a loud bang, the ground shook, and dust flew. It was the huge tentacle that fell to the ground and hit the pit they had just dug!

A suction cup was aimed at the pit, and the air was discharged with a "pop", squirming and sucking!


Dinglingling... Dinglingling...

The night wind poured into the royal court.

The bells under the eaves rang crisply.

Next to the throne, the apprentice Xiaoyaner had a strange expression.

"Master, the ancient immortal Qiuwu said that he is willing to worship you as his elder brother and ask for a sacrificial vessel!

"The prince of eyebrows said that he is willing to let the ancient immortal Yaohou worship you as his adoptive father and ask for a sacrificial vessel!

"The prince of Baiwen said that he is willing to give you..."

The white-haired prince was overwhelmed.

"Forget it!

"Let them find someone else!"

He held the table with one hand, with a bitter smile on his face.

"My sacrificial vessels are not endless.

"Let them find someone else!

"The formation immortal of sequence four also collects sacrificial vessels.

"A sequence three immortal will collect sacrificial vessels."

"I don't lack brothers, and I don't lack sons."

Xiao Yan'er also smiled bitterly.

This group of ancient immortals was really tortured by the boss of Xizhou!

"In fact, Master... does Baiwen Wanghou need to block the door?

"His poisonous insects only need to multiply infinitely, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy may not be inferior to that of the boss of Xizhou?"

Wanghou nodded.

"That's right.

"But...even if you are a Taoist priest, aren't you afraid of ghosts knocking on the door?

"Unless he decides to suck the dream dry immediately, he is no longer afraid of the ghost of the boss of Xizhou knocking on the door!

"Otherwise, you must block the door immediately! ”

In the evening.

The battle for spiritual energy that had been going on for the whole day finally came to an end.

In some bases, the spiritual energy level has been restored.

In some bases, the spiritual energy level is better than before.

In some bases, the spiritual energy level is no longer the same as before.

But all bases have an additional Xizhou Boss Exchange.

And all bases, the connection points to the dream are blocked!

The sun sets.

At Base No. 7, Mo Lanyou sat next to the earth pit and saw a huge gully in the field, from the Xizhou Boss Exchange all the way to the earth pit.


Their base is the one with a higher spiritual energy level than before!

This afternoon, the earlier the Xizhou Boss goes to a place, the more profit it makes!

Some of the places where the Xizhou Boss goes later have been blocked after they arrive, so there is nothing they can do.

Several colleagues next to him grinned.

"Hahaha, our production here is expected to increase again."

"Hehe, yes. ”

“This Xizhou boss exchange should really be built earlier!”

“Actually speaking, have you noticed that… Xizhou boss seems to have only one water pipe?

“Actually, he is not so… uh… not so abundant?”

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, and found that it seemed to be true.

Mo Lanyou was stunned for a moment, and also noticed this problem.

“So what?

“How many super fairy grasses of this level can we expect?

“This one is enough.”

Everyone nodded.

“But, those princes should have noticed this, right?”


Hu… Woo…

Fox Mountain ushered in the morning.

The cold wind blew through the medicinal fields, the workshops, and the smoke from the canteen.

Next to the foundry workshop, a group of foxes were busy moving bricks and building walls.

“Bing bing bing!”

Bai Baishuang held a brick, his face full of excitement!

Yesterday, Fish Leg Grass went to battle and won a great victory!


Xiao Tianpeng was holding a tile knife, and his face was full of pride.

The new workshop they built was to mass-produce iron rings and four-elephant chain mail!

Such a powerful fairy armor should be put on every tentacle of the fish leg grass!

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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