The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 677: First pay respect to Luo Yi, then pay respect to the fox


The night wind blew.

Li Yuan and the people of the Immortal Committee saw the immortal beasts at the door of the exchange.

Old Chen and the uncles and aunts in the community also saw the immortal beasts at the door of the exchange.

At the door of the exchange, Black Ears and White Necklace stood up, held their heads high, and were very proud!

They all heard that these old men and women regarded Fox Mountain as the Heaven!

Although they didn't know much about the Heaven, they knew a little.

If Fox Mountain is the Heaven, then these foxes are...

Then they heard Old Chen muttering.

"Is the Heavenly Court really here to renovate the Earth God Temple?"

"Hey, these two were sent by the Heavenly Court..."

The two foxes raised their heads and pricked up their ears!

What are they in the eyes of the world?

Heavenly soldiers and generals?

God generals?

Grass-headed gods?

"Hey, the little monsters and minions captured by the Heavenly Court are sent to repair the Earth God Temple, hahahahaha... um..."

Old Chen was shivered by Li Yuan and covered his mouth with his hand!

Then the two fairy beasts froze for a long time and then He glanced at it, scanned the whole place, lowered his head slightly, and quietly went back to the Xizhou Boss Exchange, never to be seen again.

Huh… Woo…

Cold wind poured into the Ghost Eye Computer Room!

Then he saw that in the pits, there were clumps of ghost eyes, hanging with dripping syrup, all wriggling, and flashing electric light with "crackling"!

Brown Sugar Bun and Braised Pork Bun, with their heads held high and their tails wagging, shuttled through the computer room with their master.


In the past, the two of them were operation and maintenance engineers of the Ghost Eye Computer Room.


Now, their responsibilities and work content have not changed, but their titles have been upgraded!

Now they are legendary operation and maintenance engineers!

Bai Mo followed the two apprentices, frowning slightly as he walked, and his spiritual consciousness spread like the wind, observing the operation of the Ghost Eye Computer Room.

"Why is it? ”

It is obviously the same ghost eye, the same machine, and the same machine room.

But after being blessed with [Legendary Heat], the operation of the machine room is obviously faster and smoother!

Bai Mo turned and watched.

The divine consciousness connected to the inside of the ghost brain to observe the operation of the internal program.

It also went deep into the structure of the ghost eye to observe the biological structure and biochemical level changes of the ghost eye.

It even went deep into the cells of the ghost eye to observe the biochemical reactions at the cellular level.

When he walked to a place, he was slightly stunned and was about to speak.

Then he heard a "creaking" sound. It was the braised pork bun, who moved a chair and put it behind the master.


Bai Mo sat down with a smile, and was about to reach out, but saw the brown sugar bun, "swishing" a pot of hot tea and sent it to the master.

"Ahhh! "

Bai Mo took the hot tea with a smile and held both apprentices in his arms.

He continued to open his spiritual sense and continued to observe.

I want to study what this so-called [Legendary Heat] blessing is all about!



A cold wind blew through the community.

A group of old men and women pulled Li Yuan's arm.


"You can't leave!

"What's the matter with our land temple?

"It seems that it's still not installed here?

"Why did the people from the Heavenly Court come here and leave without installing it for us?"

Li Yuan and a group of colleagues were surrounded by old men and women, and they were all very embarrassed.

"This... uh... You are disrespectful to the fairy beasts, and the fairy beasts have emotions, and we can't do anything about it!

"Uncle, aunt, can you let us leave first?

"We still have tasks, and there are several communities to go to!

"Your question, we will give feedback immediately after we go back?"

A group of old men and women firmly disagreed and pulled Li Yuan's arms and sleeves.

"Sir, please help us solve it!"

"We can't sleep tonight without the land temple!"

Li Yuan and his colleagues were in a state of panic.

They still have several communities that need to install vines...

Just then, "buzz buzz buzz", it was Li Yuan's cell phone in his pocket that rang!

He struggled to take it out, saw the message, and immediately smiled.

"Good news, the land temples have all been implemented!

"In the scope of Xizhou, a large number of settlements and a large number of Xizhou boss exchanges have grown vines and purple morning glories."

He opened the picture and checked the marked points that have been installed.

But most of the communities in Xizhou have been installed.

Professor Ye squeezed in and secretly saw Li Yuan's cell phone.

"How come several communities on our road are marked green?"

"Because their land temples have been installed."

"The remaining one is still marked red, which means it has not been installed yet?"

"Yes, this is your community."


"Hmm? "

The air in the Ghost Eye computer room was filled with the sweet aroma of Hundred Flower Pulp.

Some of the Hundred Flower Pulp was even roasted by electric sparks, giving off a slightly bitter caramel smell.

Bai Mo sat in the center of the computer room, holding his two apprentices, and studied for a long time, but didn't find much.

"The operation of the computer room has indeed become faster.

"It's even getting faster and faster.

"But, speaking of the principle, could it be because of luck?

"Is it luck?"

This statement is a bit nonsense.

But Bai Mo couldn't find any other reason!

In the past, when running Ghost Eye's program, it might be necessary to experiment and eliminate three wrong options before entering the correct option.

But when running today's ghost eye program, you only need to experiment and eliminate one or two wrong options before entering the correct option.

In the past, the biochemical reaction of ghost eyes might only have a success rate of 60 to 70%.

But now Ghost Eye's biochemical reaction has an impressive success rate of 70 to 80%.

In the past, there might be a ten percent probability of transmission failure of the bioelectrical information inside Ghost Eye's cells.

But now, there is only an 8% chance of transmission failure of the bioelectric current information inside Ghost Eye's cells.

These things are difficult to control manually.

These data have nothing to do with technology, only luck.

But now it seems that the luck of Ghost Eye Computer Room has indeed improved?

"Is it just that?

"Every time comes, heaven and earth all work together?"

Bai Mo frowned.

He continued to release his consciousness and scanned the ghost eyes around him.

"Perhaps the so-called luck can also be explained?"


A cold wind blows.

Fox Mountain Emperor Trading Department.

A group of foxes were surrounding them, looking serious.

In this circle, there are circle beards, black ears, white ears, black necklaces, white necklaces, black rings, white rings, etc. The brothers who were originally from the excavation department have now come to this Imperial Scripture Trading Department, or the latest one. ...Exchange Maintenance Department.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!" was Black Ear who was speaking. He thought that the exchange maintenance department often needs to be in public, so it still needs to dress up!

"Oooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh!"

...It's a white necklace. It reminds me of a sentence in the short video, respect the clothes first and then the fox, respect the skin first and then the soul!

If you need to show up in the real world, you really need to dress up!

At the very least, you must not be treated like a little minion or a little monster!

That hurts your self-esteem too much!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch?"

...It was Bai Er, pointing to the purple fairy armor on his body, saying that this fairy armor was impressive enough! What else can be done? Fox Mountain doesn’t have any more stylish clothes!


In the night wind.

Old Mr. Chen and a group of old men and women set up a small wooden table, placed an incense burner, and placed tributes in front of the Xizhou Boss Exchange.

"No matter what, we will enshrine that immortal beast as a heavenly soldier and a heavenly general!"

"Is this possible? Are they really heavenly soldiers and generals?"

"If we worship gods indiscriminately, will we be punished by real heavenly soldiers and generals?"

A group of old men and women, including retired professors from Kochi.

But at this time, everyone guarding the altar table was still feeling uneasy.

Li Yuan and others next to him had their mouths twitching and their faces full of embarrassment.

What is this and what?

What heaven?

What earth temple?

What kind of heavenly soldiers and generals?

It’s totally irrelevant!

But this kind of thing doesn't make sense to old men and old ladies.

They watched helplessly as these old men and women set up an offering table in front of the Xizhou Boss Exchange, lit incense, and arranged themselves in formation, ready to bow down.

“Everyone shout with me!

"Welcome to the heavenly soldiers and generals!"

The old men are in front and the old ladies are behind.

A group of people kowtowed together.

Li Yuan felt even more ridiculous and took out his mobile phone, preparing to send a message to report the matter and strengthen publicity to prevent it from happening again...

But in the small temple, white mist suddenly rose.

In the white mist, four immortal beasts staggered out!

They still wear purple fairy armor.

But outside the purple fairy armor, there is a silk robe, an animal head shawl, and a bright iron helmet.

The four foxes, some carrying bronze swords or holding bronze bottles, all held their heads high and their bellies protruding.

This is the most spectacular costume they can come up with!

I don’t know if I can suppress these...well...

The four foxes saw the offering table, saw the wine, grapes and roasted chicken on the table, saw the old man and old lady kneeling down, and heard the words "heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals" in their mouths.

Every one of them has huge pupils!

Respect Luo Yi first and then respect the fox. This sentence is indeed correct!


The cold wind blows, and the smoke from the kitchen has been blown away over the Fox Mountain Canteen.

In the cafeteria, beside the small dining tables, foxes were busy eating, bragging and chatting.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…”

...It's the foxes from the Exchange's Maintenance Department, talking about the power of the new work uniforms in a positive manner!

It seems that I will really have to wear new work clothes to go out to do errands from now on!

"Ouch, ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

Huanquan Hu grabbed the sweet bean bread stick, proudly, and boasted to Peach Blossom Eyes... He only went up to take a whiff of the roast chicken on the table today, but did not touch it.

Foxes are very cunning!

Immortals are like this. When faced with tributes, they only smell them but don't eat them!

Since you want the reputation of being a heavenly soldier and a heavenly general, you have to do all the tricks!

"Ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh..."

Of course, its nose is also very good, and it actually smelled that the roast chicken was not too fresh.

In the corner of the cafeteria.

Bai Er turned around in a circle, feeling very proud, and showed his master this brand new outfit.

This is made quickly by the workshop department!

Bai Mo looked left and right, grinning.

"Very good, very good, decent."

It doesn't matter what the disciples wear, as long as they are happy.


Bai Mo knocked on Bai Erduo's metal helmet.

"Not bad, not bad!"

After laughing, he held Bai Erduo in his arms and ate together.

While eating with the bread, he recalled the legend he had been studying in the morning, [Kite Brain].

Apart from luck, he hasn't figured out anything else.

At this moment, he suddenly had an idea and looked down at his disciples.

"Are they also part of the Xizhou Boss Exchange?"

Bai Mo stared slightly, his consciousness spread out, slowly exploring, slowly feeling, and slowly thinking.

Then he felt that the clothes on his disciples seemed to be stained with a little different breath?

At this time, Bai Erduo was holding a bread stick and eating happily, his cheeks bulging, and the metal helmet was thrown on the table by him.

Bai Mo picked up the metal helmet and felt that the welds of the helmet seemed to be particularly strong!

Even beyond the normal level of Fox Mountain Workshop, strong!

Unless they are extremely lucky, Fox Mountain Workshop cannot perform to this extent.

It's luck again!

"What is luck, exactly?

"What kind of connotation is hidden behind this?

"What is the legendary popularity?"


"It's time to get off work."

"Go back to the dormitory."

"This day is really not easy, hahahaha."

Beijing, Materials Research Institute.

Hong Xiaoyun and several colleagues talked and laughed as they got off work together.

Since entering the wartime state, their work arrangements have become more intense than before, and working until midnight every day has become the norm.

Several people passed by the square of the institute and saw the Xizhou Boss Exchange not far away, which was still brightly lit.

Green vines grew on the inner wall of the exchange, and purple morning glories grew on the vines.

"Seeing this thing, I feel quite at ease."

"Now many people on the Internet say that this thing is a land temple.

"It is said that this thing has heavenly soldiers and generals who will come to maintain it. Hahahaha."

"Hahahaha, what kind of old-fashioned rumor is this? "

"Don't say it, I really saw the photo."

Someone took out the photo and showed it to Hong Xiaoyun, and saw that there were four fairy beasts at the door of the Xizhou Boss Exchange, wearing helmets, armor, and silk robes.


"This makes me a little suspicious."

In Hong Xiaoyun's mind, the sight of the Qingyue Lord came out, and she was puzzled.

"What is this?"

She looked at the Xizhou Boss Exchange not far away, her eyes full of envy!

"This legend is really strong.

"The fairy arts of the Dandelion King and the Nightmare Crow can't break the defense of this legend.

"It's so hard!"

The group left.

Hong Xiaoyun suddenly asked the master.

"What's the matter with this thing?

"From the perspective of materials science, how hard something is has a fixed number, right?

"After becoming a legend, isn't it still that kind of material? Why does it become hard? "

In her mind, Lord Qingyue sighed.

"You ask this... I don't know either.

"Many people in the Xian Dynasty have asked you this question.

"What is the essence of the so-called legendary blessing?

"Many people in the Xian Dynasty have indeed invested in research.

"But for thousands of years, this question has never been answered."

Thank you all for your company and support~

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