
The sun was already halfway down.

The cold wind blows on the bare mountains on the surface, on the road halfway up the mountain, and through the windows of the chariot with the curtains lifted.

The four international students, Ah Shui and Ah Jian, were all sweating profusely, stiff and speechless.

The four prince disciples outside burst into laughter!


"Finally caught it!"

This damn cruising chariot is slippery and motionless, and its exploration range is huge!

Just like a toad, it doesn't bite people, but it can disgust people!

In their minds, all the princes also smiled.


"The changes in the food-sharing monument have occurred again, and the dream has been shattered further.

“We have to open up a little bit and pick up the pace a little bit.

"Get rid of this damn cruising chariot first, and you will have less worries and worries in the future!"

In the carriage, the four international students were completely panicked and didn't know what to do.

Ah Jian held the talisman, trembling, and did not dare to take action!

A Fang was holding the fairy dagger, trembling, almost unsteady!

Amao was already in a panic, with all kinds of data running around in his mind. He didn't know what to do to save his life!

Ah Shui held the fleshy flower-shaped wine vessel in her hands, holding it tighter and tighter. She squeezed the flowerpot until it made a "clicking" sound and was about to burst, but she didn't even notice it!

Right now...


Liquor Flower suddenly opened one eye.

The size of a lychee, thick eyebrows and big eyes!

It flickered and flickered, very proud!

The vegetation within dozens of miles is all bare, without a single plant!

There is only this little pot of flowers!

But it has thick eyebrows and big eyes, so it can be found!

This is the unique ability of being a leader!


A cold wind blew, making the scene awkward.

Everyone saw this thick eyebrows and big eyes.

And with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he saw everyone.

It looked here and there, froze for a moment, then disappeared instantly with a "swipe" sound.

Ah Shui in the carriage is a die-hard fan of Xizhou Boss. He recognized this as someone who had been subdued by Xizhou Boss, with nigger eyes?

It's just that the size doesn't match...

The faces of the four people outside changed suddenly!

Turn around and run away!

They all already know that today's black ghost eyes are no longer a nuisance, but a trump card in the hands of the boss of Xizhou!

Being seen by the ghost eye is equivalent to being seen by the boss of Xizhou!

But just as they turned around and before they even took off their feet, the prince's voice sounded in their minds!

"No need to run, that's fake!

“A real nigger’s eyes are the size of grapes at most.

"Hmph, this kid wants to pretend to be the boss of Xizhou and deceive others!"

Several prince disciples turned around one after another with strange expressions.

The fox pretends to be the tiger's power?

Pretending to be the boss of Xizhou to deceive people?

This move... is not the first time it has appeared.

In the past, there were all kinds of things, pretending to be a fairy beast, pretending to be a vase, pretending to be a purple dragon... pretending to be the boss of Xizhou to scare people!

“Damn, I’ve seen too many fakes, and I almost got punched in the eye by a high-end product today!

“Fake nigger eyes?

"You're so damn creative, kid!"

The burly man's hands stained with black oil reached into the car window and grabbed the pot of wine vessels and flowers!

And at this moment...


The sound of breaking wind came from far away and landed here!


A flying cloud landed on the roof of the chariot!

The clouds drifted and dispersed, revealing three short, fat purple fairy beasts.

One was holding a gun, one was holding a medicine bottle, and one was holding a box. They all swung their tails and looked around, observing the place.

what happened?

I just came to report with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and found something dirty here?

The four prince disciples looked at the three immortal beasts on the roof of the car and were stunned for a moment.

They looked at each other again.

He asked the prince in his mind again.

"What about this time?

"Is it true?"

They have different masters, but the same voice comes from their minds.


The Soulless and Immortal Realm instantly expires!

Brushing, brushing, brushing...

Four figures disappeared in unison!

"Huh? Do they want to run away?"

"Is it that easy?"


In the carriage, several descendants of the Holy Land were finally proud and proud!

They saw four big red dots on the talent mirror, running away in different directions quickly!

Ah Shui stuck his head out of the car window, looked at the roof of the car, raised his hand and greeted frantically.

"Fairy beast!

"I know where the four of them went, I can track them!"

But I saw three fairy beasts on the roof of the car, unhurried.

The fairy beast holding the gun calmly fired four shots into the sky!

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

The sound of gunfire echoed across the mountains and fields.

As for Amao in the carriage, staring at the Talent Mirror, he suddenly saw four big red dots, one after another, exploded into slag, and then disappeared!


A cold wind blows.

Several people looked at each other.

Today, there were too many twists and turns and too fast, making them all feel confused.

"Is this the boss of Xizhou?"

Ah Shui's body was leaning out of the car window, and he saw the muzzle of the fairy beast's gun still emitting light green smoke.

He had an idea... Although he didn't know why the boss of Xizhou appeared here, wasn't this the best opportunity to hug him!


Just as he was about to speak, he saw the fairy beast take out a pot of bellflowers from the white mist and hand it to his palm, and he hurriedly took it.


Until the fairy beast disappeared into the white mist, until he returned to the carriage, until he and his three companions stared at the pot of bellflowers together, they slowly understood.

"Are we... being recruited?"


The bright sunlight shone into the windowsill.

Su Yaoyao, expert Wu Yong, Feng Kaishan and others came to the laboratory of the pharmaceutical factory again and gathered around a laboratory table.

"Expert Bai Mo should be able to solve it?"

"Shangjing is actually starting to study it."

"Dongguo's laboratory has also started.

"Anyway, consult expert Bai Mo, there is definitely nothing wrong. "

Amid the anxiety of the group of people, the door of the laboratory creaked open.

The one who opened the door was Bai Mo's fox apprentice, Mangmangsha!

Bai Mo, who followed behind, was wearing a white coat and expressionless, but he was actually quite happy... With the patrol chariot line, Baiou's situation has opened up!

The chariot is not easy to detect and has a large detection range.

Now that there is no worry, it is running wildly in the Baiou area, stepping on the tail of the fallen immortals everywhere and searching for the disciples of the fallen immortals!

And if all the princes and disciples of Baiou can be killed, those princes will not be able to compete for the position of the food-sharing monument!

He walked into the laboratory table, looked at the table, and looked at everyone.

"What's wrong?

"This time... uh... why did you bring so many pigeon eggs?"

Put on the laboratory table was a pigeon nest, a mother pigeon, and a dozen eggs under it.

Su Yaoyao hurriedly explained.

"We found a gene editing method to transform pigeons into spiritual beasts!

"We found that special drug formula.

"But... that's for pigeons."

"We want to apply this medicinal soup to pigeon eggs."

"This requires some adjustments..."

Before she finished, Bai Mo nodded to show that he understood.

The medicinal soup for pigeons is definitely different from the medicinal soup for pigeon eggs.

The structure of pigeon eggs is simpler, but in fact it is also more fragile.


"Why do we need to use medicinal soup for pigeon eggs?"

After Su Yaoyao's explanation, Bai Mo soon realized it.

It turns out that this batch of spirit beast pigeon eggs, in addition to entering Su Yaoyao's dream, also have to enter other people's dreams.

Pigeons have souls and cannot enter other people's dreams!

Pigeon eggs, without souls, can enter other people's dreams and can be hatched in other people's dreams!

After all, the Wanxian Dream has strict entry and exit rules!

You can't just go in and out as you want!

"So that's the truth..."

Bai Mo nodded.

"Then... um... how about going to the market to buy some ordinary pigeon eggs and let me study and test them?"


In the dream, it was already late at night.

The clouds in the sky became thinner, and the night sky became a little bluer.

The wind on the ground became lighter, and the sound of the wind became a little quieter.

The shepherd dog prince and a group of apprentices shuttled between the ruins.

The long team was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Because... their spiritual beasts had obviously failed to be cultivated, but the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this dream had dissipated too much.

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense..."

The shepherd dog prince walked and muttered.

He couldn't understand it!


How could so much spiritual energy of heaven and earth, accumulated for tens of millions of years, disappear in just a few days?

Soon, a group of people came to the side of the trench.

They saw that the trench was filled with dead bird bodies, which were the spiritual beasts they failed to cultivate.


Wang Hou jumped into the pit with a "swish" and grabbed a little black bird.

But the little bird was skinny, with only sparse hair on its body, waxy yellow skin, and its eyes were not open.

But the little bird was indeed not dead!

It was trembling!

Its face and body were trembling!

It was as if it had a nightmare and could not wake up from it. It was entangled in the nightmare and trembling!

Wang Hou was stunned for a moment, then bent down and grabbed the second little black bird.

It was still skinny, still had not grown all its hair, and still had not opened its eyes.

It was still trembling, as if it was entangled in countless nightmares but could not wake up!

Slightly fiddling with its head, it even vomited turbid bile from its mouth, obviously it had been scared out of its wits!

Wang Hou looked around and saw that the trench was densely packed with little black birds, one after another, and they were not dead, but were trembling!

For a moment, he had a strange expression, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"Hehehe... Hahaha... Our spiritual beast twin crows have actually been cultivated, and there is no problem with our cultivation.

"These frightened little birds are real super spiritual beasts, twin crows!

"When we can't see them, they are breathing in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

"But even if they sucked up the dreams, they still couldn't grow up.

"Because the spiritual energy they sucked away was sucked away by something unknown through nightmares!"

On the shore of the trench, the disciples of the king and the prince looked at each other, each of them dizzy and unbelievable.

What does this mean?

Someone stole the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here in the king's dream?

Is there such a saying?

"But...but...Master, even if this thing steals the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it can't live without this dream!"

"Can you catch it?"

The Shepherd Dog Prince stood in the ditch, stepping on the corpses of one small black bird after another, his eyes in a trance.

He didn't seem to hear the disciples talking.

Just babbling and mumbling.

"Nightmare... nightmare...

"Is it that thing...

"Is that legend true?

"Is that thing back?"

He smiled bitterly and jumped into the ditch with a "swipe" sound.

"Don't say anything.

"We...can't keep it...

"Just think of it as a good relationship."

Sakura area.

In a quiet little hotel.

The young man with dyed red hair slowly woke up and sat up from the bed.

“Well…it’s really evil.

"What on earth stole the spiritual energy in the dream?

"Master still can't be found?

"You still don't dare to provoke me?

"It's inexplicable."

He got out of bed, walked to the window, and saw that the sunlight in the cherry blossom area was pale white.

What he didn't know was that a chubby little black bird jumped out of the shadow behind him.

The little black bird raised its head and stared at his back with its scarlet eyes. After looking at it for a while, it turned into black mist and dispersed, disappearing silently. It was unknown where it went.

This little black bird has actually broken through the limitations of Ten Thousand Immortals Dream!

First, use nightmares to control the baby birds that fill the trench, and help them drain the aura of dreams!

I don’t know how to escape from the dream of this shepherd prince!

In the laboratory.

Su Yaoyao stood by the window and answered the phone.


"Oh, okay, okay.

"Is this microhole injection?

“About 30% chance of being infected?

"Um...ah, no, no, it's already very good, thank you, hahaha...

"Okay, okay, I'll take the sample back and start the experiment right away."

After hanging up the phone, she had a strange expression on her face.

"Um... Shangjing has already solved the pharmaceutical problem.

“They said that they need to use micro-hole injection to break through the egg shell and inject the medicinal solution into it.

"This method seems to work..."

Feng Kaishan, Expert Wu Yong and others next to him also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, Shangjing is pretty reliable."

"Seventy percent success rate is high enough and can meet our requirements!"

On the test bench, in the bird's nest.

The hen dove pricked up her ears and stared, looking this way, that way, and then at the eggs she laid.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

It is a spiritual beast and actually has a certain amount of intelligence!

Listening to these people speak, although I can't fully understand them, I can still understand most of them.

At this time, its eyes were dim and it just lowered its head.

But he saw Bai Mo next to him, shaking the test tube and just mixing the medicine.

"Over in Shangjing, who is in charge of the experiment?"

Experts Su Yaoyao and Wu Yong were stunned for a moment.

Suddenly realized that the tone of the Bai Mo expert didn't seem so happy?


For a moment, they were really embarrassed, unable to name the experts from Shangjing.

After all, the experts over there are kind enough to help.

Bai Mo laughed.

"Forget it, love whoever you want, I didn't say anything bad about him, and I didn't want to blame him.

"It's just that for this kind of experiment and this kind of research, it's better to pursue something higher."

He handed the test tube in his hand to Su Yaoyao.

"This medicine is applied to the eggshell.

“Nine percent success rate of transformation.

"The 10% that fail cannot become a spiritual beast. They can only wait until they hatch and become an ordinary pigeon."

Thanks to Luo Yinchen for the reward

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