The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 682 Heavenly Soldiers and Generals, Guarding the Characteristics of the Human World

Hu... Woo...

The cold wind blew into the bronze hall.

Circle beard and white ears, wearing purple rattan armor, silk robes, animal kiss shoulder guards, and phoenix wing helmets, fully dressed and fully armed, are posing for the master in front of the master's desk!

"Bing bing bing!"

First, the classic fox, chest and belly!

This pose is the most stylish and powerful!

"Ao ao ao!"

Then the paws hold the bronze sword in reverse!

This pose is also very domineering!

"Bing bing bing!"

Then the paws hold the bronze medicine bottle in front of the chest.

This pose is very characteristic of Fox Mountain at first glance, very professional!

Especially because Fox Mountain is notorious, even if it is just an empty bottle, it is enough to scare the enemy, and it is even more deterrent than the bronze sword!

The two foxes are very proud, slightly adjust their posture, raise their heads higher, and lift their tails to adjust the visual effect for the master to see.

Bai Mo sits behind the desk, looking left and right.

Study the changes that have taken place in these two guys.

"Really, they are also blessed by the legend."

These fairy armors are obviously becoming tougher and more powerful!

And the foxes in the fairy armors are obviously in better physical condition, with clearer minds and more agile reactions, and can better control the vine armor!

"Not bad."

"White Ears, change the vine armor to White Ears, and I'll see the effect."

The two foxes immediately followed the master's instructions and changed their armor!

Then, White Ears, who took off the armor, immediately lost the blessing of the legend, and the whole body began to slowly return to the normal state.

And White Ears, who put on the fairy armor, was immediately very proud, holding up the bronze bottle, and with a "wow" shout, jumped in front of the master's desk, with his chest and belly protruding, slightly raised his head, and posed the most majestic and domineering posture!

It has also studied this pose for a long time!

"Uh... it's true.

"The formula of this [Legend] is [Fox] plus [Fairy Armor] plus [Appearance]... If these three elements are met, you can be blessed by the legend?"

Bai Mo smiled and told his disciples that they could take off their armor.

Then he lowered his head and began to study the fairy order rune again.

With a new legend, he had a new understanding, and he could give more research to speed up the pace of infiltrating the fairy order!


Hu... Woo...

The night wind of the present world has also started to blow.

In the cafeteria of Heluo Machinery Factory.

The workers sat around a long table, eating and chatting.

"The boss of Xizhou is still quite scary."

"I used to feel that the immortals were very mysterious, but in front of the boss of Xizhou, the immortals were also quite shabby."

"Hahahaha, people like them also have to speak with strength."

Then I saw the fat aunt in the cafeteria, wearing an apron, walking over.

"If anyone doesn't have enough food, go to the window to get more food.

"Today's stew is too much, there is still a bucket left.

"Try to eat it all, don't wait until tomorrow."

The stew in their factory has potatoes, beans, ribs, and corn. The ingredients are quite solid and the taste is quite good.

If you can't finish it tonight, the leftovers will not taste good tomorrow.

The fat aunt staggered back to the kitchen.

She picked up her fast food cup and was about to get a dish when she was suddenly stunned.


"What's going on?"

The bucket that was full just now was now empty.

The aunt was stunned for a moment and suddenly heard a "burp".

She looked up suddenly and found a woman in a robe sitting next to her with unwiped vegetable soup on her mouth.

"Fuck, you, you made a bucket of vegetables for us alone?

"Are you a glutton?"

The woman in the robe wiped the corner of her mouth and looked at the fat aunt coldly.

"What did you say?"

She was the Black Sparrow Ancient Immortal!

But the fat aunt looked terrified, her fat body trembling, and she suddenly trotted two steps, pushed open the small door of the back kitchen with a "bang", and then made way for the small door with a "swish".

"I know you!"

"Aren't you the immortal!"

"Just got beaten up by the Xizhou boss!"

"You want to come to our factory to act like a big shot?"

"What do you see outside?"

The ancient black bird fairy frowned, glanced at the fat aunt, and then looked at the small door of the cafeteria she had just opened.

"Humph, what can you have here...?"

Her expression froze.

From this small door, looking into the distance, you can see a small temple in the square in the distance, in the light, which is... the Xizhou boss exchange!

Her momentum weakened.

The aunt's momentum instantly rose and fell!

"Hey, you rascal, dare you come to our factory to act wild?


"Our factory won't fall for your tricks!"

"You glutton, you thief, you ate a bucket of our stew, just wait, I'll call the security department to deal with you!"


Hu... Woo...

Cold wind poured into the bronze hall.

Bai Mo sat behind the desk with a strange expression.

Together with Black Necklace and White Necklace who came to report the situation, they looked at the picture in the air and saw the Black Sparrow Ancient Immortal who was caught stealing vegetables.

"Fuck... What's this... She just needs this bite of food?

"How to deal with her?"

Bai Mo frowned, having a headache.

Look at Black Necklace again.

"Go, accompany us to deal with this woman.

"The main thing is to keep an eye on her and tell her not to act recklessly.

“But you can’t do anything to her.

"We can't kill her yet."

The news spread like wildfire.

It spread from the factory cafeteria to the security department, and from the security department to the factory director's office, and then to the Heluoxian Committee.

When it comes to immortals, no one dares to neglect it.

The news was reported layer by layer, all the way to President Heluo's office and to Wennanjun's computer desktop.


"The Immortal went to the canteen of the machine processing factory to steal food?"

Wen Nanjun sat behind the computer desk with a strange expression on his face and read the information several times.

He bared his teeth, grinned, and frowned.

"How to deal with this?"

I was depressed, but I saw that the latest information had arrived!

It's a video feed from the factory.

Then they saw a fat heavenly soldier, wearing immortal armor, holding an immortal sword in one claw and holding a medicine bottle in the other, escorting the ancient black bird to the corner of the factory.

The factory director's voice was slightly trembling.

“Our factory doesn’t care whether you are a fairy or not.

“Anyway, you will be punished for stealing!

“You can’t afford to pay for compensation.

"Then do some hard work for us."

Then I saw three abandoned excavators in the corner, half sunk in the soil.

The patent leather has peeled off and the surface is stained with rust.

"Move these three excavators to the warehouse over there."

Black Bird Ancient Immortal was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the factory director, and then at the fairy beast who came to enforce the law.

Seeing the fairy beast, he nodded slightly.

She exhaled from her nostrils and felt inexplicably humiliated!

But I felt a little bit relaxed.

This kind of punishment... is acceptable.

This also seems to indicate that the boss of Xizhou will not take advantage of the situation and does not want to drive her away to death.

"Okay, I accept the punishment!"

After finishing moving the three excavators, the Black Bird Immortal left the machinery factory in despair, left Heluo, and headed all the way to the Xiling Mountains.

"Want to go hunting in the mountains?

"Catch pheasants and eat them yourself?"

In the office, Wen Nanjun grinned.

Although it seemed a bit farcical, things did work out.

He relaxed slightly and continued to look at the messy files on the desktop.

As the president of Heluo, he needs to approve many documents every day.

For example, what is currently being reviewed... is a description of abnormal phenomena in dreams that is submitted regularly by the Fairy Arts Committee members.

Some of these documents contain text and some contain sketches.

Most of them actually have no nutrition.

But every document…

The strategic experts of the Immortal Committee need to read it again.

The material experts of the Xian Committee need to take a look at it.

He, the chairman of the Immortal Committee, also needs to read it.

[...Everything is as usual in the dream. My ancient immortal master is very happy recently because I didn't make the list, so he doesn't have to go out and die]

[...My master infers that the current situation of dreams being broken one by one will not last long. After everyone on the Eating Tablet has entered the real world, the remaining fairy dreams that are not on the list will At the same moment, it breaks. At that time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the order of immortality will truly come to this world, and the order of immortality will also appear again, and everyone can pass the ceremony and embark on the path of immortality...]

Wen Nanjun was stunned for a moment and frowned.

"What kind of lies are you talking about? What kind of fart are you talking about?

"Can everyone pass the ceremony and embark on the path to immortality?

“If you know 10,000 kinds of immortal grass, can you become the ninth alchemy sequence?

"Can you be promoted to Immortal Martial Arts by killing ten people?

"If this is really the case, wouldn't the world be in chaos again?"

He frowned, marked this paragraph in red, highlighted it, and sent it to the experts for focused research!


The cold wind blows in the canteen of Fox Mountain and disperses the smoke.

In the cafeteria, around the small stone tables, fiery red figures were gathered around, making gestures, bragging and chatting.

"Ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh..."

It's the black necklace, holding the seaweed stick, head held high, bragging about how majestic he is, escorting the Black Bird Immortal to be punished!

I don’t know why, but facing the Black Bird Ancient Immortal, it felt that the Immortal Armor was stronger, and so was itself!

It seems that Black Bird Ancient Immortal is completely vulnerable!

"Ouch, ugh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."

...I don’t know if it’s an illusion!

In the corner of the cafeteria, Bai Mo was nibbling on seaweed bread sticks while using his other hand to write down his latest thoughts on his tablet.

"This legend of heavenly soldiers and generals really became stronger again when facing the fallen immortal!

"This thing seems to have some kind of special attack property against fallen immortals?

"Or is there some kind of characteristic that can make you stronger as long as you protect the human world?"

Bai Mo was thinking, writing and drawing, and occasionally wrote out some formulas by "brushing".

After thinking about it for a long time, I slowly understood.

“I guess… you can only become stronger when you protect the human world.

“This is in line with the popularity of the legend and the expectations of the people who contributed to the popularity.

"Their understanding and expectation of heavenly soldiers and generals is to protect the human world."


A cold breeze blew outside the window.

Unconsciously, the time has reached midnight.

In the office, Wennanjun was still looking at the materials submitted by the committee members.

[…Master Immortal hoped that I could escape and stay away from the Immortal Committee, but after tonight, he no longer had this idea, although I was not actually on the Food Sharing Monument…]

[…Master Immortal was chatting with the Food Sharing Monument. On the Food Sharing Monument, there was a skinny black pig with a very long mouth and a dirty body. It was chatting with my master and talking about some kind of deal. I drew this pig.]



Wen Nanjun clicked to open the picture, and sure enough, he saw a hand-painted, skinny, black pig, with messy lines to express its dirtiness.

“What is this?”

“The spirit of the Food Sharing Monument?”

“This… uh… take it too, and let the experts study it.”

He was about to highlight the report, but he saw that the pig in the picture on the screen actually moved and started talking.

“I am not a spirit, let alone the spirit of the Food Sharing Monument.”

Wen Nanjun was stunned for a moment.

"Is your computer infected with a virus?"

"Your computer is not infected with a virus."

This black, dirty, skinny pig actually jumped out of the picture frame and jumped onto the desktop with a "swish".

The whole pig is as small as a figurine.

The whole body is condensed with billowing black smoke, with a blurred outline, and only a pair of small eyes emitting red light.

Wen Nanjun was stunned for a moment.

What's going on?

Is it an illusion?

This pig jumped out of the electronic report submitted by the committee and from the computer screen?

He looked solemn and calm, put his hand in his pocket, and touched the alarm.

But the pig spoke.

"President Wen Nanjun, you don't need to be nervous or afraid.

"I'm not a bad person.

"I'm just a salesperson who wants to develop you into my customer.

"Are you willing to do business with me? "

Wen Nanjun's hand had already touched the alarm and pressed it "click" "click"!

But for some reason, there was no response!

Sweat broke out on his forehead and he spoke with all his might.

"What deal?"

Thanks to Yan Ye San Qian Xiang for the reward

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