Huh... Woo...

The sky was covered by dark clouds, and the wind was howling.

"So, the so-called fairyland in dreams has such a sky and such scenery every day?"

Standing in front of the window of the conference room, Hua Yuyue sighed.

On the conference table behind him, Wu Jianxian, Professor Yue Yun, Lu Renfeng, Pan Duolong and others all looked grim.

The real-time broadcast of the food-sharing monument ranking on the big screen no longer had any names belonging to the Immortal Committee!

The immortal masters in the front were all princes!

"Did the layout and planning of the Xizhou boss and the cooperation of our Immortal Committee fail in the end?

"Are these old guys in sequence two about to line up and enter the world first?"

The atmosphere in the conference room was gloomy.

One by one, the leaders either lowered their heads, looked out the window, or had dull eyes.

Some people kept staring at the screen and the food-sharing monument broadcast, and at this moment, they saw that the real-time broadcast had changed again!

The white-haired prince ranked second suddenly had the name of one of his disciples erased and dropped to third place!


"What's going on?"


Sakura area.

In a small attic.

The young woman with a ponytail, bleeding from all seven orifices, her head tilted on her shoulders, no longer alive.

She is the disciple of the white-haired prince, Xiaoyan'er!

Her eyes are tightly closed, as if they were sewn shut, and she can't even open them!

Her face is livid and distorted, with bloodstains all over her face, as if she was scared to death!

The bloody piece of flesh that fell on her knees was her tongue that she had bitten off!



In front of the royal court, the wind chimes are shaking.

Inside the royal court, the white-haired prince's eyes are about to burst!


His disciple under the throne, Xiaoyan'er, suddenly closed her eyes, bleeding from all seven orifices, her body trembling, and died. At this time, the soul in the dream also turned into dust and was swept away by the cold wind!

"Master, this..."

Xiaoyan'er next to her was pale, and her big eyes were full of panic.

Just now, they climbed the food-sharing monument and got a good ranking, but in the blink of an eye, how could the junior sister suddenly die?

In panic, her big eyes closed, and she bit off her tongue again!

She desperately tore her eyelids, trying to tear open the sutured eyelids!

She desperately stirred the remaining tongue roots, trying to ask Master for help!

The whole person was trembling, bleeding from all seven orifices!

The whole person was struggling, and his life was passing away!


Her body slid under the chair, and then under the eyes of Master Wang Hou, it turned into dust and was blown away by the cold wind in the hall.

Xiao Lin'er next to her, with red eyes and tears, had already stood up and threw herself into the arms of the master.

Her tears could not stop flowing.

"Master, Master, Master, save me, save me, you are Wang Hou, you can save...ah..."


In the arms of the prince, she bit off her tongue, and blood splashed all over her face and soaked the prince's clothes.

"Ah... Baba..."

She tried to tear her eyelids to open her eyes, but she was scratched until they were bloody and her eyelids were not torn open!

She gradually lost her strength, her movements gradually became smaller, and she gradually died in the arms of the prince.

The prince could only watch her die, his face was ashen, his eyes were full of tears, and he had nothing to say.

When the first disciple died, he found that he was powerless.

The position of the food-sharing monument is gone...

The disciple is gone...

As the soul of the last disciple turned into dust and was blown away by the wind...

The sky of this dream began to dim!

The wind in this dream began to hold its breath!

This dream began to restore the coldness and silence of the past ten thousand years!


In a small hotel in the Sakura area.

The chubby little black bird stepped on Xiao Lin'er's forehead with its claws, and laughed loudly as it watched Xiao Lin'er bleed from all seven orifices!

"Ga gaga gaga...

"Ga gaga gaga...

"Is Master Wang Hou so great?

"Ga gaga gaga, who is not a Wang Hou?"

It has been hovering in this cherry blossom area for a long time, and has found out the locations of many Wang Hou disciples!

At this time, it flapped its wings and flew out of the window, turning into a black stream of light, and went to the next target!


Hu... Woo...

In the office, Li Mushroom, Hu Shanjiu, Qi Dagui and a group of Wang Hou disciples all looked ugly.

On the big screen, the ranking of the food-sharing monument was being broadcasted in real time.

And they could also see the ranking of the food-sharing monument in their respective dreams.

"Could it be that the plan of the Xizhou boss has failed?

"At present, it seems that all those on the list are Wang Hou?"

In fact, their levels are not low, and their combat power is even more terrifying!

But the problem is that most of their dreams are passed down from one line to another, without any fellow apprentices!

This results in their overall scores not being high, and they cannot compete for a place on the list!

A group of people looked grim, and suddenly saw that the rankings on the list were changing again!

"The white-haired prince can no longer be found."

"The names of his three disciples were erased one after another!

"And look at the snake-elephant prince!"

The disciples of the snake-elephant prince were also erased one after another!

The ranking of the snake-elephant prince was also declining rapidly, and soon fell below the top ten, and then fell out of the top twenty...

"Prince Snake Elephant, he mainly operates... the Brahma region?"

The Brahma area is a relatively dirty, dilapidated and backward area, with densely packed villages and staggered towers built beside the dirty river.

The young man looked pale and opened a door, "Senior brother..."

Before he finished speaking, he was sucked in by the door!

The middle-aged woman seemed to have thought of something, and huddled in the corner of the room, looking at the door of the room in great horror.


The door opens.


The doorway explodes with suction!


The woman burst into tears and roared. Even though five strange-shaped containers appeared around her body, she was still sucked into the door with a "whoosh".

At this time, a huge seven-story wooden tower suddenly appeared in the sky in the Brahma area!

Its tip pokes into the dark clouds!

There are densely packed doors one after another on the ground floor!

At this time, these doors kept "squeaking" open and "clicking" shut!

And every time these doors opened and closed, a scream came from mid-air!

On the upper level of the wooden pagoda, ten princes sat around a round table.

They moved their shoulders and shook off the dust from their robes.

They all raised their hands to tear off the cobwebs on their sleeves.

They reached out to the plates of dishes on the table!

On some plates, there are hot and beating peaches!

On some plates, there are still grapes dripping and looking around!

On some plates, there are pieces of waxy yellow and twitching bean skin!

On some plates, there are lumps of dark red jelly soaked with juice...

They stretched out their hands, grabbed pieces and lumps, stuffed them into their mouths, and devoured them, faster and faster!

Their hands were dripping with red juice, and their mouths were stained with dripping crumbs!

Gradually there was a smile between their brows and eyes!

Their favorite black grapes were eaten again.

The wooden door downstairs opened and closed again with a creaking sound, and another scream was heard.

There were unexpectedly two more black grapes on the plate!


In the office.

Bai Mo stared at the surveillance screen on the computer screen, stared at the video sent back by the intelligence personnel in the Brahma region, and saw the familiar seven-story wooden tower in the sky.

“Are these people and this tower going to be born too?

"That's fine."

He lay back on the seat and stared slightly.

The vision went to Ah Shui and Amao's patrol chariot and whispered instructions.

“There is no need to go to the Brahma region.

"Find a secluded place and hide first. Just protect yourself."

While he was talking, he saw another message pop up in the group.

[In Xidai area, many cases of young people dying of old age were suddenly discovered]

[It is inferred that the deceased are probably the disciples of the princes lurking in the Xidai area]

Cité area?

Bai Mo frowned, this was a very distant country on the other side of the ocean, and it had no sense of existence on weekdays.

Are the disciples of the princes here also starting to be attacked?


Cold wind poured into the bronze hall.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

Prince Lingmo hugged a dead apprentice and roared loudly, his eyes red!

But his roar could not save his apprentice!

This teenage apprentice has white hair and wrinkles on his face. He has closed his cloudy eyes and turned into dust, drifting into the wind.

"what happened?

"what happened?

"what's up!"

It was obvious that the apprentices were hidden in the Xidai area to develop their business, and they had obviously been ranked on the food sharing monument. But now, why is the apprentice dead again?

He wiped away his tears, and another apprentice fell down on the seat next to him.

The Xidai area is vast and sparsely populated.

It was dark night, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the ground was whimpering with strong winds.

In the small villa on the roadside, a huge ghost came out of the window, its claws stained with red light, its black robe fluttering, flying to the next target.

There were only two old corpses lying inside the window, which were slowly getting cold.


Cold wind poured into the bronze hall.

The white-clad prince is sitting on the throne, holding a bronze mirror and gradually smiling.

“Hehehe, hahaha, hahahahaha!

“Beyond Kyushu, it’s not a good place!

"Do you really think that if you go outside Kyushu, you will be safe? Will you be able to live in peace? Can you rush to the food sharing monument and enter the human world early?

"Those ghosts, those dirty things, have already laid out their plans early!

"It's better to go outside Kyushu and cause trouble than to stay in Kyushu and don't do anything!"

Under the throne, several disciples were all smiling.

"Master, you are right."

"Master is still far-sighted."

The few of them are in Jiuzhou every day, going to work normally, working as doctors and lawyers during the day, and cultivating immortals in their dreams at night, and they have never shown any signs of weakness.

For example, Mu Lianne is actually the owner of a small food processing factory.

At this time, he was smiling happily.

"Master, once it is confirmed that it is safe, we will also rush to the food monument!"

The order of the food-sharing monument floating next to it is still changing rapidly!

More and more names are being erased, and more and more princes are declining in rank!

The prince also grinned.

The master and disciples had no idea...

In the ruins outside the main hall, a bronze pillar with patterns and inscriptions carved on it suddenly filled with mist at the end!

The mist became more and more diffuse, gradually covering the entire ruins!

In the mist, a huge beast claw emerged, wrapped the dirty black oil with a hazy green light of knowledge, and silently reached the sky above the palace, and pressed it down hard!

Rumble rumble...


Hu... Woo...

In the Baiou area, in a small apartment on the street.

Sun Jinsong, the descendant of the Tiangong of the Dandao Road, sat by the window, looking stunned.

"Master, this is not right."

"Why does the food-sharing monument still taste the same as before?

"The names on the monument were erased one after another.

"The people on the list died one after another.


In his mind, the ancient immortal's tone was strange, not relaxed, but revealed hidden worries.

"I... can't say.

"At present, it seems that people in various regions have made arrangements in advance.

"As soon as the food-sharing monument started to change, they started to act. This..."

While he was talking, Sun Jinsong suddenly heard a "boom".


He pressed his face against the window and saw that in the abandoned tavern across the street, vines and branches were growing explosively. Colorful flowers were in clusters, breaking the door and the door frame!

How familiar was this scene?

"This... could it be?"

He closed his eyes and looked at the food-sharing monument in his mind again, and found that five more names on the monument had been erased!

"Xizhou boss, did he also make a plan?

"He made a plan for Baiou?"


Dengying area.

In the garage, dozens of young people grabbed beer and watched the big TV on the wall.

The TV was divided into more than 30 small pictures, which were more than 30 abnormal places they found!

At this moment, one of the temples was engulfed by the five-color flames!


"Awesome! "

The garage cheered!

Robert was surrounded by the crowd, his face flushed and his eyebrows were full of joy!

These damn things finally ushered in the reckoning of the immortals!

Another experimental center in the picture was engulfed by the five-colored flames!

Even two figures flew out of it, and were caught up by the licking tongues of fire and licked into ashes!



Applause rang out in the garage!

The members of the Superman Organization began to talk and laugh, and they were happy!

Originally, the sky today was too gloomy.

But one after another of the five-colored fireworks really illuminated the land of the Lantern Eagle area!


"Enter the world first?

"Enjoy the feast of the world?

"What foolish and delusional fools are they worthy of? "

Huh... Woo...

The cold wind blew the snow-white mink on the lapels.

Prince Lingxue, sitting high on the throne, with blood-colored runes under his feet and an inextricable confusion in his eyes.

He stared at the food-sharing monument with a cold face and a hint of mockery in the corners of his eyes.

Chen Jingze, who was behind him, was surprised at this time.

"Master, what is going on?

"Why are these princes' disciples one by one..."

The prince's tone was cold and indifferent.

"It is not the food-sharing monument that can really determine the order of entering the world.

"But those ghost things that are dead but not stiff are the back-up plans they buried thousands of years ago and the arrangements they left behind.

"And the boss of Xizhou in this era.

"If anyone is stupid and thinks that he can enter the human world first with a little cleverness, then the end is to be strangled to death! "

Chen Jingze's face froze.

He swallowed his saliva and looked up at the food-sharing monument again.

Then he saw the lines of names on the monument scrolling quickly and disappearing quickly!

Just like when a movie ends, the theater turns on the lights, the audience leaves, and on the big screen, the cast list scrolls, scrolling lines of names, announcing the end and the departure.

I didn't expect that the dream would be shattered so soon.

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