The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 693: Tens of thousands of years have made you forget my majesty?

“...So this red wine has four stages of change.

“When you first eat it, it’s sweet.

“Wait a little and the fruity aroma will appear.

“When it enters your throat, you can feel the softness.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, drink slowly, taste slowly, and swallow with big mouthfuls.

"Swallow widely to taste!"

The warm-colored restaurant, the melodious sound of violins, and the aroma of red wine permeate the elegant air.

Master Chong was holding a glass of wine and was teaching Gu Shitong how to taste this thing.

Gu Shitong frowned slightly, swallowed all the wine in his mouth, and his eyes shone slightly!

"How's it going, Mr. Gu, has your taste reached the fourth stage?

"Hehehehe, this fourth stage is the legendary one, the lips and teeth remain fragrant!

"The aroma of wine will stay in your mouth, on your tongue, on your teeth, and your mouth will be filled with aroma!"

As he spoke, Mr. Chong moved quickly, lowered his head and swiped the knife, cutting off the slightly browned fat edge of the steak, along with a piece of pink beef. He stuck it with a fork and brought it to Gu Shitong's mouth.

"Master Gu, hurry up and take a big mouthful!"

Gu Shitong didn't hesitate, opened his mouth, swallowed the piece of beef whole into his mouth, and began to chew it "crunching".

While chewing, he leaned back on the dining chair, eyes slightly narrowed, and a sense of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Mr. Chong was smiling happily beside him.

"Hey, how's it going?

“Foreigners don’t want the fat on the steak when they eat it, it’s a waste of food.

“They don’t know how to enjoy it!

“There is the aroma of wine in your mouth, the smell of burnt smoke, and the aroma of butter exploding. The mixture of these flavors is the real enjoyment!

"Master Gu, don't chew too much!

“It’s almost done, just swallow it!

"There are other ways to eat it..."

As he said this, Master Chong lowered his head and reached out to the dining table to pick some garlic!

These days, in the wartime situation, his business has been cut off and he has nothing to do. He plays with Gu Shitong every day, eats, drinks and has fun with him.

When he saw Gu Shitong, he also smiled happily, reached out to pick up a clove of garlic, and chopped it with him.

"Hey, come on, come on, let's do it together!

"Master Chong really opened my eyes today!"

Master Chong smiled and looked out the window.

“Has the housekeeper brought the sesame oil?

"If olive oil doesn't work, I still need sesame oil...huh?\

,"His eyes were caught by the window glass.

Outside the windowpane, there is light night color.

But he had a strange illusion, as if he saw mountains, towering over them, rising from the ground to the sky, making people breathless.


His face turned red instantly and he couldn't breathe!


It was Gu Shitong's hand that patted Mr. Chong on the arm.

"Master Chong, what's wrong?

"What's out there?"

With this shot, the night outside the window suddenly regained its lightness.

No more oppressive feeling.

You can even see a light moth fluttering past.

You can even see neon lights in the distance, still flashing.


Master Chong rubbed his eyes, suspecting that he had seen it wrong.

After all, he is also a serious magician, even if his rank is not high...

His spiritual sense was not triggered just now.

Just very simple, very inexplicable, scared?

"Um, it's okay."


The door opened and the butler came in with a bottle of golden sesame oil.

"This is freshly squeezed sesame oil."

Master Chong smiled and reached out to take it.

"We also need rice vinegar, light soy sauce, chives, and our garlic... um... I have some really good soy sauce brewed by myself at home.

"Bring it back to Mr. Gu to try."

Gu Shitong laughed.

"Okay, okay, then I'm waiting to taste Master Chong's craftsmanship!"

In the Fox Mountain cafeteria.

Most of the brothers are still eating and noisily bragging.

Black Doudou, on the other hand, was arrogant and proud as he took Master to the kitchen to see his special skills in processing the tiger leaves!

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw piles of tiger skin leaves stacked next to them...the size of a wheel, oval shape, with tiger-like yellow and black markings.

Bai Mo glanced at it casually and confirmed that this thing was in good condition.

“Actually speaking, this thing has quite a long history.

"I read in the literature that this is probably the first batch of herbs that can treat inflammation found by people in the Ancient Immortal Dynasty."

Bai Mo casually introduced it to his apprentice.


Hei Doudou nodded quickly and memorized the knowledge points taught by his master!

Then he took the master and continued to walk deeper into the kitchen and came to a workbench.

On the operating table, there were piles of tiger skin leaf fragments torn to the size of fingernails.


"Should we tear it into pieces first and then process it?

"This tearing technique is pretty good..."

Bai Mo stretched out his hand to pull out the fragments of tiger skin leaves on the operating table. He saw that each small piece was along the veins of the leaf, containing two colors: yellow and black. They were all approximately rhombus-shaped and almost the same size.

But Hei Doudou stood beside him, holding his head high and proud. He even took out the roller leaf cutter that he had specially customized in the workshop, chatting and gesticulating, and showed it to the master.

"Ouch, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh..."

He even simply stood in front of the operating table, "brushed, brushed" with the leaf cutter, and started to cut the leaves, and cut them for the master to see!

I saw that it moved quickly, its claws quickly turned into a ball of red shadow, and in just a few moments, it cut a huge tiger leaf into pieces with a few hundred cuts!

Bai Mo looked at it for a while, then smiled and touched his apprentice's head.

"Not bad!"

This technique of cutting leaves by hand is very particular.

This guy Hei Doudou can be considered a technical worker in Fox Mountain!

But, is there any use in cutting this thing so carefully?

Bai Mo didn't quite understand either.


Hei Doudou smiled all over his face, squinted his eyes, and rubbed his head against his master's hand.

Then he put all the pieces of tiger skin leaves cut out on the workbench into a bucket.


Then he held the bucket, swaggered, swung his tail, and led the master to the next process.


The door opened, and the night and cold wind outside blew into the doorway.

"Master Gu, don't give it away, I had a great time eating today.

"Wait until tomorrow, you can come to my house as a guest.

"My place is not as luxurious as yours.

"But it's a bit, quite distinctive, little thing. Hehehehe."

Master Chong took Master Gu’s hand and chuckled.

The two chatted for a while, and Gu Shitong insisted on holding Master Chong's hand and walked him out of the courtyard of the villa step by step.


The evening breeze blows.

The courtyard is decorated with potted plants, rockery stones and a swimming pool, which is stylish and luxurious.

But for some reason, Master Chong felt weird every step he took.

It was as if this land was resisting, obstructing, pushing back...or, in other words, scorning his fallen footsteps.


"What's wrong?"

Gu Shitong took his hand, chuckled, and took a step forward.

And as Gu Shitong's calfskin leather shoes hit the ground, the strange feeling under Mr. Chong's feet disappeared instantly.

“Ah, nothing, nothing.

"Maybe it's because I've been eating good food at Gu Ye's place lately and my uric acid level has been high, hahahahaha."

While talking and laughing, he, accompanied by Gu Shitong, left the villa courtyard and walked towards his home.

Gu Shitong, on the other hand, stood at the door and watched him leave with a smile.

He turned around again and faced his courtyard.

He glanced around, his expression neither sad nor happy.

“Tens of thousands of years is really a long, long time, a really long span.

"Even so long, even so long, that you bastards have forgotten my temper?"

Wherever his eyes passed, figures appeared one after another!

They were kneeling on the ground, their eyes were bleeding and their feet were broken!

They all wore princely robes and princely crowns!

They lowered their heads and trembled, seeming to recall the emperor who once sat on the throne of the Heavenly Palace, the eight hundred princes and three thousand immortal beasts under the emperor's seat, the endless drumming and singing and dancing in the royal court, and the emperor's surrender to the immortal beasts. The country is blooming with flowers, and the fire is cooking oil. The memory of the emperor makes the other eight countries full of sorrow and panic all day long.

"So, where was your humility?

"Back then, I don't remember any of you having the guts to provoke my guests?

"Why, my dear princes, do you want to test whether I am old?

"Want to test whether I still have the same temper as before?

"Want to test whether I still have the same skills as before?"

Gu Shitong sighed.

Walking through the courtyard of the villa amid the dense crowds of princes kneeling down one after another.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Holding the barrel, Hei Doudou staggered to the depths of the kitchen and to a high cave dwelling.

Proudly, with a smile on his face, he let the master watch his operation!

It first lit a fire in the cave dwelling, so that there were jumping flames and bulging hot wind in the cave dwelling!

He picked up the wooden bucket again and poured a bucket full of tiger skin leaf fragments into it!


"Won't this burn to ashes?"

Bai Mo stood nearby, wondering, when he saw that his apprentice's technique of splashing leaves was very particular!

These leaf fragments were actually blown up by the hot wind and flew above the flames. One by one, they danced gracefully in the hot wind, like a group of butterflies above the flower field during the flower blooming season!

"Not bad. Is there such a technology?"

Bai Mo smiled.

This technique is not difficult for alchemists.

But for a fox, it’s quite a technical job!

Then I saw Hei Doudou, looking up at the leaf fragments flying in the hot wind above the flame, his eyes unblinking, full of seriousness, staring at the color of the leaf fragments becoming more and more burnt, and staring at the water content of the leaf fragments becoming more and more The lower you go, the lighter the fluttering leaf fragments become...

Just when the leaves became crispy, not yet burnt, and just a little bit away from being burnt, Hei Doudou picked up the net from the side. With quick eyes and quick claws, he reached above the flame, like catching butterflies, and brushed it a few times. All these leaf fragments roasted until golden brown and crispy were collected into the net and fished out!

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

It squinted its eyes, grinned, and looked up at its master.

This is its fully self-developed tiger skin leaf barbecue technology, which has been demonstrated!

Bai Mo also smiled and bent down to hold it in his arms.

"Very good, very good, hahahaha.

“Very smart, very thoughtful and very technical!”


Under the night, in the cold wind.

In the courtyard of the villa, princes and princes were seen one after another, their eyes were weeping with blood, their feet were broken, and they were kneeling on the ground, trembling.

With their cultivation level, they can repair their eyes and grow their legs and feet with just a thought and in an instant.

However, at this moment, they dared not do anything but tremble.

It seemed that deep down in his heart, he finally recalled the terrifying emperor from tens of thousands of years ago.

Many of them, even when the emperor was still called Agu, followed him and watched him step by step from the prisoner-like Immortal Clan to embark on the path of immortality, slaying enemies, and finally ascending to the Heavenly Palace.

Many of them, even when the emperor faked his death, left the Heavenly Palace, lost his destiny, and fell into the Second Sequence, they followed him and watched him hiding in the streets and mountains and forests, watching him disappear into history, causing one war after another. A war has created one man-made disaster after another that seems to be a natural disaster. Study the "Sutra of Immortality" step by step.

At this time, they were trembling, and finally heard the former master speak again.

“Hey, you have to learn to obey the rules.

"Being a human being is very similar to being a fairy beast. Those who are wild and untamable will not achieve much in the end.

“We have planned for tens of thousands of years, and success is just around the corner.

“There is no room for too many mistakes.

"So, just write down the mistakes you made for now."

Gu Shitong looked up at the sky and took the rolls of oil paintings he had drawn from the butler's hands.

"Now, there is something you need to do.

"Honglang, go to the lighthouse area and paste this painting on their leyline node."

Gu Shitong handed over an oil painting.

The rolled canvas was caught by the hands of the prince named "Honglang".


The next moment, the oil painting seemed to be so heavy that it smashed Hong Lang's hands into the soil, smashing the ground, sending out smoke and dust, and creating a huge crater!

Hong Lang's face turned red, and he didn't look like a prince at all.

Gu Shitong's face was full of disgust.


"It seems that tens of thousands of years have really made you forget a lot of things.

“I forgot my temper and the weight of order.

"With your morality, can you complete the mission?"

Then I saw Hong Lang gritting his teeth, arching his waist, and suddenly exerting force!

With a "Huo" sound, he picked up this extremely heavy scroll of oil painting.

"Lord God, I will live up to your trust!"

Gu Shitong nodded.

He took out another scroll of paintings and handed it to the next prince.

Then I saw this man, with a young body, stretching out two hands, the right hand was young and the left hand was old.

Gu Shitong was stunned for a moment, then looked behind the man at the two broken feet. He saw that the two feet wrapped in boots were equally old.




"It's you?

"Haha, long time no see.

"Did you really dismember yourself?

"Oh, I admire you very much, hahahaha."

The young man immediately raised his face and showed a flattering smile.

"Master Shen, there is nothing to admire in this..."

Halfway through his words, he saw Gu Shitong's cold eyes squinting over.

"What I admire is the unyielding half of the recast emperor who would rather dismember himself and build his own mausoleum than fall.

"What I admire is the half of the recast emperor who was weak in the past, exhausted all his energy, never gave up, never gave up, and fought hard in the mausoleum for thousands of years.

"Don't get me wrong, I have never admired you.

"After all, I never lack dirty things like you here."

With a cold word, Gu Shitong sneered and threw a roll of oil paintings to the fallen half of the recast emperor, who caught it with his flattering face.

Thanks to Qingfeng Xulai, Fengliu Hoofang, and Book Friends 20220921111753111 for the reward

Thank you for every monthly ticket!

Forehead. . Sorting out the plot is too late again. .

But this is not the first time this author is talking nonsense. Let me scold him for you!

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