The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 655: Tour of the Vassal States of the Past and Present


The strong wind blew, and the smoke was gradually blown away over the Fox Mountain Canteen.

In the cafeteria, next to the small stone tables, fiery red figures were eating, bragging and chatting.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Oooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh!"

It was Xiao Canpeng hugging Xiao Erlang, bragging about the engineering efficiency of his legion!

With its engineering corps working day and night, Fishlegs has already put on three pairs of socks in just a few days!

"Ouch, ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

It’s Block Claws and Bean Paste Balls, grabbing the soy milk lunch bag at noon, blowing on each other while eating, bragging about the latest progress in the development of elixirs!

And in the corner of the restaurant.

Bai Mo touched the heads of custard buns, pineapple buns and lotus seed paste buns.

"...Anyway, on this business trip, if you notice any danger, don't hesitate to call Master immediately.


The three foxes nodded seriously.




One by one, they rubbed their heads against the master, then "swish, swish" they got into the white mist and passed to the present world.

Bai Mo sighed, waved his sleeves gently, and a food-sharing monument suddenly appeared in mid-air next to him!

"This thing..."

The names engraved on the monument are still those of the Immortal Committee.

Some have one vessel, some have two vessels.

“Their cultivation method will probably not get stuck later on.

"As long as there is enough time, there should be no problem with the third, fourth, fifth... right?"

But the most troublesome thing now is, is there really enough time?

Bai Mo looked at the food-sharing monument and saw that five oil spots had oozed from the upper right corner of the monument. It was dark, greasy, and full of filth and filth.

The wind in Baiou area is wet, cold and smelly.

Big cities and small towns are full of classical buildings with white spiers. The pointed roofs point to the blue sky and the white clouds in the sky.

The blond people on the street were all silent and walking in a hurry.

Although they are all alive, they are all thin, with sunken eye sockets, no vitality, and their waists are hunched, like zombies.


The wind blew and ruffled their hair.


A white and soft cloud flew quietly and hid behind the pointed roof.

On top of the cloud, three foxes were sitting, all wearing the same purple rattan armor.


It was the custard bun, holding a submachine gun and looking down.


It was the pineapple bun, carrying a small medicine bottle and listening everywhere with his ears perked up.


It's the lotus paste bag, holding the ghost eye detector, opening the lid to operate it.

The three of them, after receiving the master's order, want to come to the Baiou area to have a look!

Master said that there are many high-ranking prince disciples hidden in this place, and he wants them to come and have a general look, explore the way first, and understand the situation.

The three foxes all looked a little confused in their eyes.

Where can I find out about this?

Pineapple Bun's eyes peered down into the clouds, scanning the small town and the street for a long time. Finally, his eyes stopped on the glass display window of a store on the street.


The other two brothers also quickly followed it and cast their sights over it.



Found anything unusual?

Pineapple Bun shook his head.

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

What it found was a bakery!

There are all kinds of golden and beautiful bread in the window!

But now, those breads are moldy.

It was as if that store had been closed for the last time a long time ago, and after that, the owner and clerk disappeared, and the customers never visited again.

The three of them exchanged glances and made a tacit decision to walk around and take a look!

Although the clues are hard to find... foxes are very cunning!

The fox will definitely be able to find clues!

"I heard that once upon a time, the Nine Kingdoms visited the vassal countries.

“At that time, the parade team had at least a hundred horses and thirty vehicles, walking on the road like a long queue.

“Generals who paraded around in those days would wear bright red cloaks.

“The chariots that paraded in those days would have big flags facing the wind.

“At that time, there would be etiquette officers accompanying the parade.

"Every time we visit a vassal country, we will first inspect the production conditions here, whether the food harvest is good, and whether the slaves and lower-level immortals are well fed.

"Every time we visit a vassal country, we will first inspect the resource extraction here to see if the resources are wasted and whether they have been stolen by fallen immortals.

“Every time we go to a vassal country, we will first inspect the people at the bottom, whether the slaves are abused, and whether the immortals are being used by fallen immortals.

"Every time we visit a vassal country, we will first inspect the talent cultivation here, inspect whether the geniuses have obtained resources, and inspect whether the great immortal magicians are willing to go to the host country to further their studies.

“If the examination is passed, the ceremonial officer will meet with the head of the vassal country and reward him with a banquet and gifts.

“If you fail the assessment, there will still be Immortal Tiantiao sitting in the parade.

"Tenjo Immortal will meet with the lord of the vassal country, find out the truth, kill all those who cause trouble, and kill all those who neglect their duties.

“The parade group at that time was very famous!

"The parade at that time made every slave and low-level immortal in the vassal country look forward to it!

“The parades at that time terrified every king and gentry in the vassal country!

"In order to avoid dealing with the situation and to find more realistic results, the patrol group was even equipped with an invisibility cloth to cover the patrol chariots, conceal their whereabouts, and quietly enter the vassal country, just to see the first-hand and most realistic scenes. .

"And when the invisibility veil is lifted, the general's red cloak and the chariot's colorful flags will become the cheers of the slaves and the nightmare of the king.

“The parade group back then was really majestic!”

In the bumpy carriage, Ah Shui was holding a bottle of Coke, drinking and sighing.

He is the successor of the Holy Land of the Alchemy Path.

Ah Fang, Ah Jian, and Amao around him are all the same as him.

They are all international students and descendants of the Holy Land.

They have different paths, including elixirs, talismans, gu, and martial arts, but they have the same responsibilities.

In this era, as a successor of the Holy Land, your duty is... to patrol the vassal countries and thoroughly investigate the fallen immortals outside the Nine Provinces!


The ancient chariot carriage they were in had small windows, dim light, and poor shock absorption.

At this time, the bad road in Baiou countryside is bumpy and shaking!

"Hahaha, there are only four of us left in the current parade group, four small Sequence Six."

"The flags are still in the carriage, and I don't dare to put them out."

"The carriage is covered with an invisibility cloth, not for a private visit in disguise, but just to avoid being discovered by the prince's disciples."

"I no longer have the ability to patrol, so I can only drive this invisible chariot, sneak around, and help Secret Brain get some information."

"The roof of the car where the Tenjo Immortal should be sitting is also empty."

"We four losers are not qualified to be in charge of Tiantiao, and we can't be the immortals of Tiantiao."


"Ha ha ha ha."


Four international students were sitting around in the carriage. When you said something or I said something, everyone felt it was ironic and funny, and they all started laughing.

The school was quiet.

In each classroom, all students are immersed in writing test papers.

From the classroom to the corridor, there is only the sound of falling carbon pens.

The handwriting on the test paper is weird, I don’t know what it is...

Custard buns, pineapple buns, lotus seed buns, three heads, invisible in the rattan armor, all leaned over and stared at the test papers on the table.

But they don’t know each other.

Okay...that's normal.

After all, they are just foxes.

The master's voice came from their triangular ears.

"Um...I don't know him either."


The three foxes exchanged glances and nodded.

Don’t you know Master either?

That’s a big problem!

They quietly left the classroom, ran out of the corridor with a "swish", jumped out of the window, and jumped onto the clouds parked outside the window.

With a "swipe" sound, he went to the next inspection location.

The invisible carriage, pulled by bronze oxen, drove along the country road. A few farms and the houses inside were sparsely visible in front of it.

In the carriage, four international students stared at the "talent mirror."

"How about it?"

"Did you detect the Great Immortal Magician?"

This mirror placed in the center of the carriage was used by patrol groups in the past to search for talents from vassal countries. As long as it reaches sequence seven, it can be scanned by it and the specific location will be displayed!

In fact, the job of these four foreign students is to accompany this mirror and search for prince disciples everywhere!

Several people stared at the mirror and saw a thumbnail of the nearby area in the mirror. There was no immortal magician marked. They were a little disappointed, but they were relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief because they were safe.

I feel lost because I came all the way but got nothing.

"It would be great if I had the same luck as last time."

Ah Shui lay on his back on the outer wall of the carriage and grinned.

Last time, they successfully stole the ancient immortal's weapon spirit and sent it back to Kyushu.

It is said that that weapon spirit played a huge role in Kyushu's Wubing plan!

Several people lay down one after another and began to work individually.

A Fang took out a bronze plate and began to study it.

Ah Jian took out a writing brush and began to trace the talismans in his hand.

Amao took out his laptop and started typing code, using the computer to help deduce the formation.

They all work hard!

Only Ah Shui took out his phone and opened another video.

But I saw that this was a high-definition remastered version of the live broadcast. In the picture, the Flame Immortal was holding a pot of wine vessels and flowers, facing more than a dozen Sequence Seven figures alone at the base in the northern suburbs!

Ah Shui looked intoxicated!

" handsome!"

Several others sneered.

"Are you a bit formal?"

"Practice hard."

"What's the use of chasing stars every day?"

"You'll be in trouble if you meet the prince's disciples. Those people are of such high levels!"

Ah Shui was too lazy to pay attention to them and continued to watch his Xizhou Boss video, his face full of intoxication and nymphomaniacs.

I reached the next one, and it turned out to be the very popular one...the patron saint of Xizhou Boss Exchange!

"Hey hey hey, look at this again."

The church was full of people.

They don't go to work, they don't work.

Wearing sloppy clothes and with dull eyes, they crowded into rows of seats.

They clasped their hands together and sang songs with unclear meanings. Their eyes were dim, with dark circles, and their eyes were confused.

The invisible fox claws reached out to an old man and shook it gently.

It was found that this old man seemed to be a ruthless singing machine, who only knew how to sing and did nothing else.

The custard bun followed the old man's dull sight and looked over.

The carved statue in the front of the church was a huge python!

The python wore a crown, a robe, spit out a tongue from its mouth, and its tail was wrapped around a child. It looked like an evil god!

But this did not affect the people in the full house, who gave their faith in singing.

"Go to the mouth of the statue and take a look."

The master's voice came from the triangular ear.

The custard bun turned around immediately, rushed up to the tall statue, and put his head to the mouth of the statue.

Then he saw that a small mouthful of transparent liquid had accumulated in the mouth.

It seemed to be the notes of the believers singing, flying one by one and falling into the liquid, making the liquid more and more.

What is this?

The custard bun frowned.

And Bai Mo, who was far away in Fox Mountain, was actually frowning too.

He really didn't understand this evil method of unknown means!

And the weirdest thing about this Baiou area is... It is so desolate, so evil, and full of abnormalities everywhere... But none of the princes and disciples showed up!


In the bronze hall.

Bai Mo frowned and put down the teacup.

"They don't show up, what do they want to do?

"One by one, could it be that they are holding three or four containers in their hands, waiting for the dream to break, and then go to the food sharing monument to play a quick rush to the list for me?"

Bai Mo didn't want to see this happen!

He frowned.

He gave orders to the disciples on the front line.

"Keep going around.

"Go around residential areas, supermarkets, hospitals.

"Go around big cities, small towns, small villages, farms.

"The princes have been planning there for a long time and are hiding very deep.

"Let's look for it slowly!"

Thank you for every monthly ticket~

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